Let us say we have
data D = X Int | Y Int Int | Z String
I wish to have a function getDConst
getDConst :: D -> String
that returns either "X", "Y", or "Z", according to the data constructor used for its input. Is there a generic way to write this without having to do case on every data constructor? (I am ok with solutions relying on Data.Typeable or something similar)
Found the solution myself, but leaving this question to help others:
import Data.Data
data D = X Int | Y Int Int deriving (Data,Typeable)
let result = show $ toConstr (X 3) -- result contains what we wanted
If you don't want to use Typeable, you can also do this with Show.
getDConst :: D -> String
getDConst = head . words . show
Show will not output all the fields, because it is lazy. You can test it runing this code in ghci:
Prelude> data D = D [Int] deriving (Show)
Prelude> getDConst $ D [1..]
I have a much basic answer to the question without going through imports or whatever. It's Just a simple mere function.
let's say I have the following data. The repetitive Int in the data definition is intentional because I will use the don't care symbol afterwards:
data YES_NO_CANCEL = YES Int | NO Int Int | CANCEL Int Int Int
then you can make a function as :
extractDataType :: YES_NO_CANCEL -> String
extractDataType (YES _) = "YES"
extractDataType (NO _ _) = "NO"
extractDataType (CANCEL _ _ _) = "CANCEL"
When I want to read string to type A I write read str::A. Consider, I want to have generic function which can read string to different types, so I want to write something like read str::A|||B|||C or something similar. The only thing I could think of is:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
infixr 9 |||
data a ||| b = A a|B b deriving Show
-- data a ||| b = N | A a (a ||| b) | B b (a ||| b) deriving (Data, Show)
instance (Read a, Read b) => Read (a ||| b) where
readPrec = parens $ do
a <- (A <$> readPrec) <|> (B <$> readPrec)
-- OR:
-- a <- (flip A N <$> readPrec) <|> (flip B N <$> readPrec)
return a
And if I want to read something:
> read "'a'"::Int|||Char|||String
B (A 'a')
But what to do with such weird type? I want to fold it to Int or to Char or to String... Or to something another but "atomic" (scalar/simple). Final goal is to read strings like "1,'a'" to list-like [D 1, D 'a']. And main constraint here is that structure is flexible, so string can be "1, 'a'" or "'a', 1" or "\"xxx\", 1, 2, 'a'". I know how to read something separated with delimiter, but this something should be passed as type, not as sum of types like C Char|I Int|S String|etc. Is it possible? Or no way to accomplish it without sum of types?
There’s no way to do this in general using read, because the same input string might parse correctly to more than one of the valid types. You could, however, do this with a function like Text.Read.readMaybe, which returns Nothing on ambiguous input. You might also return a tuple or list of the valid interpretations, or have a rule for which order to attempt to parse the types in, such as: attempt to parse each type in the order they were declared.
Here’s some example code, as proof of concept:
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import qualified Text.Read
data AnyOf3 a b c = FirstOf3 a | SecondOf3 b | ThirdOf3 c
instance (Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (AnyOf3 a b c) where
show (FirstOf3 x) = show x -- Can infer the type from the pattern guard.
show (SecondOf3 x) = show x
show (ThirdOf3 x) = show x
main :: IO ()
main =
(putStrLn . unwords . map show . catMaybes . map readDBS)
["True", "2", "\"foo\"", "bar"] >>
(putStrLn . unwords . map show . readIID) "100"
readMaybe' :: (Read a, Read b, Read c) => String -> Maybe (AnyOf3 a b c)
-- Based on the function from Text.Read
readMaybe' x | isJust a && isNothing b && isNothing c =
(Just . FirstOf3 . fromJust) a -- Can infer the type of a from this.
| isNothing a && isJust b && isNothing c =
(Just . SecondOf3 . fromJust) b -- Can infer the type of b from this.
| isNothing a && isNothing b && isJust c =
(Just . ThirdOf3 . fromJust) c -- Can infer the type of c from this.
| otherwise = Nothing
where a = Text.Read.readMaybe x
b = Text.Read.readMaybe x
c = Text.Read.readMaybe x
readDBS :: String -> Maybe (AnyOf3 Double Bool String)
readDBS = readMaybe'
readToList :: (Read a, Read b, Read c) => String -> [AnyOf3 a b c]
readToList x = repack FirstOf3 x ++ repack SecondOf3 x ++ repack ThirdOf3 x
where repack constructor y | isJust z = [(constructor . fromJust) z]
| otherwise = []
where z = Text.Read.readMaybe y
readIID :: String -> [AnyOf3 Int Integer Double]
readIID = readToList
The first output line echoes every input that parsed successfully, that is, the Boolean constant, the number and the quoted string, but not bar. The second output line echoes every possible interpretation of the input, that is, 100 as an Int, an Integer and a Double.
For something more complicated, you want to write a parser. Haskell has some very good libraries to build them out of combinators. You might look at one such as Parsec. But it’s still helpful to understand what goes on under the hood.
Suppose I have a data type
data Foo = Foo String Bool | Bar (String->Bool)
I want a function f that does:
f (Foo _ _) = [String, Bool]
f (Bar _) = [String->Bool]
In particular, I'd like this function to magically know that Foo and Boo are constructors, and not give me either of
f (Foo _ _) = [String -> Bool] -- #Don't want this!!!!
f (Boo _) = [String, Bool] -- #Don't want this!!!!
How can I do this? I know that I can print a list of records of an ADT using Data.Data, but I can't figure out how to print a list of typenames.
