So I have a list of Data, I know newtype is currently better but I will add more things to it. I would like to convert a list of Pack to a String.
unpack [Pack ('a','b'), Pack ('c','d') , Pack (' ', 'e') ] = "abcd e"
I was thinking about using a foldl but am stuck trying to figure it out.
data Pack= Pack (Char, Char) deriving ( Show)
unPack:: [Pack] -> String
unpack list = foldr (\Pack (a,b) -> show a + show b -> concat) "" list
Thx for the helping
To pattern-patch on Pack xyz in a lambda, you need to put it in parentheses:
foldr (\(Pack (a,b)) -> ...)
What you wrote would actually parse as two separate arguments
foldr (\(Pack) -> \(a,b) -> ...)
Next, you can't concatenate strings with +, that's for numbers. ++ or <> are for lists / strings.
Then, the -> concat isn't valid syntax. What you want to do is concatenate the remainder of the foldr computation to the shown a and b. That remainder is the second argument of the folding function:
foldr (\(Pack (a,b)) rest -> show a ++ show b ++ rest)
...or shorter,
foldr (\(Pack (a,b)) -> shows a . shows b)
Your Pack type is isomorphic to two-character strings:
pack2String :: Pack -> String
pack2String (Pack (a,b)) = a:[b]
string2Pack :: String -> Pack -- partial, since String isn't limited in length
string2Pack (a:[b]) = Pack (a, b)
(Note that Pack (a,b) already adds an unnecessary level of wrapping; data Pack = Pack Char Char is also isomorphic to Pack (Char, Char).)
As such, you don't actually need foldr; you can use the list monad instead.
unpack :: [Pack] -> String
unpack xs = xs >>= pack2String
If you aren't yet comfortable with monads, you can just use the concatMap function directly:
unpack :: [Pack] -> String
unpack = concatMap pack2String
I'm trying to write a code in which would take a input string say:
I love bacon, but I love bananas more.
and return ["bacon","bananas"] as output.
However I've ran into some troubles with my code, as I can't seem to properly implement this, currently my idea is that I would input a string and then use word() to split up the string into a string list, and then call getWrods to extract all the words with "ba" as their prefix and then return a list composed of words that start with "ba" for the main function allWords.
My code is as follows:
getWords:: String -> [String] -> [String]
getWords n [] = []
getWords n (x:xs)
| n isPrefixOf x = [x] ++ getWords n xs
|otherwise = getWords n xs
allWordss:: String -> [String]
allWordss n = getWords("ba" words(n))
I think that by using filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] here, you make the problem easier.
You can as filter condition use - like in your code isPrefixOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool, but you here wrote in in "infix" notation, but without writing backticks. You thus can call the function with:
isPrefixOf n x
n `isPrefixOf` x
A final problem with your code is that you write:
getWords("ba" words(n))
Here you seem to call a function with brackets, which is quite common in languages like Java, C++, etc. In Haskell however, a function f is called with a parameter x like f x, so you make a call with:
getWords "ba" (words n)
If we use filter here, we thus obtain:
allBaWords :: String -> [String]
allBaWords n = filter (\x -> isPrefixOf "ba" x) (words n)
or shorter:
allBaWords :: String -> [String]
allBaWords = filter (isPrefixOf "ba") . words
We can break up the problem into three logical parts:
Separate a string into a list of words.
Recognize whether a word starts with "ba".
Given a list, get a list of all the elements that satisfy a certain condition (often called a predicate).
Let's start by importing a couple standard modules:
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.String (words)
Let's start with (2):
startsWithBa :: String -> Bool
startsWithBa s = -- something using isPrefixOf
As others have noted, you have to enclose isPrefixOf in backticks if you want to use it infix (which most people tend to do so it reads nicely).
Now to separate the string into words, we use
words :: String -> [String]
To extract just the strings that start with "ba", we can use the function
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
I'll let you try to put these pieces together.
