Polarion Variant 'Pure Variants server cannot be found' - variant

When trying to generate a document from a Variant 'Generate Documents' button, the job keeps failing with the 'Pure Variants server cannot be found' error.
has anyone seen this before?
2022-11-10 13:27:09,078 [ajp-nio-8889-exec-11 | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - Job "Generate Variant Documents" has id 61b91006-0a780dcc-70337f2a-746e4b7f
2022-11-10 13:27:09,078 [ajp-nio-8889-exec-11 | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - State of job "Generate Variant Documents" changed to UNSCHEDULED
2022-11-10 13:27:09,093 [ajp-nio-8889-exec-11 | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - Working directory of root job "Generate Variant Documents" is D:\Polarion\data\workspace\polarion-data\jobs\20221110-1327
2022-11-10 13:27:09,093 [ajp-nio-8889-exec-11 | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - Job "Generate Variant Documents" runs as user "julien.llanes"
2022-11-10 13:27:09,109 [ajp-nio-8889-exec-11 | u:julien.llanes | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - State of job "Generate Variant Documents" changed to ACTIVATING
2022-11-10 13:27:09,109 [ajp-nio-8889-exec-11 | u:julien.llanes | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - State of job "Generate Variant Documents" changed to WAITING
2022-11-10 13:27:09,124 [Worker-25: Generate Variant Documents | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - State of job "Generate Variant Documents" changed to RUNNING
2022-11-10 13:27:09,140 [Worker-25: Generate Variant Documents | u:julien.llanes | job: polarion.jobs.variant_management] INFO root - Generating Variant specifications for document: Master Specifications / Feature User and Functional Requirements Specification from project ADEPT Requirements
2022-11-10 13:27:09,156 [Worker-25: Generate Variant Documents | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - State of job "Generate Variant Documents" changed to FINISHED
2022-11-10 13:27:09,156 [Worker-25: Generate Variant Documents | u:julien.llanes] INFO root - Status of job "Generate Variant Documents" is FAILED:
Pure Variants server cannot be found.
Please contact your administrator.
com.polarion.core.util.exceptions.UserFriendlyRuntimeException: Pure Variants server cannot be found.
Please contact your administrator.
at com.polarion.purevariants.pv.Variant.loadPureVariantsProject(Variant.java:93)
at com.polarion.purevariants.pv.Variant.<init>(Variant.java:66)
at com.polarion.purevariants.VariantManagementProvider.loadVariant(VariantManagementProvider.java:147)
at com.polarion.purevariants.VariantManagementProvider.generateSpecificationsForVariant(VariantManagementProvider.java:121)
at com.polarion.alm.tracker.internal.variantmanagement.VariantManagementService.generateSpecificationsForVariant(VariantManagementService.java:72)
at $IVariantManagementService_1844f4ec800.generateSpecificationsForVariant($IVariantManagementService_1844f4ec800.java)
at com.polarion.alm.tracker.internal.variantmanagement.VariantManagementJob$VariantManagementJobUnit$1.runWEx(VariantManagementJob.java:106)
at com.polarion.alm.tracker.internal.variantmanagement.VariantManagementJob$VariantManagementJobUnit$1.runWEx(VariantManagementJob.java:1)
at com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx.runWRet(RunnableWEx.java:61)
at com.polarion.platform.TransactionExecuter.execute(TransactionExecuter.java:162)
at com.polarion.alm.tracker.internal.variantmanagement.VariantManagementJob$VariantManagementJobUnit.runInternal(VariantManagementJob.java:100)
at com.polarion.platform.jobs.spi.AbstractJobUnit.run(AbstractJobUnit.java:194)
at com.polarion.platform.jobs.internal.eclipse.WrappedEclipseRootJob$2$1.runWEx(WrappedEclipseRootJob.java:208)
at com.polarion.platform.jobs.internal.eclipse.WrappedEclipseRootJob$2$1.runWEx(WrappedEclipseRootJob.java:1)
at com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx.runWRet(RunnableWEx.java:61)
at com.polarion.platform.persistence.internal.JobContextService.doInContext(JobContextService.java:24)
at com.polarion.platform.persistence.internal.JobContextService.doInContext(JobContextService.java:1)
at com.polarion.platform.jobs.internal.eclipse.WrappedEclipseRootJob$2.run(WrappedEclipseRootJob.java:200)
at java.base/java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.base/javax.security.auth.Subject.doAsPrivileged(Subject.java:484)
at com.polarion.platform.internal.security.SubjectNDC.doAsPrivileged(SubjectNDC.java:80)
at com.polarion.platform.jobs.internal.eclipse.WrappedEclipseRootJob.runJob(WrappedEclipseRootJob.java:190)
at com.polarion.platform.jobs.internal.eclipse.WrappedEclipseRootJob.runJobs(WrappedEclipseRootJob.java:167)
at com.polarion.platform.jobs.internal.eclipse.WrappedEclipseRootJob.run(WrappedEclipseRootJob.java:100)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:60)

