multi-threading thread safety - multithreading

I am using Delphi TThread to run multiple TCP connections to external devices. Incoming data is dissected and stored. Everything works OK but on reviewing my code I am having doubts whether it is thread safe or if I am just being lucky so far...
In the TThread.Execute method, I am calling a helper function which exists in a different unit, not being a member of any TThread or other class. The function accesses four bytes of data in a buffer, reverses the byte order and places the result in a variable of type Single, (the external devices are Big Endian).
TByteBuffer = array [0 .. 255] of Byte;
function ConvBufferToSingle(Buffer: TByteBuffer; J: Byte): Single;
TSingleByteArray = array [0 .. 3] of Byte;
X: Single;
TSingleByteArray(X)[3] := Buffer[J];
TSingleByteArray(X)[2] := Buffer[J + 1];
TSingleByteArray(X)[1] := Buffer[J + 2];
TSingleByteArray(X)[0] := Buffer[J + 3];
Result := X;
Although this seems to work, I can't understand what happens if one (or more) threads enter this function before another thread has exited. I have read articles on Thread Safe vs. Re-Entrant code, but I am still not sure how to verify that the code is thread safe.
When the function is called, I believe that the parameters are pushed onto the stack. This would happen for each TThread entering the function, but what happens in the code addressing those variables confuses me.
For peace of mind, is it better practise to turn the function into a method of the thread class?


