How to use common BTreeMap variable in rust(single thread) - rust

Here is my original simplified code, I want to use a global variable instead of the variables in separate functions. What's the suggestion method in rust?
BTW, I've tried to use global or change to function parameter, both are nightmare for a beginner. Too difficult to solve the lifetime & variable type cast issue.
This simple program is only a single thread tool, so, in C language, it is not necessary the extra mutex.
// version 1
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
// Trying but failed
// let mut guess_number = BTreeMap::new();
// | ^^^ expected item
fn read_csv() {
let mut guess_number = BTreeMap::new();
let lines = ["Tom,4", "John,6"];
for line in lines.iter() {
let split = line.split(",");
let vec: Vec<_> = split.collect();
println!("{} {:?}", line, vec);
let number: u16 = vec[1].trim().parse().unwrap();
guess_number.insert(vec[0], number);
for (k, v) in guess_number {
println!("{} {:?}", k, v);
fn main() {
let mut guess_number = BTreeMap::new();
guess_number.insert("Tom", 3);
guess_number.insert("John", 7);
if guess_number.contains_key("John") {
println!("John's number={:?}", guess_number.get("John").unwrap());
To explain how hard it is for a beginner, by pass parameter
// version 2
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn read_csv(guess_number: BTreeMap) {
// ^^^^^^^^ expected 2 generic arguments
let lines = ["Tom,4", "John,6"];
for line in lines.iter() {
let split = line.split(",");
let vec: Vec<_> = split.collect();
println!("{} {:?}", line, vec);
let number: u16 = vec[1].trim().parse().unwrap();
guess_number.insert(vec[0], number);
fn main() {
let mut guess_number = BTreeMap::new();
guess_number.insert("Tom", 3);
guess_number.insert("John", 7);
if guess_number.contains_key("John") {
println!("John's number={:?}", guess_number.get("John").unwrap());
for (k, v) in guess_number {
println!("{} {:?}", k, v);
After some effort, try & error to get the possible work type BTreeMap<&str, i32>
// version 3
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn read_csv(guess_number: &BTreeMap<&str, i32>) {
// let mut guess_number = BTreeMap::new();
let lines = ["Tom,4", "John,6"];
for line in lines.iter() {
let split = line.split(",");
let vec: Vec<_> = split.collect();
println!("{} {:?}", line, vec);
let number: i32 = vec[1].trim().parse().unwrap();
guess_number.insert(vec[0], number);
for (k, v) in guess_number {
println!("{} {:?}", k, v);
fn main() {
let mut guess_number: BTreeMap<&str, i32> = BTreeMap::new();
guess_number.insert("Tom", 3);
guess_number.insert("John", 7);
if guess_number.contains_key("John") {
println!("John's number={:?}", guess_number.get("John").unwrap());
for (k, v) in guess_number {
println!("{} {:?}", k, v);
will cause following error
7 | fn read_csv(guess_number: &BTreeMap<&str, i32>) {
| -------------------- help: consider changing this to be a mutable reference: `&mut BTreeMap<&str, i32>`
16 | guess_number.insert(vec[0], number);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `guess_number` is a `&` reference, so the data it refers to cannot be borrowed as mutable
The final answer (seems not suggest use global in Rust, so use 'mutable reference').
// version 4
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn read_csv(guess_number: &mut BTreeMap<&str, i32>) {
let lines = ["Tom,4", "John,6"];
for line in lines.iter() {
let split = line.split(",");
let vec: Vec<_> = split.collect();
println!("{} {:?}", line, vec);
let number: i32 = vec[1].trim().parse().unwrap();
guess_number.insert(vec[0], number);
fn main() {
let mut guess_number: BTreeMap<&str, i32> = BTreeMap::new();
guess_number.insert("Tom", 3);
guess_number.insert("John", 7);
if guess_number.contains_key("John") {
println!("John's number={:?}", guess_number.get("John").unwrap());
read_csv(&mut guess_number);
for (k, v) in guess_number {
println!("{} {:?}", k, v);

This question is not specific to BTreeMaps but for pretty much all data types, such as numbers, strings, vectors, enums, etc.
If you want to pass a variable (value) from one function to another, you can do that in various ways in Rust. Typically you either move the value or you pass a reference to it. Moving is something quite specific to Rust and its ownership model. This is really essential, so if you have serious intentions to learn Rust, I strongly suggest you read the chapter Understanding Ownership from "the book". Don't get discouraged if you don't understand it from one reading. Spend as much time as needed, as you really can't move forward w/o this knowledge.
As for global variables, there are very few situations where they should be used. In Rust using global variables is slightly more difficult, compared to most other languages. This thread is quite useful, although you might find it a bit difficult to comprehend. My advice to a beginner would be to first fully understand the basic concept of moving and passing references.


