why can't you mock a re-exported primitive value? - node.js

I'm trying to change the value of a primitive config object during tests. One of my files under test re-exports a primitive that is conditional on the config values.
I'm finding that when the value is wrapped in a function, then mocking it and asserting on it works perfectly.
However when the value is re-exported as a primitive, the value is not mocked, and is undefined.
Simplified example:
export const config = {
environment: 'test'
import { config } from './config';
export const app = () => config.environment;
export const environment = config.environment;
import { app, environment } from './app';
import * as config from './config';
jest.mock('./config', () => ({
config: {},
beforeEach(() => {
const mockConfig = config.config as jest.Mocked<typeof config.config>;
test('app', () => {
mockConfig.environment = 'prod';
test('environment', () => {
mockConfig.environment = 'nonprod';
The first test passes, but the second test "environment" fails. Why?
✕ environment (3 ms)
● environment
expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality
Expected: "nonprod"
Received: undefined
19 | test('environment', () => {
20 | mockConfig.environment = 'nonprod';
> 21 | expect(environment).toEqual('nonprod');
| ^
22 | });
23 |
at Object.<anonymous> (config/app.spec.ts:21:29)

The problem could be related with the order files are read. The app file is the first one to be read, and then the config file is read because its imported on the app one. But, probably the app code run first, so the variable was set as undefined (because the config one had not a value at the time).
The same does not happen with the app function, because it reads the config variable only after the function is called. And at that time, the variable already was set.


node ts-jest spyOn method does not match overload

I'm trying to use Jest in conjunction with ts-jest to write unit tests for a nodeJS server. I have something set up very similar to below:
export const dependency = () => {}
import { dependency } from './impl.ts';
export { dependency };
import { dependency } from '../impl' <- importing from index.ts
export const consumer = () => {
try {
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
import * as dependencies from '../impl'
import { consumer } from './consumer'
const mockDependency = jest.spyOn(dependencies, 'depenedncy');
describe('function consumer', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
test('should return true', () => {});
This is just toy code, but the actual export / import / test files follow a similar structure. I'm getting typescript errors along these lines:
TS2769: No overload matches this call.
Specifically, that the method being spied on is not part of the overload of the import for dependencies, so I can't stub it out. I am doing literally the same thing in a different test file and it has no issues. Anyone know how to resolve the typing issue?
The issue turned out to be in the typing of the dependency function itself. The return value typing was incorrect and that was what was resulting in the Typescript error. Essentially I had this:
export const dependency: Handler = () => {
return () => {} <- is of type Handler
rather than this
export const dependency = (): Handler => {
return () => {} <- is of type Handler
Stupid mistake, hope it helps someone else in the future. My take away is that if you have a type error that doesn't make sense make sure you check the typing of all variables involved.

Jest - getting error when mocking FS modules and calling config module

I'm writing unit tests with Jest trying to test a module which uses FS.
The module file:
import fs from 'fs';
import logger from './logger.utils';
export const getNumberOfFiles = async (targetDir: string): Promise<number> => {
// get number of folders
logger.info(`getNumberOfFiles from ${targetDir}/${fileName}`);
const numberOfFiles = await fs.readdirSync(targetDir);
return numberOfFiles.length;
Test file
import fs from 'fs';
import { getNumberOfFiles } from '../../src/utils/fs.utils';
describe('fs.utils', () => {
describe('getNumberOfFiles', () => {
it('Should return number', async () => {
fs.readdirSync = jest.fn();
const readdirSyncMock = fs.readdirSync = jest.fn();
readdirSyncMock.mockResolvedValue([1, 2, 3]);
const result = await getNumberOfFiles('targetDir');
When I run the test file, I get the following error:
Config file ..../config/runtime.json cannot be read. Error code is: undefined. Error message is: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
1 | const cheggLogger = require('#chegg/logger');
2 | import loggingContext from './loggingContext';
> 3 | import config from 'config';
| ^
4 | import os from 'os';
5 | import constants from '../../config/constants';
6 |
at Config.Object.<anonymous>.util.parseFile (node_modules/config/lib/config.js:789:13)
at Config.Object.<anonymous>.util.loadFileConfigs (node_modules/config/lib/config.js:666:26)
at new Config (node_modules/config/lib/config.js:116:27)
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/config/lib/config.js:1459:31)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/utils/logger.utils.ts:3:1)
Content of logger.utils.ts
const internalLogger = require('internalLogger');
import loggingContext from './loggingContext';
import config from 'config';
import os from 'os';
import constants from '../../config/constants';
const logger = internalLogger.createLogger({
level: config.get(constants.LOG_LEVEL)
export default logger;
I assume that config is using FS, and once I mock the module, it fails.
How can I resolve this? Please advise
I'm guessing the problem comes from config also using the fs api but you are now mock entire module fs which makes all methods should be mocked before using.
But I have an idea for you by using jest.doMock which you can provide a factory for each test and just mock only method we need. Here is a draft idea:
describe('fs.utils', () => {
describe('getNumberOfFiles', () => {
it('Should return number', async () => {
jest.doMock('fs', () => ({
// Keep other methods still working so `config` or others can use
// so make sure we don't break anything
readdirSync: jest.fn(pathUrl => {
// Mock for our test path since `config` also uses this method :(
return pathUrl === 'targetDir' ? Promise.resolve([1, 2, 3]) : jest.requireActual('fs').readdirSync(pathUrl)
// One of the thing we should change is to switch `require` here
// to make sure the mock is happened before we actually require the code
// we can also use `import` here but requires us do a bit more thing
// so I keep thing simple by using `require`
const {getNumberOfFiles} = require('../../src/utils/fs.utils');
const result = await getNumberOfFiles('targetDir');
// you might stop assert this as well
// expect(readdirSyncMock.mock.calls.length).toEqual(1);
Just also want to check, if you created a config file as described here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/config#quick-start

Jest automatic-mocks: funny example outcome

this refers to the facebook example tutorials
// utils.js
// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
export default {
authorize: () => 'token',
isAuthorized: (secret) => secret === 'wizard',
below is the test file. Instead of adding auto mock at the config file, I added inside the code to show the differences.
import utils from './utils';
test('implementation created by automock', () => {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'default' of undefined
6 |
7 | test('implementation created by automock', () => {
> 8 | expect(utils.authorize('wizzard')).toBeUndefined();
| ^
9 | expect(utils.isAuthorized()).toBeUndefined();
10 | });
11 |
at Object.utils (__tests__/example/automatic-mocks/genMockFromModule.test.js:8:10)
Why is that? it happens to another file automock.test.js. The error message is the same.
// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
import utils from './utils';
test('if utils are mocked', () => {
test('mocked implementation', () => {
Below example works for me, I use jestjs with typescript and ts-jest.
the docs say:
Note: this method was previously called autoMockOn. When using babel-jest, calls to enableAutomock will automatically be hoisted to the top of the code block. Use autoMockOn if you want to explicitly avoid this behavior.
const utils = {
getJSON: data => JSON.stringify(data),
authorize: () => 'token',
isAuthorized: secret => secret === 'wizard'
export default utils;
import utils from './utils';
describe('automatic mocks test suites', () => {
it('should mock all methods of utils', () => {
expect((utils.getJSON as jest.Mock).mock).toBeTruthy();
test('implementation created by automock', () => {
it('mocked implementation', () => {
(utils.getJSON as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(123);
expect(utils.getJSON({ name: 'test' })).toBe(123);
Unit test result:
PASS src/automatic-mocks/utils.spec.ts (17.906s)
automatic mocks test suites
✓ should mock all methods of utils (4ms)
✓ implementation created by automock (2ms)
✓ mocked implementation (1ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 3 passed, 3 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 22.923s, estimated 23s
Source code: https://github.com/mrdulin/jest-codelab/tree/master/src/automatic-mocks

Is there a way to change the mocked value of a required dependency?

I'm facing a problem I'm not able to resolve on my own, maybe some of you faced the same problem.
Let me show you what I'm trying to do, here is the mock:
let mockConfig = {name: 'dude'};
jest.mock('../../../configManager', () => mockConfig);
configManager is a dependency of the function I'm trying to test.
It works well but I want to change the returning object of configManager in another test so the tested function behaves differently.
Let me show you, here is the function I'm testing:
const config = require('../../../configManager');
module.exports = () => {
if (config.name === 'dude') {
do stuff;
if (config.name === 'dudette') {
do something else;
So, typically, I want to change the config.name to 'dudette' to be able to test the second part of my function.
Naturally, when I want to do this with an imported function, I just do:
let mockJsonQueryResult = { value: 'stuff' };
jest.mock('json-query', () => jest.fn(() => mockJsonQueryResult));
and then in the test, I directly set another value to mockJsonQueryResult:
mockJsonQueryResult = { value: 'hotterStuff' };
But I don't find any way of doing this with a dependency that returns an object, with a dependency returning a function, no problem.
Is there even any way of doing this?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: this is not the same as how to change jest mock function return value in each test? as #Dor Shinar suggested because his problem is to mock a function, even if it is inside a returning object it is still a function, I just want to change a value inside the returned object.
So, I found a solution I'm not completely satisfied with but it works:
I simply set the original full object and then for my tests, change the value of specific properties by setting them directly before calling the function I want to test.
let mockConfig = { person: { name: 'dude', origin: {country: 'France'} } };
jest.mock('../../../configManager', () => mockConfig);
mockConfig.person = {};
mockConfig.person.name = 'dudette';
You don't need to mock the module at all.
If your module export is just an object with property values then just change the properties as needed.
Here is a simple working example to demonstrate:
module.exports = {
name: 'original'
const config = require('./configManager');
module.exports = () => `name: ${config.name}`;
const config = require('./configManager');
const func = require('./code');
test('func', () => {
expect(func()).toBe('name: original'); // Success!
config.name = 'dude';
expect(func()).toBe('name: dude'); // Success!
config.name = 'dudette';
expect(func()).toBe('name: dudette'); // Success!
A module binding can't be directly changed to something else:
const config = require('./configManager');
config = { name: 'mock' }; // <= this doesn't work
...but you can change the properties of an object representing a module binding:
const config = require('./configManager');
config.name = 'mock'; // <= this works!
...and any code using the module will automatically see the changes.

Test process.env with Jest

I have an application that depends on environmental variables like:
const APP_PORT = process.env.APP_PORT || 8080;
And I would like to test that for example:
APP_PORT can be set by a Node.js environment variable.
or that an Express.js application is running on the port set with process.env.APP_PORT
How can I achieve this with Jest? Can I set these process.env variables before each test or should I mock it somehow maybe?
The way I did it can be found in this Stack Overflow question.
It is important to use resetModules before each test and then dynamically import the module inside the test:
describe('environmental variables', () => {
const OLD_ENV = process.env;
beforeEach(() => {
jest.resetModules() // Most important - it clears the cache
process.env = { ...OLD_ENV }; // Make a copy
afterAll(() => {
process.env = OLD_ENV; // Restore old environment
test('will receive process.env variables', () => {
// Set the variables
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'dev';
process.env.PROXY_PREFIX = '/new-prefix/';
process.env.API_URL = 'https://new-api.com/';
process.env.APP_PORT = '7080';
process.env.USE_PROXY = 'false';
const testedModule = require('../../config/env').default
// ... actual testing
If you look for a way to load environment values before running the Jest look for the answer below. You should use setupFiles for that.
Jest's setupFiles is the proper way to handle this, and you need not install dotenv, nor use an .env file at all, to make it work.
module.exports = {
setupFiles: ["<rootDir>/.jest/setEnvVars.js"]
process.env.MY_CUSTOM_TEST_ENV_VAR = 'foo'
That's it.
Another option is to add it to the jest.config.js file after the module.exports definition:
process.env = Object.assign(process.env, {
VAR_NAME: 'varValue',
VAR_NAME_2: 'varValue2'
This way it's not necessary to define the environment variables in each .spec file and they can be adjusted globally.
In ./package.json:
"jest": {
"setupFiles": [
In ./jest/setEnvVars.js:
process.env.SOME_VAR = 'value';
You can use the setupFiles feature of the Jest configuration. As the documentation said that,
A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up
the testing environment. Each setupFile will be run once per test
file. Since every test runs in its own environment, these scripts will
be executed in the testing environment immediately before executing
the test code itself.
npm install dotenv dotenv that uses to access environment variable.
Create your .env file to the root directory of your application and add this line into it:
Create your custom module file as its name being someModuleForTest.js and add this line into it:
// someModuleForTest.js
Update your jest.config.js file like this:
module.exports = {
setupFiles: ["./someModuleForTest"]
You can access an environment variable within all test blocks.
test("Some test name", () => {
Expanding a bit on Serhan C.'s answer...
According to the blog post How to Setup dotenv with Jest Testing - In-depth Explanation, you can include "dotenv/config" directly in setupFiles, without having to create and reference an external script that calls require("dotenv").config().
I.e., simply do
module.exports = {
setupFiles: ["dotenv/config"]
In test file:
const APP_PORT = process.env.APP_PORT || 8080;
In the test script of ./package.json:
"scripts": {
"test": "jest --setupFiles dotenv/config",
In ./env:
In my opinion, it's much cleaner and easier to understand if you extract the retrieval of environment variables into a utility (you probably want to include a check to fail fast if an environment variable is not set anyway), and then you can just mock the utility.
// util.js
exports.getEnv = (key) => {
const value = process.env[key];
if (value === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Missing required environment variable ${key}`);
return value;
// app.test.js
const util = require('./util');
util.getEnv.mockImplementation(key => `fake-${key}`);
test('test', () => {...});
Depending on how you can organize your code, another option can be to put the environment variable within a function that's executed at runtime.
In this file, the environment variable is set at import time and requires dynamic requires in order to test different environment variables (as described in this answer):
const env = process.env.MY_ENV_VAR;
const envMessage = () => `MY_ENV_VAR is set to ${env}!`;
export default myModule;
In this file, the environment variable is set at envMessage execution time, and you should be able to mutate process.env directly in your tests:
const envMessage = () => {
const env = process.env.MY_VAR;
return `MY_ENV_VAR is set to ${env}!`;
export default myModule;
Jest test:
const vals = [
vals.forEach((val) => {
it(`Returns the correct string for each ${val} value`, () => {
process.env.MY_VAR = val;
you can import this in your jest.config.js
this work for me
All the above methods work if you're using require("dotenv").config within the jest.config.js file, a NodeJS application without TypeScript such as what Jialx or Henry Tipantuna has suggested.
But if you're using ts-jest and within the jest.config.ts file.
import dotenv from "dotenv"
/* config options below */
When using Typescript the following works for me:
in root:
/* eslint-disable #typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
const { pathsToModuleNameMapper } = require('ts-jest');
const { compilerOptions } = require('./tsconfig.paths.json');
module.exports = {
// [...]
moduleNameMapper: pathsToModuleNameMapper(compilerOptions.paths, { prefix: '<rootDir>/' }),
process.env = Object.assign(process.env, {
env_name: 'dev',
another_var: 'abc123',
To build upon #HenryTipantuña's suggestion is to import dotenv in your jest.config.js and use a .env.test file in the config path
path: '.env.test'
Building on top of #jahller's answer.
I made it responsive so you don't need to keep the files in sync as things change.
Put this at the bottom of your jest.config.js file.
const arr = require('fs')
.readFileSync('.env', 'utf8')
.reduce((vars, i) => {
const [variable, value] = i.split('=')
vars[variable] = value
return vars
}, {})
process.env = Object.assign(process.env, arr)
It reads the contents of your .env file, splits every new line and reduces it all back down to an object where you then assign it to process.env
just use dotenv in jest.setup.js 🤷‍♂️
i have most simple for implementation env (specialy test.env)
require("dotenv").config({ path: './test.env' });
const { sum } = require('./sum.js');
describe('sum', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.resetModules(); // remove cache
test('should success', () => {
expect(sum(1, 3)).toEqual(4);
I think you could try this too:
const currentEnv = process.env;
process.env = { ENV_NODE: 'whatever' };
// test code...
process.env = currentEnv;
This works for me and you don't need module things
