Blue Prism expression to get most recent file from folder - blueprism

I am trying to write an expression on putting an attachment in the Outlook VBO and keep getting error that it cant find the file.
The file name is Investment Value_2022-12-13h12m37s45.xlsx bit everything after value will be different.
I have tried writing it as a wild card.
I tried filtering it into its own collection and getting it that way.
Trying to get the file path from a filtered collection.
Anybody having the same issue and any help would be appreciated.

Use 'Utility - File Mangement: Get Files' action to get all excel files
Loop through each file name and use 'Decision' action to check for file name pattern
Use formula - InStr([Files.Name], "Investment Value_") > 0
If True, then thats the file you need


Matlab writematrix in Excel gives error: Name cannot be the same as built-in name

I want to copy an Excel file to a different path through Matlab and then write in it also using Matlab. Somehow I get the error: Name cannot be the same as built-in name.
As I want to write multiple times in the file, I don't want to solve this problem manuelly each time, I want the code to run through without me having to do something constantly.
Is there any way I can solve this problem all at once through code? Does this happen because I copy the Excel file first?
The code looks like this:
path_source_template1 = 'Blabla1\Template1.xlsx';
timestamp = datestr(now);
timestamp = strrep(timestamp, ':', '-');
timestamp = strrep(timestamp, ' ', '-');
path_output = fullfile('Blabla2\',timestamp);
path_output_template1 = strcat(path_output,'\Template1.xlsx');
Then I want to write in the Template1.xlsx:
Then I get this error:
enter image description here
The input to the writematrix file uses the name, value format, so in this line:
you should have:
..., 'Sheet','Test','Range','A1','UseExcel', true,'AutoFitWidth', false);
Disclaimer: I haven't tested this, but I'm fairly certain this will fix your problem.
The correct call to the writematrix would be:
writematrix(test,path_output_template1, 'Sheet','Test','Range','A1', 'UseExcel', true,'AutoFitWidth',false);
When writing datetime data to a spreadsheet file, you must set both 'PreserveFormat' and the 'UseExcel' Name-Value pair to true to preserve the existing cell formatting. You can check the documentation writematrix.
In order to answer to the error I tested the code locally in Matlab 2019b and works well setting the test variable in this example way: test = magic(5);.
Maybe the error could be in the data that you use in test variable or in that if you run the code iteratively very fast the path_output could exist, One way to improve this could be with a more accurate timestamp.

XBA parsing and update with Excel VBA

I'm trying to make an XML parser/updater through Excel VBA.
First of all, I have been going back and forth between Excel VBA and Python but it seemed like Excel VBA was a better option to me.
However, I am open to any method really so please let me know if anyone has a different suggestion that would work better.
So, what I want to do with this application.
Parse XML and note the information on Excel format
I need name and the value of each attributes along with the text value of each node
After getting the information in the Excel format, I want to be able to revise values and output back to the XML format
So, in a nutshell, I am really aiming for a XML editor I guess?
But I am stuck at a few issues from the startline.
Here's a brief implementation of the XML parsing portion:
'load xml document
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.validateOnParse = False
'get document elements
Set xmlDocElement = xmlDoc.DocumentElement
Debug.Print xmlDocElement.xml
For i = 0 To xmlDocElement.ChildNodes.Length - 1
Debug.Print xmlDocElement.ChildNodes(i).xml
For j = 0 To xmlDocElement.ChildNodes(i).Attributes.Length - 1
Debug.Print xmlDocElement.ChildNodes(i).Attributes.Item(j).Name
Debug.Print xmlDocElement.ChildNodes(i).Attributes.Item(j).Value
Next j
Debug.Print xmlDocElement.ChildNodes(i).Text
Next i
The above method works well more or less with an exception for two conditions, so far at least.
XML file cannot be loaded if the text includes &/>/<
XML file cannot be loaded if it includes more than 1 highest parent node.
Text including &/>/< sample:
<childtag>I love mac&cheese</childtag>
The answer I found online was quite conclusive:
Revise the text so that it does not use &/>/<.
But I cannot modify the text and need to keep the current format.
Any way to bypass this?
More than 1 highest parent node sample:
<childtag>Some other text</childtag>
XML Load does not work with multiple parent tags in 1 XML file.
And again, I cannot modify the XML file content, so I need a way around the load error.
I also want to note that I have initially started this project
by reading XML file as a text and process line by line.
But, this did not work well with multi-line content
and thus trying to figure out a way to process XML file properly.
This question really includes multiple portions but I would really appreciate if I can get any help.
The issue is that any XML parser will only accept valid XML. And
<childtag>I love mac&cheese</childtag>
is just no valid XML. It should be encoded as
<childtag>I love mac&cheese</childtag>
So that is what you need to fix. You can only work with a standard (like XML standard) if everyone follow the XML standard rules and produces valid XML. Otherwise your code might look like XML but it is no XML (until it is valid).
Also multiple root elements is not allowed in XML. If it has multiple roots then it is no XML. So to get out of your issue the only thing you can do is fix those issues before loading the file into a parser. For example you can add a root tag to make your multiple parents become childs of that root:
<childtag>Some other text</childtag>
And & that are not encoded yet need to be changed to & to make them valid.
The only other option is to write your own parser to parse that custom files which are not XML. But that will not be possible in 2 lines of code as you will need to develop a parser for your NON-XLM files.

