How to search for all the hidden files in my computer? - linux

I want to find all the hidden files inside a directory in linux terminal.
I have found out that we have a grep command to search for the file but I need to search for hidden files.
grep -r search *
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

try this on your terminal too show all the hidden files on your system:
find / -name ".*" 2> /dev/null
or you can use other way like in this web

Simply use (with GNU grep)
grep -r search .
if you want to search contents of files in the current directory and its subdirectories recursively.
Note: It isn't clear if you want to search filenames or contents of files.

The proper solution:
find /dir -name '.*' -type f

If by "hidden file" you mean Linux file names that begin with . that are often hidden by default, (and directories starting with . whose contents might also be considered "hidden") then try this command:
find . -print | grep '/\.'


check if a file is in a folder or its subfolder using linux terminal

I want to check if the particular file is in a folder or its sub folder or not using Linux terminal.
Which should I use for this? I use find and grep command but it travels only one folder.
In order to search from your current directory, use
find . -name filename
In order to search from root directory use
find / -name filename
If you don't know the file extension try
find . -name filename.*
Also note that find command only displays the files in the path which you have permission to view. If you don't have permission for a/b/c path then it will just display a message mentioning that path can't be searched
If you want to search for by filename, use find:
find /path -name "filename"
find . -name myfile.txt
If need to find all files containing a specific string, use grep:
grep -r "string" /path
grep -r foobar .
By default, find will traverse all subdirectories, for example:
mkdir level1
mkdir level1/level2
touch level1/level2/file
find . -name "file"
locate file name
This is the simple command
I also prefer using a combination of tree and grep. Something like
tree | grep filename
find . -name "filename" -type f
-type f restricts to only files in the current directory (replace . with your path).

How to send files from folder recursively to command in linux console?

I want to generate docs for coffee-script files. I want to use Docco.
When i use:
docco client/coffee/*
it throws error. I think because folders are in file list.
When i use:
docco client/coffee/*.coffee
it cant' find some files, because i havent anithing in root folder.
How to give all *.coffee files recursievly to command in console?
There are several ways to do it
$ find client/coffee/ -name '*.coffee' -exec docco {} +
$ find client/coffee/ -name '*.coffee' | xargs docco
However, note that the latter way does not work if there is space in file name, unless you use find -print0 with combination of xargs -0.
Additionally, if you are using bash, you can use **/*.coffee with setting shopt -s globstar

parsing ls -R output into a variable in Unix

I am executing a ls-R /files/
I got the following output
./: nvision
./nvision: layout
./nvision/layout: abcd.txt
I am looking to get path in the listing like
and I should be able to copy the required path to a variable
ps: I am not searching for nvision
I am trying to get the list of folders and files under files folder
can any one help me with that
Have you tried using find (see reference)
It would be as easy as find . to get the list of files and folders inside the current directory. Change the . to any path to obtain the list of files and directories inside that path:
To save it to a variable
var=`find .`
And to add the initial slash to every line (if required)
var=`find . -exec echo /{} \;`
Here var has no special meaning, it's just the variable name.
To later use the variable you can use $var or ${var}. For example, to print it or save it to file:
# Print the variable content
echo $var
# Save the content of var to a file
echo $var > /tmp/file.txt
You should really use find for these kind of things. Simply use find directory. If you require more specific output formatting you can make use of find's -printf option. Find is a really powerful tool that also allows all kinds of filtering. Make sure you check the documentation for more information: GNU FindUtils.
To store the results in a variable use one of the following statements:
result=`find ...`
result=$(find ...)
You can also use find to directly execute a command for each match using find's -exec option. Again, make sure to check out the documentation. It's really comprehensive.
Update (Mac / UNIX users – Linux users are not affected)
BSD find requires a path. Use
find .
instead of just
if you require a listing of all files in your working directory.
well the answer is all over this page you should be using find which lists all files found yo can define
where . is current folder otherwise replace . with path you are wishing to search
find .-type d -print
which lists directories only or find
find . -type f -print
which will list all files only
if you are looking for both then
find . -print
and if you only wish to define recursive level try
find . -maxdepth 1 -print
and here is a script
for names in $(find . -type f -print); do
echo $names

Linux : Search for a Particular word in a List of files under a directory

I have a big list of log files in a particular directory , related to my java Application under my Linux Remote Servers .
When i do ls on that particular directory it shows a list of files (nearly 100 files )
Now in that List of files , i need to find out a particular word , please tell me , how can i do this ??
The problem is that I cannot open each and every file and search for that word using /
Please tell me how can i search for a word in the list of files provided .
You can use this command:
grep -rn "string" *
n for showing line number with the filename
r for recursive
grep is made for this.
grep myword * for a simple word
grep 'my sentence' * for a literal string
grep "I am ${USER}" * when you need variable replacement
You can also use regular expressions.
Add -r for recursive and -n to show the line number of matching lines.
And check man grep.
This is a very frequent task in linux. I use grep -rn '' . all the time to do this. -r for recursive (folder and subfolders) -n so it gives the line numbers, the dot stands for the current directory.
grep -rn '<word or regex>' <location>
do a
man grep
for more options
also you can try the following.
find . -name '*.java' -exec grep "<yourword" /dev/null {} \;
It gets all the files with .java extension and searches 'yourword' in each file, if it presents, it lists the file.
Hope it helps :)
You could club find with exec as follows to get the list of the files as well as the occurrence of the word/string that you are looking for
find . -exec grep "my word" '{}' \; -print
use this command
grep "your word" searchDirectory/*.log
Get more on this link
You are looking for grep command.
You can read 15 Practical Grep Command Examples In Linux / UNIX for some samples.

Searching for information in files in several directories

I need to check several files which are in different locations for a specific information.
So, how to make a script which checks for the argument word through several directories?
The directories are in different locations. For ex.
You could also do (next to ´find´)
do a
for DIR in /home/check1 /opt/log /var/status ; do
grep -R searchword $DIR;
At the very simplest, it boils down to
find . -name '*.c' | xargs grep word
to find a given word in all the .c files in the current directory and below.
grep -R may also work for you, but it can be a problem if you don't want to search all files.
Use the grep -R (recursive) option and give grep multiple directory arguments.
Try find using your searchwords and the directories.
The man page of grep should explain what you need. Anyway, if you need to search recursively you can use:
grep -R --include=PATTERN "string_to_search" $directory
You can also use:
--exclude=PATTERN to skip some file
--exclude-dir=PATTERN to skip some directories
The other option is use find to get the files and pipe it to grep to search the strings.
