Convert sympy tree to svg string - svg

I'm new to sympy. I need to convert sympy tree expression to svg string. For instance:
a = sympify("1/5-x")
b = sympify("x-46/x")
res = a + b
and I want to convert res to svg string. How can I do this?

copy the output of print('$%s$' % latex(res)) and paste as input here to get the svg file which looks like this


Write Float in File Python3, without Converting it into String

I am trying to use loop to write float into a file, but the write function does not let it happen until I convert it into string or use format, which eventually converts it into string.
Is there any way that I can do it? I need the data inside the file to be in float, since later on the file data can be used to create graphs, thus strings can not be a way out.
Later on I need to use Termgraph Python3 library for this, and the data needs to be a float.
f = open("termdata.dat","w")
for i in range(0,len(list_one)):
value1 = list_two[i]
value_ = q_score[value1]
print(list_one[i],"\t", list_two[i],"\t", value_)
str1 = str(list_one[i])
float1 = float(value_)

Converting a scientific notation string to an integer

I have a question in Python 3.7. I am opening a text file (input.txt) and creating variables from various lines of the text file. For example my text file looks as follows:
I need to create variables so that:
title = "Case1"
area = "P"
distance = 100
factor = 5
So far this is what I have:
f = open('C:\\input.txt',"r")
title = f.readline().strip()
area = f.readline().strip()
distance = f.readline().strip()
factor = f.readline().strip().strip(".")
which results in:
How do I get the distance variable to show up as 100 instead of 1.00E+02?
I found the link below thinking it would help, but wasn't able to solve my problem from there. This is a very small segment of my larger program that was simplified, but if it works here it will work for my needs. My program needs to open a generated text file and produce another text file, so the scientific notation number will change between 1.00E-06 and 1.00E+03. The generated text file needs to have these numbers as integers (i.e. between 0.000001 and 1000). Thanks for any help!
Converting number in scientific notation to int
The link you posted actually gives the answer, albeit in a roundabout way.
int() cannot parse strings that don't already represent integers.
But a scientific number is a float.
So, you need to cast it to float first to parse the string.
For numbers with more decimals (e.g your example of 1.00E-06), you can force float notation all the time. Try:
print(format(float(distance), 'f'))
If you only want a certain number of decimals, try:
print(format(float(distance), '.2f'))
(for example)

text to binary conversion matlab

I need to import a text file into matlab and convert it into binary so that the final array that contains the binary value is in some integer format and not character format. How can I do it?
fid = fopen('myFile.txt', 'r');
F = fread(fid, 'char=>uint32')'

how to replace a portion of a string in matlab

I have a string matrix filled with data like
matrix = ['1231231.jpeg','4343.jpeg',...]
and I want to remove its file extension and get
matrix = ['1231231', '4343']
How can I do it? is there any function or what :)
User fileparts, it returns three variables the path, name, and extension of the file. So this should work for you
[~, fName, ext] = fileparts(fileName)
Assuming the matrix looks like
matrix = ['1231231.jpeg';
(; instead of ,). If ',' is used, the chars in the matrix are concatinated automatically.
You can use arrayfun to perform an operation on each index of a matrix. The following command should work
arrayfun(#(x) matrix(x,1:strfind(a(matrix,:),'.jpeg')-1), str2num(matrix(:,1))', 'UniformOutput' , false)
there is a function for this in matlab
file = 'H:\user4\matlab\classpath.txt';
[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(file)
pathstr =
name =
ext =
You could always loop through them and parse them like:
r[i] = regexp(char(string), '(?<dec>\d*).(?<ext>\w*)', 'names');
use r[i].dec for the number value.
Note: A matrix from (vertical) concatenation of strings with different lengths will not work (except for the special case of equal-length strings). Each char is treated as a single matrix element by vertcat when calling[A;B].
Alternative, using cell array and cellfun (+independent of file extensions):
matrix = {'1231231.jpeg','4343.jpeg'};
matrix_name = cellfun(#(x) x(1:find(x == '.', 1, 'last')-1), matrix, 'UniformOutput', false);

Sending string as int params in php

I'm using fpdf library to generate some pdf files with php. At this moment I'm lost, because i can't set the background color.
So, I have to use the SetColor(int r, int g, int b) function and I wish to send the values of RGB as a variable.
Using SetColor($my_color) in which $my_color = "233, 155, 123" is not the right choose.
How can I send a color variable to SetFillColor function?
You could use explode on $my_color and then convert each element to an integer.
$rgb = explode(', ', $my_color);
SetColor(intval($rgb[0]), intval($rgb[1]), intval($rgb[2]))
