sum up days using only existing Excel formulas - excel

I would like to sum up date periods and sum the days per item.
The input data will grow over time and new item categories can appear, so the items (number of rows) that show in the expected report can not be "hardcoded".
The input parameter is the from and to date that determines the period that must be considered. You can imagine this as a moving date window on the input data grid.
I am a Java programmer and I am sure that I can write a proper SQL that groups and sums the data and generate the result. And I can write a Java program too, that does the job, but I really want to do this calculation from Excel.
Is there any way to generate the report by using only a combination of existing MS Excel formulas without writing any Visual Basic code (macro)?
If yes, then could you please put me in the right direction and tell me which formulas I can use? Then I can figure out how to use the formulas.
I hope that this helps to understand better what I would like to have:

Formula in F3:
Note that range references that take whole columns will take long to process all data. The above will work even with overlapping dates.


Crop order scheduling in excel

I am looking for some advice, I have a small micro green business and I have an excel sheet that breaks down the seeds, seed batch amount required, yield etc and so on.
I want to create a tab where I can input a customer order, I then want excel to schedule that order based on the information contained above in a calendar format on a tab.
I also want excel to calculate the amount of seed required number of trays and assign the tray a number. All trays are number in this format "A123, A124, A125" etc.
I'm also keen for excel to then assign the seed batch to the order and a tray number to the order.
Firstly is this possible, I've used excel a fair bit from my previous work experience but this is quite new for me and I am keen to learn so if someone could point me in the right direction on a possible method and what I should be looking at!
It sounds like you are looking for a data(base) structure for this challenge. Yes, that could be done in Excel, some VBA skills will probably come in handy if you want to achieve it automatically. As a first step, you could e.g. set up something like this:
Mockup of a data structure
So you would at least need one table where you enter your orders, one list of trays and one table where you link your incoming orders to the trays. You might need more columns than I added in my mockup.
Hope that gets you started

Excel - Return name from list based on multiple criteria

This is my 1st post here (and not allowed to paste images). I have been trying to solve this issue for a couple of days with no luck. I'm working on an Excel spreadsheet for a game and cannot return a name based on multiple criteria. See below:
I am trying to return, for example, the name of the Guardian with the highest amount of games played.
I've tried Index/match/sumproduct combinations but I can't figure this one out. Can you help me?
I'm thinking if I could join these two formulas together I might be able to make it work.
Try this array formula:
Notice that we should avoid using "full columns" in array formulas because they would introduce the computation of huge arrays and hence would slow down the formulas. I limit it here to 99 rows, use a limit that is big enough to span your data.

How to optimize COUNTIFS with very large data

I would like to create a report that look like this picture below.
My data has around 500,000 cells (it will continue to grow larger)
Right now, I'm using countifs function from excel but it takes a very long time to calculate. (cannot turnoff automatic calculate)
The main value is collected as date and the range of date is about 3 years, so I have to put a lot of formula to cover all range of value.
The picture below is the datasource the top one cannot be changed. , while the bottom is the one I created by myself (can change). I use weeknum to change date to week number.
Are there any better formula or any ways to make this file faster? Every kinds of suggestions are welcome!
I was thinking about using Pivot Table, but I don't know how to make pivot table from this kind of datasource.
PS. VBA is the last option.
You can download example file here:
I will post this answer with the disclaimer that it is entirely dependent on the size of the data set. That turning on and off the auto calculate is the best way, but your question doesn't let me do that, so keep reading.
Your question made me curious, so I gave it a try and timed it. I essentially set up two columns of over 100,000 rand numbers choosing from 1-1000 and then tried to do a countif on the two columns if they were equal. I made a macro that I can run that turns off the autocalculate, inserts the start time, calculates, and then inserts the finish time. I highlighted in yellow the time difference.
First I tried your way, two criteria, countifs:
Then I tried to combine (concatenate) the two columns to see if I could make it easier by only having one countif criteria and data set. It doesn't. see result below:
Finally, realizing what was going on. I decided to make the criteria only match the FIRST value in the number to look for. I was essentially reducing the number of characters to check per cell. This had a positive result. See below:
Therefore my suggestion is to limit the length of the words you are comparing in anyway possible. You are mostly looking at dates, so you might have to get creative, but this seems to be the best way possible without going to manual calculation.
I have worked with Excel sheets of a similar size. Especially if you are using the data on a regular basis, I would heartily recommend switching to a proper database SQL based, Access, or whatever fits your purpose. I does wonders for the speed and also you won't run into the size limits of Excel. :-)
You can import the data you have now fairly easy.
I am happy as a clam with my postgresql db.

