How to read from a written file? - python-3.x

I need to use changed text document (from a function changed_document) in a function called lines. But I cannot just simply use the changed list or string. It shows me an error that "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'readlines'". So I've tried to write the changed text in to a new text file and then read it to use in the line function. But it doesn't work. I cannot read that newly written text file. It prints just empty lines.
def reading():
doc = open("C:/Users/s.txt", "r", encoding= 'utf-8')
docu = doc
return docu
def longest_word_place(document):
words =
i = 0
max = 0
max_place = 0
for i in range(len(words)):
if len(words[i]) > max:
max = len(words[i])
max_place = i
return max_place
def changed_document (document):
list = []
for line in document:
for symbol in line:
if symbol.isnumeric():
symbol = ' '
if symbol in "#,.;«\³][:¡|>^' '<?+=_-)(*&^%$£!`":
symbol = ' '
document_changed =''.join([str(item) for item in list])
return document_changed
def lines(document):
lines = document.readlines()
max_word = ''
max_line = 0
for line_index, every_line in enumerate(lines, 1):
line_words = every_line.strip().split()
for each_word in line_words:
if len(each_word) > len(max_word):
max_word = each_word
max_line = line_index
print(f"{max_word = }, {max_line = }")
document = reading()
ch_dok = changed_document(document)
text_file = open("C:/Users/changed_doc.txt", "w+", encoding= 'utf-8')
doc1 = open("C:/Users/changed_doc.txt", "r", encoding= 'utf-8')
for line1 in doc1:

In "text_file.close" you missed the parenthesis, so the file is not closed (just the function itself is returned, not called).
Perhaps this is the issue..?


Read data from txt file, store it, use it for analyzing, write it to the txt file

The task is to read from given txt file the data add the numbers in there to the list[], so that every number in a row will be a element/object in this list. After reading the file created list will be sent to the main().
this list with the objects will be parameters for the def Analyze part in where at the same time
will be found min, max, average and sum.
def lueTiedosto(data):
Tiedosto = open("L07T4D1.txt", 'r', encoding="UTF-8")
Rivi = Tiedosto.readline()
while (len(Rivi) > 0):
Rivi = Tiedosto.readline()
for element in data:
print(f"Tiedosto L07T4D1.txt luettu.")
return element
The fixed code which works:
def lueTiedosto(data):
Lue = input("Luettavan tiedoston nimi on ''.\n")
print(f"Anna uusi nimi, enter säilyttää nykyisen: ", end='')
Tiedosto = open(Lue, 'r', encoding="UTF-8")
Rivi = Tiedosto.readline()
while (len(Rivi) > 0):
Rivi = Tiedosto.readline()
print(f"Tiedosto '{Lue}' luettu.")
return data
Making an assumption that your input file is similar to the following:
I would do the following:
filepath = r".......\L07T4D1.txt" # Path to file being loaded
def readData(filepath: str) -> list[int]:
# Returns a list of integers from file
rslt = []
with open (filepath, 'r') as f:
data = f.readline().strip()
while data:
data = data.split(' ')
data = f.readline().strip()
return rslt
def analyze(data: list[int]) -> None:
# prints results of data analysis
print(f'Max Value = {max(data)}')
print(f'Min Value = {min(data)}')
print(f'Sum Value = {sum(data)}')
print(f'Avg Value = {sum(data)/len(data)}')
Running analyze(readData(filepath)) Yields:
Max Value = 12345
Min Value = 10000
Sum Value = 44353
Avg Value = 11088.25

I am trying to match a value in a txt file

def job():
current_balance = token_balance(contract, wallet)
with open('jade1.txt', 'a') as data:
current_data = f'{current_balance}\n'
test_string = 'current_data'
matched = re.match("[a-z][0-9][a-z][0-9]+", test_string)
is_match = bool(matched)
if is_match:
I cannot seem to not input the current_data if it matches the value in the file. I only want to append the file if it is a new value. What am I doing wrong?

