How to add zeros to 2d slice string elements - string

The task is to add zeros to string elements of 2d slice. So the stdin is [["7" "3" "1"]["2" "9"]] and I need to add zeros from the last element of each slice to the first one. For each step the counter of zeros is incremented by +1. Therefore, stdout is expected to be [["700", "30", "1"]["20", "9"]].
I have tried to do such an algorithm but can't get expected answer. Here is my code:
package main
import (
func addZero(strs [][]string) [][]string {
zero := "0"
counter := 0
for i := range strs {
for j := range strs[i] {
strs[i][j] += strings.Repeat(zero, counter)
return strs
func main() {
fmt.Println(addZero([][]string{{"7", "3", "1"}, {"2", "9"}}))// here the result is [[7 3 1] [20 90]]
How to change my code to get an expected answer ?

Counting zeros has to reset in each line, so move that code inside the first loop.
Also range goes from index 0, and you want increasing zeroes from the end of lines, so counter has to start from len(strs[i])-1, and you have to decrement it:
func addZero(strs [][]string) [][]string {
for i := range strs {
zero := "0"
counter := len(strs[i]) - 1
for j := range strs[i] {
strs[i][j] += strings.Repeat(zero, counter)
return strs
With these changes output will be (try it on the Go Playground):
[[700 30 1] [20 9]]
Note that if you would process lines from the end, the suffix to append (the zeros) would increase. So you could ditch strings.Repeat() by keeping and "extending" the previous suffix:
func addZero(strs [][]string) [][]string {
for _, line := range strs {
zeros := ""
for i := len(line) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
line[i] += zeros
zeros += "0"
return strs
This outputs the same. Try it on the Go Playground.
Also note that strings can be sliced, and the result shares the memory with the sliced string. So it's fast and does not create garbage! You could build a single, long zeros string holding just zeros, and you could slice this long string to have as many zeros as you need to append. This solution avoids any unnecessary string allocations and concatenations:
var zeros = strings.Repeat("0", 1000) // Use the maximum length here
func addZero(strs [][]string) [][]string {
for _, line := range strs {
count := len(line) - 1
for i := range line {
line[i] += zeros[:count-i]
return strs
This again outputs the same, try it on the Go Playground.


How to print each elements string with its frequency based on index in map - Golang

Let say I have input and output string where the output will be the frequency of each elements in the string and the char itself
input := "programming"
output := "p2ro2ga2min"
How can I print it based on index after I found the freq of distinct character
This is my code
func countFreq(s string) {
sMap := make(map[string]int)
for _, v := range s {
for i, v := range sMap {
fmt.Printf("%v%v", i, v)
// Don't know what to do next
The output of code is
output: n1p1r2o1g2a1m2i1
#icza's answer is great. Here's an alternative that I thought of before but only just got around to writing.
It uses a string to keep track of the rune order but you could use a string builder if speed is important.
func countFreq(s string) {
sMap := make(map[rune]int)
sOut := ""
for _, c := range s {
if sMap[c] == 1 {
sOut += string(c)
for _, c := range sOut {
if sMap[c] > 1 {
fmt.Printf("%c", c)
You're counting runes, so use a map of map[rune]int, so you can omit the conversions back to string.
Maps are unordered, so if you want the output in the same order as the input, you can't (shouldn't) iterate over the map.
Once you counted the letters, range over the input letters again, and get the frequency from the map, and remove it. If the count is greater than 1, also print the number.
func countFreq(s string) {
sMap := make(map[rune]int)
for _, v := range s {
for _, v := range s {
count := sMap[v]
if count == 0 {
continue // Char already printed and removed
delete(sMap, v)
if count > 1 {
Testing it:
for _, s := range []string{"programming", "ab", "aba", "aabcdeac"} {
fmt.Println("In:", s)
fmt.Print("Out: ")
This will output (try it on the Go Playground):
In: programming
Out: p2ro2ga2min
In: ab
Out: ab
In: aba
Out: 2ab
In: aabcdeac
Out: 3ab2cde

