Finding the values that don't match from one sheet inside a few cells of another sheet - excel

I have an excel document with two sheets sheet1 and sheet2. Sheet1:
ID number Name
123 John
321 Pete
Book Comment Comment2 Comment3
Harry Potter My ID number is 123
TLOTR The book is ripped ID: 321
Dune Nice book ID is 999 None
I would like to search the column "ID number" from Sheet1 inside the text in the columns "Comment", "Comment2" and "Comment3" from Sheet2, and return the whole row from Sheet2 of the IDs that don't match.
So, in this case, the return would be:
Dune Nice book ID is 999 None
I have been trying the vlookup, I know how to search inside a text, and how to search inside multiple columns, but I don't know how to mix both processes

It looks like you have two problems.
Your ID or key to link the two spreadsheets together must match the data type. For example, one sheet you have ID number: with a list of only numbers. The other sheet you have text and numbers.
Try Xlookup instead.
Both columns you're using as the matching key has to be the same data type (letters or numbers)
First, use Text to columns (in tools, Data - text to columns) to separate your ID numbers from the rest of your text string in your sheet 2 columns that contain the Id numbers.
= Xlookup(CellwithfirstIDnumber,Columnfromsheet2tosearch, Column from sheet2tobring back, "no match")
Good luck


Search for duplicate text string in two columns and highlight, excel

I'm looking for a way to search and highlight duplicate text strings in two different columns in Excel; this means that the cell content doesn't have to be identical, instead of that is what I need is that if the content of column A is somehow contained in any cell of column B, both cells get highlighted.
For example, let's say that I have two columns, one named "Patient" and another one called "Couples". So, what I would need is to make a comparison between both columns, and if one of the patient's names is within a couple, both cells get highlighted:
Column A. Patient name | Column B. Couple name
John Smith | Adriana Lewis - Mark Rutte
Peter Brown | Giaccomo Down - Rosy Lawn
Jerry Goldsmith | Bob Loewe - Gigi Pink
Ewan Thompson | Sonia Farrel - John Smith
In this example, the content of A2 ("John Smith") is also contained in B5 ("Sonia Farrel - John Smith"), so that I would need that both A2 and B5 get highlighted. Also, both columns don`t have the same range, one is shorter than the other, since there are more names than couples; and it can happen that two names in different cell are contained in a single couple, so that all three cells should get highlighted.
I have tried everything, with no success... please help!
Multiple ways to do this but here's one option with conditional formatting.
Rule applied to data in column A, using COUNTIF and wildcards.
Rule applied to data in column B, using ISNUMBER, SEARCH and SUMPRODUCT.

Excel look up value in array, return next value

I would like to look up a value in a range and return the value in the next row, but can't quite figure out how to do this. I especially would like to do this with formulas rather than VBA, and preferably with built-in formulas than custom (VBA) formulas, due to macro security issues.
I'm using Excel 2010. My workbook has two worksheets, "assessment" and "lookup". In lookup, I have lookup tables.
"lookup" looks something like:
Column A Column B Column C
1 Sales Engineering Manufacturing
2 Alice Bobbie Charlie
3 Dawn Edgar Frank
4 George Holly Isabel
In "assessment," I have some some drop downs from which users select one name from each column in "lookup." Based on some other criteria, I then rank these and create a new, sorted list (using INDEX() and MATCH()) that produce the selected name and corresponding column name a new sort order
Column A Column B
10 Engineering Edgar
11 Sales Alice
What I'd like is to return the name from the next row.
Column C
10 Holly
11 Dawn
But I'm having real trouble figuring out how to get there.
Assuming lookups is located at B2:D5 (change as required) and the result data is at F2:H3 (change as required) enter this formula in cell H2 then copy down.

How can I remove non-matching values in two different columns and sort in Excel?

