Want to pass a parameterized enum to a function using _ as parameter (like my_fun(MyEnum::Type(_))) - rust

I have this next_expected_kind method that return the next item of an Iterable<Kind> if it is the expected type, or an error if not.
It works fine for non parameterized types like Kind1, but I don't know how to use it if the type that needs parameters like Kind2.
Something like:
let _val = match s.next_expected_kind(Kind::Kind2(str)) {
Ok(k) => str,
_ => panic!("error"),
Is there any tricky to make it?
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Kind {
struct S {
kinds: std::vec::IntoIter<Kind>,
impl S {
fn next_expected_kind(&mut self, expected: Kind) -> Result<Kind, &str> {
match self.kinds.next() {
Some(k) if k == expected => Ok(k),
_ => Err("not expected"),
fn main() {
let mut s = S {
kinds: vec![Kind::Kind1, Kind::Kind2(String::from("2"))].into_iter(),
_ = s.next_expected_kind(Kind::Kind1);
// let _val = s.next_expected_kind(Kind::Kind2(str));
let _val = match s.kinds.next() {
Some(Kind::Kind2(str)) => str,
_ => panic!("not expected"),

You could use std::mem::discriminant() like this:
use std::mem::{Discriminant, discriminant};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Kind {
struct S {
kinds: std::vec::IntoIter<Kind>,
impl S {
fn next_expected_kind(&mut self, expected: Discriminant<Kind>) -> Result<Kind, &str> {
match self.kinds.next() {
Some(k) if discriminant(&k) == expected => Ok(k),
_ => Err("not expected"),
fn main() {
let mut s = S {
kinds: vec![Kind::Kind1, Kind::Kind2(String::from("2"))].into_iter(),
_ = dbg!(s.next_expected_kind(discriminant(&Kind::Kind1)));
let _val = dbg!(s.next_expected_kind(discriminant(&Kind::Kind2(String::new()))));
The obvious drawback being that you'll have to create an instance with "empty" or default data wherever you want to call it.
The only other way I can think of would be to write a macro since you can't pass just the "variant" of an enum around.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Kind {
Kind2(i32, i32),
struct S {
kinds: std::vec::IntoIter<Kind>,
macro_rules! next_expected_kind {
($self:expr, $expected:path) => {
match $self.kinds.next() {
Some(k) if matches!(k, $expected(..)) => Ok(k),
_ => Err("not expected"),
fn main() {
let mut s = S {
kinds: vec![Kind::Kind1(String::from("1")), Kind::Kind2(2,3)].into_iter(),
_ = dbg!(next_expected_kind!(&mut s, Kind::Kind1));
let _val = dbg!(next_expected_kind!(&mut s, Kind::Kind2));
Note: this has the limitation that all variants have to be tuple variants or struct variants and it's a bit clunky to use.


in expressions, `_` can only be used on the left-hand side of an assignment

I've the following code I implemented to return an error when a string doesn't contain a match to something like "Mark, 55" to return an error. The compiler complains about my code Err(error) => Err(ParsePersonError::ParseInt(_))
use std::num::ParseIntError;
use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Person {
name: String,
age: usize,
// We will use this error type for the `FromStr` implementation.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum ParsePersonError {
// Empty input string
// Incorrect number of fields
// Empty name field
// Wrapped error from parse::<usize>()
// My implementation
impl FromStr for Person {
type Err = ParsePersonError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Person, Self::Err> {
if s.len() == 0 {
else {
let v: Vec<&str> = s.split(",").collect();
if &v[0]== &""{
else if v.len()!=2 {
else {
let num = match v[1].parse::<usize>() {
Ok(n) => {
let name = v[0].to_string();
let age = n;
return Ok(Person {name,age})
Err(error) => Err(ParsePersonError::ParseInt(_))
However, the compiler doesn't complain about the same code in my test case.
fn missing_name_and_age() {
Err(ParsePersonError::NoName | ParsePersonError::ParseInt(_))
What am I missing?
If you de-sugar the match macro in test, it is something like
let result = ",".parse::<Person>();
let r = match result {
Err(ParsePersonError::NoName) => true,
Err(ParsePersonError::ParseInt(_)) => true,
_ => false,
Essentially the '_' is to hold the value attached to ParseInt. Hence an assignment. This is what the compiler error message means.

How do I extract information about the type in a derive macro?

