Why I couldn't fetch any data in flurry explorer? "Failed to fetch data" in flurry explorer these days - flurry

"Failed to fetch data" in flurry explorer these days. enter image description here
We've tried all the devices we have and checked the network but it did not work. I need data for latest dates.


Download of saved posts not dependent on login

Attempting to download my own saved posts using
instaloader --login=XXX :saved
leads to some nasty
HTTP Error 400 (Bad Request) on GraphQL Query. Retrying with shorter page length.
From what I know, this is Instagram's response to when it detects automated activity from an account. This led to a "Suspicious activity" screen.
Looking over the code, an Iterator[Post] is created, containing all saved posts from the logged in account. This seems like the only moment that a login is actually required. Because I keep getting the 400 code, I assume the download of posts is being done through my account and triggering the alerts.
How could I logout from my account and perform the download without it being tied to my account?
I am only interested in downloading public posts and I am aware that posts from private accounts would not be downloaded.

Dynamics 365 Marketing push notification not sending

We are trying to implement Push Notifications for Dynamics 365 marketing. Using the documentation from Microsoft Create push notifications
My Android studio successfully receive test notifications from Firebase in my emulator we well as on my Android Phone.
Device FcmToken and ApiToken sent successfully to D365. Like in this article Device registration for Android applications
D365 say its got a valid connection to my app as well as found my device. I can also see my mobile devices was registered with the correct Contact id.
I configured then a push and using the "Test Send" and selecting the app and the contact I receive a screen pop-up "Test message has been sent successfully"
However I never receive the notification on the device.
Firebase test messages works perfectly.
Hope someone can help me in pointing out what I'm missing.
Thanks in advance.

Quota extension of Youtube Data Api

Is there any way to increase the quota limit of Youtube Data API which is 10000/day? or is there any other way to use Youtube Data API without any limitation of quota?
Go to the Google developer console. Under library where you have selected the YOutube api Click manage
Click quota on the left
Then click the link to go to the quota page and request additional quota. Expect a wait. It took me between three to six months to get a quota extension.
There is no way to use the API without quota.

Office cloud storage partner program registration

I am traying to make a registration for Office cloud storage partner program
From this link Office cloud storage partner program registration
I get this error "Error: Something went wrong while submitting the form."
When i use the form on this page Office Cloud Storage Partner Program
The form is submitted. But i get no receipt or any other response
Any suggestion for completing a registration
Got reponse from Microsoft one week after sign up. Signede a NDA and now i am up and have now joined the program

How download PDF invoice of Azure

How can I download a pdf of my invoice? See screenshot; http://prntscr.com/jmu1gn
You have the option to get your invoice in email (.pdf) - You can opt in and configure additional recipients to receive your Azure invoice in an email. This feature may not be available for certain subscriptions such as support offers, Enterprise Agreements, or Azure in Open.
Download invoice from Azure portal (.pdf)
Select your subscription from the Subscriptions page in Azure portal as a user with access to invoices.
Select Invoices.
Click Download Invoice to view a copy of your PDF invoice. If it says Not available, see Why don't I see an invoice for the last billing period?
Refer the document https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/billing/billing-download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date for the steps/process.
You also consider checking from different browsers.
If you still have further questions, contact support (https://portal.azure.com/?#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade) to get your issue resolved quickly. Billing and Subcription issues are free.
