Remove Trailing Zeros from a Hexadecimal string - excel

I have a column of Hexadecimal strings with many TRAILING zeros.
The problem i have is that the trailing Zeros from the string, needs to be removed
I have searched for a VBA formula such as Trim but my solution has not worked.
Is there a VBA formula I can use to remove all these Trailing zeros from each of the strings.
An example of the HEX string is 4153523132633403277E7F0000000000000000000000000000. I would like to have it in a format of 4153523132633403277E7F
The big issue is that the Hexadecimal strings can be of various lengths.

You could try:
Formula in B1:
This would TEXTSPLIT() the input and the fact that we can then use XMATCH() to return the position of the last non-empty string with a wildcard match ?*. However, given the fact we can use arrays in our TEXTSPLIT() function, a little less verbose could be:
Or another option, though more verbose, is to use REDUCE() for what it's intended to do, which is to loop a given array:
If VBA is a must, one way of dealing with this is through the RTrim() function. Since your HEX-string should not contain spaces to begin with I think the following is a safe bet:
Sub Test()
Dim s As String: s = "4153523132633403277E7F0000000000000000000000000000"
Dim s_new As String
s_new = Replace(RTrim(Replace(s, "0", " ")), " ", "0")
Debug.Print s_new
End Sub
If you happen to have spaces anywhere else in your string, another option would be to look for trailing zero's using a regular expression:
Sub Test()
Dim s As String: s = "4153523132633403277E7F0000000000000000000000000000"
Dim s_new As String
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Pattern = "0+$"
s_new = .Replace(s, "")
End With
Debug.Print s_new
End Sub
Both the above options should print: 4153523132633403277E7F

As far as I know, there is no function to do that for you. The way I would do it is presented in the pseudo-code below:
while last character is "0"
remove last character
end while
It is quit slow, but VBA itself is not race car either, so you will probably not notice especially if you do not need to that for many times at once.
A more beautiful solution would involve VBA being able to search for the beginning or the end of a string.
An improvement of the solution above is to parse the string backwards and count the "0" characters, and then remove them all at the same time.


Remove characters A-Z from string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Extracting digits from a cell with varying char length
(4 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I need to be able to remove all alphabetical characters from a string, leaving just the numbers behind.
I don't need to worry about any other characters like ,.?# and so on, just the letters of the alphabet a-z, regardless of case.
The closest I could get to a solution was the exact opposite, the below VBA is able to remove the numbers from a string.
Function removenumbers(ByVal input1 As String) As String
Dim x
Dim tmp As String
tmp = input1
For x = a To Z
tmp = Replace(tmp, x, "")
removenumbers = tmp
End Function
Is there any modification I can make to remove the letters rather than numbers to the above, or am I going at this completely wrong.
The letters could fall anywhere in the string, and there is no pattern to the strings.
Failing this I will use CTRL + H to remove all letters one by one, but may need to repeat this again each week so UDF would be much quicker.
I'm using Office 365 on Excel 16
Option Explicit
dim mystring as String
dim regex as new RegExp
Private Function rgclean(ByVal mystring As String) As String
'function that find and replace string if contains regex pattern
'returns str
With regex
.Global = True ' return all matches found in string
.Pattern = "[A-Z]" ' add [A-Za-z] if you want lower case as well the regex pattern will pick all letters from A-Z and
End With
rgclean = regex.Replace(mystring, "") '.. and replaces everything else with ""
End Function
Try using regular expression.
Make sure you enable regular expression on: Tools > References > checkbox: "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5"
The function will remove anything from [A-Z], if you want to include lower case add [A-Za-z] into the regex.pattern values. ( .Pattern = "[A-Za-z]")
You just pass the string into the function, and the function will use regular expression to remove any words from in a string

Replace all sub-strings in a string

In Excel VBA, how to replace all sub-strings of xyz(*)in a string which contains several instances of this sub-string?
* in xyz(*) means every thing in between the two parenthesis. For example the string is "COVID-19 xyz(aaa) affects xyz(bbbbbb) so much families." This changes to "COVID-19 affects so much families."
You should use a regular expression.
for example:
Sub a()
Dim Regex As New RegExp
Dim SubjectString As String
SubjectString = "COVID-19 xyz(test) affects xyz(test) so much, families."
With Regex
.Global = True
.Pattern = "(\sxyz(\S*))"
End With
Dim ResultString As String
ResultString = Regex.Replace(SubjectString, "")
MsgBox (ResultString)
End Sub
the first \s used to grab 1 whitespace before the xyz, so when you delete replace, it won't leave 2 white spaces. <br> then looking for the string xyz and the opening parenthesis, inside it I look for \S which is any char and * means 0 or more times and then I look for the closing parenthesis.
here's a solution avoiding regexp, which I tend to avoid whenever possible and convenient (as this case seems to me)
Dim s As String
s = "COVID-19 xyz(aaa) affects xyz(bbbbbb) so much families."
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In Filter(Split(s, " "), "xyz(")
s = Replace(s, v & " ", vbNullString)
I got the use of Filter() from this post

VBA - Identifying null string

One of my cells appears to be blank but has a length of 2 characters. I copied the string to this website and it has identified it as a null string.
I have tried using IsNull and IsEmpty, as well as testing to see if it is equivalent to the vbNullString but it is still coming up as False.
How do I identify this string as being Null?
A string value that "appears to be blank but has a length of 2 characters" is said to be whitespace, not blank, not null, not empty.
Use the Trim function (or its Trim$ stringly-typed little brother) to strip leading/trailing whitespace characters, then test the result against vbNullString (or ""):
If Trim$(value) = vbNullString Then
The Trim function won't strip non-breaking spaces though. You can write a function that does:
Public Function TrimStripNBSP(ByVal value As String) As String
TrimStripNBSP = Trim$(Replace(value, Chr$(160), Chr$(32)))
End Function
This replaces non-breaking spaces with ASCII 32 (a "normal" space character), then trims it and returns the result.
Now you can use it to test against vbNullString (or ""):
If TrimStripNBSP(value) = vbNullString Then
The IsEmpty function can only be used with a Variant (only returns a meaningful result given a Variant anyway), to determine whether that variant contains a value.
The IsNull function has extremely limited use in Excel-hosted VBA, and shouldn't be needed since nothing is ever going to be Null in an Excel worksheet - especially not a string with a length of 2.
Chr(160) Issue
160 is the code number of a Non-Breaking Space.
Let us say the cell is A1.
In any cell write =CODE(A1) and in another (e.g. next to) write =CODE(MID(A1,2,1)).
The results are the code numbers (integers e.g. a and b) of the characters.
Now in VBA you can use:
If Cells(1, 1) = Chr(a) & Chr(b) Then
End If
or e.g.
If Left(Cells(1, 1), 1) = Chr(160) then
End If

