How to get media from Instagram URL with instaloader? - instagram

Cannot find on instaloader documentation
Something code examples


How can I know if the post are promoted in facebook using the GraphAPI?

I'm trying to use the graphAPI to see the comments in the posts on my facebook page and I have to know if the post is boosted/promoted. I tried to use the promotion_status, but is deprecated...
In the link, is saying for me to search for is_eligible_for_promotion, but is not for the same thing :(

Instagram graph API IG hashtag

I need to get media from connected instagram profile by hashtag. For most part, I was successful, however I stumbled upon a few limitation I cannot find workaround for.
When I fetch media on IG user, I can send username as a field and get it back. However, I cannot get username on IG hashtag, it is not listed as field in documentation, and throws error if I send one.
I don't want to get back albums on IG hashtag, just image and video, but I can't seem to find a way to filter by type
What is interesting, I found an example of site that displays username when filtering by hashtag, but the only way I could think of achiving this is to send request for media details for each media I receive. Needless to say, I want to avoid it.
Has anyone had a similar problem and solved it?

APINotFoundError: invalid media id

I want to get information using the media endpoint from Instagram. I don't know what is going on when I request this particularly endpoint This shortcode Im sure that exists.
Anyone could help me?
where did u get that shortcode from?
I looked up the user and that photo from instagram, here is the same photo with different shortcode BH2XfKpB4br from instagram, this works:

How can I search Instagram with hashtags via a URL?

On both Facebook and Twitter, you can do a simple search of hashtags on these channels via a URL search, for example,
Can you do the same with Instagram also? I can't seem to figure it out. I did find some API, but that's about all:
This might be something that Instagram implemented after this question was originally asked, but this currently works:
The latter simply redirects to the former, but it's handy to have a shorter URL in some instances.
You'll find out more about how to customise Instagrams URLs by using endpoints on their API documentation page.
I'm not very familiar with how to use URL parameters and I'd be curious to know if anyone has found a way to filter via URL both by user and hashtag. Meaning that you show everything a specific user has posted with a specific hashtag. Many Instagram plugins allow you to do this at the same time, so one would hope it's possible via URL as well.
There is the instagram public API's tags section that can help you do
this. is another alternative
For example:

Is there a full list of the parameters supported by the Facebook search API?

There is a search API can be used by developers to conveniently query posts, people in Facebook. But is there a full list of the parameters supported by the Facebook search API?
Facebook official docs provide what you need .graph api reference page has nice table describing what are various fields that can be used to call graph api.
Few links to use graph API and its reference
Github gist of Facebook Cheatsheet
Ill assume you did not find/read their website on FQL, so Ill give you that address now.
