I use nvim with a German keyboard (on a Mac) and have remapped some keys to do something more useful for me. This is what that part of my init.vim looks like:
nnoremap , :
nnoremap : ,
imap ö (
imap ä )
imap Ö [
imap Ä ]
imap ü {
imap Ü }
imap ß \
nmap ß \
nmap ö /
My problem is that when I use, for example f{, it tries to find the character ü instead, and the same for all remapped characters. I tried other types of maps, but that does not seem to help.
EDIT: I also just checked on my Linux machine, and this does not seem to be a MacOS issue, the behaviour is the same there (perhaps unsurprisingly).
EDIT2: I have reduced my init.vim to just the above. The command :verbose nmap { returns No mapping found.
Furthermore, what I noticed is that if I am in normal mode and type //, below I see /ö instead -- i.e. it seems that the first instance of / is remapped correctly, but once I am inside the /-command, it is not.
imap ( ()<ESC>i
imap { {<CR> <CR>}<ESC>i<Up><Tab>
imap [ []<ESC>i
imap <S-BS> <Del>
I decided to create auto bracket and there I was a need key combination for fast delete double bracket (4 line in code). But it doesn't work. What's the problem? It work if I overwrite <S-BS> to (for example) symbol *.
When you do <S-BS>, Vim sees <BS>. To verify this, do CTRL-V then backspace or shift+backspace in insert mode. This will insert ^? for both, which is the terminal code for those special keys. See :help c_CTRL-V. So both backspace and shift+backspace have the same terminal code, which means Vim can't tell the difference between the two.
The mapping does work in gVim though.
In my vimrc, I've remapped jk to escape using imap.
The problem emerges when I use jk; it doesn't escape, it only echoes out <Esc>.
Here's the entry in quiestion:
imap jk <Esc>
It's also a good point to make that I'm also using vim-X11 in fedora.
It looks like your 'cpoptions' settings contains <; then, special key codes like <Esc> are not recognized.
Find out where this got set via
:verbose set cpo?
or re-write the mapping to use a literal Escape character; enter it via Ctrl + V Esc; it should appear as ^[ in the buffer.
PS: Though not related, you should usually use :inoremap unless remapping is required.
For those who are here because of the title, the jk mapping will also not work when :set paste is enabled.
I have an odd problem with mapping in Vim. I am using an Azerty keyboard.
In my .vimrc, I have the following command to quickly move between paragraphs.:
nnoremap _ {
vnoremap _ {
nnoremap è }
vnoremap è }
However, the second mapping using è is not taken into account.
After startup, if I check the mapping, I got something for :verbose map _ but nothing for :verbose map è.
Worse, if I actually type nnoremap è }in runtime, the mapping is correctly registered.
I think this is an encoding issue, but I don't manage to find a work around.
I am using Vim 7.3 on Debian Lenny.
I am using the same .vimrc on WinXP, and it works there : the only difference is that on WinXP I am using set encoding=latin1 beforehand, while on Debian, I have not changed the default encoding which is utf-8
So basically, my question becomes why it works with encoding equals to latin1 and not utf-8 Does it have something to do with è being encoded in multiple bytes in utf-8 ?
Perhaps the .vimrc file encoding is not correct.
You can see it using set fileencoding, and change it using :w ++enc=utf-8 or :w ++enc=iso-8859-1.
I have a few vim shortcuts to insert Greek and math characters. (for nicer looking comments and Haskell code.) Unfortunately, the "forall" character seems to insert ∀þX instead of just ∀. Does this behavior happen for you, and is there a workaround?
imap <expr> <A-a> "α"
imap <expr> <A-b> "β"
imap <expr> <A-g> "γ"
imap <expr> <A-l> "λ"
imap <expr> <S-A-f> "∀"
imap <expr> <S-A-e> "∃"
You'll have to use gvim in order to use the "Alt" key combinations; you can change the "A" to a "C" and try to use it in vim if desirable. The same error comes up for me.
(It also seems that I can't map both "alt+key" and "shift+alt+key", but I'll worry about that when it becomes a problem.)
It looks like one of the bugs related to «0x80 byte starts an escape sequence» problem: in UTF-8 ∀ is \xe2\x88\x80... you see the last byte, do you? If you want to use it you should change mapping to
inoremap <expr> <S-A-f> "\u2200"
Also note the nore: don't use *map unless you know why you prefer it to nore version, it may save you from troubles when your vimrc grows. Another option is
inoremap <S-A-f> ∀
In order to edit html files, I have the following three imaps in a file that I source for filetype html:
imap <buffer> <M-[> ü
imap <buffer> <M-;> ö
imap <buffer> <M-'> ä
This works fine until I change the encoding of the html file with set enc=utf-8. Now, pressing Alt-[ for example gives me a Û.
Interestingly, after sourcing the same file again, it expands the imaps correctly.
This doesn't really make sense to me. So, why is this and how can I have a more constistent environment regarding imap and utf-8.
This is occuring with gVim 7.1 for Windows.
It sounds like the same problem listed here: https://superuser.com/questions/154491/utf-8-option-makes-alt-key-to-insert-accented-characters-in-vim-how-to-disable-i
I'd suggest putting set encoding = utf-8 in your vimrc above your imap mappings, rather than turning it on for specific files.