Changing top toolbar color in pop os theme - linux

I want to change the top toolbar color of theme app/window border to #262922. My os is last ver(21/11/2022) of Pop OS.
I mean the border with "VScode" in it (the below picture)
I search through the internet but solutions were outdated


Resizing screen

I want to make a menu which will show on the right side of the desktop.
the screen size will decrease from the area for this menu (green part) and the remaining part of the screen (Purple area) will remain the same behavior as the full screen with new width. for example, if I add maximized windows on the screen(Purple area) it will cover the purple area completely only not the green area,
How it's possible to reach this behavior on the screen in Ubuntu 20.04?

How to I turn an Android device navigation bar color to white without the images still being white

This is an image of the results I get when changing the navigation bar color using Window w = this.getWindow();w.setNavigationBarColor(Color.parseColor(0xFFFFFFFF));
From version 1.5.0 of Core library it is pretty simple to change navigation icons color to dark using this code in your activity:
WindowInsetsControllerCompat(window, window.decorView).isAppearanceLightNavigationBars = true
But be aware that dark navigation icons are supported only from Android 8.0 (API level 26). On lower OS versions you should keep navigation bar color darker, to keep navigation icons visible.

Changing the properties of the Tools Palette in LiveCode

I inadvertently set all preferences to default in live code 9 and now the width of the Tools Palette is wider (I guess it's three columns wide). I would like to set the width to two columns width.
Also when I start a stack I now see a grey 'background' instead of the desktop. I use MacOS High Sierra on a MacBook Pro and LiveCode 9.0.0.
How can I change these values, since I don't see those items in the Preferences-window.
Thanks in advance.
The tools palette width can be set by clicking on the preferences icon in its upper right corner.
The way to fix your "backGround" issue is to select the "backDrop" menuItem in the "View" menu. Your choice will stick between sessions/

Tooltip font too small on 4k display (doesn't scale)

I have a 15.6" 4K laptop display. I can easily scale up Android Studio and its fonts -- except for tooltip fonts (i.e. starting tips, and when I hover over a word for Javadocs). Is there a setting to do this?
In case you didn't figure it out already: When the tool-tip appears, there is a configuration button in the upper right corner of the window. Click it, and you get a slider to set your desired font size.
Late answer but it's might will help. If you choose this selection, you can change font size like Chrome.

How to change default caption color of group box in MFC programmatically?

Currently groupboxs in my application shows caption in blue color in Windows xp and black in windows 7. How to change default caption color of group box in MFC programmatically? so that it can be shown in black color in both Windows XP and Windows 7.
Take a look at OnCtlColor(). MFC will call this before it draws the control to allow you to set the brushes.