Plotting multiple lines with a Nested Dictionary, and unknown variables to Line Graph

I was able to find somewhat of an answer to my question, but it was not as nested as my dictionary and so I am really unsure how to proceed as I am still very new to python. I currently have a nested dictionary like
{'140.10': {'46': {'1': '-49.50918', '2': '-50.223637', '3': '49.824406'}, '28': {'1': '-49.50918', '2': '-50.223637', '3': '49.824406'}}}:
I am wanting to plot it so that '140.10' becomes the title of the graph and '46' and '28' become the individual lines and key '1' for example is on the y axis and the x axis is the final number (in this case '-49.50918). Essentially a graph like this:
I generated this graph with a csv file that is written at another part of the code just with excel:
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
The problem I am running into is that these keys are autogenerated from a larger csv file and I will not know their exact value until the code has been run. As each of the keys are autogenerated in an earlier part of the script. As I will be running it over various files called the Graph name, and each file will have a different values for:
{key1:{key2_1: {key3_1: value1, key3_2: value2, key3_3: value3}, key_2_2 ...}}}
I have tried to do something like this:
for filename in os.listdir(Directory):
if filename.endswith('.csv'):
q = filename.split('.csv')[0]
s = q.split('_')[0]
if s in time_an_dict:
atom = list(time_an_dict[s])
ion = time_an_dict[s]
for f in time_an_dict[s]:
x_val = []
y_val = []
fz = ion[f]
for i in time_an_dict[s][f]:
pos = (fz[i])
frame = i
'''ions = atom
frame = frames
position = pos
plt.plot(frame, position, label = frames)
But it has not run as intended.
I have also tried:
for filename in os.listdir(Directory):
if filename.endswith('_Atom.csv'):
q = filename.split('.csv')[0]
s = q.split('_')[0]
if s in window_dict:
name = s + '_Atom.csv'
time_an_dict[s] = analyze_time(name,window_dict[s])
new = '{}_A_pos.csv'.format(s)
ions = list(time_an_dict.values())[0].keys()
for i in ions:
x_axis_values = []
y_axis_values = []
frame = list(time_an_dict[s][i])
empty = []
for x in frame:
values = time_an_dict[s][i][x]
plt.plot(x_axis_values, y_axis_values, label = x )
But keep getting the error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 175, in
plt.plot(x_axis_values, y_axis_values, label = x ) File "/Users/hxb51/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/",
line 2840, in plot
return gca().plot( File "/Users/hxb51/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/",
line 1743, in plot
lines = [*self._get_lines(*args, data=data, **kwargs)] File "/Users/hxb51/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/",
line 273, in call
yield from self._plot_args(this, kwargs) File "/Users/hxb51/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/",
line 394, in _plot_args
self.axes.xaxis.update_units(x) File "/Users/hxb51/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/",
line 1466, in update_units
default = self.converter.default_units(data, self) File "/Users/hxb51/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/",
line 107, in default_units
axis.set_units(UnitData(data)) File "/Users/hxb51/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/",
line 176, in init
self.update(data) File "/Users/hxb51/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/",
line 209, in update
for val in OrderedDict.fromkeys(data): TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
Here is the remainder of the other parts of the code that generate the files and dictionaries I am using. I was told in another question I asked that this could be helpful.
# importing dependencies
import math
import sys
import pandas as pd
import MDAnalysis as mda
import os
import numpy as np
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Directory = '/Users/hxb51/Desktop/Q_prof/Displacement_Charge/Blah'
''' We are only looking at the positions of the CLAs and SODs and not the DRUDE counterparts. We are assuming the DRUDE
are very close and it is not something that needs to be concerned with'''
def Positions(dcd, topo):
fields = ['Window', 'ION', 'ResID', 'Location', 'Position', 'Frame', 'Final']
with open('{}_Atoms.csv'.format(s), 'a') as d:
writer = csv.writer(d)
CLAs = u.select_atoms('segid IONS and name CLA')
SODs = u.select_atoms('segid IONS and name SOD')
CLA_res = len(CLAs)
SOD_res = len(SODs)