I am implementing a derive macro to reduce the amount of boilerplate I have to write for similar types.
I want the macro to operate on structs which have the following format:
struct SomeStruct {
records: HashMap<Id, Record>
Calling the macro should generate an implementation like so:
impl MyTrait for SomeStruct {
fn foo(&self, id: Id) -> Record { ... }
So I understand how to generate the code using quote:
pub fn derive_answer_fn(item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let generated = quote!{
impl MyTrait for #struct_name {
fn foo(&self, id: #id_type) -> #record_type { ... }
But what is the best way to get #struct_name, #id_type and #record_type from the input token stream?
One way is to use the venial crate to parse the TokenStream.
use proc_macro2;
use quote::quote;
use venial;
pub fn derive_answer_fn(item: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
// Ensure it's deriving for a struct.
let s = match venial::parse_declaration(proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(item)) {
Ok(venial::Declaration::Struct(s)) => s,
Ok(_) => panic!("Can only derive this trait on a struct"),
Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing into valid Rust"),
let struct_name = s.name;
// Get the struct's first field.
let fields = s.fields;
let named_fields = match fields {
venial::StructFields::Named(named_fields) => named_fields,
_ => panic!("Expected a named field"),
let inners: Vec<(venial::NamedField, proc_macro2::Punct)> = named_fields.fields.inner;
if inners.len() != 1 {
panic!("Expected exactly one named field");
// Get the name and type of the first field.
let first_field_name = &inners[0].0.name;
let first_field_type = &inners[0].0.ty;
// Extract Id and Record from the type HashMap<Id, Record>
if first_field_type.tokens.len() != 6 {
panic!("Expected type T<R, S> for first named field");
let id = first_field_type.tokens[2].clone();
let record = first_field_type.tokens[4].clone();
// Implement MyTrait.
let generated = quote! {
impl MyTrait for #struct_name {
fn foo(&self, id: #id) -> #record { *self.#first_field_name.get(&id).unwrap() }

Is there a way to use internal symbols in a Rust macro?

Suppose my library definespub struct MyStruct { a: i32 }. Then, suppose I define a procedural macro my_macro!. Perhaps I want my_macro!(11) to expand to MyStruct { a: 11 }. This proves that I must have used my_macro! to obtain MyStruct, since the a field is not public.
This is what I want to do:
struct MyStruct {
a: i32,
pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast: syn::Expr = syn::parse(input).unwrap();
fn impl_my_macro(expr: syn::Expr) -> TokenStream {
let gen = match expr {
syn::Expr::Lit(expr_lit) => match expr_lit.lit {
syn::Lit::Int(lit_int) => {
let value = lit_int.base10_parse::<i32>().unwrap();
if value > 100 {
quote::quote! {
compile_error("Integer literal is too big.");
} else {
quote::quote! {
MyStruct{a: #lit_int}
_ => quote::quote! {
compile_error!("Expected an integer literal.");
_ => quote::quote! {
compile_error!("Expected an integer literal.");
And I would use it like this:
fn test_my_macro() {
let my_struct = secret_macro::my_macro!(10);
But the compiler gives this warning:
error[E0422]: cannot find struct, variant or union type `MyStruct` in this scope
--> tests/test.rs:14:21
14 | secret_macro::my_macro!(10);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
Is it possible to achieve this in Rust?

How can I get the T from an Option<T> when using syn?

