Unresolved reference: layout - android-layout

I got an error in my code while binding
binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this,R.layout.activity_main) in .layout
I want to resolve this layout reference issue

DataBindingUtil needs type to be specified.
Try using following syntax
val binding=DataBindingUtil.setContentView<*YourBindingClass*>(this,R.layout.activity_main)


Unable to cast object of type 'PX.Objects.IN.INLotSerialStatus' to type 'PX.Objects.IN.Overrides.INDocumentRelease.LotSerialStatus'. in acumatica

While multiple lot Allocation I am getting error:
Unable to cast object of type 'PX.Objects.IN.INLotSerialStatus'
to type 'PX.Objects.IN.Overrides.INDocumentRelease.LotSerialStatus'.
First unpublish all customization and try to reproduce the issue.
If it goes away re-publish customizations one by one until you find the one causing the cast error.
Review the code of the customization for all references to INLotSerialStatus and LotSerialStatus. Also look at Acumatica traces to find more details about the error.
A LotSerialStatus object is also a INLotSerialStatus because LotSerialStatus inherits from INLotSerialStatus. This is a valid assignment.
The inverse is not true, maybe there is an invalid assignment for which no cast is possible in the source code of the customization:

MissingMethodException in Xamarin.iOS

I was facing the MissingMethodExeption while using the reflection method in Xamarin.iOS. My code works fine when Linker Behavior is set to Don't Link. But i am getting the above exception when Linker behavior is set to Link SDK assemblies. I have tried the workaround to set the --linkskip=System.Core but exception raised. Can you please let me know if you have any answer for this problem.
I am getting the error while performing the following operation. Activator.CreateInstance(resultType) as ScriptObject. Here resultType is a Type and ScriptObject is a class which perform some operations for me.
A quick and dirty way to avoid some methods/types to be linked out is to reference them in unused code:
if (false) {
var a = new TypeToPreserve();

Why Acumatica can't find method

I'm working with Acumatica 5.30.2347. I have following selector in my graph:
var check = PXSelect<POLine,Where<POLine.orderType, Equal<POOrderType.regularOrder>>>
but when I try to execute it, I receive following error:
Method not found: 'Void PX.Data.PXLineAttribute..ctor'(System.Type).
Initially I've got an impression, that this error message appeared because class PXLineAttribute doesn't have constructor which accepts System.Type, but with help of reflector I've discovered that PXLineAttribute has following declaration:
public PXLineNbrAttribute(System.Type sourceType)
: this(sourceType, false)
which gives me idea that PXLineNbrAttribute has needed constructor. So I have two questions: Why Acumatica Framework can't find constructor of PXLineNbrAttribute? How to help Acumatica to find before mentioned constructor?
Please check your VS class library project references to Acumatica assemblies. I would suspect them to reference assemblies from a different Acumatica build and therefore cause "Method not found ..." errors at runtime.

BarRenderer is a raw type. References to generic type BarRenderer<T> should be parameterized?

Eclipse shows me the following warning:
"BarRenderer is a raw type. References to generic type BarRenderer should be parameterized"
from the line:
BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer)plot.getRenderer(BarRenderer.class);
How can I fix this warning?
It's unclear exactly what you're trying to do here (have you created a custom renderer etc.) but to get past your immediate error you can try changing the line above to this:
BarRenderer<BarFormatter> renderer = (BarRenderer<BarFormatter>)plot.getRenderer(BarRenderer.class);

If Statement in Template

I want to create my own template and my code is:
#{if _arg.status.equals(models.Status.FINISHED)}
#{doBody /}
When I pass an object reference to my tag its saying its null. If I call in my template its working as described in the docs:
The error message is:
Template execution error
Execution error occured in template
/app/views/tags/isNotFinished.html. Exception raised was
NullPointerException : Cannot get property 'status' on null object.
I am not getting any null pointer exception. What I am doing wrong here?
Thanks for your help.
It seems like _arg is not found in the scope you're working with. This seems to indicate you get arg implicitly in the tag. You might try omitting the _arg. from the tag.
I am not getting it really. But today I tried again with _arg and its working now as excpected. It can be closed now.
