How do I put put fira code font in neovim? - vim

I recently found out about fira code and I was wondering how do I get it in neovim?
I didnt find any tutorial

You need to change the terminal font.

Your font is not configured in Neovim. The text editor uses the font defined for your terminal (xterm, Gnome Terminal, Kitty, Alacritty...)

If you are talking about nvim-qt and not in your terminal, on Windows, in my $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim folder, I have ginit.vim file with the following content :
GuiFont! Fira Mono:h11:cANSI:qDRAFT
guifont is an option to force the font used in gvim normally, but nvim-qt seems to follow it as well


Powerline is not displaying special symbols

can you help me to know why PowerLine Status is not showing special symbols in shell?
I'm working on Debian 8.3 and Powerline installed in this way:
It's almost certainly a limitation of the bitmap font used by the terminal emulator. If you have any option to switch to a TrueType font, try one that looks nice (though there might be none that looks exactly the same as what you're used to). Lucida Console or Consolas seem to be popular choices, or you can get some more suggestions here.
Try Installing powerline fonts. It should work
powerline fonts
Also powerline-shell config changes from shell to shell
Follow the steps given in

Emacs solarized theme looks weird in terminal and dark mode does not work

I tried installing this theme in emacs.
I downloaded the folder emacs-color-theme-solarized and put it into the .emacs.d/ directory.
I created a file init.el in the same directory and put the following into that file:
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/emacs-color-theme-solarized/")
(load-theme 'solarized t)
When I did eval-buffer or restarting emacs it looked like this:
The font is not readable. When I start emacs in GUI it looks better.
I want to use the dark solarized theme so I followed the instructions on the website and did M-x customize-variable frame-background-mode and pressed on the button Value Menu and set it to dark and then saved by C-x C-s. I restarted but it still is the light theme. Here is the a screenshot from the menu.
How can I fix the problems in the terminal and activate the dark mode?
In order to resolve this issue you need to change your terminal settings. How you do this depends on which terminal you have. The problem is that solarized themes want a terminal running in 16 color mode where the colors are very specifically defined. You can set up your terminal to use these colors by finding it in the solarized github repository. Once your terminal is using the right colors everything will just work.

Trigger different iterm color scheme when entering vim

I'm fairly new to Vim but I have been always using iTerm as my main terminal.
I'm on OSX as you may expect and I have a theme defined for iTerm, but I wanted to know if it is possible to trigger a different theme when I enter on Vim. In this case I'm using Homebrew theme as my main iTerm theme, but when I enter Vim I want it to change the theme to Cobalt2 (only for the window with Vim).
Thanks in advance.
I wanted to know if it is possible to trigger a different theme when I enter on Vim.
Yes, you can change it using :colorscheme scheme_name, But cobalt2 scheme does not seem to be shipped by default. You can iterate the list by :colo <TAB>.
For setting it permenantly, we need to set it in ~/.vimrc.
In this case I'm using Homebrew theme as my main iTerm theme, but when I enter Vim I want it to change the theme to Cobalt2 (only for the window with Vim).
Apparently, cobalt2 is not shipped by default on vim, Hence we need to install it first.
The usual procedure is to place the sheme file in ~/.vim/colors. Create the colors folder, if not existing in ~/.vim.
Google search give few links like cobalt2-vim. If this does not help, then you might like to pick a colorscheme of your liking from here.
This might not exactly solves your query but hopes. it helps

Changing emacs font (no "set default font" option in menu; .emacs scripts not working)

From the many posts on how to change emacs' default font, it seems as though emacs 24 should have an option called "set default font" under Menu --> Options. As you can see from the image below, I'm given no such option. (The only option related to fonts is "Set default font".) I've tried adding various scripts to my .emacs file which are intended to change the global font, yet the default persists.
I've downloaded and installed Inconsolata via sudo apt-get install fonts-inconsolata (ttf-inconsolata no longer works) and I've also run sudo fc-cache. Given the usual answers don't seem to be working, I'm lost on what to do next...
At this point, I'm suspecting if I need to make a shell-level (or possibly system-level) change in settings in order to enable font selection on emacs (i.e., similar to ensuring that my XTERM color settings were 256 color in order to get Zenburn to work; am a Linux newbie if it isn't obvious - just trying to brainstorm here).
Version info, if helpful: I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.1 (Xubuntu), emacs 24.3.1 and am launching via "emacs -nw" from the default Xubuntu shell.
Here's what I see when I go to the Menu and then select Options (i.e., pressing "F10", then "o"):
The simple answer is that Emacs can't change the font of the terminal. It can only set the colour (and possibly adding bold and underline properties). This is true for all console mode programs. You need to run Emacs in GUI mode to enable full font selection.

Using vim with all colors inside MacOS terminal

When I use MacVim, all the color schemes work and looks very rich in the window.
But when I fire up my Terminal and use Vi inside it, the color schemes look very very bad. Is there any setting/config I should set to let Terminal Vi use all the colors available by a color scheme.
Update: I use
MacOSX Lion
Terminal v2.2 with xterm-color
Vim 7.3
You probably can't do this. It's not Vim's fault, it's your terminal's fault. The GUI has access to millions of colours and terminals generally have access to 256 (or much less, depending on your terminal). It just doesn't have the guts to show the same colours as the GUI version. That's also why all of the colour schemes for Vim have values for the GUI (e.g. guibg) and values for the terminal (e.g ctermbg). There's a GUI value for the powerful side, and a terminal value for the weak side.
This is one of the reasons why I only use the GUI version. You can easily marry the command line with Vim so that using a single GUI version is much easier. You can check out a video on how to do this at vimeo and I recently created a plugin for ZSH that makes it even easier, which you can get from Github
If configure your .vimrc with the command
set t_Co=256
you are configuring vim to allow colorschemes that use 256 colors. Maybe MacVim uses this configuration by default.
I'd advise trying CSApprox
On OS X especially you can get very good results for console Vim.
I use it on OS X, Debian & Fedora with good results for console Vim & Matt who wrote the plugin, is a very helpful guy & will do his best to get the best results possible for you if you run into problems.
