When using (require/import) axios, Cannot seem to use a JS custom function within Angular (.ts) component - node.js

I am trying to embed a JS custom function within my Angular (.ts) component.
The proccess i have gone through:
created and added a .js file with a function of my need
added the reference to this file on my angular.json scripts array
defined the function in my .ts component file
When i do this proccess with a .js file without require('axios') etc. it seems to work perfectly. but my .js file has some libraries (axios, express, cheerio) and when i use 'ng serve' i get an error at my console:
"Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined" - when using require
"Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module" - when changing it to import
my .js file beginning:
// const axios = require('axios')
// const cheerio = require('cheerio')
// const express = require('express')
import axios from "axios"
import { Cheerio } from "cheerio"
import { Express } from "express"
const app = Express()
const axi = axios()
const cheer = cheerio()
function getScheduleFromUrl() {}
my .ts component references to the function:
declare function getScheduleFromUrl(): void;
constructor(private tvScheduleService: TvScheduleService) {
finally the reference in angular.json:
Couldnt find a working example of this.
again: using .js function within my .ts component, while the .js file contains some exports


How can i transpile a jsx file imported dynamically in nodejs?

I am currently working on a nodejs command-line package that should dynamically import a React component basing on the path of the component passed as parameter. My code is the following:
const path = require('path')
const pathArg = process.argv[2]
const componentPath = path.join(filePath, '../../../', pathArg)
const {default} = await import(componentPath)
The component i want to import would be something like
// src/components/Button/index.jsx
function Button () {
return <button>Click me!</button>
module.exports = Button
However, when i run my script passing src/components/Button/index.jsx as param, i receive unexpected token "<" while reading <button>, since the file is in jsx.
How can i transpile the React file dynamically (e.g. with Babel) and get rid of the error?

How to declare variable of type Express in TypeScript without importing express?

I have main file called main.ts where I imported express with
import express from 'express';
Then I have another class in separate file where I want to create method "init" which has one parameter named "app" of type Express. But somehow i can't say app:Express without importing express.
My goal is to import express only once and keep it in a main.ts file, and then in a main.ts file I will call "init" method ( from a separate file) where I will pass that imported express.
Main.ts file
import express from 'express';
import { FriendsRouter } from './routes/friends.router';
const app = express();
const PORT:number = 3000;
console.log('Listening at '+PORT);
Spearete file (friends router in my case)
export class FriendsRouter {
private constructor(){
public static init(app:Express): void{
Problem is, in FriendsRouter file, I can't say app: Express.
How can I fix this ?
The usual thing is to import the type Express from the express package:
import { Express } from "express";
Note that that's just importing the type, not the function. The rest of your code is then fine as-is (including the type on app).
If you don't have that type, install the types for express like this:
npm install --save-dev #types/express
...but you've probably already done that.

How can I have multiple route files in server file using express (nodejs)

I am trying to put my routes into multiple files. if I only use one route file in server.ts like this, all works fine
module.exports = app => {
const article = require('../controllers/artilce.controller');
app.post('/api/blog/addArticle', article.addArticle);
app.get('/api/blog', article.getAllArticles);
app.get('/api/blog/:articleId', article.getArticleById);
app.delete('/api/blog/deleteArticle/:articleId', article.deleteArticle);
app.put('/api/blog/editArticle/:articleId', article.editArticle);
But if I add in server.ts require('./tags/routes/article-tags.routes')(app); it doesn't work.
module.exports = app =>
const articleTags = require('../controllers/article-tags.controller');
app.get('/api/blog/articleTags', articleTags.getAllArticleTags);

typescript express get does not work in separate files

I'm currently converting my node code to node-ts to help our development flow for someone that is going to help out.
I tried using this information (typescript node.js express routes separated files best practices) initially but that didn't work, so as of right now I have this below
In my index.ts I have this on the bottom
import Auth from "./routes/Auth";
app.use('/auth', Auth.Routing());
export = app;
Then in my ./routes/Auth.ts I have this
const Routing = function() {
app.get('/session', User.session);
return app;
export = { Routing };
When I try to access /auth/session all it returns is index_1.default.get.
Using the link above, I attempted to use const router = express.Router(); and then export = router and what not but was unable to get it to work for that either with the same error.

How to import a default export of webpack entry file from outside?

I think I can best explain it with code. I have a file in webpack like the following:
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
import Server from './server';
import templateFn from './template';
export default (req, res) => {
const reactString = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<Server />);
const template = templateFn(html);
I also have an express application where I want to have access to the default exported function. If it makes any difference, this file is the webpack entry file. Here is what I tried in my express app:
const handleRequest = require(path.resolve(webpackConfig.output.path, webpackConfig.output.filename));
app.get('*', (req, res) => {
I was trying to import the webpack generated file with the hope that I will be able to access the entry file's default export. Well, I was wrong as the output of the import was {}.
Is there a webpack plugin or some kind of a technique to do what I am trying to build? I don't want the express application to be part of the webpack build. That was the main reason I separated the code in this way.
I was able to access contents of webpack using library parameter (webpack.config.js):
output: {
path: ...,
filename: ...,
library: 'myapp',
libraryTarget: 'commonjs'
Then access it in the code:
const output = require(path.resolve(webpackConfig.output.path, webpackConfig.output.filename));
const defaultExportFunction = output.myapp.default;