Parallel processing strings Delphi full available CPU usage

The goal is to achieve full usage of the available cores, in converting floats to strings in a single Delphi application. I think this problem applies to the general processing of string. Yet in my example I am specifically using the FloatToStr method.
What I am doing (I've kept this very simple so there is little ambiguity around the implementation):
Using Delphi XE6
Create thread objects which inherit from TThread, and start them.
In the thread execute procedure it will convert a large amount of
doubles into strings via the FloatToStr method.
To simplify, these doubles are just the same constant, so there is no
shared or global memory resource required by the threads.
Although multiple cores are used, the CPU usage % always will max out on the amount of a single core. I understand this is an established issue. So I have some specific questions.
In a simple way the same operation could be done by multiple app instances, and thereby achieve more full usage of the available CPU. Is it possible to do this effectively within the same executable ?
I.e. assign threads different process ids on the OS level or some equivalent division recognised by the OS ? Or is this simply not possible in out of the box Delphi ?
On scope :
I know there are different memory managers available & other groups have tried changing some of the lower level asm lock usage
But, I am asking this question in the scope of not doing things at such a low level.
Hi J. My code is deliberately very simple :
TTaskThread = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;
procedure TTaskThread.Execute;
i: integer;
Self.FreeOnTerminate := True;
for i := 0 to 1000000000 do
procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
t1, t2, t3: TTaskThread;
t1 := TTaskThread.Create(True);
t2 := TTaskThread.Create(True);
t3 := TTaskThread.Create(True);
This is a 'test code', where the CPU (via performance monitor) maxes out at 25% (I have 4 cores). If the FloatToStr line is swapped for a non string operation, e.g. Power(i, 2), then the performance monitor shows the expected 75% usage.
(Yes there are better ways to measure this, but I think this is sufficient for the scope of this question)
I have explored this issue fairly thoroughly. The purpose of the question was to put forth the crux of the issue in a very simple form.
I am asking about limitations when using the FloatToStr method. And asking is there an implementation incarnation which will permit better usage of available cores.
I second what everyone else has said in the comments. It is one of the dirty little secrets of Delphi that the FastMM memory manager is not scalable.
Since memory managers can be replaced you can simply replace FastMM with a scalable memory manager. This is a rapidly changing field. New scalable memory managers pop up every few months. The problem is that it is hard to write a correct scalable memory manager. What are you prepared to trust? One thing that can be said in FastMM's favour is that it is robust.
Rather than replacing the memory manager, it is better to replace the need to replace the memory manager. Simply avoid heap allocation. Find a way to do your work with need for repeated calls to allocate dynamic memory. Even if you had a scalable heap manager, heap allocation would still cost.
Once you decide to avoid heap allocation the next decision is what to use instead of FloatToStr. In my experience the Delphi runtime library does not offer much support. For example, I recently discovered that there is no good way to convert an integer to text using a caller supplied buffer. So, you may need to roll your own conversion functions. As a simple first step to prove the point, try calling sprintf from msvcrt.dll. This will provide a proof of concept.
If you can't change the memory manager (MM) the only thing to do is to avoid using it where MM could be a bottleneck.
As for float to string conversion (Disclamer: I tested the code below with Delphi XE) instead of
procedure Test1;
i: integer;
S: string;
for i := 0 to 10 do begin
S:= FloatToStr(i*1.31234);
you can use
procedure Test2;
i: integer;
S: string;
Value: Extended;
SetLength(S, 64);
for i := 0 to 10 do begin
Value:= i*1.31234;
FillChar(PChar(S)^, 64, 0);
FloatToText(PChar(S), Value, fvExtended, ffGeneral, 15, 0);
which produce the same result but does not allocate memory inside the loop.
And take attention
function FloatToStr(Value: Extended): string; overload;
function FloatToStr(Value: Extended; const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings): string; overload;
The first form of FloatToStr is not thread-safe, because it uses localization information contained in global variables. The second form of FloatToStr, which is thread-safe, refers to localization information contained in the FormatSettings parameter. Before calling the thread-safe form of FloatToStr, you must populate FormatSettings with localization information. To populate FormatSettings with a set of default locale values, call GetLocaleFormatSettings.
Much thanks for your knowledge and help so far. As per your suggestions I've attempted to write an equivalent FloatToStr method in a way which avoids heap allocation. To some success. This is by no means a solid fool proof implementation, just nice and simple proof of concept which could be extended upon to achieve a more satisfying solution.
(Should also note using XE6 64-bit)
Experiment result/observations:
the CPU usage % was proportional to the number of threads started
(i.e. each thread = 1 core maxed out via performance monitor).
as expected, with more threads started, performance degraded somewhat for each individual one (i.e. time measured to perform task - see code).
times are just rough averages
8 cores 3.3GHz - 1 thread took 4200ms. 6 threads took 5200ms each.
8 cores 2.5GHz - 1 thread took 4800ms. 2=>4800ms, 4=>5000ms, 6=>6300ms.
I did not calculate the overall time for a total multi thread run. Just observed CPU usage % and measured individual thread times.
Personally I find it a little hilarious that this actually works :) Or perhaps I have done something horribly wrong ?
Surely there are library units out there which resolve these things ?
The code:
unit Main;
Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls,
TfrmParallel = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
Memo1: TMemo;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
TTaskThread = class(TThread)
Fl: TList<double>;
procedure Add(l: TList<double>);
procedure Execute; override;
frmParallel: TfrmParallel;
{$R *.dfm}
{ TTaskThread }
procedure TTaskThread.Add(l: TList<double>);
Fl := l;
procedure TTaskThread.Execute;
i, j: integer;
s, xs: shortstring;
FR: TFloatRec;
V: double;
Precision, D: integer;
ZeroCount: integer;
Start, Finish: TDateTime;
procedure AppendByteToString(var Result: shortstring; const B: Byte);
A1 = '1';
A2 = '2';
A3 = '3';
A4 = '4';
A5 = '5';
A6 = '6';
A7 = '7';
A8 = '8';
A9 = '9';
A0 = '0';
if B = 49 then
Result := Result + A1
else if B = 50 then
Result := Result + A2
else if B = 51 then
Result := Result + A3
else if B = 52 then
Result := Result + A4
else if B = 53 then
Result := Result + A5
else if B = 54 then
Result := Result + A6
else if B = 55 then
Result := Result + A7
else if B = 56 then
Result := Result + A8
else if B = 57 then
Result := Result + A9
Result := Result + A0;
procedure AppendDP(var Result: shortstring);
Result := Result + '.';
Precision := 9;
D := 1000;
Self.FreeOnTerminate := True;
Start := Now;
for i := 0 to Fl.Count - 1 do
V := Fl[i];
// //orignal way - just for testing