frame = 0
for ts in u.trajectory[-10:]:
frame +=1
CLA_pos = CLAs.positions[:,2]
SOD_pos = SODs.positions[:,2]
for i in range(CLA_res):
ids = i + 46
if CLA_pos[i] < 0:
with open('{}_Atoms.csv'.format(s), 'a') as q:
new_line = [s,'CLA', ids, 'Bottom', CLA_pos[i], frame,10]
writes = csv.writer(q)
with open('{}_Atoms.csv'.format(s), 'a') as q:
new_line = [s,'CLA', ids, 'Top', CLA_pos[i], frame, 10]
writes = csv.writer(q)
for i in range(SOD_res):
ids = i
if SOD_pos[i] < 0:
with open('{}_Atoms.csv'.format(s), 'a') as q:
new_line = [s,'SOD', ids, 'Bottom', SOD_pos[i], frame,10]
writes = csv.writer(q)
with open('{}_Atoms.csv'.format(s), 'a') as q:
new_line = [s,'SOD', ids, 'Top', SOD_pos[i], frame, 10]
writes = csv.writer(q)
csv_Data = pd.read_csv('{}_Atoms.csv'.format(s))
filename = s + '_Atom.csv'
sorted_df = csv_Data.sort_values(["ION", "ResID", "Frame"],
ascending=[True, True, True])
sorted_df.to_csv(filename, index = False)
''' this function underneath looks at the ResIds, compares them to make sure they are the same and then counts how many
times the ion flip flops around the boundaries'''
def turn_dict(f):
read = open(f)
reader = csv.reader(read, delimiter=",", quotechar = '"')
my_dict = {}
new_list = []
for row in reader:
for i in range(len(new_list[:])):
prev = i - 1
if new_list[i][2] == new_list[prev][2]:
if new_list[i][3] != new_list[prev][3]:
if new_list[i][2] in my_dict:
my_dict[new_list[i][2]] += 1
my_dict[new_list[i][2]] = 1
return my_dict
def plot_flips(f):
dict = turn_dict(f)
ions = list(dict.keys())
occ = list(dict.values()), occ, tick_label = ions)
plt.xlabel("Residue ID")
plt.ylabel("Boundary Crosses")
def analyze_time(f, dicts):
read = open(f)
reader = csv.reader(read, delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
new_list = []
keys = list(dicts.keys())
time_dict = {}
pos_matrix = {}
for row in reader:
fields = ['ResID', 'Position', 'Frame']
with open('{}_A_pos.csv'.format(s), 'a') as k:
writer = csv.writer(k)
for i in range(len(new_list[:])):
if new_list[i][2] in keys:
with open('{}_A_pos.csv'.format(s), 'a') as k:
new_line = [new_list[i][2], new_list[i][4], new_list[i][5]]
writes = csv.writer(k)
read = open('{}_A_pos.csv'.format(s))
reader = csv.reader(read, delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
time_list = []
for row in reader:
for j in range(len(keys)):
for i in range(len(time_list[1:])):
if time_list[i][0] == keys[j]:
pos_matrix[time_list[i][2]] = time_list[i][1]
time_dict[keys[j]] = pos_matrix
return time_dict
window_dict = {}
for filename in os.listdir(Directory):
s = filename.split('.dcd')[0]
fors = s + '.txt'
topos = '/Users/hxb51/Desktop/Q_prof/Displacement_Charge/topo.psf'
if filename.endswith('.dcd'):
print('We are starting with {} \n '.format(s))
u = mda.Universe(topos, filename)
Positions(filename, topos)
name = s + '_Atom.csv'
window_dict[s] = turn_dict(name)
time_an_dict = {}
for filename in os.listdir(Directory):
if filename.endswith('.csv'):
q = filename.split('.csv')[0]
s = q.split('_')[0]
if s in window_dict:
name = s + '_Atom.csv'
time_an_dict[s] = analyze_time(name,window_dict[s])
for filename in os.listdir(Directory):
if filename.endswith('.csv'):
q = filename.split('.csv')[0]
s = q.split('_')[0]
if s in time_an_dict:
atom = list(time_an_dict[s])
ion = time_an_dict[s]
for f in time_an_dict[s]:
x_val = []
y_val = []
fz = ion[f]
for i in time_an_dict[s][f]:
pos = (fz[i])
frame = i
'''ions = atom
frame = frames
position = pos
plt.plot(frame, position, label = frames)
Everything here runs well except this last bottom block of code. That deals with trying to make a graph from a nested dictionary. Any help would be appreciated!
I figured out the answer:
for filename in os.listdir(Directory):
if filename.endswith('_Atom.csv'):
q = filename.split('.csv')[0]
s = q.split('_')[0]
if s in window_dict:
name = s + '_Atom.csv'
time_an_dict[s] = analyze_time(name,window_dict[s])
new = '{}_A_pos.csv'.format(s)
ions = list(time_an_dict[s])
plt.yticks(np.arange(-50, 50, 5))
plt.ylabel('Z axis position(Ang)')
for i in ions:
x_value = []
y_value = []
time_frame =len(time_an_dict[s][i]) +1
for frame in range(1,time_frame):
frame = str(frame)
plt.plot(x_value, y_value, label=[i])
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 11, 1))
From there, with the combo of the other parts of the code, it produces these graphs:
For more than 1 file as long as there is more '.dcd' files.

