All files are locked after upgrading to windows 10 from windows 7 - windows-10

I've got an old laptop that had windows 7 on it.
Now I upgraded to windows 10 and everything is perfect, except that files are locked and I can't open them, I get a message that says "access denied". I looked on google and looks like it's a common problem, I tried all solutions but none worked for me.
Hope anyone here can help because they're so important to me.
I tried editing who has access for what on the computer an d I was expecting the files to be unlocked.


Getting 500 error when starting IIS Express localhost (500.19)

Ive got a project which i run on my main computer, everything works fine there. Then i also want to use that project on my laptop, so i get the code via git from azure devops, build the project and everything shows up as working. As soon as i want to run the project, either via npm start or via visual studio 2019, i get a 500 error displayed in the browser, like really quick.
And i get zero error codes or messages, the only push in the right direction is that the cmd that displays the status of IIS, displays 500.19, but thats it. I have no idea what this might be since it doesnt show any errors?
It is installed on a fresh computer, we tried installing this on another computer and it worked there, but not on my computer.
Ive tried numerous things, such as reinstalling IIS Express, editing / removing applicationHost.config, editing web.config, checking access rights for all the files and folders.
Possible solution?:
According to my project on my other pc and the internet there should be an applicationhost.config in .vs/config/****, which it doesnt for me? which may be a problem? i dont know to be honest, i have been stuck on this problems for a couple of days now..

Remove the history of a Drive in the registry windows 10

I'm familiar with windows systems, I work as a network admin with 7 enterprise, but this stumped me with one of my personal pc's.
I have a computer that is running windows 10 with 2 drive now, previously had a third one until it failed. I removed the D: drive and started downloading my games on my other one G: drive. I can not remove old installations of previously installed games on through app and features nor can I install games.
Example is fortnite, it says that it can not find D:...\fortnite...... Which makes sense since the drive is not in the computer. I have gone through the registry and removed (what I can see) all keys associated with the D: drive.
Is there a program or way to just remove all keys automatically associated with the missing drive? I tried CCleaner, Disk Cleanup, and one more my coworker recommended that I don't recall the name of. I ran Avast system check to see if it would notice the missing drive.
Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance.
Found an accidental solution, my little brother installed windows on the wrong computer so I guess this works.

Slow IIS on local Windows 10 PC

I've been running IIS over the years, on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 7.
Since I moved to Windows 10, I've been having lots of problems with IIS running slowly.
I have a clean install of Windows 10 on my PC, not a previous Win7 version upgraded to Windows 10.
These are the versions:
Windows 10 Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.420)
Internet Information Services (Version 10.0.10586.0)
I have tried all sorts to fix this issue, such as editing my hosts file to this: localhost
Or commenting that line out.
I've tried running as: instead of localhost/mysite
I've tried tweaking various settings on the ApplicationPool, as per reading I've done on StackOverflow and the web in general.
There is nothing in the Event Log to do with errors or problems being flagged up.
However, a lot of the time page refreshes take over 1 minute to complete, which makes local development very slow.
The issue is the same on Chrome, Firefox, IE and Edge browsers.
I just re-installed Windows 10 and had the same issue again.
My IIS files sit outside of the wwwroot folder, in the c:\data folder. The localhost site was running painfully slow again.
This time, I fixed it by giving Read access to IUSR, NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_IUSR when right-clicking the folder and going to Properties > Permissions - e.g. for NETWORK SERVICE:
After that I restarted the IIS server and it sped up a lot.
This isn't how I fixed it last time though, but I can't remember how I fixed it them - so putting in this fix this time before I forget it!