I have several columns of data in my Excel spreadsheet.
Originally, I had two different spreadsheets, as they were generated from reports in a software application.
One of the spreadsheets contains the names of individuals who have had transactions with us in the past year. The other spreadsheet contains the names and the phone numbers. I copied and pasted the columns with the names and phone numbers into my spreadsheet with just the names of people who have purchased something from us in the past year.
My ultimate goal is to extract the names and phone numbers of only the names that have purchased something in the past year.
My column for the past year contains 1,002 names, while my master customer list (with phone numbers) contains over 20,000 individuals. I need the phone numbers of all of the individuals that have purchased something from us in the past year, but I don't want to have to manually go through 1,000 names (and, essentially, 20,000+ to find the match).
If I can achieve my goal without having to use VBA, that would be great. If this is the only route I can take, then I will go that route, but I would like to avoid coding if possible. (This is simply due to time constraints.)
The VLOOKUP function is likely the best solution for you. From the Excel documentation, it:
Looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table, and then returns
a value in the same row from a column you specify. By default, the
table must be sorted in an ascending order.
Note well the implication of that last sentence: the column you're searching in (leftmost column of the lookup table) must be sorted in ascending order for this function to produce the correct results.
Taking a simple example, let's say you have Sheet1 in your Excel workbook with the following information:
1 Name Transactions Phone
2 Sally 3
3 Alice 5
4 Joe 2
5 Jon 1
You need to add their phone numbers to this sheet, from another workbook. Let's say your phone number information in the other workbook looks like this:
1 Name Phone
2 Alice 2222222
3 Bill 3333333
4 Bob 4444444
5 Jim 5555555
6 Joe 6666666
7 Sally 7777777
8 Sue 8888888
9 Tom 9999999
Take the following steps to add the phone numbers to Sheet1 in the first workbook:
Copy the phone information into a blank sheet in the first workbook. Let's call this Sheet2 for this example.
Make sure the phone information is sorted ascending by the Name column (A), because that's the leftmost column and thus the lookup column.
In cell C2 of Sheet1 (the empty phone cell for Sally), enter: =VLOOKUP(A2, Sheet2!A$2:B$9, 2,FALSE).
Drag-copy this formula down to the remaining cells in the Phone column.
1 Name Transactions Phone
2 Sally 3 7777777
3 Alice 5 2222222
4 Joe 2 6666666
5 Jon 1 #N/A
The second parameter (Table_array - the lookup data range) should not include the column headings. As you can see, it's Sheet2!A$2:B$9 so it includes the information from rows 2 to 9 in columns A and B.
The last parameter (Range_lookup) should be set to FALSE so you don't pick up the information from the closest match. Note how Jon has no matching phone number record, so his Phone is set to "#N/A" - otherwise he would have been assigned Joe's phone number since that's closest match to Jon.
Parameter documentation:
Lookup_value is the value to be found in the first column of the table, and can be a value, a reference, or a text string.
Table_array is a table of text, numbers, or logical values, in which data is retrieved. Table_array can be a reference to a range or
a range name.
Col_index_num is the column number in Table_array from which the matching value should be returned. The first column of values in
the table is column 1.
Range_lookup is a logical value: to find the closest match in the first column (sorted in ascending order) = TRUE or omitted; find
an exact match = FALSE.

Merging data from two excel spreadsheets

I have two Excel spreadsheets.
One has a list of Student Names and Student Numbers (Columns A,B,C)
Johnson, Joe, 1001
Campbell, Pete, 1002
Reed, Eric, 5004
The other file has just the names (Columns A,B):
Reed, Eric
Johnson, Joe
Campbell, Pete
Column A = last Name, Column B = First Name, Column C = Student Number (in file A)
I need to insert the corresponding student numbers into file b, so that it looks the same as file A.
The reason I can't copy/paste is because file a contains a whole bunch of names that are not in file b, and neither are in the correct order.
See example below of a two-column lookup using INDEX and MATCH. Simplified a little since both sets of data are on the same sheet...
Don't forget to use Ctrl+Shift+Enter when entering it, since it's an array-type formula.

Lookup on another sheet in Excel?

I have a very simple Excel book that I am trying to spiffy up. Here's what it looks like:
Sheet 1:
ID Name
1 Bob
2 Joe
3 Earl
Sheet 2:
Name ID Whatever
I would like when I type a name on sheet two for it to match it to a name in sheet 1 and fill in the id for that row in the field in sheet 2. So If I type "Joe" in sheet two it will fill in 2 in the id column.
My problem is slightly more complex than this, but I believe this is the crux of it for now.
You can use VLOOKUP to look up values that are to the right of the key. INDEX and MATCH can be used to look up values to the left of the key.
The formula in this case on Sheet2 would be