(If this is not possible, I would settle for a function f' that takes in ADTs and outputs whether or not it has 0 parameters.
f'(Foo _ _) = False
f'(Bar _) = False
I want this to work even if I don't assign records to the ADT f' operates on.)
Say I have two datatypes look like this:
data DataType1 = DataType1 { id :: Int, values :: [Int]} deriving (Show)
data DataType2 = DataType2 { dataType1Id :: Int, values2 :: [Int]} deriving (Show)
Now I want to compare the average of values and the related values2 (so where DataType1Id = id).
I am pretty new in Haskell so I don't know if this is possible.
This is my function to compare the averages:
isGreaterAvgThen :: DataType2 -> Bool
isGreaterAvgThen x
| average (values2 x) > average (values y) = True
| otherwise = False
where y = ...
average is a function that calculates the average of a list of Ints (average :: [Int] -> Double)
Would this work for you?
where y = fromMaybe (error "missing value") $
find ((== id x) . dataType1Id) listOfDataType2
Since the list might be missing the desired value, the type of find is wrapped in Maybe.... If you are sure that it is there, you can unwrap it with fromMaybe like I did, but be warned, error is just another way to say "crash"....
Let us say we have
data D = X Int | Y Int Int | Z String
I wish to have a function getDConst
getDConst :: D -> String
that returns either "X", "Y", or "Z", according to the data constructor used for its input. Is there a generic way to write this without having to do case on every data constructor? (I am ok with solutions relying on Data.Typeable or something similar)
Found the solution myself, but leaving this question to help others:
import Data.Data
data D = X Int | Y Int Int deriving (Data,Typeable)
let result = show $ toConstr (X 3) -- result contains what we wanted
If you don't want to use Typeable, you can also do this with Show.
getDConst :: D -> String
getDConst = head . words . show
Show will not output all the fields, because it is lazy. You can test it runing this code in ghci:
Prelude> data D = D [Int] deriving (Show)
Prelude> getDConst $ D [1..]
I have a much basic answer to the question without going through imports or whatever. It's Just a simple mere function.
let's say I have the following data. The repetitive Int in the data definition is intentional because I will use the don't care symbol afterwards:
data YES_NO_CANCEL = YES Int | NO Int Int | CANCEL Int Int Int
then you can make a function as :
extractDataType :: YES_NO_CANCEL -> String
extractDataType (YES _) = "YES"
extractDataType (NO _ _) = "NO"
extractDataType (CANCEL _ _ _) = "CANCEL"
I get input (x) from user, convert it to Int by let y = (read x)::Int and then I would like the function to behave in a special way if user gave nothing (empty string).
-- In this place I would like to handle situation in which user
-- gave empty string as argument
-- this doesnt work :/
yearFilter [] y = True
--This works fine as far as y is integer
yearFilter x y | x == (objectYear y) = True
| otherwise = False
Thanks for help,
Perhaps you want a Maybe type? If the user enters the empty string, your function returns Nothing; otherwise it returns Just n, where n is what's entered by the user?
userInt :: String -> Maybe Int
userInt [] = Nothing
userInt s = Just $ read s
(I haven't compiled this code.)
In this case, Maybe may not suffice: You have three conditions to worry about:
The user entered nothing
The user input was valid
The user input was unparsable
This data type and function express this directly:
data Input a = NoInput | Input a | BadInput String
deriving (Eq, Show)
input :: (Read a) => String -> Input a
input "" = NoInput
input s =
case filter (null.snd) (reads s) of
((a,_):_) -> Input a
otherwise -> BadInput s
Note that rather than using the incomplete function read, it uses reads which will not error on input which cannot be converted. reads has a somewhat awkward interface, alas, so I almost always end up wrapping it in a function that returns Maybe a or something like this here.
Example use:
> input "42" :: Input Int
Input 42
> input "cat" :: Input Int
BadInput "cat"
> input "" :: Input Int
I would code your yearFilter function like this:
yearFilter :: Maybe Int -> Int -> Bool
yearFilter Nothing _ = True
yearFilter (Just x) y = x == objectYear y
Then I'd handle user input as:
inputToMaybe :: Input a -> Maybe a
inputToMaybe (Input a) = Just a
inputToMaybe _ = Nothing
a <- input `fmap` getLine
case a of
BadInput s -> putStrLn ("Didn't understand " ++ show s)
otherwise -> ... yearFilter (inputToMaybe a) ....
N.B.: I've cleaned up the code in yearFilter a bit: no need to use guards to produce a boolean from a test - just return the test, function application (objectYear) binds tighter than operators (==) so removed parenthesis, replaced names of unused inputs with _.
Okay, I admit I can't help myself.... I've rewritten yearFilter yet again, this time as I would be inclined to write it:
yearFilter :: Maybe Int -> Int -> Bool
yearFilter x y = maybe True (== objectYear y) x
Learning about Maybe and maybe was first thing about Haskell that really made me love the language.
There is no NULL unless you explicitly define it. You could check for empty strings like this.
readInput :: IO ()
readInput = do
ln <- getLine
if valid ln
then -- whatever
else -- whatever
valid x
| null x = False
| not istJust convert x = False
| otherwise = True
where convert :: String -> Maybe Int
convert = fmap fst $ listToMaybe . reads $ "f"
The 'read' function cannot convert an empty string to an int, and will cause an error if you try to do so. You'll need to test whether the input is an empty string before converting to int. If you want to use a default value (such as 0) in the event that the user enters an empty string, you could do something like this:
let y = if null x then 0 else read x