Excel Import of custom mandatory field doesn't work [Hybris 6.7.0]

I'm using Hybris version 6.7.0 and I stuck with the following problem:
When I trying to perform importing products from excel file. It gives me the following error ->
I've checked the excel file and there is, of course, field "Subscription Term*", it is mandatory that's why there is an asterisk there. Good to mention that this field is custom, so I write custom translator to it and exporting part works fine, but in importing part when I did debugging I found strange fact:
This WorkbookMandatoryColumnsValidator validator calls the method findColumnIndex(typeSystemSheet, sheet, this.prepareSelectedAttribute(mandatoryField)); from DefaultExcelTemplateService this method returns -1 and the validation does not passed. I dig into this method and there is such line of code:
String attributeDisplayName = this.findAttributeDisplayNameInTypeSystemSheet(typeSystemSheet, selectedAttribute); which returns "Subscription Term" string as you can see without an asterisk.
I've checked the other mandatory fields e.g. "Catalog version*^" it returns with 2 symbols after it.
The thing is that "Subscription Term" and "Subscription Term*" after string equality operation returns false and the validation fails as you can see here:
Of course the second value is taken from the excel file where the asterisk sign presents.
If I remove an asterisk from excel file then I receive: Unknown attributes of type ISku error in WorkbookTypeCodeAndSelectedAttributeValidator validator:
The asterisk should be presented in excel file, I've just checked what would be...
It doesn't help me at all to understand what really happens.
I can't understand one thing: What is the source of "Subscription Term" string? Why without an asterisk? Is it predefined constant somewhere?
From debug I couldn't figure out from which source that string comes from.
I do not know for sure but I expect that string( i.e Subscription Term) to come from a localization file based on backoffice current session language ( e.g {extensionName} if the current language is en).
Try to search after "Subscription Term" in all properties files.
Maybe, if the attribute is mandatory(i.e optional="false" in items.xml) then Hybris will add to its name an "*" when performing the import.
Check whether you provided read and write permission to that attribute for that user.
Check with admin user before doing that. If there is no issue with admin user, then only permission issue with the user.

Unable to copy file from SFTP in Azure Data Factory when using wildcard(*) in the filename

I am unable to copy csv files from an SFTP connection to blob storage when using the wildcard(*) in the filename.
More specifically, I receive csv files in the SFTP on a daily basis, and they are of the format: "ddMMyyyyxxxxxx.csv", where "xxxxxx" is the timestamp. More concretely, my csv file for the 13th of March is: "13032019083647.csv", while for the 14th of March: "14032019083556.csv". Obviously, the timestamp is different for every day, thus I want to copy the file independently of whatever strings exists between the date and the the file extenstion.
In the "File" subfield of the "File path" of the "Connection" tab of my subset, I give as input: "13032019*.csv", as instructed by the help icon next to the field:
When I do so, my Debug run fails with:
{"errorCode": "2200", "message":
adopt copy behavior PreserveHierarchy when copying from folder to a
single file.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary}
I receive a similar error no matter which type of copy behaviour I choose. I have also tried experimenting with the fileFilter parameter (even though ADF warns that the same behaviour can be achieved with the fileName option), but I still end up getting the same error.
For further clarification, I am attaching the Code segment that ADF produces for this configuration:
I should also mention, that when using the full fileName in the corresponding field, namely the value: "13032019083647.csv", copying works normally.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
My guess it might get two files with wildcard operation.
In such cases we need to use metadata activity, filter activity and for-each activity to copy these files.
1.Metadata activity : Use data-set in these activity to point the particular location of the files and pass the child Items as the parameter.
2.Filter activity : Use filter to filter the files based on your needs.
3.For-each activity : In the For-each activity get Items from the previous activity and add copy activity inside the for-each.
In copy activity the source data set should be #item().name.
I hope this will solve your issue.
What worked for me was the following: I kept the same regex for the input file, but I defined as "Copy behaviour: Merge Files". Since as mentioned, there is only 1 file that satisfies the regex condition, only 1 file was created as output. I am aware that this is a sort of "dirty" solution, but it did the trick for me.

matlab error when using xlsread in a loop

I'm trying to read multiple csv files, in a loop, and then perform some analysis on all o them.
I'm using MatlabR2015b and Excel 2016.
the problem is that at the second call to xlsread I get the following error:
Error using xlsread (line 251)
No explanation no message, nothing.
after some debugging I've found it fails at the following command:
Excel.workbooks.Open(filename, 0, readOnly);
in the openExcelWorkbook.m file which is somewhere down the stack of xlsread.
I found very few people with the same problem and their solution was to force the EXCEL32 process to close using the following code:
[~, computer] = system('hostname');
[~, user] = system('whoami');
[~, alltask] = system(['tasklist /S ', computer, ' /U ', user]);
excelPID = regexp(alltask, 'EXCEL.EXE\s*(\d+)\s', 'tokens')
for i = 1 : length(excelPID)
killPID = cell2mat(excelPID{i});
system(['taskkill /f /pid ', killPID]);
However, this does not work for me.
after somemore digging I tried to manually look at the csv im trying to open, while debugging, meaning after stopping at the breakpoint at the Excel.workbooks.Open call, I used:
which gave me the following error:
Error using Interface.000208DB_0000_0000_C000_000000000046/Open
Which is associated to Workbooks when looking at the excel process through the matlab inspector.
That is all the information I've managed to find related to my problem.
the only thing that works for me at the moment is running xlsread, then manually closing the excel process from the task manager, then running it again, until I have all my data, and then analyze, which is not a possible considering the amount of files I need to load.
I cannot use csvread as my files have mixed types, and every other function i've tried does not read the csvs properly
(I have a field which looks like this "[,...,]" and that field keeps getting interpreted as multiple rows in every function except with xlsread)
and thus I feel like I have no option but to fix xlsread somehow.
I would gladly provide anymore information that is necessary to solve this
you should use csvread instead of xlsread, becuase xlsread just read .xls and .xlsx files.
