I'm trying to render a cube with a texture on all sides in bevy. The texture is 16x16 and the cube is 1 bevy coordinate large.
This is my code so far:
use bevy::prelude::*;
fn main() {
.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
window: WindowDescriptor {
title: "Definitely Minecraft".to_string(),
.add_startup_system_to_stage(StartupStage::PostStartup, generate_world_system)
struct GameMaterials {
dirt: Handle<StandardMaterial>
fn setup_system (
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
// Light
commands.spawn(DirectionalLightBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(4., 80., 4.),
commands.insert_resource(GameMaterials {
dirt: materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("dirt.png")),
alpha_mode: AlphaMode::Blend,
unlit: false,
// Camera
commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(3., 5., 8.).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),
fn generate_world_system(
mut commands: Commands,
game_materials: Res<GameMaterials>,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
) {
let block_handle = meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Cube::new(1.)));
commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: block_handle.clone(),
material: game_materials.dirt.clone(),
transform: Transform::from_xyz(0., 0., 1.5),
When I compile I get a 1x1 cube with a blurry (the actual texture is sharp) texture on a single side. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
By default Bevy uses linear sampling which makes the low resolution textures blurry. You can change the sampler so that the textures look pixelated:
Anybody have experience with https://rust-sdl2.github.io/rust-sdl2/sdl2/index.html? I can't seem to make a texture's background be transparent. My code looks something like the following:
let mut canvas = window.into_canvas().build().unwrap();
let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator();
let mut texture = texture_creator.load_texture(std::path::Path::new(
canvas.copy_ex(&texture, None, None, 0., None, false, false)?;
I've tried different permutations of blendmode without success. Help.
Edit: a reproducible example
extern crate sdl2;
use sdl2::event::Event;
use sdl2::image::LoadTexture;
use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
let sdl_context = sdl2::init().unwrap();
let video_subsystem = sdl_context.video().unwrap();
let window = video_subsystem
.window("rust-sdl2 demo", 800, 600)
let mut canvas = window.into_canvas().build().unwrap();
let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator();
let mut texture = texture_creator.load_texture(std::path::Path::new(
let mut event_pump = sdl_context.event_pump().unwrap();
'running: loop {
for event in event_pump.poll_iter() {
match event {
Event::KeyDown {
keycode: Some(Keycode::Escape),
} => break 'running,
_ => {}
canvas.copy_ex(&texture, None, None, 0., None, false, false)?;
std::thread::sleep(Duration::new(0, 1_000_000_000u32 / 60));
I am working on a procedural generation system and want to be able to modify a mesh frame by frame in bevy rust.
I have tried using assets.get_mut() however this results in an error: help: trait `DerefMut` is required to modify through a dereference, but it is not implemented for `bevy::prelude::Res<'_, bevy::prelude::Assets<bevy::prelude::Mesh>>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what my current code looks like roughly:
// Function which is executed at the very start
fn setup (
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>
) {
let mut mesh = Mesh::from(bevy::prelude::shape::Icosphere { radius: 0.5, subdivisions: 10 });
.insert_bundle(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(mesh),
material: materials.add(colour.into()),
.insert(Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
// Function which is executed every frame
fn update_planets (
mut query: Query<(&Transform, &Handle<Mesh>)>,
assets: Res<Assets<Mesh>>
) {
let (transform, handle) = query.get_single_mut().expect("");
let mut mesh = assets.get_mut(handle.id); // Error caused here
if mesh.is_some() {
let positions = temp.attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION).unwrap();
if let VertexAttributeValues::Float32x3(thing) = positions {
let mut temporary = Vec::new();
for i in thingy {
let temp = Vec3::new(i[0], i[1], i[2]);
... // Modify temp here
mesh.unwrap().insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, temporary);
Fairly new to Bevy, but if you want to mutate an asset, I believe you should be using ResMut rather than Res.
i.e. assets: Res<Assets<Mesh>> should actually be mut assets: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>.
While trying out Bevy, I had the need for dragging and dropping sprites.
Unfortunately, this does not seem to come ready made or I did not find it in the documentation.
What would be the most idiomatic way to achieve this goal?
