Append multiple directories contents to one file with AWK? - linux

I've got a shell script which merges all my migration and seeder files to two bigger files, but I want to merge migrate.sql and seed.sql into just one big file called deploy.sql.
Is there a way with AWK to accept multiple directories into one final file?
mkdir -p output
awk '{print}' ./migrations/*.sql > "output/migrate.sql"
awk '{print}' ./seeders/*.sql > "output/seed.sql"

Is there a way with AWK to accept multiple directories into one final
GNU AWK does not accept directories, but rather files, in your case
awk '{print}' ./migrations/*.sql > "output/migrate.sql"
awk '{print}' ./seeders/*.sql > "output/seed.sql"
argument with * is replaced by all files compliant with descripition before being rammed into awk, consider following example, say you have only following files in current dir
which are empty then
awk 'BEGIN{print ARGV[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[3]}' file*.txt
does output
file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
Observe that even in BEGIN, ARGV has entry for each file, rather than single entry with file*.txt.
You might use more than 1 argument with * when using GNU AWK that is you might do
awk '{print}' ./migrations/*.sql ./seeders/*.sql > "output/deploy.sql"
(tested in gawk 4.2.1)


How to combine multiple files in linux with delimiter seperation?

I'm trying to combine multiple files to 1 file using cat command.
However I wish to add a separation line like "----" in between the file contents.
Is there a way we can achieve this with cat or any other tool?
cat file1 file2 file3 file4 > newfile
you can use the following command for combining multiple files with --- delimiter.
awk 'FNR==1 && NR!=1 {print "---"}{print}' file1 file2 > newfile
command is copied from this post of Unix stack excahnge

cat command merging two *.txt with missing columns mac osx

I like to use the cat command to join several *.txt files under mac osx.
my first file1.txt looks like:
second file2.txt:
what I want:
my question: can I skip the header from the second file in the output file? And how is cat dealing with the missing columns? writing NaNs?
maybe this command could do it?
head -1 file1.txt > all.txt;
tail -n +2 -q file*.txt >> all.txt
I don't think the cat command alone will deal with removing the headers or mark any missing columns, since all it does is concatenate files. But if you know the highest possible number of columns, you can do something like this:
cat file1.txt <( tail -n+2 file2.txt ) | gawk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{NF=4}1'
Where NF=4 is the highest number of columns (in your example, 4).
The command above is concatenating file1.txt with a header-less version of file2.txt, using the output of a subcommand as input (operator <( ) ). You can use the <( ) as many times you want for each file you're wanting to concatenate. The final command, gawk, was adapted from this answer) and it's padding out the column delimiters for you.
(note: use brew install gawk if gawk isn't found; Mac OS X's awk won't work)
If not having the first header doesn't bother you and you don't want to use cat, you could do:
gawk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{NF=4}1' file*.txt | egrep -v '^a;b'

shell script to compare two files and write the difference to third file

I want to compare two files and redirect the difference between the two files to third one.
In case any file has # before /opt/c/c.sql, it should skip #
I want to get the difference between the two files. In this case, /opt/b/b.sql should be stored in a different file. Can anyone help me to achieve the above scenarios?
$ cat file1 #both file1 and file2 may contain spaces which are ignored
$ cat file2
awk 'NR==FNR{line[$1];next}
{if(!($1 in line)){if($0!=""){print}}}
' file2 file1 > file3
$ cat file3
The order of files passed to awk is important here, pass the file to check - file2 here - first followed by the master file -file1.
Check awk documentation to understand what is done here.
You can use some tools like cat, sed, sort and uniq.
The main observation is this: if the line is in both files then it is not unique in cat file1 file2.
Furthermore in cat file1 file2| sort, all doubles are in sequence. Using uniq -u we get unique lines and have this pipe:
cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -u
Using sed to remove leading whitespace, empty and comment lines, we get this final pipe:
cat file1 file2 | sed -r 's/^[ \t]+//; /^#/ d; /^$/ d;' | sort | uniq -u > file3

grep a large list against a large file

I am currently trying to grep a large list of ids (~5000) against an even larger csv file (3.000.000 lines).
I want all the csv lines, that contain an id from the id file.
My naive approach was:
cat the_ids.txt | while read line
cat huge.csv | grep $line >> output_file
But this takes forever!
Are there more efficient approaches to this problem?
grep -f the_ids.txt huge.csv
Additionally, since your patterns seem to be fixed strings, supplying the -F option might speed up grep.
-F, --fixed-strings
Interpret PATTERN as a list of fixed strings, separated by
newlines, any of which is to be matched. (-F is specified by
Use grep -f for this:
grep -f the_ids.txt huge.csv > output_file
From man grep:
-f FILE, --file=FILE
Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. The empty file contains zero
patterns, and therefore matches nothing. (-f is specified by POSIX.)
If you provide some sample input maybe we can even improve the grep condition a little more.
$ cat ids
$ cat huge.csv
hello this is 11 but
nothing else here
and here 23
$ grep -f ids huge.csv
hello this is 11 but
and here 23
grep -f filter.txt data.txt gets unruly when filter.txt is larger than a couple of thousands of lines and hence isn't the best choice for such a situation. Even while using grep -f, we need to keep a few things in mind:
use -x option if there is a need to match the entire line in the second file
use -F if the first file has strings, not patterns
use -w to prevent partial matches while not using the -x option
This post has a great discussion on this topic (grep -f on large files):
Fastest way to find lines of a file from another larger file in Bash
And this post talks about grep -vf:
grep -vf too slow with large files
In summary, the best way to handle grep -f on large files is:
Matching entire line:
awk 'FNR==NR {hash[$0]; next} $0 in hash' filter.txt data.txt > matching.txt
Matching a particular field in the second file (using ',' delimiter and field 2 in this example):
awk -F, 'FNR==NR {hash[$1]; next} $2 in hash' filter.txt data.txt > matching.txt
and for grep -vf:
Matching entire line:
awk 'FNR==NR {hash[$0]; next} !($0 in hash)' filter.txt data.txt > not_matching.txt
Matching a particular field in the second file (using ',' delimiter and field 2 in this example):
awk -F, 'FNR==NR {hash[$0]; next} !($2 in hash)' filter.txt data.txt > not_matching.txt
You may get a significant search speedup with ugrep to match the strings in the_ids.txt in your large huge.csv file:
ugrep -F -f the_ids.txt huge.csv
This works with GNU grep too, but I expect ugrep to run several times faster.

