How to cross check data in different Excel worksheets - excel

How can I make sure that the postcode corresponding to a name in worksheet 1 matches the address for the same name in worksheet 2.
For example, I would need a column with a vlookup or index/match formula that would check Alice's postcode from worksheet 1 against Alices postcode in worksheet 2 and return true for a match of the postcode or false if the postcode is different.
Worksheet 1
Name Address DOB Post code
Alice Berlin 1980 W2
Bob London 1979 EC1
Worksheet 2
Name Address Post Code DOB
Alice London EC 1979
Alice Berlin W2 1980
I don't think a vlookup is ideal because of performance and column positioning.

I don't know if there is any other way to check that, other than VLOOKUP or MATCH function family. What I would recommend is to use the X-function family (XLOOKUP or XMATCH), this is what Microsoft recommends
For example:
Then drag down the formula.
Here is the output:

Use a IF formula
For example in Sheet2 : =IF(B5=Sheet1!B5,"True"'"False")
Here is a link that might help


How to copy a column from one sheet to another in MS- Excel, with ID as reference

I have 2 sheets in one excel file. I'd like to copy only the team column from sheet 2 to sheet 1. Both sheets have matching ID to relate to each other.
Sheet 1
1st street
2nd Street
Sheet 2
And then sheet 1 will now look like this:
1st street
2nd Street
I don't know where to start. I know though that this can be done in excel, and you can do programming on it. I don't want to manually input it since it's more than a hundred records.
Okay so I am assuming all the headers are in first row. This can easily be done through Vlookup
Put this formula in column team in Sheet1. It will work.
Let me know if you need any further clarification.

How to automatically fill up information on sheet 2 when information is input in sheet 1

I have a sheet of data whereby if the column is of certain value, it will return the whole row of data in another sheet. Example table as below.
PIC Name Phone number Gender Nationality
Ali Sad 123218972 Female US
Fahril Sam 435262626 Female US
Abu James 26426426426 Male US
I'm not too sure of the formula to output with the condition of when PIC=Ali, whole row will be returned on sheet 2. Given the extra condition of Ali might have in charged for more than 1 person. Assuming PIC is A1. Result will be as below in sheet 2
Name Phone number Gender Nationality
Sad 123218972 Female US

Excel matching cell value and date range

i'm working on some data checking and faced problem to ease my checking. Hope anyone here can help me
I've two sheet of data
Sheet 1
John 01.10.2017 10.10.2017 A
Chloe 10.10.2017 10.10.2017 B
Jess 20.11.2017 22.11.2017 C
John 12.10.2017 13.10.2017 D
Sheet 2
Name Date Result
John 01.10.2017 A
John 11.10.2017 #N/A
Chloe 10.10.2017 B
I need a formula to cater on Sheet 2, result column.
If sheet 2 name with date fall/collision in btw sheet 1 date range, excel could help show the result
note that name on sheet 1 maybe repeated with different date range, but sheet 2 i wish to check the name whether conllision with sheet 1 data
Appreciate if anyone can help
First you need to format your dates properly. Format them as date times etc.
Then in the sheet 2 results column have a function something like this:
=IF(AND(A1=Sheet1!A1, B1>=Sheet1!B1, B1<=Sheet1!C1),TRUE,FALSE)
This will return TRUE for John for instance.
You then extend this for the rest of your cases.

Match multiple columns in Excel

I want to match three different columns in different sheets in Excel.
In one sheet I have Group and Name, and in another I have Name and Email.
How do I match Name in Sheet 1 with Email in Sheet 2?
Sheet 1
Group Name
A John
B Jack
C Anne
Sheet 2
Name Email
John john#
Jack jack#
Anne anne#
In Sheet2 column C, add a Group with this formula copied and dragged down:
See the pic above. This should give what you are looking for.

Searching for a value in Excel from two columns in different worksheets, returning yes or no

I have one workbook, with two separate worksheets. I want to know if the values that appear in worksheet B also appear in worksheet A, if so, I want to return a "YES". If not, I want to return a "NO". Based on columns A and B.
Worksheet A is a list of Students enrolled in certain programs. Worksheet B is the entire school.
In worksheet A, I have the following data set:
1 Bob Builder 1/1/2001
2 Patrik Str 2/2/2001
3 Thunder Ct 3/3/2001
4 peter Grif 4/4/2001
In worksheet B, I have the following data set:
1 Bob Builder 1/1/2001
2 Patrik Str 2/2/2001
3 Thunder Ct 3/3/2001
4 peter Grif 4/4/2001
5 Bob Builder 8/8/2011
6 Patrik Str 2/25/2001
I have tried =IFERROR(IF(MATCH(A1,Sheet1!$A:$A,0),"yes",),"no") but it is only looking for column A not B. This works fine only because it looks at column A but there are also other students that have the same name but different DOB.
can Match contain two columns for comparison ?
Try in cell D2: =If(C2=(Index(Sheet1!$C:$C,Match(B2,Sheet1!$B:$B))),"yes","no")
