Permissions between mounted host volume inside container - linux

I have an container with a mounted host directory inside.
On the host i am running a cronjob which always create new files and directories under the mounted directory.
On the container there is apache running which loads files from the mounted directory.
Due to the cronjob process that creates new files/directories the SITE that running under the Apache service cannot be loaded due to permissions issue .
On the host there is a different user that runs the cronjob which gives the files/folders the following permissions:
Owner + Group is set to the user on host.
All the files/folders are being created with 644 permissions.
Obviously only if i give 777 permissions manually to the files/folders the site is loaded correctly without any error.
I have multiple questions:
Is it possible to share groups between HOST and CONTAINERS after creating an image and the container is running ? .
Any other suggestions how to handle this particular folder/files permissions between the HOST and CONTAINER ? .
I have tried to do the following steps:
Setting an default group to the main directory inside the CONTAINER.
Setting an default permissions under the main directory inside the CONTAINER.
Due to the fact that the HOST Group does not exist on the CONTAINER i've created new group inside the CONTAINER using the same 'gid' inside the container and adding the APACHE user as a member with the following permissions:
*) Write
*) Read
*) Execute
All of the above did not fully solved my requirements .


Automatically changing the docker container file permissions in a directory in Linux

We have a docker container running in Linux VMs. This container is writing the logs inside a directory in the container.
Container log directory - /opt/log/
This directory in volume mounted to host machine so that all the log files will also be available in host.
Host directory - /var/log/
Here we see container is creating the log files with 600 (-rw-------+) permission. There is no group read permission assigned to these files.
Same permissions are reflecting in host directory also. We need to add group read permission (640) (-rw-r-----+) automatically for all the files getting created in this directory so that other logging agents can read these files.
I have tried setting ACL also for adding this permission on host but these permissions are not getting set for the files inside this directory.
setfacl -Rdm g::r-- /var/log/
Is there a way we can add group read permission automatically for all the files getting created in this host directory?
From the following article,
There is a parameter to set the user id and the group id for example,
docker run -it --rm --volume $(pwd):/source --workdir /source --user $(id -u):$(id -g) ubuntu
To set the permissions of the user, when starting the container.

Docker : directory mapped in volume is not created with same user of host

i'm running a docker container inside my server .
in my server (host) i ve this folder : /opt/myapp/myFolder
where myFolder has 755 permissions and myuser:mygroup ownership
I'm using docker-compose to run my container , thus i'm mounting that same volume
- /opt/myapp/myFolder:/opt/myapp/myFolder
The probleme that , inside my container , my directory "myFolder" still having the same host permissions (755) but not the same ownership
and the ownership looks like this 65534:65534
this results on permission denied in some other treatment inside this folder.
normally inside the container "myFolder" still keeping the same host ownership .
Note : tthe user myuser and the group mygroup do exist inside the container.
Suggestions ?
Docker doesn't create users and groups to match the mounted folder's ownership.
You can add the user inside your container to the folder's group, using the group id (GID).
Check out "Docker and file system permissions" article.

docker uid/gid mapping changes on different host

I have a docker container build on one system where uid = 1000 and gid = 300
When I then try to use that same container on the jenkins server these uid/gid are taken by different user and groups so when I try to execute commands in the container it fails due to permissions.
How can I run the container with the users mapped to the correct uid/gid
There are a few options to handle uid/gid mismatches with host volumes.
open permissions up on the host directory, often considered bad by the security team, for good reason, but also really easy to do.
build a new image for each host where it may run with different uid/gid
switch to named volumes instead. If you don't need direct access to the volume contents from the host, this is recommended.
fix permission problems with an entrypoint.
I go into more detail on some of these in my DockerCon talk here.
There's also another example of the entrypoint solution where I configured a Jenkins container to fix the docker gid to match the mounted docker socket:

How to provide 777 default permission on all files within a given Linux folder

I have a need to make any files that are created in the specific Linux directory to have 777 permission.
I would like to have all the users to be able to do Read, Write and Execute on all files under this folder. So what is the best way or Linux command to make it happen?
What I am doing is that I am spinning off two separate containers one for Nginx server and one for PHP:FPM app server to host Laravel 5.4 app.
Please consider the following scenario. I have a docker application container A (PHP:FPM) which is used to serve the web application files to docker container B (Nginx). Now when I access the website, I am delivering the web pages through the web container. Both the containers are within the same network and I share the volumes from my app container to my web container. But when the web container tries to read the files on the app container I get the error which is something like below:
The stream or file "/var/www/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be
opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied
So I added RUN chmod -R 777 storage in my docker file.
However it is not solving the issue.
So I also tried using SGID to fix the issue by adding one more line in my dockerfile as RUN chmod -R ug+rwxs storage. Still it is not solving the issue of permission.
On a separate note, funny thing is that on my MAC Docker container this works without any issue ( I mean without adding chmod -R 777 to folder or using SGID for setting permission to a folder in my docker file). But when the same code is run on Linux AMI EC2 instance (Amazon AMI Linux EC2) ... the permission issue start to occur.
So how do I fix this ?
The solution is to launch both containers using the same user identified by the same uid. For instance you can choose root or any uid when running the container:
docker run --user root ...
Alternatively, you can switch to another user, before startup, inside your Dockerfile by adding the following before the CMD or ENTRYPOINT
USER root
I have solved it by figuring out user name under which cache files are created when someone access the application url . And then updating my dockerfile to include statement for SGID ownership for that user on the root of app folder where all source code resides (so all subfolder and files included later in whatever way ... at run-time sometime... are accessible from web container for that user) and then using chmod 777 permission on specific folders that needs to have chmod 777 permission.

Ansible doesn't work when user home directory mounted on NFS volume

Here is the situation. I got a number of hosts that I'd like to maintain via Ansible. The baseline configuration of the hosts like logins/users/etc is controlled by corporate IT overlords, so I can only change things that are related to application not general host setup. Some of the tasks related to application require running as 'root' or some other privileged user.
I do have a password-less sudo access on all the hosts, however all user home directories are located on NFS mounted volume. From my understanding how ansible works it first logs in into the target host as a regular user and places some files into $HOME/.ansible directory, then it switches to root user using sudo and tries to run the stuff from that directory.
But here is the problem. As I mentioned above the home directories are on NFS volume, so after ansible process on the target machine becomes root it can no longer access the $HOME/.ansible directory anymore due to NFS restrictions. Is there a way to tell ansible to put these work files outside of home directory on some non-NFS volume.
There were two parameters for the ansible.cfg configuration file introduced in Ansible 2.1 which allow specifying the location of temporary directory on target and control machines:
Ansible works by transferring modules to your remote machines, running them, and then cleaning up after itself. In some cases, you may not wish to use the default location and would like to change the path. You can do so by altering this setting:
remote_tmp = ~/.ansible/tmp
When Ansible gets ready to send a module to a remote machine it usually has to add a few things to the module: Some boilerplate code, the module’s parameters, and a few constants from the config file. This combination of things gets stored in a temporary file until ansible exits and cleans up after itself. The default location is a subdirectory of the user’s home directory. If you’d like to change that, you can do so by altering this setting:
local_tmp = $HOME/.ansible/tmp