How to access variable in Rust after it has been moved in a closure with "move" keyword?

let stream = device.build_input_stream(
move |data, _: &_| {
let b = write_input_data::<f32, f32>(data);
println!("b: {}", b.len());
|err| {
eprintln!("an error occurred on stream: {}", err);
fn write_input_data<T, U>(input: &[T]) -> Vec<U>
T: Sample,
U: Sample + From<T> + hound::Sample + std::fmt::Debug,
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
for sample in input.iter() {
return buffer;
I want to access all the data that write_input_data creates. As the closure has a "move" keyword, I'm not able to create any vector in main function and access the data later.
Things I tried:
Removing "move" keyword
Creating a vector in the main function to which I would later push the data(variable called b)
Pass a reference to the write_input_data (useless, move keyword also moves the ownership)
Is this even possible?
let v = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
let v2 = v.clone();
let stream = device.build_input_stream(
move |data, _: &_| {
let b = write_input_data::<f32, f32>(data);
println!("b len: {}", b.len());
let mut vec = v2.lock().unwrap();
|err| {
eprintln!("an error occurred on stream: {}", err);
let mut vec = v.lock().unwrap();
println!("vec len: {}", vec.len());
fn write_input_data<T, U>(input: &[T]) -> Vec<U>
T: Sample,
U: Sample + From<T> + hound::Sample,
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
for sample in input.iter() {
return buffer;
To everyone having the same issue in the future, this was the answer. It's important to have two instances of a vector ( v.clone() ) as the variable ownership is moved in the |move| function, but both v and v2 point to the same inner value. Arc and Mutex, although I don't have a perfect understanding of, allow for the variable to be written by both main function & write_input_data.

Use Rayon to chunk a hash map

Is it possible to use Rayon to chunk the data in a HashMap? I see several chunking methods, but they seem to want to work on a slice (or something similar).
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use log::info;
fn main() {
let foo = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
foo.par_chunks(3).for_each(|x| {
info!("x: {:?}", x);
let bar = HashMap::<String, String>::default();
bar.par_chunks(3).for_each(|x| {
info!("x: {:?}", x);
bar.chunks(3).for_each(|x| {
info!("x: {:?}", x);
bar.par_iter().chunks(3).for_each(|x| {
info!("x: {:?}", x);
The vec code compiles without error, but all o the HashMap attempts fail with "no method named ..." errors.
Edit: The question about how to use an existing iterator with rayon does not answer this question. This question is how to get an iterator that chunks a hash map.
The way to chunk a hash map is the following:
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let mut m: HashMap<usize, usize> = HashMap::default();
for n in 0..100 {
m.insert(n, 2 * n);
println!("m: {:?}", m);
let res: HashMap<usize, usize> = (&m)
.map(|c||(a, b)| (a + b, b - a)))
println!("M still usable: {}", m.len());
println!("res: {:?}", res);

