Customtkinter/Tkinter canvas objects jumping around - python-3.x

I am fairly new to tkinter and I've been working on this feature of my project that allows a user to drag and drop canvas objects around, however when I move around the canvas and try to move the canvas object again, it behaves weirdly. It's somewhat hard to explain so I left a video below for context and the code as well. Any kind of help is appreciated :)
import customtkinter
from tkinter import Canvas
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
def move(event):
def scan(event):
my_canvas.scan_mark(event.x, event.y)
def drag(event):
my_canvas.scan_dragto(event.x, event.y, gain=2)
def display_coords(event):
my_label.configure(text=f"X: {event.x} Y:{event.y}")
app = customtkinter.CTk()
frame1 = customtkinter.CTkFrame(master=app)
frame1.pack(padx=10,pady=10, expand=True, fill="both")
my_canvas = Canvas(master=frame1, height=100, width=100, bg="black")
my_canvas.pack(expand=True, fill="both")
#Resize image(originally 512 x 512)
img ="assets/computadora.png")
resized_image = img.resize((100,100))
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized_image)
frame1.image = image
my_image = my_canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=image, anchor="nw")
my_canvas.tag_bind(my_image,"<Button1-Motion>", move, add="+")
my_canvas.bind("<Button-3>", scan)
my_canvas.bind("<Button3-Motion>", drag)
#Provides X-Y coordinates of mouse cursor when canvas object is selected
my_label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(master=my_canvas, text="X: None Y: None")
my_label.pack(padx="10px", pady="10px", anchor="se")
my_canvas.tag_bind(my_image, "<Button1-Motion>", display_coords, add="+")


I am using tkinter ,I want to clear the canvas using a button(close_button) but the camera is always on and the button not doing anything

I am using Tkinter, I want to clear the canvas using a button(close_button) but the camera is always on and the button not doing anything I want the button to close the camera feed and reset the canvas so that the canvas becomes as it was before I opened the cam
from tkinter import*
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import cv2
# new window function which will be called when button pressed
class OpenCam():
def __init__(self, window, cap):
self.window = window
self.cap = cap
self.width = self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
self.height = self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
self.interval = 20 # Interval in ms to get the latest frame
# Create canvas for image
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.window, width=self.width, height=self.height),y=100)
# close Button need to close cam and reset canvas
close_button = tk.Button(root, text="close", bg='black', fg='white', command=self.canvas.delete() ),y=0)
# Update image on canvas
def update_image(self):
# Get the latest frame and convert image format
self.image = cv2.cvtColor([1], cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # to RGB
self.image = Image.fromarray(self.image) # to PIL format
self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.image) # to ImageTk format
# Update image
self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=tk.NW, image=self.image)
# Repeat every 'interval' ms
self.window.after(self.interval, self.update_image)
def new_window():
OpenCam(root, cv2.VideoCapture(0))
#create original window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("ADD CAM: ")
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, height=1000, width=1000)
#create button that will be placed
button = tk.Button(root, text="ADD CAM", bg='black', fg='white', command=new_window ),y=0)

Is it possible to make an uploaded photo realtive in tkinter?

As in question is it possible to upload a photo and make it relative?
I am trying to upload an image to my GUI, but it is not relative, so when you maximalize window, then unfortunatelly there is a problem with its size.
I want to change the image size dynamically when the window is resizing
Some example code:
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
HEIGHT, WIDTH = 640, 700
root = tk.Tk()
canvas0 = tk.Canvas(height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH)
canvas = tk.Canvas(bg='black'), rely=0, relheight=1, relwidth=1)
frame = tk.Frame(canvas, bg='#009900'), y=2, rely=0, relwidth=0.75, relheight=1)
column_1_img ='column.png')
column_1_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(column_1_img)
column_label_1 = tk.Label(canvas, image=column_1_img)
column_label_1.image = column_1_img, relwidth=0.2)
This code produces this output:
Not fullscreen
I want an image to automatically adjust to the label size, so do you have some ideas how?
Bind the <Configure> to an event handler and use the PIL's resize method to resize the image.
Here is an example:
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
def resize_image(event):
column_label_1.resized = ImageTk.PhotoImage(column_1_img.resize((event.width, event.height), resample = Image.NEAREST))
column_label_1['image'] = column_label_1.resized
HEIGHT, WIDTH = 640, 700
root = tk.Tk()
canvas0 = tk.Canvas(height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH)
canvas = tk.Canvas(bg='black'), rely=0, relheight=1, relwidth=1)
frame = tk.Frame(canvas, bg='#009900'), y=2, rely=0, relwidth=0.75, relheight=1)
column_1_img ='img_path')
column_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(column_1_img)
column_label_1 = tk.Label(canvas, image=column_img)
column_label_1.image = column_1_img, relwidth=0.2)
column_label_1.bind('<Configure>', resize_image)

