pandas style changes ceil value unexpectedly - python-3.x

I'm using style in pandas to display a dataframe consisting of a timestamp on jupyter notebook.
The displayed value, 1623838447949609984 turned out to be different from the input, 1623838447949609899.
pandas version, 1.4.2.
Can someone please explain the reason of the following code and output?
import pandas as pd

Pandas Styler, within its render script, contains the line return f"{x:,.0f}" when x is an integer.
In python if you execute
>>> "{:.0f}".format(1623838447949609899)
you obtain the result you cite. I suspect this is due to data storage of integers. Although why it pandas might be converting from a 64 bit int to a 32 bit int is unclear, and not related to Styler


Python data precision loss when using pandas

I have a function in python like below
def format_quantities(x,prec=2):
X=float(abs(x)) if x is not none else 0
return '{:,.{prec}f}'.format(x, prec=prec)
Which I am using for formatting some. Quantities. I see a weird behaviour using it. It's working fine when used on single value like format_quantities(12345.67, prec=2)
But when I am using this same function in pandas using apply lambda. I am losing precision. I am getting 1234567.67==} 1234567.66. I see this only when I am using this function in pandas apply lambda. Can someone please advise why this occurs. I am not sure if float and abs kinda builtins behave differently in pandas which is causing this precision loss.

SetWithCopyWarning Anomaly

Slightly different question than you guys may be used to seeing in regards to the pandas SetWithCopyWarning. In order to better facilitate my understanding, I've been actively trying to generate this warning and have actually had trouble...but I stumbled onto two interesting block of code, which I believe should both generate the setwithcopy code but only one does:
Creating the Dataframe:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,5))
Following code generates a SetWithCopyWarning as expected:
df2.loc[0,0] = 99
This line of code has one small difference and does not generate a SetWithCopyWarning:
df2.loc[0,0] = 99
Why does only changing the first index item in .loc on the first row from ":" to ":4" fail to generate a SetWithCopyWarning? Even though both are pulling all rows labeled 0-4?
Edited to make my code pop out more.

How to create a DiGraph from a csv adjacency matrix dataframe?

I'm trying to create a DiGraph from a csv file with adjacency matrix dataframe:
Gdf = pd.read_csv("outputtest.csv", index_col = 0) #load the csv to pandas dataframe
G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(Gdf, create_using = nx.DiGraph()) #turn the dataframe into Digraph
however it comes out a Graph not a DiGraph
[in]: print(
Type: Graph
please help me to fix it
This is my first time trying to use Python, I have no experience on any types of coding, and my English is quite poor.
I've already try to search it on internet and find a similar question as mine:
How to create a directed networkx graph from a pandas adjacency matrix dataframe?
but the answer is using numpy and have to reset labels, which might not really suitable for my case that with much more nodes than 4.
This was a bug fixed in Oct 2017 (
Please upgrade to NetworkX 2.1 or the github latest version to get the fixed code.
from Dan Schult

How can I reformat the date on the x-axis of figure using matplotlib? [duplicate]