For anyone searching for this in the future, we had a server migration a few months ago, and the variant server wasn't reinstalled.
Although all the other features worked (like the Variant model, restrictions, etc).
Installed the correct variant server (inside the Pure Variant folder), initialised the variant server (via the Polarion admin page, under Variants), and now it's working ok.


arangodb starter mode does not start

I have d/l'd arangodb3-linux-3.9.2 from GIT on Centos 7. I created a database dir and ran the README instructions for a standalone start. The first time it runs, I get 100 failures, the key INFO log lines seem to be
... [INFO] server started component=arangodb pid=49827 type=single
... [INFO] Wait on 49827 returned component=arangodb exit-status=1 trap-cause=-1
It creates the log file, setup.json and a single8529 dir in the database dir I sped'd. Is it just taking too long to start? The whole 100 fails take about 1 or 2 seconds.
If I try to run it again with the same README instructions, the next time I get this error:
... [FATAL] Failed to run service error="open /.../single8529/data/ENGINE: no such file"
I have also tried with --starter.host -- to simplify
Also I and can confirm that port 8529 is open
I couldn't get arangodb 'starter' according to their README to work, but this does start the server:
arangod --database.directory MYDIR --rocksdb.max-background-jobs 4

JitPack build failed with ERROR: Time-out getting container status

I am trying to deploy some of my jar libraries through JitPack. So far I am still testing things out, thus version codes are dev-SNAPSHOT or master-SNAPSHOT for the libraries.
For most libraries this seems to work well (at least as far as fetching the artifacts goes); however, one library had a failed build for master-SNAPSHOT.
The corresponding build, master-36ef0715cd-1, reports failure. The last lines of the log read:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 18.995 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-01-23T06:52:54Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
Found module: org.traffxml:traff-source-android:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Build tool exit code: 0
Looking for artifacts...
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
Looking for pom.xml in build directory and ~/.m2
Found artifact: org.traffxml:traff-source-android:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
ERROR: Time-out getting container status
Error building
So, apparently, the jar got built but fetching container status failed after that. This could well be an issue with JitPackā€™s infrastructure: over the last couple hours, it has taken several retries to get the artifacts to build, and I do not see any difference between this library and the others which built successfully.
How can I retry the failed build, or otherwise fix this (other than by going the crude way of pushing a new commit to my repo)?
Eventually I had to commit more changes, which eventually solved this for the moment.
On the long run, one thing to try:
Go to https://jitpack.io/
In the box, enter your group and artifact ID, and click Look up.
In the list of availale builds, click the Branches tab.
Look for the corresponding -SNAPSHOT build for your branch, and click Get it.
No guarantee this works, but it did trigger a new build after pushing a new commit. Feedback appreciated.

Unable to set up my own Stanford CoreNLP server with error "Could not delete shutdown key file"

I try to set up my own Stanford CoreNLP server following the official guide. However, I am not able to start the server using the following command:
java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000
I paste the error messages below:
my_server_name$ java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000
[main] INFO CoreNLP - --- StanfordCoreNLPServer#main() called ---
[main] INFO CoreNLP - setting default constituency parser
[main] INFO CoreNLP - warning: cannot find edu/stanford/nlp/models/srparser/englishSR.ser.gz
[main] INFO CoreNLP - using: edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.ser.gz instead
[main] INFO CoreNLP - to use shift reduce parser download English models jar from:
[main] INFO CoreNLP - http://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/download.html
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not delete shutdown key file
at edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer.<init>(StanfordCoreNLPServer.java:195)
at edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer.main(StanfordCoreNLPServer.java:1323)
[Thread-0] INFO CoreNLP - CoreNLP Server is shutting down.
The main problem is the IllegalSstateException: Could not delete shutdown key file. I just wonder whether the cause of this problem is the sudo access. The official guide doesn't explicitly state this command needs sudo access.
I want to ask 1) whether the above command requires the sudo access and 2) if that command doesn't need sudo access, what could be the potential error for my IllegalSstateException.
PS: I am running on a server with Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.
This error happens when the shutdown key file already exists on your filesystem, you're starting a new CoreNLP server instance, and it can't delete the old shutdown key file. Are you running the server as two different users?
More generally, do you have permissions to the directory stored in java property java.io.tmpdir? This is, traditionally, /tmp on Linux machines. The shutdown key is stored in:
System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator + "corenlp.shutdown"
So, for a Linux system:
The error says that this file exists, and cannot be deleted by Java. You should check your permissions on this file, and that should help you debug what's wrong.
An easy workaround, in the worst case, is to set the tmpdir yourself when starting the server. For example:
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmp -mx4g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer 9000

Why does version appear twice in the artefact name when publishing?