How draw a dot on canvas on click event Tkinter Python

I have the following piece of code that takes an image within a canvas and then whenever I click the paint function draws a dot over it.
Everything is working fine except that the paint function is not working as expected.
Desirable output
Click event draws a dot. No need to drag the on click event
Actual output
I have to drag the on mouse click event to see a drawing on the canvas.
I guess there might be a slight problem with the paint function. However, I haven't been able to know what it is exactly.
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
class Main(object):
def __init__(self):
self.canvas = None
def main(self):
master = Tk()
# Right side of the screen / image holder
right_frame = Frame(master, width=500, height=500, cursor="dot")
# Retrieve image
image ="./image/demo.JPG")
image = image.resize((800, 700), Image.ANTIALIAS)
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
# Create canvas
self.canvas = Canvas(right_frame, width=800, height=700)
self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=photo, anchor="nw")
self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.paint)
def paint(self, event):
python_green = "#476042"
x1, y1 = (event.x - 1), (event.y - 1)
x2, y2 = (event.x + 1), (event.y + 1)
self.canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=python_green, outline=python_green, width=10)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Added these two methods:
def on_button_press(self, event):
self.x = event.x
self.y = event.y
def on_button_release(self, event):
python_green = "#476042"
x0,y0 = (self.x, self.y)
x1,y1 = (event.x, event.y)
changed canvas to this:
self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.on_button_press)
self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.on_button_release)
When you only click and don't move the mouse, B1-Motion isn't triggering.
To bind to mouse press (as well as mouse moving), you can add self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.paint) before the mainloop.

Removing background from a label in Tkinter

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
import tkinter
import hashlib
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from win32api import GetSystemMetrics
#functions to center windows
def center_window_x(width):
x_coordinate = (GetSystemMetrics(0)/2) - (width/2)
return x_coordinate
def center_window_y(height):
y_coordinate = (GetSystemMetrics(1)/2) - (height/2)
return y_coordinate
#function to create setup page
def first_time_setup(width, height):
setup_window = Tk()
#remove window border and position in center
setup_frame = Frame(setup_window)
setup_window.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (width, height, center_window_x(width), center_window_y(height)))
#background image for setup window
canvas = Canvas(setup_window, width=width, height=height)
image ="setup_background.jpg")
canvas.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=canvas.image, anchor="nw")
#add username label
start_title = Label(setup_window, text="Username"),y=225)
#add admin user entry box
admin_user_ent = Entry(setup_window),y=225)
first_time_setup(650, 300)
Is there a way to remove the white background behind the username label? I know how to change the colour of it, but how do I remove it all together.
Is there a way to remove the white background behind the username label? I know how to change the colour of it, but how do I remove it all together.
sorry for posting twice, apparently there wasn't enough text and too much code.
It sounds like you are asking how to make your Label have a transparent background. From my understanding at the moment tkinter does not have this feature for widgets like labels and buttons. However it is still possible to create your own see-through label with Canvas
Here is an example of using Canvas to achieve something similar to what you are looking to do.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
mycanvas = tk.Canvas(root, width = 200, height = 25)
mycanvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 40, fill = "green")
mycanvas.pack(side = "top", fill = "both", expand = True)
text_canvas = mycanvas.create_text(10, 10, anchor = "nw")
mycanvas.itemconfig(text_canvas, text="Look no background! Thats new!")

python tkinter image layers (paste / unpaste image on background)

i have a background image using tkinter canvas,
and i'm adding images on top of it.
so far so good it works well. but what i would like to do is to be able to remove some of the forground images on demand. and when i remove some of them i would like to see the background behind them as it were before adding those forground images on it.
that would be like: paste 5 foreground images and then remove 1 or 2 of them.
so this program i have to far, adds little white filled circles at random position.
if i keep a handle on every little white circles (i can put them in variables and have them all in a list, and get their coordinates later for example). how can i remove some of them and get to see my background behind the removed whites circles ?
is it even possible ?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from random import *
class App(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk()
self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, height=222, width=227)
# small nature landscape
self.backgnd = PhotoImage( file = "images/nature.png" )
# small white circle
self.mycloud = PhotoImage( file = "images/white.png" )
backgnd_width = (self.backgnd.width()/2)
backgnd_height = (self.backgnd.height()/2)
def cloud(self):
pos_x = randint(1,220)
pos_y = randint(1,220)
self.canvas.create_image(pos_x,pos_y, image=self.mycloud)
app = App()
in case it might help others here's a working solution.
i added a button that will remove each object placed on the canvas, one a a time.
(thanks for the help, Bryan Oakley)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from tkinter import ttk
from random import *
class App(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk()
self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, height=300, width=227)
self.backgnd = PhotoImage( file = "images/nature.png" )
self.mycloud = PhotoImage( file = "images/white.png" )
backgnd_width = (self.backgnd.width()/2)
backgnd_height = (self.backgnd.height()/2)
# button to remove things on the canvas
button_del = ttk.Button(self.root, text='Del')
button_del['command'] = self.rem, y=250)
def cloud(self):
# add 5 object at random position on the canvas
for idx in range(5):
pos_x = randint(1,220)
pos_y = randint(1,220)
self.mylist.append(self.canvas.create_image(pos_x,pos_y, image=self.mycloud))
def rem(self):
# delete elements placed on the canvas
app = App()
made a few changes to make above code compatible with python 2:
from Tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import ttk
from random import *
class App(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk()
self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, height=300, width=227)
self.backgnd = ImageTk.PhotoImage("sunshine.jpg") )
self.mycloud = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Y.png") )
backgnd_width = (self.backgnd.width()/2)
backgnd_height = (self.backgnd.height()/2)
# button to remove things on the canvas
button_del = ttk.Button(self.root, text='Del')
button_del['command'] = self.rem, y=250)
def cloud(self):
# add 5 object at random position on the canvas
for idx in range(5):
pos_x = randint(1,220)
pos_y = randint(1,220)
self.mylist.append(self.canvas.create_image(pos_x,pos_y, image=self.mycloud))
def rem(self):
# delete elements placed on the canvas
app = App()