Conditionally sort a Vec in Rust

Let's say I want to sort a Vec of non-Clone items - but only maybe (this is a boiled down example of an issue in my code).
My attempt would be something like:
fn maybe_sort<T>(x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T>
T: std::cmp::Ord,
// First, I need a copy of the vector - but only the vector, not the items inside
let mut copied = x.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// In my actual code the line below depends on the sorted vec
if rand::random() {
return copied.into_iter().map(|x| *x).collect::<Vec<_>>();
} else {
return x;
Alas the borrow checker isn't happy. I have a shared reference to each item in the Vec, and although I am not ever returning 2 references to the same item, Rust can't tell.
Is there a way to do this without unsafe? (and if not, what's the cleanest way to do it with unsafe.
You can .enumerate() the values to keep their original index. You can sort this based on its value T and decide whether to return the sorted version, or reverse the sort by sorting by original index.
fn maybe_sort<T: Ord>(x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut items: Vec<_> = x.into_iter().enumerate().collect();
items.sort_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.cmp(b));
if rand::random() {
// return items in current order
else {
// undo the sort
items.sort_by_key(|(index, _)| *index);
items.into_iter().map(|(_, value)| value).collect()
If T implements Default, you can do it with a single sort and without unsafe like this:
fn maybe_sort<T: Ord + Default> (mut x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut idx = (0..x.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
idx.sort_by_key (|&i| &x[i]);
if rand::random() {
return x;
} else {
let mut r = Vec::new();
r.resize_with (x.len(), Default::default);
for (i, v) in idx.into_iter().zip (x.drain(..)) {
r[i] = v;
return r;
If T does not implement Default, the same thing can be done with MaybeUninit:
use std::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
fn maybe_sort<T: Ord> (mut x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut idx = (0..x.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
idx.sort_by_key (|&i| &x[i]);
if rand::random() {
return x;
} else {
let mut r = Vec::new();
r.resize_with (x.len(), || unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() });
for (i, v) in idx.into_iter().zip (x.drain(..)) {
r[i] = MaybeUninit::new (v);
return unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, Vec<T>> (r) };
Finally, here's a safe solution which doesn't require T to implement Default, but allocates an extra buffer (there is theoretically a way to reorder the indices in place, but I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader ☺):
fn maybe_sort<T: Ord> (mut x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut idx = (0..x.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
idx.sort_by_key (|&i| &x[i]);
if rand::random() {
let mut rev = vec![0; x.len()];
for (i, &j) in idx.iter().enumerate() {
rev[j] = i;
for i in 0..x.len() {
while rev[i] != i {
let j = rev[i];
x.swap (j, i);
rev.swap (j, i);

String join on strings in Vec in reverse order without a `collect`

I'm trying to join strings in a vector into a single string, in reverse from their order in the vector. The following works:
let v = vec!["a".to_string(), "b".to_string(), "c".to_string()];
v.iter().rev().map(|s| s.clone()).collect::<Vec<String>>().connect(".")
However, this ends up creating a temporary vector that I don't actually need. Is it possible to do this without a collect? I see that connect is a StrVector method. Is there nothing for raw iterators?
I believe this is the shortest you can get:
fn main() {
let v = vec!["a".to_string(), "b".to_string(), "c".to_string()];
let mut r = v.iter()
.fold(String::new(), |r, c| r + c.as_str() + ".");
println!("{}", r);
The addition operation on String takes its left operand by value and pushes the second operand in-place, which is very nice - it does not cause any reallocations. You don't even need to clone() the contained strings.
I think, however, that the lack of concat()/connect() methods on iterators is a serious drawback. It bit me a lot too.
I don't know if they've heard our Stack Overflow prayers or what, but the itertools crate happens to have just the method you need - join.
With it, your example might be laid out as follows:
use itertools::Itertools;
let v = ["a", "b", "c"];
let connected = v.iter().rev().join(".");
Here's an iterator extension trait that I whipped up, just for you!
pub trait InterleaveExt: Iterator + Sized {
fn interleave(self, value: Self::Item) -> Interleave<Self> {
Interleave {
iter: self.peekable(),
value: value,
me_next: false,
impl<I: Iterator> InterleaveExt for I {}
pub struct Interleave<I>
I: Iterator,
iter: std::iter::Peekable<I>,
value: I::Item,
me_next: bool,
impl<I> Iterator for Interleave<I>
I: Iterator,
I::Item: Clone,
type Item = I::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// Don't return a value if there's no next item
if let None = self.iter.peek() {
return None;
let next = if self.me_next {
} else {
self.me_next = !self.me_next;
It can be called like so:
fn main() {
let a = &["a", "b", "c"];
let s: String = a.iter().cloned().rev().interleave(".").collect();
println!("{}", s);
let v = vec!["a".to_string(), "b".to_string(), "c".to_string()];
let s: String = v.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).rev().interleave(".").collect();
println!("{}", s);
I've since learned that this iterator adapter already exists in itertools under the name intersperse — go use that instead!.
Cheating answer
You never said you needed the original vector after this, so we can reverse it in place and just use join...
let mut v = vec!["a".to_string(), "b".to_string(), "c".to_string()];
println!("{}", v.join("."))