Which is the most flexible way for end-user to create a report querying an SSAS Cube?

I know that you can query a cube by connecting from Excel to Analysis database and using formulas like cubevalue() or cubemember().
I also know that after converting the power pivot to formulas, you can access the attribute and the value related only by writing a text.
Example: for Branch Dimension, instead of writing
cubemember("connections";"[DimBranch].[Name].[All].[London])" )
you can write in the cell only "London". However, this won't work if you have a parent-child dimension and want to retrieve the amount for one of the intermediate levels.
Did anyone know about how can you avoid writing these formulas directly by the end-user ?
I´ve done this several times. I can describe the approach I´ve used in the past.
You need to define the input from the user, for example Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period,... and create a tab with a friendly layout for this solely purpose.
After that you create your pivot/pivots against the cube/s you want to query with the data extraction that you need (obiously these pivots will refer to the Fiscal Year and Period). Define the desired layout for these pivots (as you want them you be shown). Once You´ve done this, you need to convert into formulas these pivots, including parameters. You´ll see that values placed in the measure box contain a formula cubevalue which makes reference to the connection itself and several cubemembers. It makes reference to the measure as well.
The trickiest part comes now, when you need to modify your cubemember function to take value from the input, something like cubemember("connections";"[DimBranch].[Name].[All].["+MyReferenceCell+")" ), and you have your dimension picked up from a value entered by a user.
If you have as a matter of fact, serveral pivots referencing common dimensions, you need to make the reference this modified cubemember cell affected by user input, otherwise you have to modify all affected cubemembers in your pivots converted to formulas.
This has a really good advantage: depending on the excel´s version, all pivots are automatically recalulated if you change the value in the user´s input cell without hitting the refresh all button.
On the other hand, the disadvantage comes when your report in excel contains a list of values from a dimension which can grow. After converting pivots into formulas those new values for the dimension are lost. That´s why you can always place a control if you have the total value int he pivots regardless the dimension value.
I hope this helps.

Display, sort and filter numbers with multiple decimal in excel 2007

I'm using excel 2007.
I've a list of tasks (200-500) that I need to group in different category/section etc (multiple filters). Whole data is in excel table so I can apply Excel's build-in table filters to display exact data that I need.
However it is always difficult to apply multiple filter to display expected data, specially as I need to do it very frequently. To make things simple I'm planning to number each record like
Where a, b, c, d, e, f are simple numbers. List looks like:
& so on.
Problem is, Excel take it as number with single decimal but as soon as I add second decimal, excel treat it as text, which is obvious in general behavior.
However, as special case, I need excel treat both as number or text. Number is preferable as I want to sort them, which might be difficult as a text.
To make the things little more complex, while filtering in table, I require if I can add some formula to filter results like 1.* should display all numbers starts with 1.
Is it possible with excel's default behavior, without VBA?
If no, is it possible with VBA? If yes, any clue is appreciated. I don't need whole program as I can write basic VBA program, just a clue how it can be done?
I sort mine by adding a helper column that adds a letter to the front and sort on that. E.g. 1 becomes f1, 1.1 becomes f1.1 etc. Then all are sorted as text.
You can use the formula ="f" & A1.
My sample:
Then the data sorted:
And the filter:
If I were to try this without VBA, my first step would be to use the sort to columns function on the data tab.
Next make sure all empty spaces in your data are filled with zeros.
Then sort the data by column
as long as you left your original data in the same row as the sorted data (I didn't in the images posted to focus on the process), your items should now be in order.
