How to open REPL in vim using fireplace plugin - vim

I have vim-fireplace plugin installed using's readme as follows:
First cider-nrepl installation by adding line {:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.28.5"]]}} to ~/.lein/profiles.clj file.
Then copy-pasted installation instructions for fireplace from README.
Then installed salve.vim by following its readme from the provided link.
Now I want to use fireplace by opening two separate windows in vim, one for the clojure code file and another for the REPL. I started repl in terminal using lein repl and then in vim :Connect nrepl:// gives not an editor command error. Also Note: I tried :Eval to evaluate a code but vim says not an editor command. Can you tell me where is the mistake in the installation or execution of vim-fireplace plugin?
Also link to vim-fireplace commands/keys guide will be helpful.

Fireplace commands only work, if you are in a *.clj* file.
So if commands like :Connect are not there even when in your project.clj file, then your installation of the fireplace plugin did not work.
If you are using Salve, you can also use :Console, which then will give you a separate REPL (:term, xorg term, tmux, ...)


nvim finds the function but vim does not

I am using a vim/nvim plugin asyncrun that enables an API call that works fine in nvim if I implement it in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim using a line:
call asyncrun#run("", "cwd", "firefox")
Now this same line does not work for vim if I try to use it inside ~/.vimrc. I always get a warning:
Unknown finction: asyncrun#run
What needs to be changed in order for this to also work for vim?
Following the #doopNudles comment I also clarify that vim plugin is manually installed in the folder ~/.vim/pack/my-plugins/start/vim-asyncrun/asyncrun.vim/plugin/asyncrun.vim. I install all my vim plugins the same way (using the vim v8 native ability to detect plugins).
The problem was that ~/.vim/pack/my-plugins/start/vim-asyncrun/asyncrun.vim/plugin/asyncrun.vim has one extra folder!
It works if I delete the extra folder asyncrun.vim like this ~/.vim/pack/my-plugins/start/vim-asyncrun/plugin/asyncrun.vim

Cannot load CoqIDE plugin for vim

I'm trying to use the CoqIDE for vim plugin I found on this page.
I put the coq_IDE.vim file in ~/.vim/ftplugin folder. My current .vimrc file is:
set showcmd
set number
imap hl <Esc>
filetype plugin on
But when I start vim CoqIDE doesn't load automatically (I see no change whatsoever compared to normal vim, so I don't think it did). And when I try to load it manually by the command :source coq_IDE.vim, I get the following error message:
E484: Can't open file coq_IDE.vim
What could be the source of this error?
Here are some additional information that might be relevant:
1) I am running Ubuntu 14.04.
2) I checked that :version in vim shows +perl.
2) I am running vim from terminal, not gvim.
3) I tried removing and reinstalling different versions of vim (vim, vim-gtk, vim-gnome)
4) The CoqIDE installation guide says that coqtop.opt should be accessible via the PATH variable. Since I'm not even sure what this means, this might be the problem here, but that seems unlikely. From what I understand vim is getting errors when trying to read coq_IDE.vim, so it's not even getting to the part where it's looking for coqtop.opt.
5) I have CoqIDE installed from Ubuntu Software Center.
6) With :echo &runtimepath I get: ~/.vim,/var/lib/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim74,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,/var/lib/vim/addons/after,~/.vim/after
The instructions are bad.
Put the file in ~/.vim/plugin not ~/.vim/ftplugin
The file layout should look exactly like the file layout found in this mirror for the plugin. (Maybe take a look at pathogen or vundle,).
The reason the :source coq_IDE.vim fails is vim is looking for the file coq_IDE.vim in the current directory and it isn't there. Use the full path to file if you are going to source it manually. (You shouldn't need to though.)

Vim74: E149 Sorry no help for help.txt

I just downloaded and installed vim74 on to my linux box. I'm only installing locally, for the user. When I go into vim, and do :help, I get the error.
I tried adding:
let $VIM='home/myuser/vim74'
let $VIMRUNTIME='home/myuser/vim74/runtime'
to my .vimrc but it didn't help. How can I fix this?
When building vim yourself and installing locally it seems that you need to generate the helptags manually from within vim since the build process doesn't seem to do it. I ran into this very same issue when building the latest vim version 8.0.311. I followed the link in Ben Klein's comment above, but both my &helpfile and &runtimepath were correct, yet I still received the E149 error when doing :help which I assume is your situation as well postelrich.
I found the helptags solution here:
Even though I was installing vim locally on a centos system and not a mac, the issue seems to be universal. I just replaced $VIMRUNTIME with the path to the local vim runtime installed from make install, which in your case may be something like /home/myuser/vim74/runtime
Specifically I ran this from within vim:
:helptags ~/share/vim/vim80/doc
In your case you will probably run something like:
:helptags ~/vim74/runtime/doc
Once done, :help should immediately start working again without having to restart vim.
You can get the same “E149 Sorry no help for help.txt” error if you have a long-running Vim session and the Vim program files were upgraded in the meantime.
This happened to me: I had started an editing session in a GNU screen window on my Debian testing system using Vim 8.1. Some time later, unattenttended-upgrades upgraded Vim 8.1 to 8.2 with the result that the run-time paths were now no longer valid. I could have saved the session and restarted Vim, but it was simpler/easier to run the following command (specific to 8.2):
:set helpfile=/usr/share/vim/vim82/doc/help.txt

Unable to use fugitive.vim on gVim on Windows 7

I am using gVim on Windows 7 and I have tried installing fugitive.vim as described here.
As per the link , I have extracted fugitive.vim to
vim73/plugin folder which is in the runtime path for my gVim. But when I restart the gVim, I get "Not an editor command" message when I type in :Gedit , or :Git and also :h fugitive isn't giving a help page.
Also, I tried using the recommended pathogen.vim method as described here. I extracted pathogen.vim into my vim73/autoload folder and then created a bundle folder in gVim home directory(c:\Program Files\Vim). I extracted fugitive.vim into the bundle folder.
Updated the _vimrc file with the execute pathogen#infect() command and restarted gVim, but no luck..
Please help me understand where I am going wrong.
I have found it difficult to get fugitive working on Windows.
I do have a few things for you to try, found using :h plugin.
:echo has("eval")
If this returns 0, your build of vim/gvim does not support plugins.
:echo g:loaded_fugitive
If this returns an error, vim did not spot your plugin during start, check :h plugin for correct directories to install to.
If this returns 1, as mine did and it still did not work, try adding set shellslash to your .vimrc file. This got mine working.

fresh installation of gvim on ubuntu. where should I put my plugins?

I just installed gvim on fresh installation of ubuntu lucid. I've messed this up before that's why I want to start on the correct step here.
Where should I keep all my plugins and my .vimrc??
my current runtimepath on gvim is:
one thing that i've never been able to get working on gvim is snipMate. Anyone has pointers on having that work with gvim?
I use pathogen with ~/.vimrc and plugins in ~/.vim/bundle, more details here. You can see an example here.
Plugin folder is always under ~home/.vim or ~home/vimfiles your vim configuration file or .vimrc always in your ~home/ as for example: ~home/.vimrc
Snipmate fully works for me under Ubuntu. unzip it correclty and it should work right. BTW a great great plugin.
