node.js CPU usage spikes - node.js

I have an express.js app running in cluster mode (nodejs cluster module) on a linux production server. I'm using PM2 to manage this app. It usually uses less than 3% CPU. However, sometimes the CPU usage spikes up to 100% for a short period of time (less than a minute). I'm not able to reproduce this issue. This only happens once a day or two.
Is there any way to find out which function or route is causing the sudden CPU spikes, using PM2? Thanks.

i think have some slow synchronous execution on some request in your application.
add log every request income on middleware and store to elastic search and find what request have long response time or use newrelic (easy way but spend more money).
use blocked-at to find slow synchronous execution if detect try to use worker threads or use lib workerpool

My answer is based purely on my experience with the topic
Before going to production make local testing like:
stress testing.
longevity testing.
For both tests try to use tool like JMeter where you can put your one/multiple endpoints and run loads of them in period of time while monitoring CPU & MEMORY Usage.
If everything is fine, try also to stop the test and run the api manually try to monitor its behavior, this will help you if there is
memory leak from the APIs themselves
Is your app going through .map() , .reduce() for huge arrays?
Is your app is working significantly better after reboot?
if yes, then you need to suspect that the express app experiencing memory leak and Garbage collector trying to clean the mess.
If it's possible, try to rewrite the app using fastify, personally, this did not make the app much faster, but able to handle 1.5X more requests.


System CPU usage spikes when running chat application made in Express JS

I have developed a chat application using node JS, express JS, mongodb and socket io. Messages sent & received are stored in mongodb. But when I run the chat application the server CPU usage spikes continuously. See the attached screenshot:
It seems that something is stacking up. When I stop the chat application then the usage is resumed to minimum. What can be possible methods to fix this ?
There are a few potential methods you could use to debug this issue:
Use the node.js built-in debugger. You can set breakpoints in your code and then run your chat application under the debugger to see where the CPU usage is spikes are happening.
Use a profiler to take a look at what your chat application is doing when it's running. This can help you to identify which parts of the code are using up the most CPU time.
Use a performance monitoring tool to track the CPU usage of your chat application over time. This can help you to identify whether the issue is getting worse or if there are any patterns to the spikes in usage.
Try to reproduce the issue in a test environment and then use a debugging tool like strace or ltrace to see what system calls are being made when the CPU usage spikes. This can help you to identify what the chat application is doing that is causing the issue.
It's hard to answer your question without more information, but some sanity checks:
Make sure that you are not running too many processes on your server. If you are running multiple node.js applications on the same server, that can lead to high CPU usage. Try running each application on its own server, or limiting the number of processes that are running on each server.
Try using a different server environment. If you are using a shared hosting environment, the CPU usage may be spikes due to other users on the same server. Try using a dedicated server, or a virtual private server, which can help to reduce the CPU usage.

Any benefits when clustering node.js application server in single core computer

This question is meant for single core only therefore multiple cores are out.
I am running Node.js application as HTTP server on single core computer using Express.js. Assuming that my server is able to handle 1000 concurrent requests, would clustering brings about any better in response speed ?
Does process context switch has much impact on performance in this case ?
I wouldn't expect improvements in speed, but you might get some other benefits.
for example if the process crashes, the other nodejs instance could still work.
would clustering brings about any better in response speed ?
You are aware of the fact that in clustered mode, your application will be running behind a load balancer, that will in turn take some CPU and memory to manage and forward the network traffic. Then, what's left of the resources, will be used to distribute the network load.
Apart from a few, rare and easily avoidable cases such as #Cristyan mentions—in which case your load balancer can be an orchestrator managing most of the stuff, like Kubernetes—running a Node.js app in cluster does not make sense to me, on a single CPU core. If the process has to wait for an item, it has to wait for it! Asynchronously you can make it work on other requests, but even in this case, other processes would want to take a share of CPU too.

