twillio verification sdk gradle dependency error - android-studio

when i add twillio verification sdk into my android studio projects its gives an gradle error
Caused by: org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.DefaultLenientConfiguration$ArtifactResolveException: Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'.
Any solution?
i tried all possible solution like add google service json file but not getting any solution still occured a gradle error


Gradle Sync Failed with Exception

I’m new developer in kotlin.
I started a new project in android studio, but when the compiler build the project he said Gradle Sync Failed.
so I look on the internet and I am following the instructions (update Gradle) but nothing happens. always the same message “Gradle Sync Failed”.
I tried all day yesterday and this morning to fix it. Anyone can help me.
Thank you

Why it leads to runtimeException when creating a new project?

I try to create an empty project(generated by idea/android studio). It leads to "Exception in plugin Android support" and the procedure of creating a new project failed.
I try to solve it by changing SDK version(from API24 to API21), disabling Android support, disabling Kotlin Sopport and etc. None of them works.
Do I need to reinstall idea?

Android Studio: Gradle project refresh failed

I just installed Android Studio. I had to set the proxy to automatic for the installation to work. Now when I created a HelloWorld Project, I get the error:
Grade 'HelloWorld' project refesh failed
Error: Connection timed out: connect
From what I have read, it might be a problem with the firewall. However I don't have the rights to add exceptions to the firewall. So before I ask the IT-Support, I want to check if it could be anything else. Any ideas what I could do?
Try using the following link, but looks like you will need to contact IT as it clearly indicates the firewall issue.
Android Studio – Gradle project refresh/sync failed : connection timed out

Where can I find progaurd.config file in android studio. How to resolve error GRADLE SYNC error basic functionalities

My android studio is not generating progaurd.config file. How I fix this error. Also. Gradle sync failed due to errors in basic functionalities.
Any one please provide me a solution.

which method should I add?

I'm new to android studio. I have problem with syncing my project with this title "android studio “Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (e.g. editing, debugging) will not work properly”.
error message:
Gradle DSL method not found :'mavenCentral()'
Possible causes:
.The project may be using a version of Gradle that does not contain the method.
.The built file may be missing a gradle plugin.