I just updated pandas from 0.17.1 to 0.21.0 to take advantage of some new functionalities, and ran into compatibility issue with matplotlib (which I also updated to latest 2.1.0). In particular, the Timestamp object seems to be changed significantly.
I happen to have another machine still running the older versions of pandas(0.17.1)/matplotlib(1.5.1) which I used to compared the differences:
Both versions show my DataFrame index to be dtype='datetime64[ns]
DatetimeIndex(['2017-03-13', '2017-03-14', ... '2017-11-17'], type='datetime64[ns]', name='dates', length=170, freq=None)
But when calling type(df.index[0]), 0.17.1 gives pandas.tslib.Timestamp and 0.21.0 gives pandas._libs.tslib.Timestamp.
When plotting with df.index as x-axis:
plt.plot(df.index, df['data'])
matplotlibs by default formats the x-axis labels as dates for pandas 0.17.1 but fails to recognize it for pandas 0.21.0 and simply gives raw number 1.5e18 (epoch time in nanosec).
I also have a customized cursor that reports clicked location on the graph by using matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter on the x-value which fails for 0.21.0 with:
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
I can see in debug the reported x-value is around 736500 (i.e. day count since year 0) for 0.17.1 but is around 1.5e18 (i.e. nanosec epoch time) for 0.21.0.
I am surprised at this break of compatibility between matplotlib and pandas as they are obviously used together by most people. Am I missing something in the way I call the plot function above for the newer versions?
Update as I mentioned above, I prefer directly calling plot with a given axes object but just for the heck of it, I tried calling the plot method of the DataFrame itself df.plot(). As soon as this is done, all subsequent plots correctly recognize the Timestamp within the same python session. It's as if an environment variable is set, because I can reload another DataFrame or create another axes with subplots and no where does the 1.5e18 show up. This really smells like a bug as the latest pandas doc says pandas:
The plot method on Series and DataFrame is just a simple wrapper around plt.plot()
But clearly it does something to the python session such that subsequent plots deal with the Timestamp index properly.
In fact, simply running the example at the above pandas link:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1000), index=pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=1000))
Depending on whether ts.plot() is called or not, the following plot either correctly formats x-axis as dates or not:
Once a member plot is called, subsequently calling plt.plot on new Series or DataFrame will autoformat correctly without needing to call the member plot method again.
There is an issue with pandas datetimes and matplotlib coming from the recent release of pandas 0.21, which does not register its converters any more at import. Once you use those converters once (within pandas) they'll be registered and automatically used by matplotlib as well.
A workaround would be to register them manually,
import pandas.plotting._converter as pandacnv
In any case the issue is well known at both pandas and matplotlib side, so there will be some kind of fix for the next releases. Pandas is thinking about readding the register in an upcomming release. So this issue may be there only temporarily. An option is also to revert to pandas 0.20.x where this should not occur.
Update: this is no longer an issue with current versions of matplotlib (2.2.2)/pandas(0.23.1), and likely many that have been released since roughly December 2017, when this was fixed.
Update 2: As of pandas 0.24 or higher the recommended way to register the converters is
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
or if pandas is already imported as pd,
After opening an issue on pandas github, I learned that this was indeed a known issue between pandas and matplotlib regarding auto-registration of unit converter. In fact it was listed on what's new page which I had failed to see before, along with the proper way to register the converters:
from pandas.tseries import converter
This is also done the first time a member plot method is called on a Series or DataFrame which explains what I observed above.
It appears to have been done with the intention that matplotlib is supposed to implement some basic support for pandas datetime, but indeed a deprecation warning of some sort could be useful for such a break. However until matplotlib actually implements such support (or some sort of lazy registration mechanism), practically I'm always putting those two lines at the pandas import. So I'm not sure why pandas would want to disable the automatic registration on import before things are ready on the matplotlib side.
It looks this issue has been fixed in the future version of matplotlib.
Try to run "pip install --upgrade matplotlib".
I met the same issue "AttributeError: 'numpy.datetime64' object has no attribute 'toordinal'". It was fixed when upgrade the package matplotlib.

Extract netCDF4 data from inside a shapefile?

In python 3.6 I have imported a netCDF4 file containing global precipitation values. I have also imported a shapefile which contains the shape for the Colorado River basin. My goal is to be able to read/extract precipitation data only within my shapefile. I have looked up multiple examples but none have really helped.
Here is my code so far:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
nc = Dataset('')
long = nc.variables['lon'][:]
lati = nc.variables['lat'][:]
rainfall = nc.variables['precip'][:]
There are no error messages on the code above.
Oh, look, hydrologist in the house! ;)
Well, so far you haven't done much with your code, all you did was read files into memory.
When I was trying to perform the same analysis (only with grib files), I found a great Python library for exactly such purpose, called RasterStats.
It supports working with ndarray raster objects as well as most of the GDAL supported raster filetypes (must be netCDF also!), and it generates exactly the thing you want.
For more, see a very neat manual and let me know if you get stuck somewhere!