Node clone all the Node app or just use a different thread for a single process

I've a question of what is better to increase an app performance. I've a Node-Sails app, that has a process to build images, this process is taking some seconds to finish, so it slows down the server.
I can node-clone the Sails app (using something like pm2) to use all cores of the CPU, and also I can make the image creation method use a different core of the CPU. But I'm not 100% sure which approach is better, performance and scalability wise.
I'm inclined to clone Sails to use all cores, because in that way I believe will be more efficient, what is your opinion and why?

Node.js app has periodic slowness and/or timeouts (does not accept incoming requests)

This problem is killing the stability of my production servers.
To recap, the basic idea is that my node server(s) sometimes intermittently slow down, sometimes resulting in Gateway Timeouts. As best as I can tell from my logs, something is blocking the node thread (meaning that the incoming request is not accepted), but I cannot for the life of me figure out what.
The problem ranges in severity. Sometimes what should be <100ms requests take ~10 seconds to complete; sometimes they never even get accepted by the node server at all. In short, it is as though some random task is working and blocking the node thread for a period of time, thus slowing down (or even blocking) incoming requests; the one thing I can say for sure is that the need-to-fix-symptom is a "Gateway Timeout".
The issue comes and goes without warning. I have not been able to correlate it against CPU usage, RAM usage, uptime, or any other relevant statistic. I've seen the servers handle a large load fine, and then have this error with a small load, so it does not even appear to be load-related. It is not unusual to see the error around 1am PST, which is the smallest load time of the day! Restarting the node app does seem to maybe make the problem go away for a while, but that really doesn't tell me much. I do wonder if it might be a bug in node.js... not very comforting, considering it is killing my production servers.
The first thing I did was to make sure I had upgraded node.js to the latest (0.8.12), as well as all my modules (here they are). Of course, I also have plenty of error catchers in place. I'm not doing anything funky like printing out lots to the console or writing to lots of files.
At first, I thought it was outbound HTTP requests blocking the incoming socket, because the express middleware was not even picking up the inbound request, but I gave up the theory because it looks like the node thread itself became busy.
Next, I went through all my code with JSHint and fixed literally every single warning, including a few accidental globals (forgetting to write "var") but this didn't help
After that, I assumed that perhaps I was running out of memory. But, my heap snapshots via nodetime are looking pretty good now (described below).
Still thinking that memory might be an issue, I took a look at garbage collection. I enabled the --nouse-idle-notification flag and did some more code optimization to NULL objects when they were not needed.
Still convinced that memory was the issue, I added the --expose-gc flag and executed the gc(); command every minute. This did not change anything, except to occasionally make requests a bit slower perhaps.
In a desperate attempt, I setup the "cluster" module to use 2 workers and automatically restart them every 30 min. Still, no luck.
I increased the ulimit to over 10,000 and kept an eye on the open files. There seem to be < 300 open files (or sockets) per node.js app, and increasing the ulimit thus had no impact.
I've been logging my server with nodetime and here's the jist of it:
CentOS 5.2 running on the Amazon Cloud (m1.large instance)
Greater than 5000 MB free memory at all times
Less than 150 MB heap size at all times
CPU usage is less than 60% at all times
I've also checked my MongoDB servers, which have <5% CPU usage and no requests are taking > 100ms to complete, so I highly doubt there's a bottleneck.
I've wrapped (almost) all my code using Q-promises (see code sample), and of course have avoided Sync() calls like the plague. I've tried to replicate the issue on my testing server (OSX), but have had little luck. Of course, this may be just because the production servers are being used by so many people in so many unpredictable ways that I simply cannot replicate via stress tests...
Many months after I first asked this question, I found the answer.
In a nutshell, the problem was that I was not piping a big asset when transferring it from one server to another. In other words, I was downloading an image from one server, before uploading it to a S3 bucket. Instead of streaming the download into the upload, I downloaded the file into memory, and then uploaded it.
I'm not sure why this did not show up as a memory spike, or elsewhere in my statistics.
