adding multiple destinations to new relic workflows using terraform - terraform

I am trying to create a newrelic workflow using terraform modules. I am fine with creating a workflow with signle destination. But, I am trying to create a workflow with more than one destination.
slack channel ids
variable "channel_ids" {
type = set(string)
creating notification channels using slack channel ids
resource "newrelic_notification_channel" "notification_channel" {
for_each = var.channel_ids
name = "test" # will modify if required
type = "SLACK" # will parameterize this
destination_id = "aaaaaaaaa-bbbbb-cccc-ddddd-eeeeeeeeee"
product = "IINT"
property {
key = "channelId"
value = each.value
Now I want to create something like below (two destinations)
resource "newrelic_workflow" "newrelic_workflow" {
name = "my-workflow"
muting_rules_handling = "NOTIFY_ALL_ISSUES"
issues_filter {
name = "Filter-name"
type = "FILTER"
predicate {
attribute = "accumulations.policyName"
operator = "EXACTLY_MATCHES"
values = [ "policy_name" ]
destination {
channel_id =
destination {
channel_id =
I tried using for_each and for loop but no luck. Any idea on how to get my desired output?
Is it possible to loop through and create multiple destinations within the same resource, like attaching multiple destination to a single workflow?

I was able to achieve this by using a dynamic block, which produces a dynamic number of destination blocks based on the number of elements of newrelic_notification_channel.notification_channel.
resource "newrelic_workflow" "newrelic_workflow" {
name = "my-workflow"
muting_rules_handling = "NOTIFY_ALL_ISSUES"
issues_filter {
name = "Filter-name"
type = "FILTER"
predicate {
attribute = "accumulations.policyName"
operator = "EXACTLY_MATCHES"
values = [ "policy_name" ]
dynamic "destination" {
for_each = newrelic_notification_channel.notification_channel
content {
channel_id =


Terraform: referencing each.key or each.value in module when calling variables

I'm trying to achieve (maybe by wrong means) something like that. I'd like to be able to create few types of endpoints in Azure (KV, SA for example).
module "endpoints" {
source = "./modules/private_endpoint"
for_each = toset(var.endpoint_type)
private_connection_resource_id = "var.${each.value}.private_connection_resource_id"
Endpoint_type is a list of endpoints (its value is "storage_account"),
private_connection_resource_id is in map(any) which looks like (there are other values, but I don't think they're important at this point):
storage_account = {
private_connection_resource_id = #VALUE
private_connection_resource_id = "var.${each.value}.private_connection_resource_id" --- this gets translated to literal string (var.storage_account.private_connection_resource_id), where I'd like it to get translated to exact value - the id of storage account (it's hardcoded in tfvars).
Thank you in advance for any tips!
Edit: It appears that Im as dumb as they come. Should've changed the map a bit:
endpoint_type = {
storage_account = {
private_connection_resource_id = #VALUE
And ref in module calling to: each.value.private_connection_resource_id
You cannot construct an expression inside a string and then evaluate it. Terraform always parses the full configuration first and then executes it once already parsed.
If you want to look up values dynamically based on a key then a map is the most appropriate data structure to use for that purpose. For example, you could define a input variables endpoint_types and endpoints like this:
variable "endpoint_types" {
type = map(object({
private_connection_resource_id = string
variable "endpoints" {
type = map(object({
type = string
My intent with the above example is that the type attribute inside the endpoints objects is a lookup key for the other map in endpoint_types.
When you then define your module block with for_each you will first refer to var.endpoints and then look up an appropriate endpoint type in var.endpoint_types based on its selected key:
module "endpoints" {
source = "./modules/private_endpoint"
for_each = var.endpoints
private_connection_resource_id = var.endpoint_types[each.value.type].private_connection_resource_id
The user of the outer module would need to provide both a map of endpoints and a map describing all of the possible types those endpoints might have, like this:
endpoints = {
storage_1 = {
type = "storage"
storage_2 = {
type = "storage"
other_1 = {
type = "other"
endpoint_types = {
storage = {
private_connection_resource_id = "something"
other = {
private_connection_resource_id = "something_else"

creating a list of list objects terraform

I'm setting up a terraform repo for my snowflake instance and bringing in a list of users to start managing.
I have a module called users
and have the following files:
I have a variable defined as follows.
variable "users" {
type = list(object(
name = string
comment = string
default_role = string
disabled = bool
must_change_password = bool
display_name = string
email = string
first_name = string
last_name = string
default_warehouse = string
now inside I want to hold a list of all my users based on the above variable, I thought I could define it as follows:
users {
user_1 = {
name = 'x'
user_2 = {
name = 'y'
however, when I run Terraform validate on this it gives me the error that a user block is not expected here.
Can someone tell me my error and give me some guidance if I'm doing this correctly?
My intention is to have a file to hold all my users that I then define with a dynamic block inside my file within this module.
I can then reference the dynamic block inside the which will give me access to the users inside said module in the global project namespace.
Looks to me like you are attempting to configuring your users as an object:
users {
user_1 = {
name = "x"
user_2 = {
name = "y"
but you actually set your variable constraint to a list of objects. So it should be:
users = [
name = "user_1"
# other fields
name = "user_2"
# other fields
Here is a full working example:
variable "users" {
type = list(object({
name = string
output "users" {
value = var.users
module "users" {
source = "./modules/users"
users = [
{ name = "user_1" },
{ name = "user_2" }
output "users" {
value = module.users.users
plan output
Changes to Outputs:
+ users = [
+ {
+ name = "user_1"
+ {
+ name = "user_2"
Your config syntax and usage is completely correct here. Your config file organization is the issue here. is a Terraform variables file, and therefore should have the .tfvars extension. If you rename the file from to e.g. users.tfvars, then you can specify it as an input with the -var-file=users.tfvars argument with the CLI or otherwise as per standard usage. You can see more information in the documentation.
On a side note: it is not really best practices to manage an entire module just for managing a set of users for a specific service. If you follow this design pattern in the future, then your codebase will not scale very well, and could easily become unmanageably large.