Using the same iterator multiple times in Rust

Editor's note: This code example is from a version of Rust prior to 1.0 when many iterators implemented Copy. Updated versions of this code produce a different errors, but the answers still contain valuable information.
I'm trying to write a function to split a string into clumps of letters and numbers; for example, "test123test" would turn into [ "test", "123", "test" ]. Here's my attempt so far:
pub fn split(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut bits: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut iter = input.chars().peekable();
loop {
match iter.peek() {
None => return bits,
Some(c) => if c.is_digit() {
bits.push(iter.take_while(|c| c.is_digit()).collect());
} else {
bits.push(iter.take_while(|c| !c.is_digit()).collect());
return bits;
However, this doesn't work, looping forever. It seems that it is using a clone of iter each time I call take_while, starting from the same position over and over again. I would like it to use the same iter each time, advancing the same iterator over all the each_times. Is this possible?
As you identified, each take_while call is duplicating iter, since take_while takes self and the Peekable chars iterator is Copy. (Only true before Rust 1.0 — editor)
You want to be modifying the iterator each time, that is, for take_while to be operating on an &mut to your iterator. Which is exactly what the .by_ref adaptor is for:
pub fn split(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut bits: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut iter = input.chars().peekable();
loop {
match iter.peek().map(|c| *c) {
None => return bits,
Some(c) => if c.is_digit(10) {
bits.push(iter.by_ref().take_while(|c| c.is_digit(10)).collect());
} else {
bits.push(iter.by_ref().take_while(|c| !c.is_digit(10)).collect());
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", split("123abc456def"))
["123", "bc", "56", "ef"]
However, I imagine this is not correct.
I would actually recommend writing this as a normal for loop, using the char_indices iterator:
pub fn split(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut bits: Vec<String> = vec![];
if input.is_empty() {
return bits;
let mut is_digit = input.chars().next().unwrap().is_digit(10);
let mut start = 0;
for (i, c) in input.char_indices() {
let this_is_digit = c.is_digit(10);
if is_digit != this_is_digit {
is_digit = this_is_digit;
start = i;
This form also allows for doing this with much fewer allocations (that is, the Strings are not required), because each returned value is just a slice into the input, and we can use lifetimes to state this:
pub fn split<'a>(input: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
let mut bits = vec![];
if input.is_empty() {
return bits;
let mut is_digit = input.chars().next().unwrap().is_digit(10);
let mut start = 0;
for (i, c) in input.char_indices() {
let this_is_digit = c.is_digit(10);
if is_digit != this_is_digit {
is_digit = this_is_digit;
start = i;
All that changed was the type signature, removing the Vec<String> type hint and the .to_string calls.
One could even write an iterator like this, to avoid having to allocate the Vec. Something like fn split<'a>(input: &'a str) -> Splits<'a> { /* construct a Splits */ } where Splits is a struct that implements Iterator<&'a str>.
take_while takes self by value: it consumes the iterator. Before Rust 1.0 it also was unfortunately able to be implicitly copied, leading to the surprising behaviour that you are observing.
You cannot use take_while for what you are wanting for these reasons. You will need to manually unroll your take_while invocations.
Here is one of many possible ways of dealing with this:
pub fn split(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut bits: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut iter = input.chars().peekable();
loop {
let seeking_digits = match iter.peek() {
None => return bits,
Some(c) => c.is_digit(10),
if seeking_digits {
bits.push(take_while(&mut iter, |c| c.is_digit(10)));
} else {
bits.push(take_while(&mut iter, |c| !c.is_digit(10)));
fn take_while<I, F>(iter: &mut std::iter::Peekable<I>, predicate: F) -> String
I: Iterator<Item = char>,
F: Fn(&char) -> bool,
let mut out = String::new();
loop {
match iter.peek() {
Some(c) if predicate(c) => out.push(*c),
_ => return out,
let _ =;
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", split("test123test"));
This yields a solution with two levels of looping; another valid approach would be to model it as a state machine one level deep only. Ask if you aren’t sure what I mean and I’ll demonstrate.
