How to deploy and debug war application with smart tomcat in intellij - web

I have a plain text java project in intellij, the project contains some java modules, one of the module is web application module, it will be generated a war file finally. All the modules build is manven.
After the maven build, the war file will be generated under /module/target/application-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT.war
Now what I have
1.Intellij community edition 2021.3.2
2.Smart tomcat 4.3.7
3.Tomcat 9.0.68
4.Maven 3.8.6
The target is
1.Add tomcat run/debug configuration which can include the War file
2.Before each launch of the war application, all modules should be built firstly
3.After the application startup, I can debug
Is this doable? if yes may I know how to configure this in intellij?


Lombok installation in Spring Tool Suite 4 for Windows

To install Lombok on one of my spring boot project on STS 4 in Windows 10 OS, I did the following steps:
Added the lombok gradle dependency to build.gradle:
compile 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
Then to install the jar retrieved from building the above dependancy got a lombok-1.16.16.jar.
To compile the jar did a right click on the jar -> Run as Java application.
Lombok Installer appeared, but couldn't detect the IDE from the drives. So manually tried searching for the .exe file of STS4 (which I couldn't find)
So kindly help me find the .exe file of STS, so as to complete the installation
The Spring Tool Suite 4 by default has a name as SpringToolSuite4 which is the executable file. This file doesn't get detected in the Lombok installer.
After googling it for quite a long time, all I could see were results of how to install the same of Mac or Linux.
Finally, had to experiment a little. Following is the solution:
Rename the SpringToolSuite4 (Application(.exe)) file and (Configuration settings (.ini)) to sts and now it is detectable in the Lombok installer.
Complete the installation and restart STS and rebuild-clean your project and it works just fine.
You have to add the Lombok JAR file reference to the ini file. The inif file is in the STS installation directory:
If you are using Spring Tool Suite4, the name of the app is no longer on MacOS, however, the installer still uses the old name, which on macOS is part of the path. So if you use the installer, check the path in the .ini file to ensure that the name of the app used in the path is correct.
After following the suggested lombok installation on the page
and if it doesn't work
go to C:\User\.m2\repository\org\projectlombok\lombok folder
and remove all versions of lombok contained in the folder
(do not worry maven will redo the files needed for lombok to work)
if using spring boot put in pom.xml:
and maven update with the force update option
I'am using
Spring Tool Suite
Version: 3.9.4.RELEASE
Build Id: 201804120943
Platform: Eclipse Neon.3 (4.6.3)

Renaming the generated war file in gradle?

I am using gradle to generate a war file so that I can directly deploy the war in any remote tomcat server. I want to name the generated war as ROOT.war and after going through the docs I found a way of doing it as:
war.archiveName = "ROOT.war"
Its working fine but gradle generates the war as root.war (the name is in lowercase).
Can you tell me how to convert it into uppercase or is there any better way of doing it?
NOTE: I am using Gradle 2.2 on MAC OS X Yosemite

Deploy Liferay Portlet wars via Jenkins?

We are trying to automate the process of deploying the generated war files via Jenkins to web server. I was able to achieve the same for normal war files using Deploy plugin over tomcat server.
For Liferay portlet war files, I can't use the same plugin as we put war files into deploy folder in liferay and then it gets copied over to tomcat webapps folder.
Another approach I see is to add the deploy path in pom.xml <properties>
</properties> and then run the maven command mvn package liferay:deploy to copy to deploy directory.
Do you have any other option or thoughts, Thanks!
If you want to deploy the wars using Jenkins then alternative would be using Liferay Plugin SDK provided Ant task that provides "ant deploy" command.
For maven projects the mvn liferay:deploy IS the correct and proper way of doing it!
Here's a link to the latest dev. guide on that subject:

deploy java desktop application in netbeans

I create a java desktop application in Netbeans and now I want to deploy to work as software in Linux but I am not very familiar with neat beans I used visual studio and mono to build applications for both Windows and Linux and both of them create your application in bin/release directory and now I want to know what is equivalent to visual studio/mono release in Netbeans.
Thank you
Go to the project folder. Inside that there is a folder named "dist" this contains the jar file. This is the java equivalent of .exe. You need to use that to run on linux(given that JRE is installed on Linux machine). In case of external libraies: the libraries exists in side the "lib" folder which resides inside the "dist" folder.

publish red5 web project in linux

I have created a dynamic web project in eclipse and published it via red5-eclipse plugin in Windows.
I need to publish the same application in red 5 server installed in Linux machine.
In case of Windows just copying the application folder under webapps and restarting the red5 server works.
But when i try the same in Linux its not working.
Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.
Even on windows you shouldn't be doing the work of copy/paste into the webapps folder.
Thats the very reason to use the Red5 plugin in eclipse, i.e to make your life easier.
I assume you are using the JAVA EE version of eclipse. Just follow this old tutorial, which is still very much valid:
Once configured properly, you will see the Red5 Server in the bottom panel under the "Servers" tab. There you can directly publish your app to the server, debug, start/stop etc.
For your Linux specific issue, in most probability, you have to set the correct permissions for the Red5 webapps directory in order to put new projects in there. There is no reason otherwise for it to work differently than Windows.
Solution Using Netbeans and Glassfish Server:
Red5 can be installed as stand alone server or as a war deployment.
The procedure is to create war deployment of red5 version 0.8(old version). (Lengthy, please bear with me).
Download and install jdk1.6, glassfish2.1 and netbeans 6.5 on linux.
Download "Red5War_0.8.0.war".
I am sharing in the hope that the following may help the community to create a deployable war red5 version 0.8 on glassfish2.1 by following the steps using in Netbeans 6.5:
Step 1: Un-zip the Red5War_0.8.0.war
Step 2: Create a web project named "red5" in Netbeans
Step 3: Copy the content of "/WEB-INF/classes" of inflated war folder and paste it in "Source Packages" of Netbeans Project.
Step 4: Right Click "Libraries", add "JAR/Folder", navigate to "/WEB-INF/lib" of inflated war folder, select all the dependency jars and Click On "Open" of Netbeans Project.
Step 5: Delete WEB-INF of Netbeans Project (Note : Ignore Warning/Error).
Step 6: Delete META-INF of the inflated folder.
Step 7: Copy the remaining content ("/WEB-INF/classes" and "/WEB-INF/lib") of the inflated folder to "Web Pages" of Netbeans Project.
Step 8: Open the following ports in the firewall TCP/843,TCP/1935,TCP/5229,TCP/5080
Step 9: Run the project
Step 10: Deployable war file "red.war" is created in the Netbeans Project Folder(../NetBeansProjects/red5/dist/)
Please share your findings in creating new version(1.0, 1.0.1, 1.02) war deployments using new version netbeans, jdk on new version glassfish server(3.x).
Best wishes!
Arumugam A.V