When using the sbt-native-packager to publish artefacts, the version appears twice in the artefact name.
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "0.7.1")
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager._
import NativePackagerKeys._
name := "name"
version := "version"
publishTo := Some("fake" at "http://oss.sonatype.org/nexus/content/repositories/fake")
SBT session
> universal:normalizedName
[info] name
> universal:version
[info] version
> universal:name
[info] name-version
> universal:publishLocal
[info] Wrote /Users/synesso/projects/z/target/scala-2.10/name_2.10-version.pom
a name-version
a name-version/lib
a name-version/lib/name.name-version.jar
a name-version/lib/org.scala-lang.scala-library-2.10.3.jar
[info] published name-version to /Users/synesso/.ivy2/local/name/name-version
[info] published name-version to /Users/synesso/.ivy2/local/name/name-version
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 10/06/2014 4:37:16 PM
> universal:publish
[info] Wrote /Users/synesso/projects/z/target/scala-2.10/name_2.10-version.pom
a name-version
a name-version/lib
a name-version/lib/name.name-version.jar
a name-version/lib/org.scala-lang.scala-library-2.10.3.jar
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last universal:publish for the full output.
[error] (universal:publish) java.io.IOException: PUT operation to URL
name-version/version/name-version-version.zip failed with status code 301:
Moved Permanently
[error] Total time: 9 s, completed 10/06/2014 4:38:20 PM
When publishing locally the artefact name is OK, but publishing remotely gives an artefact name with "version" in it twice. (name-version-version.zip) Why? How do I ensure it appears only once?
This is a bug with the plugin. https://github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager/issues/270, fixed in 0.8.0-M1

blackberry sample application executes in simulator but when I try to load in playbook device there is no response or no error

blackberry sample application executes in simulator but when I try to load in device there is no response or no error. I am using a playbook. Also I tried various options in which one of it says to use Desktop manager, I see a different behavior in it too, until I connect playbook to my PC, applications menu is shown in the left of desktop manager, but as soon as the playbook is connected the applications icon disappear. Then I tried to copy paste the .alx / .cod file to downloads folder of playbook, I removed the connection from PC and searched using file manager in device the copied files are not shown, but they are seen when it is connected using device manager. Kindly help me in executing the app within playbook. I am newbie to develop bb application. My target is to develop phone gap app. My playbook OS is 2.0, I am using BBEclipse plugin, webworks too.
Another update regarding phonegap application, I followed the steps from wiki phonegap documentation and finally when I tried to package the application (After getting all keys, registering to server etc). This is the error response seen. Kindly help to fix this.
C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\My Documents\Research In Motion\BlackBerry W
ebWorks SDK for TabletOS\bbwp>bbwp "C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\
Desktop\sample\sample.zip" -o "C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\Desktop"
[INFO] Parsing command line options
[INFO] Parsing bbwp.properties
[INFO] Validating WebWorks archive
[INFO] Parsing config.xml
[INFO] Populating application source
[INFO] Compiling WebWorks application
[INFO] Packaging the bar file
javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't read input file!
at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(Unknown Source)
at net.rim.tumbler.airpackager.AirPackager.createSplashscreen(AirPackage
at net.rim.tumbler.airpackager.AirPackager.run(AirPackager.java:191)
at net.rim.tumbler.WidgetPackager.go(WidgetPackager.java:152)
at net.rim.tumbler.WidgetPackager.main(WidgetPackager.java:77)
[ERROR] Air Packager exception occurred
I tried using another command also
C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\My Documents\Research In Motion\BlackBerry W
ebWorks SDK for TabletOS\bbwp>bbwp "C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\
Desktop\sample\sample.zip" -g 12345678 -buildId 1 -o "C:\Documents and Settings\
SMI 123 U\Desktop"
[INFO] Parsing command line options
[INFO] Parsing bbwp.properties
[INFO] Validating WebWorks archive
[INFO] Parsing config.xml
[INFO] Populating application source
[INFO] Compiling WebWorks application
[INFO] Packaging the bar file
javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't read input file!
at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(Unknown Source)
at net.rim.tumbler.airpackager.AirPackager.createSplashscreen(AirPackage
at net.rim.tumbler.airpackager.AirPackager.run(AirPackager.java:191)
at net.rim.tumbler.WidgetPackager.go(WidgetPackager.java:152)
at net.rim.tumbler.WidgetPackager.main(WidgetPackager.java:77)
[ERROR] Air Packager exception occurred
The developer support forum thread "New Webworks SDK Error While Packaging Application" has an answer for you.
