How Can I Automate An Email With Excel? - excel

I'm currently trying to automate some emails since I've been tasked with sending 430 emails to costumers of the company I work with.
I am working with Odoo for my contacts list, using a Mac and its subsequent Apple products to send the emails. I tried looking at some tutorials online but got stuck at "2. Read the excel field and store in dt1 3. Use for each row to loop through each rows of dt1." I am 100% new to Excel so I don't know what this means.
I have the names and emails of the customers ready in an excel file already, however, I don't know how to add in the subject line and body. The body needs to contain this line, "Good Morning/Afternoon, NAME_OF_CUSTOMER," I need a way to also automate the fill in.
These were the tutorials I was using:
Any help appreciated, I really don't want to do all of this by hand.

You can achieve this directly by Odoo.
Install "Email Marketing" Application in Odoo and select your contacts or import a CSV/XLS file in Newsletter Leads model.
Then you'll be able to create a campaign and massively send emails to your contacts.
You should first configure an SMTP server in Odoo via Settings -> Technical Features -> Out-bound email servers


How can I use a VBA macro on an excel form (used by multiple people) to send a completed form as a PDF attachment from dynamic Gmail accounts

I have created a form for the use of our less tech-savvy field supervisors. It is a form that they have to manually fax us and it usually arrives much later than what we need in the administrative office that I work at. I was wanting to use this new excel form to assist them with effectively completing the form and using a single button command to create a new PDF and Excel file with a dynamic name (based on sheet name) and to automatically send it as an email through their company gmail account.
I have successfully managed to create the dynamic sheet name and creation of the PDF and new Excel document, but I cannot seem to find a way to use gmail as a way to email said PDF. The only sources I can find regarding it seem to limit it to one specific email address that can be used to send it. I need to find a way to have it be dynamic since we have dozens of different people that would use this form.

Trying to draft custom email body in outlook from excel spreadsheet

I'm trying to learn how to use Excel/VBA to automate as much of the below workflow as I can:
I receive an email from a manager notifying me that an employee has Covid. This initial notification is not standardized
I manually enter the information (employee name, their state, company, test date, test results, etc) into a spreadsheet. Sometimes certain cells information are left blank if they are not provided in #1
I REPLY ALL to original email. I use a template and edit based on the information I've entered into the spreadsheet (for instance, certain states have different guidelines) and attach PDFs depending on the company. I may also ask for missing information
My goal is to:
Be able to press a button in excel to draft an email body with information I've entered into spreadsheet. A combination of "mad lib" and "if this then that". If specific cells are blank, Id want the email to include what information i still need. I only send this specific email once, but I have to do it again every time there is a new Covid case.
My restrictions are:
Multiple people use this same workflow and spreadsheet, so ideally it would be simple for coworkers. I do not want excel to automatically send the email without the user reviewing it first.
I am very new to VBA, but am learning Python.
I cannot download anything on my work computer.
Thank you so much!

From Excel to Outlook: how to do the link especially with files such as PDF

First a few words of context:
In my company we always have to attach 3 PDF files when it comes to sending an e-mail (by Outlook) to a client regarding a product. Sometimes when we speak about several products, we have to send even more PDF files. Hopefully some files are redundant because they are "family" of products but still it's really a mess.
Then I got the idea of creating an excel sheet with the list of all the products and all the associated PDFs to send. The idea is to tick the box of which files we want to send then click on the big email icon and all the chosen documents will be already attached to an e-mail in Outlook. After that all you have to do is to write the name of the client and you're done: send it!.
Having an idea is great but implementing it is better. That's where my Excel and VBA skills are lacking.
Here are the questions: to assign a pdf files to a "box" to create the link from Excel to an email in Outlook by simply clicking on the mail icon so that all chosen documents are attached in the email?
Here are the pictures that will help you understand the issue.
Your approach is almost right, but off a bit. Please see the link below. You should find your answer there.

How can I create a connection/link between Excel and an Outlook email?

I've been sending Outlook emails from Excel for a while, using it to manage my sales and project management activities at work. I've been enjoying increased productivity from it, so I want to do some more advanced things. For example, I think I have the code worked out, probably in a crude way, to have Excel help keep track of emails that have not been replied to. (I simply have Outlook, for each new email, open a workbook, and create a record in a new row, then have Excel attempt to match it to an email I previously sent.)
But once I have a record in Excel of such an email, it has no link or connection to the actual email. I want to be able to click on the Excel icon or link for the email, and then pull up the actual email.
I have found possibilities in using EntryIDs and MessageIDs, Outlook URLs and GUIDs,and even good-old AdvancedSearch (but I think having Excel search for an email that it initiated seems pretty clunky; there should be a way to create a hard link to the email).
Relatedly, and also probably just as clunky, but I've pondered "embedding" a unique identifier in each Excel-initiated email, that could be used to find it and link it back to a record in Excel. In an HTML email, I can add a string of numbers under my signature, in white text on a white background, and it's not perfect but in most cases should go unnoticed, and would allow my spreadsheet to positively identify it (as a reply to a particular email, etc.)
I know we're not supposed to ask for "advice" but I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction to something that may work for what I hope to accomplish.
Why not use the email's time sent (TIMESTAMP - MMDDYYYYHHSS), Recipient, and Subject Line as unique, identifying markers? Add these fields to your row data. Then, after email is sent, create a macro event that will:
Launch the Outlook App
Open the Sent Folder
Loop through all items
Filter email to the markers (Time, Recipient, Subject Line) of the active Excel row
Open the Email Item
Aside, my personal advice is to use a database like MS Access which works great with its siblings, Excel and Outlook. Also, it is designed to maintain relationships between data elements. Access could hold all the needed email content (emailID, recipient, subject, body, date, emailsent?) and with forms can provide AfterUpdate, ButtonClick, OnOpen events to manage the process of data entry, email process, data update, so on. If only you knew the increased productivity that comes with a relational database!
You can add a user property to the MailItem class. See the UserProperties collection for more information.
The automated systems add an ID to the end if the Subject line.

How to send email at specied time and date in crm 2011

after selecting lead and if Email button from ribbon is selected , then email form opens , here is it possible to set time and date for email to be send.
i tried "Actual start , Actual end , Due date etc" but mails sends immediatly after send button is pressed.
Is there any other ways to set Date and time for sending email.
Thanks in Advance.
I don't think there is a great out of the box solution for what you are looking for. However, depending on which version of CRM you are using (online vs on premise) You can create workflow that will fire off of one of those date fields being set (or a custom one) and wait until that specified time. To actually send it you will have create a workflow assembly (on prem only at this time I believe) to send that e-mail record out.
If it is online or you want to not add any code you can still do this trick. There are some drawbacks such as the e-mail would be text only, not able to recreate the activity party lists and some other things. Here is what I would do.
Create a new entity called Scheduled E-mail
Create all of the e-mail fields that you need to recreate as well as a date field to send the e-mail out by.
Create the workflow on the Scheduled E-mail entity to wait until the specified date.
After the step use the "Send E-mail" step to send the e-mail and copy over all of the fields you need.
This isn't a perfect solution, but will work with no code.
Hope this helps!