Visual Studio 2012-Update 2 Won't Load Solution if SUO File is Present

I develop in VS 2012/.NET on several computers (all running Windows 8 Pro x64). Although VS is installed on all computers I keep the project folder on an external USB3 drive. Every once in a while I would find the project files had been corrupted on the USB drive (e.g. cross-linked). Fortunately I keep frequent backups but clearly this situation is intolerable, so I set out trying to find what the issue(s) might be.
I still don't have a clear answer but one piece of strange behavior is this: if I open the .SLN file for my project in VS 2012 when an .SUO file is NOT present it loads fine, builds are OK, etc. HOWEVER, if I then save the project, exit VS (so an SUO file is created) and then attempt to REOPEN the solution VS hangs at (....loading). I get the usual "Visual Studio is busy....." messages and there is no point in waiting, the solution just never loads. I have to kill VS in TM. I've tested this repeatedly, and I've even done it from the local hard disk (as opposed to the USB drive) to see if USB was the problem. It isn't. Remember, this is all on the same computer (so as to remove "moving" as the cause of the issue). The only way I can work with the project is to delete the SUO file before trying to open it.
I would assume, if this was a VS bug, it would be pretty much all over the web and my searches would have turned up something. So I'm asking if anyone has any idea what the problem might be or if there are links that might help me figure things out.
Thanks in advance.

Visual Studio 2012 failed to create project

I just upgraded to windows 8 from windows 7. Visual studio 2010 broke down completely. Oh well. I removed vs2012 and installed visual studio 2012, where the pain starts. I have been reinstalling vs 2012 a couple of times. However, the symptom remains the same.
When I try to create a new project (FILE -> New -> Project or ctrl + N).
It pops up with an error message dialogbox saying
"Failed to create a ImageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png'.
" I am like ##*%&^#*###(. So can anyone please tell me what is going on with my Visual Studio2012?
By the way, I can open and run the existing vs2010 projects with no problems.
I definitely neither want to do a fresh install on windows 8 nor rolling back to my windows 7.
To resolve that problem, I've change the permission of "modify" for "everybody" on the files
Don't know if it's the best way to do it, but at least it works.
Do you have any codec packs installed on your system? I had a WIC codec pack for viewing RAW files in Explorer, and it resulted in the same issue you are describing. Uninstalling the codecs fixed Visual Studio for me.
I was having various issues, including the above.
To resolve the problem on Windows 8 for VS 2012, setting it to run as administrator fixed the problem for me.
Launch icon properties->Advanced Properties->Run as administrator
I hope this helps.
The trace of this issue leads to Windows Imaging Component (one solution proposed was to remove FastPictureViewer, which codec affects WIC, but it was not my case). I used procmon to log all file and registry calls and found that VS2012 stumbles at the following key:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.png - REG_SZ Content Type
I was suprized to see that Content Type for .png was set application (for .jpg it was application as well). After correcting it to image/png, not only VS2012 started successfully, but VS2010 as well, that was showing "Provide value on System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension threw an exception" on Win8 and caused me to try VS2012.
I had the same problem with Visual Studio 13.
uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages did not solved the problem.
Finally I tried to run it as administrator, as explained above and it worked.
Just happened to me. As Eric Aubry said check the machine.config file. In my case it wasn't permission error but the fact that the file was destroyed internally. By renaming the machine.config.default everything was fixed.
For me, this happened when I installed mysql on my machine, and it added an extra connection string to my machine config. However, since I was using a separate file for configSource, it resulted my machine config to become corrupted.
Moving the new config key to my config source from the 32bit machine config solved the issue.
As I mentioned in that question ,
I tried almost every solution I found.
I would like to share, what I have tried and did not work and what did work and solved the problem.
Here are the "solutions" which did not work for me but claimed that they worked for some people.
1) Removing FastPictureViewer Codec Pack (which was already not installed)
2) Having a modify permission to everyone for
3) Using Procmon to see broken registries
4) Uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages
5) Renaming the machine.config.default to machine.config
6) Running Visual Studio as an administrator
And this what it solved it:
Simply installed all the updates for windows 8.1 (not only the important ones, also optional updates as well) and restart. It sounds crazy after spending hours and hours but that solved my problem.
Good luck!