My guess is Mongoose. If you are storing large payloads in Mongo, Mongoose can be pretty slow due to how it builds the Mongoose objects. See for more details on the problem. If this is the problem you wouldn't see it in Mongo itself since the query returns quickly, but object instantiation could take 75x the query time.
Try setting up timers around (process.hrtime()) before and after you the Mongoose objects are being created to see if that might be the problem. If this is the problem, I would switch to using the node Mongo driver directly instead of going through Mongoose.
You are heavily leaking memory, try setting every object to null as soon as you don't need it anymore! Read this.
More information about hunting down memory leaks can be found here.
Give special attention to having multiple references to the same object and check if you have circular references, those are a pain to debug but will help you very much.
Try invoking the garbage collector manually every minute or so (I don't know if you can do this in node.js cause I'm more of a c++ and php coder). From my years of experience working with c++ I can tell you the most likely cause of your application slowing down over time is memory leaks, find them and plug them, you'll be ok!
Also assuming you're not caching and/or processing images, audio or video in memory or anything like that 150M heap is a lot! Those could be hundreds of thousands or even millions of small objects.
You don't have to be running out of memory for your application to slow down... just searching for free memory with that many objects already allocated is a huge job for the memory allocator, it takes a lot of time to allocate each new object and as you leak more and more memory that time only increases.
Is "--nouse-idle-connection" a mistake? do you really mean "--nouse_idle_notification".
I think it's maybe some issues about gc with too many tiny objects.
node is single process, so watch the most busy cpu core is much important than the load.
when your program is slow, you can execute "gdb node pid" and "bt" to see what node is busy doing.
What I'd do is set up a parallel node instance on the same server with some kind of echo service and test that one. If it runs fine, you narrow down your problem to your program code (and not a scheduler/OS-level problem). Then, step by step, include the modules and test again. Certainly this is a lot of work, takes long and I dont know if it is doable on your system.
If you need to get this working now, you can go the NASA redundancy route:
Bring up a second copy of your production servers, and put a proxy in front of them which routes each request to both stacks and returns the first response. I don't recommend this as a perfect long-term solution but it should help significantly reduce issues in production now, and help you gather log data that you could replay to recreate the issues on non-production servers.
Obviously, this is straight-forward for read requests, but more complex for commands which write to the db.
We have a similar problem with our Node.js server. It didn't scale well for weeks and we had tried almost everything as you had. Our problem was in the implicit backlog value which is set very low for high-concurrent environments.
Setting the backlog to a significantly higher value (e.g. 10000) as well as tune networking in our kernel (/etc/sysctl.conf on Linux) as described in manual section helped a lot. From this time forward we don't have any timeouts in our Node.js server.

Troubleshooting a Hanging Java Web App

I have a web application that hangs under high loads. I'm not going to go into the specifics of the code because I really just want some troubleshooting advice and tooling recommendations.
It's a web app, so each request get's a thread. Under a high load test, the app begins to consume all of the cpu, while becoming unresponsive. I suspect that the request threads are hanging in the new code that we are testing. Due to the fact of the cpu consumption, I'm assuming this must be on my app side. My understanding, which could be wrong, is that total cpu consumption indicated my first troubleshooting efforts should be in looking at the code that's consuming those cycles.
What are some tools and/or methods for inspecting which threads are hanging and on what lines of code? Again, I can easily force the app into the problematic behavior.
I've found and been trying out visualvm. Seems like the perfect tool. Still open for suggestions though. I looked at eclipse TPTP and it seems to be end-of-life-ing as well as requiring a more heavy weight deployment.
You can insert logging messages at starting a thread and closing a thread. Then you start the application and inspect the output while penetrating the code.
Another way is to look for memory leaks. If you are sure you haven't one, you can extend the virtual memory of your JVM.
#chad: do you have Database in whole may want to start by looking what is happening at DB can very well look into DB locks, current sessions etc.