Excel 2007 find the largest number in text string

I have Excel 2007. I am trying to find the largest number in a cell that contains something like the following:
[[ E:\DATA\SQL\SY0\ , 19198 ],[ E:\ , 18872 ],[ E:\DATA\SQL\ST0\ , 26211 ],[ E:\DATA\SQL\ST1\ , 26211 ],[ E:\DATA\SQL\SD0\ , 9861 ],[ E:\DATA\SQL\SD1\ , 11220 ],[ E:\DATA\SQL\SL0\ , 3377 ],[ E:\DATA\SQL\SL1\ , 1707 ],[ E:\DATA\SQL_Support\SS0\ , 14375 ],[ E:\DATA\SQL_Support\SS1\ , 30711 ]]
I am not a coder but I can get by with some basic instructions. If there is a formula that can do this, great! If the best way to do this is some sort of backend code, just let me know. Thank you for your time.
I do have the following formula that almost gets me there:
With a cell that contains a string like above, it will work. However, with a string that contains something like:
[[ E:\DATA\SQL\SY0\ , 19198.934678 ],[ E:\ , 18872.2567 ]]
I would end up with the value of 19198934678 as the largest value.
You can use this UDF:
Function MaxInString(rng As String) As Double
Dim splt() As String
Dim i&
splt = Split(rng)
For i = LBound(splt) To UBound(splt)
If IsNumeric(splt(i)) Then
If splt(i) > MaxInString Then
MaxInString = splt(i)
End If
End If
Next i
End Function
Put this in a module attached to the workbook. NOT in the worksheet or ThisWorkbook code.
Then you can call it like any other formula:
If there is always a space before and after, you can use this formula. The formula is an array formula and must be confirmed by holding down ctrl + shift while hitting enter
With your string in A1:
=MAX(IFERROR(--TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",REPT(" ",99)),IF(seq=1,1,(seq-1)*99),99)),0))
seq is a defined name that refers to:
If a VBA UDF is preferable, I suggest the following. The Regex will match anything that might be a number. The number is expected to be in the format of iiii.dddd The integer part and the decimal point are both optional.
Option Explicit
Function LargestNumberFromString(S As String) As Double
Dim RE As Object, MC As Object, M As Object
Dim D As Double
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RE
.Global = True
.Pattern = "\b[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+\b"
If RE.test(S) = True Then
For Each M In MC
D = IIf(D > CDbl(M), D, CDbl(M))
Next M
End If
End With
End Function
This is going to be a rather complex answer for someone with no programming background, so be prepared to spend a lot of time covering and researching this topic if you really wish to achieve a function that finds the largest number in a string in excel.
The solution, requires the use of VBA and Regular expressions
VBA is used in excel when there is a need for more complex functionality that just can't be achieved with the use of built in spreadsheet functions.
Regular expressions are a language used to tell programs how to extract useful information from texts, in this case we can extract all the numbers in your text. with the following regular expression.
Which roughly means: Match one or more digits with an optional period and subsequent optional digits.
The program that will interpret this will do the following: Look for digits, if you see one, then that's a match, grab all contiguous digits and add them to the match. Once you find a character that is not a digit, start looking for new matches. if at any point you find a dot, add it to the match, but just once, and keep on looking for digits. Rinse and repeat until the end of the text.
You can test it here. In this case, the regex matches 19 numbers.
Once you have a collection with the 19 matches (See link to regular expressions), all you would need to do is to loop over each of the matches to find out which of the numbers is the highest:
for each number in matches
if number > highestNumber then
highestNumber = number
end if
And highestNumber will be the the result! In order to have this code run in a simple custom function, you can follow this microsoft tutorial ( )
Where c is your string to find max from
Dim qwe() As String
qwe = Split(c, ", ")
maxed = 0
For x = LBound(qwe) To UBound(qwe)
qwe(x) = Left(qwe(x), InStr(1, qwe(x), " ", vbBinaryCompare))
On Error Resume Next
If CLng(qwe(x)) > maxed Then maxed = CLng(qwe(x))
Next x
MsgBox maxed
The error line is there to ignore when qwe(x) cannot be converted to a LONG number.
I must say this is very specific to your string format, for a more comprehensive doodad you'd want to have the split delimiter as a variable and possibly use the "IsNumeric" function to scan the entire string.

VBA: assign string character by character

Most people ask how to get the characters from a string, which can be done by Mid(). I am trying to assign a string character by character in VBA code. The characters to be assigned depend on some calculated results.
I do not want to use string concatenation to form the string.
I have searched the web, but the posted solution, strName.Chars(i) (e.g., at MS development network), is not recognized in my 2007 Access VBA.
You can use Mid to set values, too.
Sub showMidExample()
Dim s As String
s = "aaaaa"
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(s)
Mid(s, i) = "n"
Debug.Print s
Next i
End Sub
This prints out
Which is what you are looking for.
Since no working answer is posted. I assume that cannot be done in VBA and I have to use concatenation to form the string although that is cumbersome in my case.