Splitting a rune correctly in golang

I'm wondering if there is an easy way, such as well known functions to handle code points/runes, to take a chunk out of the middle of a rune slice without messing it up or if it's all needs to coded ourselves to get down to something equal to or less than a maximum number of bytes.
Specifically, what I am looking to do is pass a string to a function, convert it to runes so that I can respect code points and if the slice is longer than some maximum bytes, remove enough runes from the center of the runes to get the bytes down to what's necessary.
This is simple math if the strings are just single byte characters and be handled something like:
func shortenStringIDToMaxLength(in string, maxLen int) string {
if len(in) > maxLen {
excess := len(in) - maxLen
start := maxLen/2 - excess/2
return in[:start] + in[start+excess:]
return in
but in a variable character width byte string it's either going to be a fair bit more coding looping through or there will be nice functions to make this easy. Does anyone have a code sample of how to best handle such a thing with runes?
The idea here is that the DB field the string will go into has a fixed maximum length in bytes, not code points so there needs to be some algorithm from runes to maximum bytes. The reason for taking the characters from the the middle of the string is just the needs of this particular program.
Once I found out that the range operator respected runes on strings this became easy to do with just strings which I found because of the great answers below. I shouldn't have to worry about the string being a well formed UTF format in this case but if I do I now know about the UTF module, thanks!
Here's what I ended up with:
package main
import (
func ShortenStringIDToMaxLength(in string, maxLen int) string {
if maxLen < 1 {
// Panic/log whatever is your error system of choice.
bytes := len(in)
if bytes > maxLen {
excess := bytes - maxLen
lPos := bytes/2 - excess/2
lastPos := 0
for pos, _ := range in {
if pos > lPos {
lPos = lastPos
lastPos = pos
rPos := lPos + excess
for pos, _ := range in[lPos:] {
if pos >= excess {
rPos = pos
return in[:lPos] + in[lPos+rPos:]
return in
func main() {
out := ShortenStringIDToMaxLength(`123456789 123456789`, 5)
fmt.Println(out, len(out))
Here is an adaptation of your algorithm, which removes incomplete runes from the beginning of your prefix and the end of your suffix :
func TrimLastIncompleteRune(s string) string {
l := len(s)
for i := 1; i <= l; i++ {
suff := s[l-i : l]
// repeatedly try to decode a rune from the last bytes in string
r, cnt := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(suff)
if r == utf8.RuneError {
// if success : return the substring which contains
// this succesfully decoded rune
lgth := l - i + cnt
return s[:lgth]
return ""
func TrimFirstIncompleteRune(s string) string {
// repeatedly try to decode a rune from the beginning
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:]); r != utf8.RuneError {
// if success : return
return s[i:]
return ""
func shortenStringIDToMaxLength(in string, maxLen int) string {
if len(in) > maxLen {
firstHalf := maxLen / 2
secondHalf := len(in) - (maxLen - firstHalf)
prefix := TrimLastIncompleteRune(in[:firstHalf])
suffix := TrimFirstIncompleteRune(in[secondHalf:])
return prefix + suffix
return in
link on
This algorithm only tries to drop more bytes from the selected prefix and suffix.
If it turns out that you need to drop 3 bytes from the suffix to have a valid rune, for example, it does not try to see if it can add 3 more bytes to the prefix, to have an end result closer to maxLen bytes.
You can use simple arithmetic to find start and end such that the string s[:start] + s[end:] is shorter than your byte limit. But you need to make sure that start and end are both the first byte of any utf-8 sequence to keep the sequence valid.
UTF-8 has the property that any given byte is the first byte of a sequence as long as its top two bits aren't 10.
So you can write code something like this (playground:
package main
import (
func truncString(s string, maxLen int) string {
if len(s) <= maxLen {
return s
start := (maxLen + 1) / 2
for start > 0 && s[start]>>6 == 0b10 {
end := len(s) - (maxLen - start)
for end < len(s) && s[end]>>6 == 0b10 {
return s[:start] + s[end:]
func main() {
fmt.Println(truncString("this is a test", 5))
fmt.Println(truncString("日本語", 7))
This code has the desirable property that it takes O(maxLen) time, no matter how long the input string (assuming it's valid utf-8).

Finding longest word in golang

Trying to find the longest word using Go from a sentence.
At the moment I am using this method:
func longestWord(s string) string {
newArr := strings.Split(s, " ")
l := len(newArr[0])
long := newArr[0]
var result string
// fmt.Println(long)
for _, lenString := range newArr {
if len(lenString) > l {
// ll := len(lenString)
// l := len(lenString)
d := &l
p := &long
c := &result
*d = len(lenString)
*p = lenString
*c = lenString
// fmt.Println(lenString)
} else {
c := &result
*c = newArr[0]
return result
func main() {
args := "Monday Tuesday Friday Sunday Wednesday"
But I'm not sure that this is the best method to achieve that. Is there any other elegant way to do that? I know that there is one more method by using sort, but I would prefer more using the way with iteration between words.
"Best" solution
We can even write it more compact than the other answers by taking advantage of the following:
using tuple assignments
initializing the best and its length with the zero values ("" and 0) and omitting the check for 0 words as the for range handles that properly
no need to store words as a local variable as it is only used in the loop
We lose nothing from readability:
func longestWord(s string) string {
best, length := "", 0
for _, word := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
if len(word) > length {
best, length = word, len(word)
return best
Testing it:
fmt.Printf("%q\n", longestWord(""))
args := "Monday Tuesday Friday Sunday Wednesday"
fmt.Printf("%q\n", longestWord(args))
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Most compact solution
Note that storing the length of the best is optional and is purely for optimization purposes, since if we have best, its length is always len(best).
Taking advantage of this, and that we can use named result parameters (and that all variables are initialized to the zero value of their types unless an initial value is provided–which for string is ""), we can even write it more compact, again losing nothing from readability:
func longestWord(s string) (best string) {
for _, word := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
if len(word) > len(best) {
best = word
Testing and output is the same, try it on the Go Playground. Again, in most cases this is probably slightly slower compared to when we stored the length too.
That totally works! You could make it a bit shorter, while also using longer variable names that explain a bit more about your intention.
func longestWord(s string) string {
words := strings.Split(s, " ")
if len(words) == 0 {
return ""
best := words[0]
best_length := 0
for _, word := range words {
if len(word) > best_length {
best = word
best_length = len(word)
return best
You could change this to track a pointer instead of the word itself if you like.
I would do it like this:
func longestWord(s string) string {
newArr := strings.Split(s, " ")
longestWord := ""
longestLength := 0
// loop through the array
for _, word := range newArr {
// save length of word in the actual iteration
length := len(word)
// if length is larger, than longest
if length > longestLength {
// save the new longest word
longestWord = word
longestLength = length
// return the longest word
return longestWord
Implementation can be found on the go playground

