How to block an email which did not sent a direct message to you? - gmail

I'm sorry I am not sure the proper wording to explain this issue.
I have constantly been receiving emails such as the one I attached (at the bottom). Altough I am able to block emails from "Order_Shipment", several email addresses remain sending messages to as well as, which is redirected to me. I could not find a way to block these two emails. I get several emails daily through them, and I would like it to stop.
Things I tried:
1 - Searched in the google settings, and couldn't find anywhere how to specifically block an email by typing the address.
2 - The three vertical dots on the left allows me to block the specific email from Order_Shipment, this does not solve the problem as the real problem is blokcing PennyV1 and PennyYA.
3 - Sent an email to as well as in the hope they would sent me an email back so I can block them. My message got bounced back saying these emails don't exist.
I do not know how my email entered this email grouplist

You could try blocking their domain:
Like clicking "Block Quora Digest" in my case.
Option two would be two create a filter:


How do search for multiple email address

I am logging into gmail via python and deleting emails. However when I do a search for two emails I get no results to delete.'Inbox')
result,data = mail.uid('search',None '(FROM')
The above works and will find and delete any email that had in the from address. However when I send in another email address I get nothing.
result,data = mail.uid('search',None '(FROM "" FROM "")')
Yes I have both and emails in my inbox.
Gmail search is exactly like Searching in the gmail website. If you open that and click the arrow down buttom in the search field you can test things.
That being said searching on more then one address is not going to work as its going to look for emails that are by both people. Not all emails containing one or the other.
The following will look for mails that both come from tom and jon. probably not possible as you cant have two senders
where as will return all mails that come from
will only return mails sent from and which inst possible
your going to have to make two requests.
You can search set this type of filter:
from:( OR

Kentico 11 - Macro's not working in Marketing Emails

I have just started to use Kentico, so far everything has been straight-forward however I cannot get certain Macro's to work in Marketing Emails (to insert personalized information in the email such as their country).
Here is a quick overview of my automation process
Person submits a form on the website
Form field information gets mapped to the contact
Automation process begins
Internal/Transactional email sent which contains the requesters information (Macro's work)
Marketing email sent to requester, containing relevant information (Only basic Macro's work (for example recipient.firstname))
The issue is that the Macro's that are used (and working) in the internal transactional email do not appear to work in the marketing emails section, for example: {% OnlineMarketingContext.CurrentContact.ContactCountry #%} would copy in the requesters Country in the transactional/internal email, but it remains blank in marketing emails (Note: I have tested this fully, not as a draft email as I've read that the information doesn't get passed in a draft email).
I have tried using different objects (ContactManagementContext, etc.), however nothing appears to bring in personalized information.
Is there something I need to do to get the Macro's working within the Marketing Emails section? I have read through the docs online and I can't find anything to make this work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The newsletter email macros are based off the subscriber not the contact. If you want to use the contact info, you will have to find a way to relate the subscriber to the contact.
This video shows how to see what macros are available.
Zach is correct. Normally, you would lookup the Contact based on the email address of the Recipient, e.g. {%GlobalObjects.Contacts.Where("ContactEmail = '"+Recipient.Email+"'").TopN(1).FirstItem%}. However, there is a hidden object you can use in marketing emails: {%Advanced.ContactInfo%}

Gmail IMAP Javamail search returns no messages where web does

I'm working on load testing a web application that sends links via email. I have a gmail account set up specifically to be the recipient for this. When generating new accounts I add a guid to the recipient email (eg. When I execute the test it will either succeed entirely or fail entirely, but failures seem to be pretty random.
Here is my search snippet:
if (!inbox.isOpen()) {;
SearchTerm toTerm = new RecipientTerm(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to));
messages =;
While the script is running, it executes this in a 100 iteration loop with a 3 second pause. When it's failing script output with imap debugging on repeatedly shows the following:
A4 OK SEARCH completed (Success)
But no actual result. during the period of execution, however, I can do a search in gmail for this recipient and it pops right up. Any suggestions for getting to the bottom of this?
Gmail doesn't exactly implement the IMAP spec, especially for searching. Gmail searches are always for whole words, although that shouldn't be a problem here.
You can try using the Gmail-specific support in JavaMail, e.g., the GmailRawSearchTerm class.
I implemented a local cache. I initialize it at the beginning of the load test scenario, downloading the last days messages and capturing the last messages UID (using gmail imap plugin). Any time a session looks for an email it looks in the local cache. If it's not there it sets a flag so other sessions don't overlap caching and retrieves the newest messages.
Because it was intermittent, I wanted to give it a few days. It's run perfectly for the past 4 days. I could probably go one step better and set up a listener on the folder for new mail, but for now I'm satisfied that gmail was just returning 'success' but not doing the search after so many imap searches in succession.
Thanks to all for your feedback and suggestions!

Force emails not to be grouped into conversations

My website sends emails to me with the same subject and they are being grouped into conversations even if I delete old ones (Mail, Gmail). I know I can change the subject to prevent this, but is there a header or something else that can be added to do this without forcing unique subject lines?
On the top of my head, there are two methods to avoid threading:
set the SMTP header X-Entity-Ref-ID with any value. This is what Google+ notifications do.
change the sender email (you can use From: This is what Facebook notifications do.
The threading will be made if you force it with Reference or Reply-To.
The situation has changed since 2019.
I found a solution in
Setting a header of the form References: <>, with a unique UUID for each email is enough to solve this.
Tested a few times today and I confirm it works.

Why do mailto links in Notes fail with double-quotes fail in Inbox?

We're sending email from Newsgator to Notes mail as part of our social implementation. It includes three links that are mailto's. The hotspot formula looks like this:
"mailto:"Like Event" <>?subject=Like this activity event. This email references activity event:NGMetaEvent_0D8111ED124B8FE8693DD6C82BD0FA28_634984171780151056.&body=Send this email to like the activity event."
I would expect this to always fail, because of the multiple double-quotes.
Interestingly, it does not always fail. If you put it in your trash folder, it works. If you forward the document, the recipient will be able to click the links. If you simply edit and save the received message, the links work. The hotspot formula looks exactly the same in any of those circumstances.
So, why does it fail when I open the document from my Inbox?
