My callbak url is verified with postman but not verified when verifying from facebook messenger - webhooks

I verify my webhook on postman using this code from the documentation:
But when launching the webhook verification for messenger from facebook.developpers , I got the error
"Impossible de valider l'url de rappel ou le jeton de validation.
Veuillez verifier les informations fournies ou reessayer


Admin Approval screen

I am building an app that uses oauth with Azure; When I log in with my personal account, I can log in without any problem, however, when I want to use my university account, it asks for admin approval. I get an email a few seconds after the request is sent, the email says my application was approved with an expiration of 1 month, however when I try to log in I get the message "Approval Required" again.
I am developing the project in React Native
I am using the parameter authority = ''
var user_ID = await this.publicClientApplication.loginPopup({
scopes: [''],
prompt: "consent"
}) ```

Verify BEARER TOKEN Hangout chat bot API POST

I have setup a hangout chat bot and trying to verify that the request is coming from Google and is intended for the target bot. As per google documentation, it says you can verify using BEARER_TOKEN and "CHAT_ISSUER = '" with the public key as below in python.
token = client.verify_id_token(
However the BEARER token is not static in each POST request header, I can decode the BEARER token(JWT) and get the "KID" which is same in every case. I'm not quite sure how to verify with the "kid" and CHAT_ISSUER, etc in python. Can someone help here ?

Dialogflow account linking with Node JS application

I am new to Dialogflow. I want to do an account linking with my node js application. So when I click on signin button in simulator, popup is opening with the request below
Request URL :
response_type : code
client_id: da4sad4sa56ds54sdb67re5a4
scope : openid+_offlineaccess+profile+email
state: AKLMQkUP19DCPvMBboadq7rgpSPrsDPT1fTXnWT-8_mVK
with the above payload, once use enters credentials validating the user with DB, here how to perform redirect to dialogflow requested intent with an authorization token in node js. Please suggest
After clicking on the sign in the simulator and accepting for the linking it is showing the login popup after successful login wants to redirect back to the simulator with response.

Edit user informations by office365 panel

I have almost 200 office365 accounts and i installed AD Sync service, after i installed this service i cant change any user information by Office 365 panel, everything is disabled.
I can click on button "Definir como principal/Set as Default" because it is disabled. I can't add another alias because it's disabled too.
This user is trying to access your account and get following error:
Sua conta foi bloqueada temporariamente para evitar uso não autorizado
english: Your account was blocked temporaly to avoid not authorized access

error on sending skype BOT messges

I have obtained the access token via and with that token tried to send a message using this url But i am getting this error "401: The provided 'OAuth' ticket failed authentication.".
What could be the issue here