How do I append a text changing the number format?

I'm getting number from a HTML, some of them are %, 4 digits and 7 digits (37.89%, 3.464, 2,193.813). I would like to save just the numbers, not the percentages, without the thousand separators (".").
list_of_rows = []
for row in table.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'quadrado'}):
list_of_cells = []
for cell in row.findAll('span', attrs={'class': 'circulo'}):
text = cell.text
# print(text)
for cell_index in row.findAll('span', attrs={'class': 'triangulo'}):
text_index = cell_index.text
list_of_cells_index = [text, text_index]
list_of_cells_index_clean = ','.join(list_of_cells_index) # remove brackets and ''
# print(list_of_cells_index_clean)
outfile = open("./list.csv", "a")
writer = csv.writer(outfile, lineterminator = '\n')
I would like to get:
37.89%, 3464, 2193,813.
How can I do it?
I don't know all your input parameters, but this works for the ones that you provided.
s = ('37.89%', '3.464', '2,193.813')
for item in s:
remove_comma = item.replace(',', '')
keep_percentage = re.findall(r'\d{1,4}\.\d{1,4}%', remove_comma)
if keep_percentage:
keep_percentage = ''.join(keep_percentage)
print (keep_percentage)
if (len(remove_comma)) == 5:
print (remove_comma.replace('.', ''))
print (remove_comma.replace('.', ','))

Python forming a dictionary from a text file with value being a tuple

import pickle
def create_dict():
final_image_dict = {}
f_name = "./images/image_dict.txt"
handle = open(f_name, encoding = 'utf-8')
for line in handle:
if line.startswith(" ") : continue
terms = line.split(": ")
term = terms[0]
dict_tuple = terms[1].split(",")
caption = dict_tuple[0]
image = dict_tuple[1]
final_image_dict[term] = final_image_dict.get(term, dict_tuple)
with open("./images/final_image_dict.txt", "wb") as image_infile:
pickle.dump(final_image_dict, image_infile)
I am trying , with the above function, to create a dictionary in the format of key:(caption, image) from a text file of the following format:
addugliare: (Coil a rope = Avvolgere a spire una cima,addugliare.gif),
admiral: (classic anchor= ancora classico,admiral.gif),
aft: (verso la poppa, aft.gif),
alberatura: (mastage,alberatura.gif),
albero: (mast = albero, albero.gif),
ancore: (anchors, anchore.gif),
andatu: (tacks, andatu.gif),
armi: (sailing craft, armi.gif),
bearing: (rilevamento , bearing.gif), etc
My problem is in creating the tuple for the value.
The above gives {'mooring': [' (ormeggio', ' mooring.gif)', '\n'], 'knot(speed)': [' (nodo(velocità)', ' knot.gif)', '\n'], 'addugliare': [' (Coil a rope = Avvolgere a spire una cima', 'addugliare.gif)', rather than 'mooring': ('ormeggio','mooring.gif') which is the format that I want. Could someone please help. I have also tried (caption, image) which seems to return a tuple of a tuple which doesn't work for me either
Maybe something like this (modified to ignore blank lines and trailing whitespace):
def extractTuple(s):
s = s.strip()
n = len(s)
p = s[1:n-1].split(',')
return (p[0].strip(),p[1].strip())
def dictFromFile(fname):
f = open(fname)
lines ='\n')
d = {}
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.endswith(','):
line = line[:len(line)-1]
k,v = line.split(':')
d[k] = extractTuple(v)
return d
With your example data:
>>> d = dictFromFile("test.txt")
>>> for k in d: print(k,':',d[k])
admiral : ('classic anchor= ancora classico', 'admiral.gif')
armi : ('sailing craft', 'armi.gif')
addugliare : ('Coil a rope = Avvolgere a spire una cima', 'addugliare.gif')
aft : ('verso la poppa', 'aft.gif')
andatu : ('tacks', 'andatu.gif')
alberatura : ('mastage', 'alberatura.gif')
albero : ('mast = albero', 'albero.gif')
ancore : ('anchors', 'anchore.gif')
bearing : ('rilevamento', 'bearing.gif')