// xs := shortstring(FloatToStrF(V, TFloatFormat.ffGeneral, Precision, D));
//1. get float rec
FloatToDecimal(FR, V, TFloatValue.fvExtended, Precision, D);
//2. check sign
if FR.Negative then
s := '-'
s := '';
//2. handle negative exponent
if FR.Exponent < 1 then
AppendByteToString(s, 0);
for j := 1 to Abs(FR.Exponent) do
AppendByteToString(s, 0);
//3. count consecutive zeroes
ZeroCount := 0;
for j := Precision - 1 downto 0 do
if (FR.Digits[j] > 48) and (FR.Digits[j] < 58) then
//4. build string
for j := 0 to Length(FR.Digits) - 1 do
if j = Precision then
//cut off where there are only zeroes left up to precision
if (j + ZeroCount) = Precision then
//insert decimal point - for positive exponent
if (FR.Exponent > 0) and (j = FR.Exponent) then
//append next digit
AppendByteToString(s, FR.Digits[j]);
// //use just to test agreement with FloatToStrF
// if s <> xs then
// frmParallel.Memo1.Lines.Add(string(s + '|' + xs));
Finish := Now;
frmParallel.Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(MillisecondsBetween(Start, Finish)));
procedure TfrmParallel.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
t: TTaskThread;
l: TList<double>;
//pre generating the doubles is not required, is just a more useful test for me
l := TList<double>.Create;
for i := 0 to 10000000 do
l.Add(Now/(-i-1)); //some double generation
t := TTaskThread.Create(True);
FastMM4, by default, on thread contention, when one thread cannot acquire access to data, locked by another thread, calls Windows API function Sleep(0), and then, if the lock is still not available enters a loop by calling Sleep(1) after each check of the lock.
Each call to Sleep(0) experiences the expensive cost of a context switch, which can be 10000+ cycles; it also suffers the cost of ring 3 to ring 0 transitions, which can be 1000+ cycles. As about Sleep(1) – besides the costs associated with Sleep(0) – it also delays execution by at least 1 millisecond, ceding control to other threads, and, if there are no threads waiting to be executed by a physical CPU core, puts the core into sleep, effectively reducing CPU usage and power consumption.
That’s why, in your case, CPU use never reached 100% - because of the Sleep(1) issued by FastMM4.
This way of acquiring locks is not optimal.
A better way would have been a spin-lock of about 5000 pause instructions, and, if the lock was still busy, calling SwitchToThread() API call. If pause is not available (on very old processors with no SSE2 support) or SwitchToThread() API call was not available (on very old Windows versions, prior to Windows 2000), the best solution would be to utilize EnterCriticalSection / LeaveCriticalSection, that don’t have latency associated by Sleep(1), and which also very effectively cedes control of the CPU core to other threads.
I have modified FastMM4 to use a new approach to waiting for a lock: CriticalSections instead of Sleep(). With these options, the Sleep() will never be used but EnterCriticalSection / LeaveCriticalSection will be used instead. Testing has shown that the approach of using CriticalSections instead of Sleep (which was used by default before in FastMM4) provides significant gain in situations when the number of threads working with the memory manager is the same or higher than the number of physical cores. The gain is even more evident on computers with multiple physical CPUs and Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA). I have implemented compile-time options to take away the original FastMM4 approach of using Sleep(InitialSleepTime) and then Sleep(AdditionalSleepTime) (or Sleep(0) and Sleep(1)) and replace them with EnterCriticalSection / LeaveCriticalSection to save valuable CPU cycles wasted by Sleep(0) and to improve speed (reduce latency) that was affected each time by at least 1 millisecond by Sleep(1), because the Critical Sections are much more CPU-friendly and have definitely lower latency than Sleep(1).
When these options are enabled, FastMM4-AVX it checks:
whether the CPU supports SSE2 and thus the "pause" instruction, and
whether the operating system has the SwitchToThread() API call, and,
and in this case uses "pause" spin-loop for 5000 iterations and then SwitchToThread() instead of critical sections; If a CPU doesn't have the "pause" instrcution or Windows doesn't have the SwitchToThread() API function, it will use EnterCriticalSection / LeaveCriticalSection.
I have made available the fork called FastMM4-AVX at
Here are the comparison of the Original FastMM4 version 4.992, with default options compiled for Win64 by Delphi 10.2 Tokyo (Release with Optimization), and the current FastMM4-AVX branch. Under some scenarios, the FastMM4-AVX branch is more than twice as fast comparing to the Original FastMM4. The tests have been run on two different computers: one under Xeon E6-2543v2 with 2 CPU sockets, each has 6 physical cores (12 logical threads) - with only 5 physical core per socket enabled for the test application. Another test was done under a i7-7700K CPU.
Used the "Multi-threaded allocate, use and free" and "NexusDB" test cases from the FastCode Challenge Memory Manager test suite, modified to run under 64-bit.
Xeon E6-2543v2 2*CPU i7-7700K CPU
(allocated 20 logical (allocated 8 logical
threads, 10 physical threads, 4 physical
cores, NUMA) cores)
Orig. AVX-br. Ratio Orig. AVX-br. Ratio
------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ------
02-threads realloc 96552 59951 62.09% 65213 49471 75.86%
04-threads realloc 97998 39494 40.30% 64402 47714 74.09%
08-threads realloc 98325 33743 34.32% 64796 58754 90.68%
16-threads realloc 116708 45855 39.29% 71457 60173 84.21%
16-threads realloc 116273 45161 38.84% 70722 60293 85.25%
31-threads realloc 122528 53616 43.76% 70939 62962 88.76%
64-threads realloc 137661 54330 39.47% 73696 64824 87.96%
NexusDB 02 threads 122846 90380 73.72% 79479 66153 83.23%
NexusDB 04 threads 122131 53103 43.77% 69183 43001 62.16%
NexusDB 08 threads 124419 40914 32.88% 64977 33609 51.72%
NexusDB 12 threads 181239 55818 30.80% 83983 44658 53.18%
NexusDB 16 threads 135211 62044 43.61% 59917 32463 54.18%
NexusDB 31 threads 134815 48132 33.46% 54686 31184 57.02%
NexusDB 64 threads 187094 57672 30.25% 63089 41955 66.50%
Your code that calls FloatToStr is OK, since it allocates a result string using the memory manager, then reallocates it, etc. Even better idea would have been to explicitly deallocate it, for example:
procedure TTaskThread.Execute;
i: integer;
s: string;
for i := 0 to 1000000000 do
s := FloatToStr(i*1.31234);
You can find better tests of the memory manager in the FastCode challenge test suite at
Also, please note that reference counters in Delphi strings use locking operations, which are inherently slow. For example, on an Intel 2400MHz processor with Tiger Lake microarchitecture (released in October 2020), LOCK ADD is about 18 CPU cycles (7.5ns), while non-locked simple ADD is about 0.75 CPU cycles (0.3ns). If your code ensures that the strings are not assigned and modified from different threads, then you may not need this locking. One of the approaches to ensure that a string with multiple references is not manipulated from different threads is to call UniquesString() before such use. Therefore, to improve speed, you may modify the System.pas and to remove the LOCK prefix from the assembly instructions that operate the string reference counters. For example, instead of
LOCK INC [EDX-skew].StrRec.refCnt
there will be
INC [EDX-skew].StrRec.refCnt
However, compiling and using your own, custom version of System.pas may not be an easy task. You can find more information about reference counter locking in Delphi strings in a separate answer.