I'm using syn to parse Rust code. When I read a named field's type using field.ty, I get a syn::Type. When I print it using quote!{#ty}.to_string() I get "Option<String>".
How can I get just "String"? I want to use #ty in quote! to print "String" instead of "Option<String>".
I want to generate code like:
impl Foo {
pub set_bar(&mut self, v: String) {
self.bar = Some(v);
starting from
struct Foo {
bar: Option<String>
My attempt:
let ast: DeriveInput = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
let data: Data = ast.data;
match data {
Data::Struct(ref data) => match data.fields {
Fields::Named(ref fields) => {
fields.named.iter().for_each(|field| {
let name = &field.ident.clone().unwrap();
let ty = &field.ty;
impl Foo {
pub set_bar(&mut self, v: #ty) {
self.bar = Some(v);
_ => {}
_ => panic!("You can derive it only from struct"),
My updated version of the response from #Boiethios, tested and used in a public crate, with support of several syntaxes for Option:
fn extract_type_from_option(ty: &syn::Type) -> Option<&syn::Type> {
use syn::{GenericArgument, Path, PathArguments, PathSegment};
fn extract_type_path(ty: &syn::Type) -> Option<&Path> {
match *ty {
syn::Type::Path(ref typepath) if typepath.qself.is_none() => Some(&typepath.path),
_ => None,
// TODO store (with lazy static) the vec of string
// TODO maybe optimization, reverse the order of segments
fn extract_option_segment(path: &Path) -> Option<&PathSegment> {
let idents_of_path = path
.fold(String::new(), |mut acc, v| {
vec!["Option|", "std|option|Option|", "core|option|Option|"]
.find(|s| &idents_of_path == *s)
.and_then(|_| path.segments.last())
.and_then(|path| extract_option_segment(path))
.and_then(|path_seg| {
let type_params = &path_seg.arguments;
// It should have only on angle-bracketed param ("<String>"):
match *type_params {
PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref params) => params.args.first(),
_ => None,
.and_then(|generic_arg| match *generic_arg {
GenericArgument::Type(ref ty) => Some(ty),
_ => None,
You should do something like this untested example:
use syn::{GenericArgument, PathArguments, Type};
fn extract_type_from_option(ty: &Type) -> Type {
fn path_is_option(path: &Path) -> bool {
&& path.segments.len() == 1
&& path.segments.iter().next().unwrap().ident == "Option"
match ty {
Type::Path(typepath) if typepath.qself.is_none() && path_is_option(typepath.path) => {
// Get the first segment of the path (there is only one, in fact: "Option"):
let type_params = typepath.path.segments.iter().first().unwrap().arguments;
// It should have only on angle-bracketed param ("<String>"):
let generic_arg = match type_params {
PathArguments::AngleBracketed(params) => params.args.iter().first().unwrap(),
_ => panic!("TODO: error handling"),
// This argument must be a type:
match generic_arg {
GenericArgument::Type(ty) => ty,
_ => panic!("TODO: error handling"),
_ => panic!("TODO: error handling"),
There's not many things to explain, it just "unrolls" the diverse components of a type:
Type -> TypePath -> Path -> PathSegment -> PathArguments -> AngleBracketedGenericArguments -> GenericArgument -> Type.
If there is an easier way to do that, I would be happy to know it.
Note that since syn is a parser, it works with tokens. You cannot know for sure that this is an Option. The user could, for example, type std::option::Option, or write type MaybeString = std::option::Option<String>;. You cannot handle those arbitrary names.

FnOnce inside Enum: cannot move out of borrowed content

I'm new to rust and still have some problems with ownership/borrowing. In this case, I want to store a FnOnce in an enum and then call it later on from another thread. I tried a lot of different variants but always get stuck somewhere. Here is a reduced variant of what I currently have:
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::boxed::{Box, FnBox};
enum Foo<T> {
CallFunction(Box<FnBox(&T) + Send>)
struct FooInMutex<T> {
foo: Arc<Mutex<Foo<T>>>
impl<T> FooInMutex<T> {
fn put_fn(&self, f: Box<FnBox(&T)+Send>) {
let mut foo = self.foo.lock().unwrap();
let mut new_foo : Foo<T>;
match *foo {
Foo::DoNothing =>
new_foo = Foo::CallFunction(f),
_ =>
new_foo = Foo::DoNothing
*foo = new_foo;
fn do_it(&self, t: T) {
let mut foo = self.foo.lock().unwrap();
let mut new_foo : Foo<T>;
match *foo {
Foo::CallFunction(ref mut f) => {
new_foo = Foo::DoNothing;
_ =>
*foo = new_foo;
fn it_works() {
let x = FooInMutex { foo: Arch::new(Mutex::new(Foo::DoNothing)) };
x.put_fn(Box::new(|| panic!("foo")));
I use "rustc 1.4.0-nightly (e35fd7481 2015-08-17)".
The error message:
src/lib.rs:35:17: 35:18 error: cannot move out of borrowed content
src/lib.rs:35 f.call_box((&t,));
As I understand it, f is owned by the enum in the mutex and I only borrow it via *foo. But for calling f, I need move it out. But how to do this? Or what else do I have to change to make this example work?
std::mem::replace is what you should use there, like this:
use std::mem;
fn do_it(&self, t: T) {
match mem::replace(self.foo.lock().unwrap(), Foo::DoNothing) {
Foo::CallFunction(f) => {
_ => panic!("...")
