Netlify deployed project - Page not found - netlify

i have deployed a Vue app using Vite to Netlify. I am using Vue router to changed pages in the project and all of the different pages work apart from the profile page which i get a page not found error.
I don't really know how to fix this issue as all other pages work apart from this one. Does anyone have any advice on how I could solve this issue? Thanks
(PS: all the pages work in local host)

In my case,window.location.reload() was causing error. After I removed it, it worked


How do I deploy a GWT website without Google App Engine? Is it possible to use GitHub Pages?

The Issue
Hi, I made a GWT (Google Web Toolkit) website, but now that I am done, I'm not sure how to host the website.
The code is only client-side, so I'm not sure where the problem is.
I would be grateful for any advice on where and how to host a GWT website.
Here's the GWT app on GitHub:
My attempt to use GitHub Pages:
What I tried:
I tried using GitHub Pages, but it doesn't work, for some reason the JS file is not recognized by browsers or something like that.
The build Java with Ant Github Action doesn't work either.
I also tried using Google App Engine, but it is a very complicated process that I couldn't get working, and I would like to avoid it if possible.
Also, I used VSCode to develop the application, if that helps. I think that many of the Google App Engine plugins for IDE's like Eclipse are deprecated, but let me know if I'm wrong.
Thank you!
Nvm, I wasn't being very smart. I just had to change the html to index.html, make necessary adjustments in the js files, and added all the files inside war to GitHub with the same file structure.

django redirects to non existing url

Two days ago I created a django project and it worked all right. But, now when I am working on another django project still when I run server it's redirecting me to the older project. I am using different virtual environment for both of them. Even after deleting the old one the issue is not resolved.
Thanks in advance.
Actually, This is not a Django error. I also faced this issue. This is your Cached issue. You can try in incognito mode or clear your browser history and cached.....This error will be solved.
Thank You !!!
This often happens when server of both projects are running and running on same port. can you verify?

ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS After deploying SmartStore on azure

facing this issue for days. I have tried many approaches in order to solve it, however, none of them works.
The error I`ve been facing:
The issue I have been facing
The admin module of SmartStore has been working without any issues, the only problem is with the web module of SmartStore. P.S: I have no CDN profile on azure.
What I have tried:
I have tried clearing caches, worked on several different browsers and devices in order to test it. Nothing seems to solve the issue.
Link to the web:
However, if we type any random route after it like lets say:
It gives 404 error like it should.
Also, if we try to access admin module:
It works perfectly, and also the registration and other functionalities of the app itself. Any insight would be highly appreciated.
Try this: Find TSL/SSL Settings of your Azure Subscriptions and Turn off the HTTPS only. Hopefully, It will work for you.
The screenshot is attached for your reference.

Internal server error deployment on Azure - node.js and Vue.js

I have been looking all over the internet for two weeks now and I have no clue what is happening.
I have an app running on a node.js server. The app uses the Vue.js framework and Vuetify.js, so I don't have a "traditional" js server. The website works perfectly on local, but every time I try and deploy it on an Azure (Windows) web application (per request from the company I am developing for), the only thing that is displayed is this: " The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. ".
I did set the Azure Web App to use node.js as instructed on the official documentation.
According to my searches, it is probably a problem with my web.config file, but I can't seem to solve it, so would be really happy if someone could help me out here.
What I have tried so far:
multiple versions of the Web.config file
opening the 443 and 80 port on the Azure Web App to rule out any kind of conflict there
moving around my Vue classes to try and solve a problem there
making the front end in HTML files and in Vue files. Right now it is back into Vue files
I can't seem to find what else to try and would be really grateful if anyone had a solution!
I can add my web.config here if needed
Thanks in advance!

IISNode running Node.js with multiple domains issue

I put a basic, no frills node npm-express blog site up on a azure website and the IIS load balancing or just iisnode itself seemed to cause issues running the app.js. Running outside of IIS didn't experience any issues. No websockets, just express using vash templates.
The issues I ran into are:
Using web deploy and some node_modules intermittently not deploying. npm lwip for instance would work at first then wouldn't if deploying again. Sometimes other js and vash files would not update also.
When using the site there was a plain vash templates section (the public facing side) and a login side of the site. The simple one page public facing side would intermittently create a 500 error. One out of every three request would do this. No logs generated and all logging was turned on. The error was from iisnode and not node itself.
Using visual studio 13 with all the latest updates, remote debugging simply didn't work. Basically in the dark. Oddly the logged in portion using npm-passport-local worked but that never changed domains when using. It was only the pages on the public side that this would happen. FYI, the public side had multiple domains and various sub domains pointing to the site. All entered correctly in the azure portal and would work with the intermittent 500 error. The page had links to other blogs with full urls, hence the domain would change. Which should be an issue but I suspect had something to do with it.
I ended up having to create a azure vm and install node on it myself to get the site working without the use of IIS. FYI, running the node site locally on my sand I never encountered any issues either.
Has anyone else experienced issues like this using iisnode and did you find a work around for this?
I suspect it may happen when multiple domains are used for the same instance.
