How to wrap text in a "p" so It doesn't effect other elements - text

Text wrap issue (
Hi all, I have been learning html and css for about 3 weeks now. I am just screwing around with some personal beginner projects. Im having an issue with this one. I have more text in the for the kd shoe than I do with the jordan shoe so It spreads longer and shrinks the button. What are my options to fix this? Again very new please dont judge lol! I have attatched the image of whats wrong and my code. code
Again I am new and learning so dont roast me too hard.
I dont know what to try.


Adding a text box in Android Studo

Trying to use AndroidStudio (3.4.2) for the first time and it appers to be substantially different to the tutorial at
For example:
There is no layout editor toolbar let alone a show button.
There is no autoconnect button
It doesn't show any wiggly lines from the middle of the blue square to its edges.
When adding a text box it goes to the top left and can't be moved.
WTF is going on? This is awful!
So I know this may sound like the hard answer, but in the long run it will make life 1000x easier.
You need to learn XML to design the activities. It's fairly simple and really easy to research. The reason the textbox can't be moved is because the default layout is ConstraintLayout. In order to fix this, go to the xml file and change the Constraint layout to either Relative layout or Linear Layout. In the end, its more simple to learn straight xml.
I suggest you learn Android programming from here or somewhere else because the Android documentation can be confusing especially for a beginner like yourself and trust me, I've been there.

Combining Text messages and Video

I am using Adobe Flash Media Server. I am trying to do one 2 one video chat with clients exchanging text messages back and forth. I want to alternate different text colors such as red and blue to stand out well. I tried using css but it changes all the text colors not just each message.
Can find any examples at all in ActionScript. Please can somebody point me in the right direction?
Thanx in advance
I think you might need to add some source code of stuff you've already tried.
In general though, any text formatting, including colours, can be done via TextField.setTextFormat();
Also look at the TextFormat class.

Getting a simple YUI <select> element example working

Just starting off with YUI and I'm struggling a bit.
I am very interested in the example: Button Control: Using A Menu Button To Replace A Element here .
The example seems very well documented and explained, but I am struggling to get it to work in jsfiddle or codepen.
I guess that I am not sure on how to start the javascript.
What I've been doing is copying and pasting the HTML, CSS, and Javascript into jsfiddle, but I think there is something missing along the lines of YUI().use('node', function (Y) {
I was wondering if someone could maybe take that example and pop it in a jsfiddle or codepen for me, I really have tried very hard to help myself but now feel a bit hopeless.
FWIW I even struggle to get a simple YUI 'Hello World' example going in jsfiddle.
Thank you very much for any help!
Well that example is YUI2, not YUI3, so it's not going to work unless you wrap it in a yui use and bring them in that way YUI 2 in YUI 3

Change the body background related to the menu selection

I am new in learning CSS3.
I have stuck on the same problem for couple days.
So I am using this tutorial for practice and else.
And I get familiar with how it works. Now I want to try to combined them with background slider. In short, I want the body background to change (with transition effect, fade in fade out for example), everytime I click on the menu.
For example: About us -> background change to my photo, How we work -> picture of books or something.
I tried to use div to replace the body background to show up independently on top of each other but I just can't get it to work properly.
Can anyone give me basic solution? Thank you!

Highlighting an item in the actionbar when in a certain activity when using ActionBarSherlock

I'm putting the final touches on an application that Ive been working on for quite a while and while I understand how to restyle existing components by using inheritance Im coming up blank in my search on how to accomplish this last thing.
I want to apply a custom color/image behind the text or icon representing the current activity I am in. This would be similar to how the tabs have the highlight underneath them while selected. I am already using the tabs and have figured out how to change the image resource that is the little underline in the tab bar. Now I just need to accomplish the same look for the action items.
Ive overlooked the actionbarsherlock library for the past day and a half but I dont see anywhere that I could do what I want to accomplish. I have to imagine that such a thing can be done but like I said before so far Im coming up short. Any help would be much appreciated.
I figured out a simple way to do what I asked earlier. I just created a square shape in xml, put text over it, assigned it the gradient and color I wanted and assigned it to that action item I wanted highlighted in the activity i was in.