Counting the occurrence of one or more substrings in a string

I know that for counting the occurrence of one substring I can use "strings.Count(, )". What if I want to count the number of occurrences of substring1 OR substring2? Is there a more elegant way than writing another new line with strings.count()?
Use a regular expression:
aORb := regexp.MustCompile("A|B")
matches := aORb.FindAllStringIndex("A B C B A", -1)
Another way to do substring matching is with the suffixarray package. Here is an example of matching multiple patterns:
package main
import (
func main() {
r := regexp.MustCompile("an")
index := suffixarray.New([]byte("banana"))
results := index.FindAllIndex(r, -1)
You can also match a single substring with the Lookup function.
If you want to count the number of matches in a large string, without allocating space for all the indices just to get the length and then throwing them away, you can use Regexp.FindStringIndex in a loop to match against successive substrings:
func countMatches(s string, re *regexp.Regexp) int {
total := 0
for start := 0; start < len(s); {
remaining := s[start:] // slicing the string is cheap
loc := re.FindStringIndex(remaining)
if loc == nil {
// loc[0] is the start index of the match,
// loc[1] is the end index (exclusive)
start += loc[1]
return total
func main() {
s := "abracadabra"
fmt.Println(countMatches(s, regexp.MustCompile(`a|b`)))
runnable example at Go Playground

Bitmasking conversion of CPU ids with Go

I have a mask that contains a binary counting of cpu_ids (0xA00000800000 for 3 CPUs) which I want to convert into a string of comma separated cpu_ids: "0,2,24".
I did the following Go implementation (I am a Go starter). Is it the best way to do it? Especially the handling of byte buffers seems to be inefficient!
package main
import (
func main(){
cpuMap := "0xA00000800000"
cpuIds = getCpuIds(cpuMap)
func getCpuIds(cpuMap string) string {
// getting the cpu ids
cpu_ids_i, _ := strconv.ParseInt(cpuMap, 0, 64) // int from string
cpu_ids_b := strconv.FormatInt(cpu_ids_i, 2) // binary as string
var buff bytes.Buffer
for i, runeValue := range cpu_ids_b {
// take care! go returns code points and not the string
if runeValue == '1' {
//fmt.Println(bitString, i)
buff.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i))
if (i+1 < len(cpu_ids_b)) && (runeValue == '1') {
cpuIds := buff.String()
// remove last comma
cpuIds = cpuIds[:len(cpuIds)-1]
return cpuIds
What you're doing is essentially outputting the indices of the "1"'s in the binary representation from left-to-right, and starting index counting from the left (unusal).
You can achieve the same using bitmasks and bitwise operators, without converting it to a binary string. And I would return a slice of indices instead of its formatted string, easier to work with.
To test if the lowest (rightmost) bit is 1, you can do it like x&0x01 == 1, and to shift a whole number bitwise to the right: x >>= 1. After a shift, the rightmost bit "disappears", and the previously 2nd bit becomes the 1st, so you can test again with the same logic. You may loop until the number is greater than 0 (which means it sill has 1-bits).
See this question for more examples of bitwise operations: Difference between some operators "|", "^", "&", "&^". Golang
Of course if we test the rightmost bit and shift right, we get the bits (indices) in reverse order (compared to what you want), and the indices are counted from right, so we have to correct this before returning the result.
So the solution looks like this:
func getCpuIds(cpuMap string) (r []int) {
ci, err := strconv.ParseInt(cpuMap, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
count := 0
for ; ci > 0; count, ci = count+1, ci>>1 {
if ci&0x01 == 1 {
r = append(r, count)
// Indices are from the right, correct it:
for i, v := range r {
r[i] = count - v - 1
// Result is in reverse order:
for i, j := 0, len(r)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
[0 2 24]
If for some reason you need the result as a comma separated string, this is how you can obtain that:
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for i, v := range cpuIds {
if i > 0 {
cpuIdsStr := buf.String()
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