What I have tried so far is in my answer, but I'll gladly accept another solution that is better/faster/more idiomatic.
I'm not experienced enough to know what's idiomatic unfortunately, however, here's an overview of how I've implemented sprite dragging in my application, and it feels like a good way to me:
I have a "cursor location" entity with a transform component (and a Cursor component for identification) that I update in a system each frame to the location of the cursor.
Every draggable object has a Hoverable and Draggable component. I iterate over those objects in one system each where I add/remove a Hovered and Dragged component to the entities to indicate if they are hovered or dragged.
I have a system that checks if an object is getting dropped, and if so gives it a Dropped component.
I have a system that runs when an entity gets the 'Dragged' component (using the Added<C> filter), which sets the objects parent to the "cursor location" entity.
And another system for when an entity gets the 'Dropped' component, which clears the parent.
To me, having many systems with small areas of responsibility feels good. I would be interested to hear opposing views as I lack experience.
There are of course many things I've left out in this overview, so here's my code for reference. There are some oddities and unnecessary code for a minimal example since this is adapted from my actual code:
use bevy::{prelude::*, render::camera::Camera};
fn main() {
.add_resource(WindowDescriptor {
title: "Bevy".to_string(),
width: 1024.0,
height: 768.0,
vsync: true,
pub struct MyPlugin;
impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut AppBuilder) {
.add_system_to_stage(stage::PRE_UPDATE, cursor_state.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::UPDATE, cursor_transform.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::UPDATE, draggable.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::UPDATE, hoverable.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::POST_UPDATE, drag.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::POST_UPDATE, drop.system())
.add_system_to_stage(stage::POST_UPDATE, material.system());
const SPRITE_SIZE: f32 = 55.0;
fn setup(
commands: &mut Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
) {
let bevy_texture = asset_server.load("sprites/bevy-icon.png");
.spawn((Transform::default(), GlobalTransform::default(), Cursor));
for _ in 0..4 {
.spawn(SpriteBundle {
material: materials.add(bevy_texture.clone().into()),
sprite: Sprite::new(Vec2::new(SPRITE_SIZE, SPRITE_SIZE)),
struct CursorState {
cursor_world: Vec2,
cursor_moved: bool,
struct Cursor;
struct Draggable;
struct Dragged;
struct Dropped;
struct Hoverable;
struct Hovered;
fn cursor_state(
mut state: ResMut<State>,
e_cursor_moved: Res<Events<CursorMoved>>,
windows: Res<Windows>,
mut q_cursor_state: Query<&mut CursorState>,
q_camera: Query<&Transform, With<Camera>>,
) {
let event_cursor_screen = state.er_cursor_moved.latest(&e_cursor_moved);
for mut cursor_state in q_cursor_state.iter_mut() {
if let Some(event_cursor_screen) = event_cursor_screen {
let window = windows.get_primary().unwrap();
let cam_transform = q_camera.iter().last().unwrap();
cursor_state.cursor_world =
cursor_to_world(window, cam_transform, event_cursor_screen.position);
cursor_state.cursor_moved = true;
} else {
cursor_state.cursor_moved = false;
fn cursor_transform(
commands: &mut Commands,
q_cursor_state: Query<&CursorState>,
mut q_cursor: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform), With<Cursor>>,
) {
let cursor_state = q_cursor_state.iter().next().unwrap();
for (cursor_e, mut transform) in q_cursor.iter_mut() {
transform.translation.x = cursor_state.cursor_world.x;
transform.translation.y = cursor_state.cursor_world.y;
fn hoverable(
commands: &mut Commands,
q_cursor_state: Query<&CursorState>,
q_hoverable: Query<(Entity, &Transform, &Sprite), (With<Hoverable>, Without<Dragged>)>,
) {
let cursor_state = q_cursor_state.iter().next().unwrap();
if cursor_state.cursor_moved {
for (entity, transform, sprite) in q_hoverable.iter() {
let half_width = sprite.size.x / 2.0;
let half_height = sprite.size.y / 2.0;
if transform.translation.x - half_width < cursor_state.cursor_world.x
&& transform.translation.x + half_width > cursor_state.cursor_world.x
&& transform.translation.y - half_height < cursor_state.cursor_world.y
&& transform.translation.y + half_height > cursor_state.cursor_world.y
commands.insert_one(entity, Hovered);
} else {
fn material(
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
q_hoverable: Query<
(&Handle<ColorMaterial>, Option<&Hovered>, Option<&Dragged>),
) {
let mut first = true;
for (material, hovered, dragged) in q_hoverable.iter() {
let (red, green, alpha) = if dragged.is_some() {
(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
} else if first && hovered.is_some() {
first = false;
(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
} else if hovered.is_some() {
(1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
} else {
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
fn cursor_to_world(window: &Window, cam_transform: &Transform, cursor_pos: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
// get the size of the window
let size = Vec2::new(window.width() as f32, window.height() as f32);
// the default orthographic projection is in pixels from the center;
// just undo the translation
let screen_pos = cursor_pos - size / 2.0;
// apply the camera transform
let out = cam_transform.compute_matrix() * screen_pos.extend(0.0).extend(1.0);
Vec2::new(out.x, out.y)
fn draggable(
commands: &mut Commands,
i_mouse_button: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
q_pressed: Query<Entity, (With<Hovered>, With<Draggable>)>,
q_released: Query<Entity, With<Dragged>>,
) {
if i_mouse_button.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
if let Some(entity) = q_pressed.iter().next() {
commands.insert_one(entity, Dragged);
} else if i_mouse_button.just_released(MouseButton::Left) {
for entity in q_released.iter() {
commands.insert_one(entity, Dropped);
fn drag(
commands: &mut Commands,
mut q_dragged: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform, &GlobalTransform), Added<Dragged>>,
q_cursor: Query<(Entity, &GlobalTransform), With<Cursor>>,
) {
if let Some((cursor_e, cursor_transform)) = q_cursor.iter().next() {
for (entity, mut transform, global_transform) in q_dragged.iter_mut() {
let global_pos = global_transform.translation - cursor_transform.translation;
commands.insert_one(entity, Parent(cursor_e));
transform.translation.x = global_pos.x;
transform.translation.y = global_pos.y;
fn drop(
commands: &mut Commands,
mut q_dropped: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform, &GlobalTransform), Added<Dropped>>,
) {
for (entity, mut transform, global_transform) in q_dropped.iter_mut() {
let global_pos = global_transform.translation;
transform.translation.x = global_pos.x;
transform.translation.y = global_pos.y;
struct State {
er_cursor_moved: EventReader<CursorMoved>,
This code is for bevy 0.4.
This is the solution I came up with. Complete example
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::render::pass::ClearColor;
use bevy::window::CursorMoved;
const SPRITE_SIZE: f32 = 55.0;
fn main() {
.add_resource(WindowDescriptor {
width: 1000.0,
height: 1000.0,
resizable: false,
title: "Bevy: drag sprite".to_string(),
.add_resource(Msaa { samples: 4 })
.add_resource(ClearColor(Color::rgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)))
fn setup(
commands: &mut Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
) {
// show sprite in the middle of the screen
let bevy_texture = asset_server.load("sprites/bevy-icon.png");
commands.spawn(SpriteBundle {
sprite: Sprite::new(Vec2::new(SPRITE_SIZE, SPRITE_SIZE)),
material: materials.add(bevy_texture.clone().into()),
struct State {
cursor_moved_event_reader: EventReader<CursorMoved>,
// store current cursor/mouse position
cursor_pos: Vec2,
// store entity ID and the difference between sprite center and mouse click location
sprite: Option<(Entity, Vec3)>,
fn sprite_system(
mut state: Local<State>,
windows: Res<Windows>,
mouse_button_input: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
cursor_moved_events: Res<Events<CursorMoved>>,
mut sprites: Query<(Entity, &Sprite)>,
mut transforms: Query<&mut Transform>,
) {
let window = windows.get_primary().unwrap();
let half_window = Vec2::new(window.width() / 2.0, window.height() / 2.0);
// if cursor has moved, transform to graphics coordinates and store in state.curser_pos