How to make multiple threads do work on a single TStringList

I want to be able to make multiple threads do work on a single TStringList. This is my current Thread code for using a single thread to do the work;
TFilterThread = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;
lCombos : TStringList;
//Public Vars
procedure TFilterThread.Execute;
I: integer;
HTML: String;
frm1 : TForm1;
splitLogin: TStringList;
validCount: Integer;
validCount := 0;
for I := 0 to lCombos.Count - 1 do
if Terminated then Exit();
Unit1.Form1.ListBox1.ItemIndex := i;
HTML := Unit1.Form1.IdHTTP1.Get(EmailCheckURL + lCombos[i]);
if AnsiPos('You indicated you', HTML) > 0 then
//Do stuff
Unit1.Form1.Button1.Caption := 'Start';
To Start the thread I use;
lComboLsit := TStringList.Create;
for I := 0 to listBox1.Items.Count -1 do
iTFilterThread := TFilterThread.Create(True);
iTFilterThread.FreeOnTerminate := True;
iTFilterThread.lCombos := lComboLsit;
How would I introduce another thread to also do work on the lCombos list so that the operation would complete quicker?
The answer is that it depends. If the string list is not modified, then there's nothing to do. If the string list is modified then what is best depends critically on your specific usage.
Looking at your code, your program may not be CPU bound and so adding more threads may not help. Your program's bottleneck will the HTTP communication. However, despite not being CPU bound it is plausible that running multiple threads will reduce the impact HTTP latency. You can benchmark to find out. You don't appear to be modifying the string list so there's no race problems to be concerned with there.
However, here's a problem:
Unit1.Form1.IdHTTP1.Get(EmailCheckURL + lCombos[i]);
That will work, and is thread safe so long as TIdHTTP is thread safe. But it's pretty ugly to allow a thread to access a component on a form like that. And I don't see any real sense or need to share the TIdHTTP instance between threads. It would be far cleaner to let each thread instantiate and use their own TIdHTTP component.
Of course, you will need to decide on a policy for dividing the work between all your threads. You could have a shared index that keeps track of the next item to process. Have each thread increment it atomically each time they take an item. A parallel for loop would be a good fit here. That's available in the latest version of Delphi, or in any decent third party parallel library.
You do have some problems with your code. In the thread procedure you do this:
Unit1.Form1.ListBox1.ItemIndex := i;
Unit1.Form1.Button1.Caption := 'Start';
You cannot access VCL components from a thread.
And then you do this
Don't show UI from a thread.
A point of idiom. Instead of looping over the items in your list box you can simply do this:

Using the Delphi XE7 Parallel Library

I have a time consuming routine which I'd like to process in parallel using Delphi XE7's new parallel library.
Here is the single threaded version:
procedure TTerritoryList.SetUpdating(const Value: boolean);
i, n: Integer;
if (fUpdating <> Value) or not Value then
fUpdating := Value;
for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
Territory[i].Updating := Value; // <<<<<< Time consuming routine
if assigned(fOnCreateShapesProgress) then
fOnCreateShapesProgress(Self, 'Reconfiguring ' + Territory[i].Name, i / (Count - 1));
There is really nothing complex going on. If the territory list variable is changed or set to false then the routine loops around all the sales territories and recreates the territory border (which is the time consuming task).
So here is my attempt to make it parallel:
procedure TTerritoryList.SetUpdating(const Value: boolean);
i, n: Integer;
if (fUpdating <> Value) or not Value then
fUpdating := Value;
n := Count;
i := 0;
TParallel.For(0, Count - 1,
procedure(Index: integer)
Territory[Index].Updating := fUpdating; // <<<<<< Time consuming routine
if assigned(fOnCreateShapesProgress) then
fOnCreateShapesProgress(nil, 'Reconfiguring ', i / n);
I've replaced the for-loop with a parallel for-loop. The counter, 'i' is locked as it is incremented to show progress. I then wrap the OnCreateShapeProgress event in a TThread.Queue, which will be handled by the main thread. The OnCreateShapeProgress event is handled by a routine which updates the progress bar and label describing the task.
The routine works if I exclude the call to the OnCreateShapeProgress event. It crashes with an EAurgumentOutOfRange error.
So my question is simple:
Am I doing anything anything stupid?
How to do you call an event handler from within a TParallel.For loop or TTask?
The most obvious problem that I can see is that you queue to the worker thread.
Your call to TThread.Queue passes TThread.CurrentThread. That is the very thread on which you are calling TThread.Queue. I think it is safe to say that you should never pass TThread.CurrentThread to TThread.Queue.
Instead, remove that parameter. Use the one parameter overload that just accepts a thread procedure.
Otherwise I'd note that the incrementing of the progress counter i is not really handled correctly. Well, the incrementing is fine, but you then read it later and that's a race. You can report progress out of order if thread 1 increments before thread 2 but thread 2 queues progress before thread 1. Solve that by moving the counter increment code to the main thread. Simply increment it inside the queued anonymous method. Added bonus to that is you no longer need to use an atomic increment since all modifications are on the main thread.
Beyond that, this QC report seems rather similar to what you report:
Finally, AtomicIncrement is the idiomatic way to perform lock free incrementing in the latest versions of Delphi.

Why does the program crash when using const string arguments?