Hey guys I have a question about matching lists
Given the list of lists:
Input List 1 = [[True],[False],[True],[[False]]
Input List 2 = [[Bob],[Rick],[Lee],[Bill]]
Input List 3 = [[1],[2],[3],[4]]
Then match the Booleans of list 1 with the other lists so this happens:
Input List 1 + Input List 2 = [[Bob],[Dead],[Lee],[Dead]]
Input List 1 + Input List 2 = [[1],[0],[3],[0]]
As far as I can see, using nested lists here is unnecessary. Without them, all you need is zipWith and an appropriate combining function:
-- The first argument is the "dead" value. Note that this works with any type.
makeDead :: a -> Bool -> a -> a
makeDead dead b val
| b = val
| otherwise = dead
GHCi> :t zipWith
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
GHCi> zipWith (makeDead "Dead") [True,False,True,False] ["Bob","Rick","Lee","Bill"]
Two variations on the theme. Firstly, if whether a value should be changed depends only on what the value is, then you can simply use map/fmap:
-- Affects all names with 'i' as the second letter:
lethalLetter :: String -> String
lethalLetter name -> case name of
(_:'i':_) -> "Dead"
_ -> name
GHCi> fmap lethalLetter ["Bob", "Rick", "Lee", "Bill"]
Secondly, you might prefer using Maybe to indicate deadness rather than using an arbitrary value (what if someone is actually called "Dead")?
makeDead' :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
makeDead' b val
| b = Just val
| otherwise = Nothing
GHCi> zipWith makeDead' [True,False,True,False] ["Bob","Rick","Lee","Bill"]
[Just "Bob",Nothing,Just "Lee",Nothing]
You can then use functions like maybe, fromMaybe and catMaybes (the latter two are in Data.Maybe) to get rid of the Nothings however you feel like doing it:
GHCi> import Data.Maybe
GHCi> foo = zipWith makeDead' [True,False,True,False] ["Bob","Rick","Lee","Bill"]
GHCi> catMaybes foo
Assuming you change them to lists, as recommended by duplode, how about zipping together the two lists within a list comprehension, something like this:
[if flag then val else defaultVal | (flag, val) <- zip(list1, list2)]
where defaultVal would have to be specified, but seems to be Dead and 0 for lists 2 and 3.
(I don't have access right now to Haskell, so the syntax may not be 100% there, but that's the idea.)
You can use zipWith . zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [[a]] -> [[b]] -> [[c]] for matching lists of lists. For example:
import Data.Bool (bool)
kill deadVal = zipWith . zipWith $ bool (const deadVal) id
example = kill 0 [[True, False],[False,True]] [[1,2,3],[2]]
-- example = [[1,0],[0]]
I'm trying to write a function which adds single characters from a string to a list of strings, for instance
combine ", !" ["Hello", "", "..."] = ["Hello,", " ", "...!"]
I've tried this:
combine :: String -> [String] -> [String]
combine (y:ys) (x:xs) =
[x:y, combine ys xs]
A simple one would be
combine :: [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
combine [] _ = []
combine _ [] = []
combine (c:cs) (x:xs) = x ++ [c] : combine cs xs
Or even more simply using zipWith
combine :: [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
combine = zipWith (\c x -> x ++ [c])
I had to do a bit extra to get this to work. I'll break it down for you.
First, I specified the type of the function as [Char] -> [String] -> [String]. I could have used String for the first argument, but what you're operating on conceptually is a list of characters and a list of strings, not a string and a list of strings.
Next, I had to specify the edge cases for this function. What happens when either argument is the empty list []? The easy answer is to just end the computation then, so we can write
combine [] _ = []
combine _ [] = []
Here the _ is matching anything, but throwing it away because it isn't used in the return value.
Next, for the actual body of the function We want to take the first character and the first string, then append that character to the end of the string:
combine (c:cs) (x:xs) = x ++ [c]
But this doesn't do anything with cs or xs, the rest of our lists (and won't even compile with the type signature above). We need to keep going, and since we're generating a list, this is normally done with the prepend operator :
combine (c:cs) (x:xs) = x ++ [c] : combine cs xs
However, this is such a common pattern that there is a helper function called zipWith that handles the edge cases for us. It's type signature is
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
It walks down both input lists simultaneously, passing the corresponding elements into the provided function. Since the function we want to apply is \c x -> x ++ [c] (turned into a lambda function), we can drop it in to zipWith as
combine cs xs = zipWith (\c x -> x ++ [c]) cs xs
But Haskell will let us drop arguments when possible, so we can eta reduce this to
combine :: [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
combine = zipWith (\c x -> x ++ [c])
And that's it!