snowflake terraform create multiple table in one tf files

I am trying to create multiple table through tf in snowflake.
Below are the sample code.
resource "snowflake_table" "table" {
database = "AMAYA"
schema = "public"
name = "info"
comment = "A table."
column {
name = "id"
type = "int"
nullable = true
default {
sequence = snowflake_sequence.sequence.fully_qualified_name
column {
name = "identity"
type = "NUMBER(38,0)"
nullable = true
identity {
start_num = 1
step_num = 3
resource "snowflake_table" "table" {
database = "AMAYA"
schema = "public"
name = "arch_info"
comment = "A table."
column {
name = "id"
type = "int"
nullable = true
default {
sequence = snowflake_sequence.sequence.fully_qualified_name
column {
name = "identity"
type = "NUMBER(38,0)"
nullable = true
identity {
start_num = 1
step_num = 3
When I run this script I get the error.
A snowflake_procedure resource named "table" was already declared at,1-38. Resource names must be unique per type in each module.
The only solution I have tried and worked is to create different files for different table. however I have 100 of tables to create, and was wondering if there is simpler way of putting all in one file and run the script
You can't use the same name for a resource more than once, like tablebelow:
resource "snowflake_table" "table" {
Use different names:
resource "snowflake_table" "table_1" {
You should look into for_each and dynamic functions when needing to create lots of the same resource with different parameters:
Terraform for_each
Terraform dynamic
With those, you can create complex maps that are defined on input and automatically create the required amount of resources, something like below (just an example with a couple of parameters):
locals {
snowflake_tables = {
info = {
database = "AMAYA"
columns = {
identity = {
type = "NUMBER(38,0)"
nullable = true
resource "snowflake_table" "table" {
for_each = local.snowflake_tables
name = each.key # info
database = each.value.database # AMAYA
dynamic "column" {
for_each = each.value.columns
content {
name = setting.key
type = setting.value["type"]
nullable = setting.value["nullable"]
With this technique, all you do is add more objects to the map for tables and columns. I've set the example in locals but you could have this as a variable input instead in a .tfvars file etc.

Terraform dynamic blocks with nested list

I need to create an escalation policy in Pagerduty using Terraform. I want to dynamically create rule blocks and then within them target blocks with values from rule. I am not sure how to make the second call inside target block to make it dynamic.
I have a list of teams within a list.
locals {
teams = [
resource "pagerduty_escalation_policy" "policy" {
name = var.policy_name
num_loops = var.num_loops
teams = [var.policy_teams]
dynamic "rule" {
for_each = local.teams
escalation_delay_in_minutes = var.escalation_delay
dynamic "target" {
for_each = ??????
content {
type = var.target_type
id = ??????
???? are the points I'm not sure about.
I need to create a rule for each item in a list(so [team1, team2] and [escalation_team]) and then for each item within those lists I need to create a target for each of the teams(so rule 1 will have two targets - team1 and team2 and rule 2 will have one target which is escalation_team).
Any idea how I could approach this?
I'm using TF v0.12.20
Here's my config after updating:
resource "pagerduty_escalation_policy" "policy" {
name = var.policy_name
num_loops = var.num_loops
teams = [var.policy_teams]
dynamic "rule" {
for_each = local.teams
escalation_delay_in_minutes = var.escalation_delay
dynamic "target" {
for_each = rule.value
content {
type = var.target_type
id = target.value
Edit: Changed locals.teams to local.teams
If I'm reading your question correctly, I believe you want something like the following
resource "pagerduty_escalation_policy" "policy" {
name = var.policy_name
num_loops = var.num_loops
teams = [var.policy_teams]
dynamic "rule" {
for_each = locals.teams
content {
escalation_delay_in_minutes = var.escalation_delay
dynamic "target" {
for_each = rule.value
content {
type = var.target_type
id = target.value
Note the following
Each dynamic block must have a matching content block
dynamic blocks introduce new names that have .key and .value which can be used to access properties of what's being looped over.
I can't actually run this so if it's still wrong let me know and I'll update.

Look for the resource to match a key word

Suppose I have two kineses, I'd like to get the one of them with the key word _consumer.
variable "kinesis" {
default = ["kinesis_publisher", "kinesis_consumer"]
resource "aws_kinesis_stream" "test_stream" {
count = "${length(var.kinesis)}"
name = "${var.kinesis[count.index]}"
shard_count = 1
retention_period = 48
shard_level_metrics = [
tags = {
Environment = "test"
How do I get consumer arn only?
output "kinesis_consumer_arn" {
value = "??? lookup or matchkeys with _consumer ???"
It is not always the same sequence and will be many kinesis. So I can't use 0 or 1 directly.
You may create modules for each kafka stream , thereby giving more control on variables passed into and derived from the resources.
module "kinesis_publisher" {
source = "../modules/test_stream"
stream_name = "kinesis_publisher"
module "kinesis_consumer" {
source = "../modules/test_stream"
stream_name = "kinesis_consumer"
And then output can be filtered on basis of modules.
output "kinesis_consumer_arn" {
value = "{module.kinesis_consumer.arn}"