My program has following code:
function FooBar(const s: string): string;
sa: AnsiString;
// ..........................
sa := AnsiString(s);
sa := AnsiString(StringReplace(string(sa), '*', '=', [rfReplaceAll]));
sa := AnsiString(StringReplace(string(sa), ' ', '+', [rfReplaceAll]));
result := string(sa);
// ..........................
I noticed that the program did crash "somewhere" and FastMM4 said that I had written to a freed object. As soon as I have commented out "const", the program did work.
I have read the Delphi documentation about const arguments, but I can't figure out why the const argument crashes the program. I would love to understand it.
UPDATE: The program does only crash in Delphi 6 and only if optimization is ON. If the optimization is OFF, the program will work normally. Might it be a Delphi bug?
There are a few peculiar gotchas when it comes to const string parameters.
Many years ago I helped a colleague resolve a similar peculiar problem (D3 iirc). The following simplified example doesn't look like your specific issue, but it may give you some ideas:
FString: string;
procedure AppendString(const S: string);
procedure TMyClass.AppendString;
FString := FString + S;
Now if you have an instance of TMyClass and try to call AppendString(FString); to double up the string, you may get an access violation. (There are a few other factors that can affect if you do.) The reason is as follows:
The const prevents refcounting the string on the method call.
So FString may have refCount = 1 when its value is changed.
In which case Copy-on-Write doesn't apply and the string is reallocated. (Most likely at a different address.)
So when the method returns, S is referring to an invalid address, and triggers an AV.
For this case:
sa := s;
automatic reference counting (ARC) works. This is idiomatic way, compiler know how to work with these string - if sa will change, it creates new copy and so on.
For case of hard typecasting (though type is the same)
sa := AnsiString(s);
you tell compiler that you want to get only pointer to string, and you know how to work with this string reference. Compiler will not interfere and annoy you, but you are responsible for correct operations
P.S. I can not reproduce the problem with Delphi XE5 - both simple assigning and typecasting causes LStrLAsg (internal function) call with ARC. (Of course, compiler magic could be changed a bit)
We debugged a crash today that was a Delphi 5 compiler code-gen bug:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
s: string;
s := 'Hello, world! '+IntToStr(7);
//String s now has a reference count of zero, and has already been freed
procedure TForm1.DoSomething(const Title: string);
s: AnsiString;
s := AnsiString(Title);
if Now = 7 then
OutputDebugString('This is a string that is irrelevant');
The Delphi 5 compiler mistakenly tries to decrement the reference counts of both
and causes the const string's reference count to go to zero. This causes it to be freed. So when DoSomething returns, you are using a freed string.
An access violation waiting to happen.
Or, in the case of customers: happening.
That becouse AnsiString is a pointer. So, you could'n operate it as a usual strings (which mean a array of chars). Crash is random, so you can gain the crash as result of stackoverflow or access violations at any time, not depend on optimization.
Than you function FooBar return the result, sa variable are already free from mamory.
Try to use the PChar or PAnsiChar and allocate the memory for this variables as your needs.
Since it doesn't make sense to convert to AnsiString and back here, I would rewrite this as
function FooBar(const s:string):string;
,' ','+',[rfReplaceAll]);

Postmessage LParam truncation

My app has a worker thread, and I use PostMessage to send a string to the main thread. For 1 message, the string is truncated when it gets to the message handler in the main thread.
The string is constructed in the worker thread from a string of raw data that is like this. It ends at the last '20'.
Decoded into the string I want to send it looks like this, which is correct:
'0100 0.50000 LSB0288.588.5SCAN EDGE '
The code that creates the 'SCAN EDGE ' portion and posts it is:
tmp and s_out are strings
x := 35;
for i := 1 to 10 do
tmp := '$' + copy(s,x,2);
s_out := s_out + chr(dec);
x := x + 2;
PostMessage(MainHandle,UM_CLONE, UM_756, Integer(PChar(s_out)));
The message handler in the main thread is:
i is a string
i := pChar(msg.LParam);
when it gets to the main thread i looks like this in the debugger:
'0100 0.50000 LSB0288.588.5SCAN EDG'#0
How can I correct this?
You are posting the contents of a String variable that is local to the thread procedure that is calling PostMessage(). If the String goes out of scope and gets freed before the main thread processes the posted message, the memory will be garbage.
You need to either:
1) use SendMessage() instead of PostMessage() so the String stays in scope until the message handler exits:
SendMessage(MainHandle, UM_CLONE, UM_756, LPARAM(PChar(s_out)));
2) dynamically allocate a String in memory, fill it as needed, post it, and then let the main message handler free it when it is done copying it:
s_out: PString;
s_out^ := s_out^ + chr(dec);
if not PostMessage(MainHandle, UM_CLONE, UM_756, LPARAM(s_out)) then
ps: PString;
i: String;
ps := PString(msg.LParam);
i := ps^;
PS: notice I also changed your Integer() cast to LPARAM(). This is very important if you ever upgrade to Delphi XE2 or later. PostMessage() and SendMessage() use LPARAM, not Integer. You can get away with it in Delphi 7 because LPARAM is an alias for Integer in that version, but that is not the case anymore in modern Delphi versions. LPARAM is an alias for NativeUInt now. LPARAM has always been an unsinged type in the Win32 API, Delphi just got it wrong in the early versions, but Embarcadero has really been pushing for type-correctness in the RTL/VCL since adding support for 64-bit and cross-platform development. If you don't match the right data types correctly, you can cause range checks errors and such at runtime.
