Browser sync in Sublime Text - sublimetext3

I want to use browser sync sublime text in Microsoft edge, what's the key? I used "edge","IE" both not worked

I test with msedge and it can launch Edge browser.
browser_sync_launch.js file:
var bs = require('browser-sync').create('ST3');
args = process.argv.slice(2);


Why chromium doesn't open in headless Mode?

I have the following NodeJS code to open Chromium in headless mode and record a web page to a video :
const { launch, getStream } = require("puppeteer-stream");
const fs = require("fs");
const { exec } = require("child_process");
async function test() {
const browser = await launch({headless: true});
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto("");
const stream = await getStream(page, { audio: true, video: true});
// record the web page to mp4 video
const ffmpeg = exec('ffmpeg -y -i - output.mp4');
setTimeout(async () => {
await stream.destroy();
stream.on("end", () => {});
}, 1000 * 60);
The following code works properly but doesn't open chromium in headless mode. No matter what I do, the browser is still opened and visible when browsing the page. No error is thrown.
Does anyone know why it's not opened in headless mode please ?
It says in the documentation for puppeteer-stream:
Notice: This will only work in headful mode
This is due to a limitation of Chromium where the Tab Capture API for the extension doesn't work in headless mode. (There are a couple bug reports about this, but I can't find the links at the moment.)
I had the same issue that headless doesn't work with some Websites and Elements (showing blank page content, not finding an element etc.).
But there is another method to "simulate" the headless mode by minimizing and moving the window to a location that can not be seen by the user.
This doesn't hide the chrome task from the taskbar, but the Chrome tab itself will still be hidden for the User.
Just use the following arguments:
var chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
chromeOptions.AddArguments(new List<string>() { "--window-size=1,1", "window-position=-2000,0" }); // This hides the chrome window
var chromeDriverService = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
chromeDriverService.HideCommandPromptWindow = true; // This is to hid the console.
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeDriverService, chromeOptions);
in short the important part:
chromeOptions.AddArguments(new List<string>() { "--window-size=1,1", "window-position=-2000,0" });
chromeDriverService.HideCommandPromptWindow = true;
//driver.Manage().Window.Minimize(); //use this if the code above does not work

How to download a CSV file with selenium while bypassing the file dialog

I have been trying to access a url with a CSV file to download it in a specific directory, using the Selenium Webdriver for Firefox(geckodriver), in a NodeJS enviroment on Linux-Mint.
This is my code:
const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');
const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
const path = require('path');
const options = new firefox.Options();
options.setPreference('', path.resolve(__dirname));
options.setPreference('', 2);
options.setPreference('browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk', 'application/x-csv');
function example(){
let driver = new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').setFirefoxOptions(options).build();
As you can see, I am correctly setting the browser option to browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk, so as to be able to bypass the dialog. However, I am still getting the dialog no matter what I do. I haven't tried this code on Windows, but for my purposes it needs to work on Linux.
Am I missing something? Some preference that needs to be added or changed? Or does this not work on my current enviroment?
Thank you in advance for any help provided.
If you are just downloading a file from link why do you need selenium?
A much simple approach will be just to get the file by http and save to file.
const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs');
const file = fs.createWriteStream("C2ImportCalEventSample.csv");
const request = http.get("", function(response) {
If you have to use selenium let me know in the comments and i will try to find a solution for your problem using selenium.

How can I spoof screen resolution on electron app?

I am using the electron framework to open a webpage with BrowserWindow.
I am using code like:
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 900,
height: 800
win.on('closed', () => {
win = null
win.loadURL( "http://***.com/detail.asp?bhcp=1");
However, the opened webpage can detect my real screen resolution. What methods can I use to spoof a webpage, giving it a fake screen resolution?
thanks, i have worked out this issue.
1. set a script file to webPreferences.preload
2. on script file, run code, set window.screen properties.
that's it.

Export table data to excel from server side in nodejs

I am using json2xls npm, here is my code below:
exports.exportContactsXlsx = function (req, res) {
var data = req.body;
var xls = json2xls(data);
fs.writeFileSync('data.xlsx', xls, 'binary');
After clicking export button, successfully i got "data.xlsx" file, but when i hit Export button in UI, i want to get that data.xlsx is downloading in bottom left corner of chrome browser.
How to do that?
To setup a download link, on your anchor tag use the download attribute, and the src will be downloaded in the bottom corner

Electron PDF viewer

I have an Electron app that loads URL from PHP server. And the page contains an iFrame having a source to PDF. The PDF page seems absolutely ok in a normal web browser but asks for download in Electron. Any help?
My codes for html page is
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
Some html content here...
<iframe src="" width="1200" height="800"></iframe>
And my js code is something like
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600})
pathname: path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'),
protocol: 'file:',
slashes: true
app.on('ready', createWindow)
Any help would be really greatful...
Electron is shipping already with an integrated PDF viewer.
So you can load PDF files just like normal HTML files, the PDF viewer will automatically show up.
E.g. in BrowserWindow with .loadURL(…), in <iframes>, <object> and also with the, at the moment discouraged, <webview>.
PS: The need to enable the plugins property in the BrowserWindow or <webview> is no more needed since Electron 9.
You will need
const { app } = require('electron')
const PDFWindow = require('electron-pdf-window')
app.on('ready', () => {
const win = new PDFWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600
This answer will focus on implementation with Angular.
After year of waiting (to be solved by the Electron) finally I decided to apply a workaround. For the people who needs it done, here it goes. Workaround comes with a cost of increasing bundle size totally 500K. (For Angular)
Workaround to use Mozilla PDF.js library.
Implementation 1 (Setting nodeIntegration: true)
This implementation has no issue, you can implement by the document of the library mentioned. But if you run into additional problem like creating white window when route is changed, it is due to the setting nodeIntegration property to true. If so, use the following implementation.
Implementation 2 (Setting nodeIntegration: false)
This is the default by Electron. Using this configuration and viewing the PDF is bit tricky. Solution is to use Uint8Array instead of a blob or base64.
You can use the following function to convert base64 to Uint8Array.
base64ToArrayBuffer(data): Uint8Array {
const input = data.substring(data.indexOf(',') + 1);
const binaryString = window.atob(input ? input : data);
const binaryLen = binaryString.length;
const bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryLen);
for (let i = 0; i < binaryLen; i++) {
const ascii = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
bytes[i] = ascii;
return bytes;
Or convert blob to array buffer
const blob = response;
let arrayBuffer = null;
arrayBuffer = await new Response(blob).arrayBuffer();
then pass the generated Uint8Array as the pdfSource to the ng2-pdfjs-viewer.
<ng2-pdfjs-viewer zoom="100" [pdfSrc]="pdfSource"></ng2-pdfjs-viewer>
Electron 9.0.0 has enabled PDF viewer already.
npm install electron#9.0.0