When you want to combine lists element by element, it is usually a zip you are looking at. In this case, you know exactly how you want to combine the elements – that makes it a zipWith.
zipWith takes a "combining function" and then creates a function that combines two lists using said combining function. Let's call your "combining" function append, because it adds a characters to the end of a string. You can define it like this:
append char string = string ++ [char]
Do you see how this works? For example,
append 'e' "nic" = "nice"
append '!' "Hello" = "Hello!"
Now that we have that, recall that zipWith takes a "combining function" and then creates a function that combines two lists using that function. So your function is then easily implemented as
combine = zipWith append
and it will do append on each of the elements in order in the lists you supply, like so:
combine ", !" ["Hello", "", "..."] = ["Hello,", " ", "...!"]
You are close. There are a couple issues with what you have.
y has type Char, and x has type String which is an alias for [Char]. This means that you can add y to the top of a list with y : x, but you can't add y to the end of a list using the same : operator. Instead, you make y into a list and join the lists.
x ++ [y]
There must also be a base case, or this recursion will continue until it has no elements in either list and crash. In this case, we likely don't have anything we want to add.
combine [] [] = []
Finally, once we create the element y ++ [x] we want to add it to the top of the rest of the items we have computed. So we use : to cons it to our list.
combine :: String -> [String] -> [String]
combine [] [] = []
combine (x : xs) (y : ys) = (y ++ [x]) : (combine xs ys)
One note about this code, if there is ever a point where the number of characters in your string is different from the number of strings in you list, then this will crash. You can handle that case in a number of ways, bheklilr's answer addresses this.
kqr's answer also works perfectly and is probably the best one to use in practice.
The question is to compute the mode (the value that occurs most frequently) of a sorted list of integers.
[1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3] -> 1
[2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,8,8,8,8] -> 3 or 8
[3,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6] -> 3
Just use the Prelude library.
Are the functions filter, map, foldr in Prelude library?
Starting from the beginning.
You want to make a pass through a sequence and get the maximum frequency of an integer.
This sounds like a job for fold, as fold goes through a sequence aggregating a value along the way before giving you a final result.
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
The type of foldl is shown above. We can fill in some of that already (I find that helps me work out what types I need)
foldl :: (a -> Int -> a) -> a -> [Int] -> a
We need to fold something through that to get the value. We have to keep track of the current run and the current count
data BestRun = BestRun {
currentNum :: Int,
occurrences :: Int,
bestNum :: Int,
bestOccurrences :: Int
So now we can fill in a bit more:
foldl :: (BestRun -> Int -> BestRun) -> BestRun -> [Int] -> BestRun
So we want a function that does the aggregation
f :: BestRun -> Int -> BestRun
f (BestRun current occ best bestOcc) x
| x == current = (BestRun current (occ + 1) best bestOcc) -- continuing current sequence
| occ > bestOcc = (BestRun x 1 current occ) -- a new best sequence
| otherwise = (BestRun x 1 best bestOcc) -- new sequence
So now we can write the function using foldl as
bestRun :: [Int] -> Int
bestRun xs = bestNum (foldl f (BestRun 0 0 0 0) xs)
Are the functions filter, map, foldr in Prelude library?
Stop...Hoogle time!
Did you know Hoogle tells you which module a function is from? Hoolging map results in this information on the search page:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
base Prelude, base Data.List
This means map is defined both in Prelude and in Data.List. You can hoogle the other functions and likewise see that they are indeed in Prelude.
You can also look at Haskell 2010 > Standard Prelude or the Prelude hackage docs.
So we are allowed to map, filter, and foldr, as well as anything else in Prelude. That's good. Let's start with Landei's idea, to turn the list into a list of lists.
groupSorted :: [a] -> [[a]]
groupSorted = undefined
-- groupSorted [1,1,2,2,3,3] ==> [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3]]
How are we supposed to implement groupSorted? Well, I dunno. Let's think about that later. Pretend that we've implemented it. How would we use it to get the correct solution? I'm assuming it is OK to choose just one correct solution, in the event that there is more than one (as in your second example).
mode :: [a] -> a
mode xs = doSomething (groupSorted xs)
where doSomething :: [[a]] -> a
doSomething = undefined
-- doSomething [[1],[2],[3,3]] ==> 3
-- mode [1,2,3,3] ==> 3
We need to do something after we use groupSorted on the list. But what? Well...we should find the longest list in the list of lists. Right? That would tell us which element appears the most in the original list. Then, once we find the longest sublist, we want to return the element inside it.
chooseLongest :: [[a]] -> a
chooseLongest xs = head $ chooseBy (\ys -> length ys) xs
where chooseBy :: ([a] -> b) -> [[a]] -> a
chooseBy f zs = undefined
-- chooseBy length [[1],[2],[3,3]] ==> [3,3]
-- chooseLongest [[1],[2],[3,3]] ==> 3
chooseLongest is the doSomething from before. The idea is that we want to choose the best list in the list of lists xs, and then take one of its elements (its head does just fine). I defined this by creating a more general function, chooseBy, which uses a function (in this case, we use the length function) to determine which choice is best.
Now we're at the "hard" part. Folds. chooseBy and groupSorted are both folds. I'll step you through groupSorted, and leave chooseBy up to you.
How to write your own folds
We know groupSorted is a fold, because it consumes the entire list, and produces something entirely new.
groupSorted :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
groupSorted xs = foldr step start xs
where step :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
step = undefined
start :: [[Int]]
start = undefined
We need to choose an initial value, start, and a stepping function step. We know their types because the type of foldr is (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b, and in this case, a is Int (because xs is [Int], which lines up with [a]), and the b we want to end up with is [[Int]].
Now remember, the stepping function will inspect the elements of the list, one by one, and use step to fuse them into an accumulator. I will call the currently inspected element v, and the accumulator acc.
step v acc = undefined
Remember, in theory, foldr works its way from right to left. So suppose we have the list [1,2,3,3]. Let's step through the algorithm, starting with the rightmost 3 and working our way left.
step 3 start = [[3]]
Whatever start is, when we combine it with 3 it should end up as [[3]]. We know this because if the original input list to groupSorted were simply [3], then we would want [[3]] as a result. However, it isn't just [3]. Let's pretend now that it's just [3,3]. [[3]] is the new accumulator, and the result we would want is [[3,3]].
step 3 [[3]] = [[3,3]]
What should we do with these inputs? Well, we should tack the 3 onto that inner list. But what about the next step?
step 2 [[3,3]] = [[2],[3,3]]
In this case, we should create a new list with 2 in it.
step 1 [[2],[3,3]] = [[1],[2],[3,3]]
Just like last time, in this case we should create a new list with 1 inside of it.
At this point we have traversed the entire input list, and have our final result. So how do we define step? There appear to be two cases, depending on a comparison between v and acc.
step v acc#((x:xs):xss) | v == x = (v:x:xs) : xss
| otherwise = [v] : acc
In one case, v is the same as the head of the first sublist in acc. In that case we prepend v to that same sublist. But if such is not the case, then we put v in its own list and prepend that to acc. So what should start be? Well, it needs special treatment; let's just use [] and add a special pattern match for it.
step elem [] = [[elem]]
start = []
And there you have it. All you have to do to write your on fold is determine what start and step are, and you're done. With some cleanup and eta reduction:
groupSorted = foldr step []
where step v [] = [[v]]
step v acc#((x:xs):xss)
| v == x = (v:x:xs) : xss
| otherwise = [v] : acc
This may not be the most efficient solution, but it works, and if you later need to optimize, you at least have an idea of how this function works.
I don't want to spoil all the fun, but a group function would be helpful. Unfortunately it is defined in Data.List, so you need to write your own. One possible way would be:
-- corrected version, see comments
grp [] = []
grp (x:xs) = let a = takeWhile (==x) xs
b = dropWhile (==x) xs
in (x : a) : grp b
E.g. grp [1,1,2,2,3,3,3] gives [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3,3]]. I think from there you can find the solution yourself.
I'd try the following:
mostFrequent = snd . foldl1 max . map mark . group
mark (a:as) = (1 + length as, a)
mark [] = error "cannot happen" -- because made by group
Note that it works for any finite list that contains orderable elements, not just integers.