if let Some(cursor_event) = state.cursor_moved_event_reader.latest(&cursor_moved_events) {
state.cursor_pos = cursor_event.position - half_window;
state.cursor_pos.x = state.cursor_pos.x;
// stop dragging if mouse button was released
if mouse_button_input.just_released(MouseButton::Left) {
state.sprite = None;
// set new sprite position, if mouse button is pressed and a sprite was clicked on
// take previous click difference into account, to avoid sprite jumps on first move
if mouse_button_input.pressed(MouseButton::Left) && state.sprite.is_some() {
let sprite = state.sprite.unwrap();
let mut sprite_pos = transforms.get_mut(sprite.0).unwrap();
trace!("Sprite position old: {:?}", sprite_pos.translation);
sprite_pos.translation.x = state.cursor_pos.x + sprite.1.x;
sprite_pos.translation.y = state.cursor_pos.y + sprite.1.y;
trace!("Sprite position new: {:?}", sprite_pos.translation);
// position clamping was left out intentionally
// store sprite ID and mouse distance from sprite center, if sprite was clicked
if mouse_button_input.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
for (entity, sprite) in sprites.iter_mut() {
let sprite_pos = transforms.get_mut(entity).unwrap().translation;
let diff = cursor_to_sprite_diff(&state.cursor_pos, &sprite_pos);
// sprite is a circle, so check distance from center < sprite radius
if diff.length() < (sprite.size.x / 2.0) {
state.sprite = Some((entity, diff));
fn cursor_to_sprite_diff(cursor_pos: &Vec2, sprite_pos: &Vec3) -> Vec3 {
sprite_pos.x - cursor_pos.x,
sprite_pos.y - cursor_pos.y,
name = "bevy-drag-sprite"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Me"]
edition = "2018"
bevy = "0.4"
I wanted to try to make a game in Rust using Piston. This is the first time I have used this library. I took this code from the official doc to test it. However, when my mouse touches the application window it closes immediately and I don’t understand why.
extern crate glutin_window;
extern crate graphics;
extern crate opengl_graphics;
extern crate piston;
use glutin_window::GlutinWindow as Window;
use opengl_graphics::{GlGraphics, OpenGL};
use piston::event_loop::{EventSettings, Events};
use piston::input::{RenderArgs, RenderEvent, UpdateArgs, UpdateEvent};
use piston::window::WindowSettings;
pub struct App {
gl: GlGraphics, // OpenGL drawing backend.
rotation: f64, // Rotation for the square.
impl App {
fn render(&mut self, args: &RenderArgs) {
use graphics::*;
const GREEN: [f32; 4] = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0];
const RED: [f32; 4] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0];
let square = rectangle::square(0.0, 0.0, 50.0);
let rotation = self.rotation;
let (x, y) = (args.window_size[0] / 2.0, args.window_size[1] / 2.0);
self.gl.draw(args.viewport(), |c, gl| {
// Clear the screen.
clear(GREEN, gl);
let transform = c
.trans(x, y)
.trans(-25.0, -25.0);
// Draw a box rotating around the middle of the screen.
rectangle(RED, square, transform, gl);
fn update(&mut self, args: &UpdateArgs) {
// Rotate 2 radians per second.
self.rotation += 2.0 * args.dt;
fn main() {
// Change this to OpenGL::V2_1 if not working.
let opengl = OpenGL::V3_2;
// Create an Glutin window.
let mut window: Window = WindowSettings::new("spinning-square", [200, 200])
// Create a new game and run it.
let mut app = App {
gl: GlGraphics::new(opengl),
rotation: 0.0,
let mut events = Events::new(EventSettings::new());
while let Some(e) = events.next(&mut window) {
if let Some(args) = e.render_args() {
if let Some(args) = e.update_args() {
The error:
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempted to leave type `platform::platform::x11::util::input::PointerState` uninitialized, which is invalid', /home/zenmoa/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/mem/mod.rs:658:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
This is apparently a bug in an old version of winit, which is fixed in the latest winit release. However, various crates e.g. amethyst, piston, ggez, etc. still use winit 0.19. In Rust 1.48.0 the issue has apparently manifested itself as a panic.
On the amethyst issue tracker a comment mentions, that for now a possible workaround is to revert back to Rust 1.47.0. If you're using rustup, then you can do that by executing the following command:
rustup default 1.47.0