How do the yarn and spark parameters interplay together? - apache-spark

There are parameters that decide the maximum, minimum and total of the memory and cpu that yarn can allocate via containers
There are also spark side parameters that seemingly would control similar kind of allocations:
What happens when the two set of parameters are infeasible according to the bounds set by the other. For example: What if yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb is set to 1G and the spark.executor.memory is set to 2G? Similar conflicts and infeasibilities could be imagined for the other parameters as well.
What happens in such cases? And, what is the suggested way to set these parameters?

When running Spark on YARN, each Spark executor runs as a YARN container
So take spark.executor.memory as an example:
If spark.executor.memory is 2G and yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb is 1G, then your container will be OOM killer
If spark.executor.memory is 2G and yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb is 4G, then your container is much bigger than needed by the Spark application
Suggestions for setting parameters depend on your hardware resources and other services running on this machine. You can try to use the default value first, and then make adjustments by monitoring machine resources

This excellent and Difference between `yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb` and `yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb`? should give you the basics. Additionally, here is a good SO-related answer Spark on YARN resource manager: Relation between YARN Containers and Spark Executors.
As you are not talking about Kubernetes, then YARN as Resource / Cluster Mgr allocates Executors with needed resouces, based on Spark params / defaults that are allocated based on those YARN params for the Containers.
1 Container = 1 Executor. Some state incorrectly, 1 Container N Executors, not so.
There is minimum allocation and max allocation of resources, based on those YARN params. So,YARN will provide Executors with some wastage of resources, if it can - or of restricted size.
If non-dynamic YARN resource allocation, then Apps start with less resources, else there will be a wait to get all resources, and those acquired are not available for others.
There is also a fair scheduler for more smooth, uniform throughput for many concurrent apps.


How to increase the "memory total" that display on Yarn UI?

I have a cluster on EMR (emr-5.20.0) with a m5.2xlarge as Node Master, two m4.large as core and three m4.large as node workers. The sum of memory ram of this cluster is 62GB, but in the YARN UI the total memory displayed is 30GB.
Somebody can help me understand how this value is calculed ?
I have already check the configuration in Yarn-site.xml and spark-default.conf and them is configured according to the AWS recommendadion:
Every help is welcome
The memory settings in YARN can be configured using the below parameters of cluster:
My tweaking these parameters you can increase/decrease the total memory allocated to the cluster.
Yarn do not include the master node in it's available memory/cores.
So you should get roughly 5 x 8GB (m4.large). You will get less than that because there are memory overhead left for the OS and services.

AWS EMR- Yarn Container

I was running an application on AWS EMR-Spark. Here, is the spark-submit job;-
Arguments : spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster --class s3://spark-config-test/SWALiveOrderModelSpark-1.0.assembly.jar s3://spark-config-test/2017-08-08
AWS uses YARN for resource management. I was looking at the metrics (screenshot below), and have a doubt regarding the YARN 'container' metrics.
Here, the container allocated is shown as 2. However, I was using 4 nodes (3 slave + 1 master),all 8 cores CPU. So, how are only 2 container allocated?
A couple of thing you need to do. First of all, you need to set the following configuration in capacity-scheduler.xml
otherwise YARN will not use all the cores you specify. Secondly, you need to actually specify the number of executors you need, and also the number of cores you need and the amount of memory you want allocated on executors (and possibly on the driver as well, if you either have many shuffle partitions or if you collect data to the driver).
YARN is designed to manage clusters running many different jobs at the time, so it will not per default assign all ressources to a single job, unless you force it to by setting the above mentioned setting. Furthermore, the default setting for Spark are also not sufficient for most jobs and you need to set them explicitly. Please have a read through this blog post to get a better understanding of how to tune spark settings for optimal performance.

how does Spark limit the usage of cpu cores and memory?

How does Spark limit the usage of cpu cores and memory?Does it use cgroups? How about Yarn?
In standalone cluster Spark only manages application predefined resource configs with provided resource pool. Resource pool combined based on executors which added as salves to cluster.
Yarn uses containers and resource limitation applies config of container which defines minimum and maximum core and memory allocation.
In YARN NodeManager is monitoring spark executors' memory usage and killing them if they use above spark.executor.memory
In case of CPU, spark.executor.cores is the amount of concurrent tasks executor can run. More information on Spark Configuration Documentation
You can enable cgroups in yarn and limit CPU usage or YARN containers (spark executors).

Each application submitted by client can launch how many YARN container in each Node Manager?

A container is an abstract notion in YARN. When running Spark on YARN, each Spark executor runs as a YARN container. How many YARN containers can be launched in each Node Manager, by each client-submitted application?
You can run as many executors on a single NodeManager as you want, so long as you have the resources. If you have a server with 20gb RAM and 10 cores, you can run 10 2gb 1core executors on that nodemanager. It wouldn't be advisable to run multiple executors on the same nodemanager as there is overhead cost in shuffling data between executors, even if they process is running on the same machine.
Each executor runs in a YARN container.
Depending on how big your YARN cluster is, how your data is spread out among the worker nodes to have better data locality, how many executors you requested for your application, how much resource(cores per executor, memory per executor) you requested per executor and whether your have enabled dynamic resource allocation, Spark decides on how many executors are needed in total and, how many executors to launch per worker nodes.
If you requested for resource that YARN cluster could not accommodate, your requested will be rejected.
Following are the properties to look out for when making spark-submit request.
--num-executors - number of total executors you need
--executor-cores - number of cores per executor. Max 5 is recommended.
--executor-memory - amount of memory per executor.
-- spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors

Spark with Yarn: Point in providing spark-resource related parameters?

I am reading through literature about Spark & Resource Management i.e. Yarn in my case.
I think I understood the basic concept and how Yarn encapsulates Spark Master/Workers in containers.
Is there any point in still providing resource-parameters such as --driver-memory, --executor-memory or --number-executors? Shouldn't the Yarn-application-master(spark-master) figure out the demand and request accordingly new resources?
Or is it wise to interfere in the resource negotiation process by providing this parameters?
Spark needs to negotiate the resources from YARN. Providing the resource-parameters tells Spark how many resources to request from YARN.
For executors on YARN:
Spark applications use a fixed number of executors (default = 2).
The --num-executors flag for spark-submit, spark-shell, etc. sets the number of executors as expected.
For memory management on YARN:
Set the memory used by each executor using --executor-memory.
Setting --executor-cores tells Spark how many cores to claim from YARN.
Set the amount of memory for the driver process with --driver-memory.
Some general Spark-on-YARN notes:
Use the --queue option if your YARN cluster schedules application into queues.
Spark is optimized for in-memory computation, so ask YARN for a smaller number of memory-heavy executors (with multiple cores and more memory). Be careful if you have set memory caps within YARN.
The Spark on YARN Documentation has more details.