Comparing two files in linux terminal

There are two files called "a.txt" and "b.txt" both have a list of words. Now I want to check which words are extra in "a.txt" and are not in "b.txt".
I need a efficient algorithm as I need to compare two dictionaries.
if you have vim installed,try this:
vimdiff file1 file2
vim -d file1 file2
you will find it fantastic.
Sort them and use comm:
comm -23 <(sort a.txt) <(sort b.txt)
comm compares (sorted) input files and by default outputs three columns: lines that are unique to a, lines that are unique to b, and lines that are present in both. By specifying -1, -2 and/or -3 you can suppress the corresponding output. Therefore comm -23 a b lists only the entries that are unique to a. I use the <(...) syntax to sort the files on the fly, if they are already sorted you don't need this.
If you prefer the diff output style from git diff, you can use it with the --no-index flag to compare files not in a git repository:
git diff --no-index a.txt b.txt
Using a couple of files with around 200k file name strings in each, I benchmarked (with the built-in timecommand) this approach vs some of the other answers here:
git diff --no-index a.txt b.txt
# ~1.2s
comm -23 <(sort a.txt) <(sort b.txt)
# ~0.2s
diff a.txt b.txt
# ~2.6s
sdiff a.txt b.txt
# ~2.7s
vimdiff a.txt b.txt
# ~3.2s
comm seems to be the fastest by far, while git diff --no-index appears to be the fastest approach for diff-style output.
Update 2018-03-25 You can actually omit the --no-index flag unless you are inside a git repository and want to compare untracked files within that repository. From the man pages:
This form is to compare the given two paths on the filesystem. You can omit the --no-index option when running the command in a working tree controlled by Git and at least one of the paths points outside the working tree, or when running the command outside a working tree controlled by Git.
Try sdiff (man sdiff)
sdiff -s file1 file2
You can use diff tool in linux to compare two files. You can use --changed-group-format and --unchanged-group-format options to filter required data.
Following three options can use to select the relevant group for each option:
'%<' get lines from FILE1
'%>' get lines from FILE2
'' (empty string) for removing lines from both files.
E.g: diff --changed-group-format="%<" --unchanged-group-format="" file1.txt file2.txt
[root#vmoracle11 tmp]# cat file1.txt
test one
test two
test three
test four
test eight
[root#vmoracle11 tmp]# cat file2.txt
test one
test three
test nine
[root#vmoracle11 tmp]# diff --changed-group-format='%<' --unchanged-group-format='' file1.txt file2.txt
test two
test four
test eight
You can also use: colordiff: Displays the output of diff with colors.
About vimdiff: It allows you to compare files via SSH, for example :
vimdiff /var/log/secure scp://
Extracted from:
Also, do not forget about mcdiff - Internal diff viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.
For example:
mcdiff file1 file2
Use comm -13 (requires sorted files):
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
$ comm -13 <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
You can also use:
sdiff file1 file2
To display differences side by side within your terminal!
diff a.txt b.txt | grep '<'
can then pipe to cut for a clean output
diff a.txt b.txt | grep '<' | cut -c 3
Here is my solution for this :
mkdir temp
mkdir results
cp /usr/share/dict/american-english ~/temp/american-english-dictionary
cp /usr/share/dict/british-english ~/temp/british-english-dictionary
cat ~/temp/american-english-dictionary | wc -l > ~/results/count-american-english-dictionary
cat ~/temp/british-english-dictionary | wc -l > ~/results/count-british-english-dictionary
grep -Fxf ~/temp/american-english-dictionary ~/temp/british-english-dictionary > ~/results/common-english
grep -Fxvf ~/results/common-english ~/temp/american-english-dictionary > ~/results/unique-american-english
grep -Fxvf ~/results/common-english ~/temp/british-english-dictionary > ~/results/unique-british-english
Using awk for it. Test files:
$ cat a.txt
$ cat b.txt
The awk:
$ awk '
NR==FNR { # process b.txt or the first file
seen[$0] # hash words to hash seen
next # next word in b.txt
} # process a.txt or all files after the first
!($0 in seen)' b.txt a.txt # if word is not hashed to seen, output it
Duplicates are outputed:
To avoid duplicates, add each newly met word in a.txt to seen hash:
$ awk '
!($0 in seen) { # if word is not hashed to seen
seen[$0] # hash unseen a.txt words to seen to avoid duplicates
print # and output it
}' b.txt a.txt
If the word lists are comma-separated, like:
$ cat a.txt
$ cat b.txt
you have to do a couple of extra laps (forloops):
awk -F, ' # comma-separated input
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) # loop all comma-separated fields
if(!($i in seen)) {
seen[$i] # this time we buffer output (below):
buffer=buffer (buffer==""?"":",") $i
if(buffer!="") { # output unempty buffers after each record in a.txt
print buffer
}' b.txt a.txt
Output this time:
