Why when I use text to column Excel changes my numbers - excel

For example I have this line right here:
When I convert text to column using as delimiter comma in preview I see the result just right:
-2.7769 -5.6967 5.9179 0.37671 1
But when I press confirm I get this:
-27.769 -56.967 59.179 0.37671 1
How can I stop it from doing that and get the desired outcome?
I tried to make a line separated with commas into columns using the text to column feature from excel but I didn't get the result I was hoping for.

I don't know the entire solution, but I clearly see that you are mixing up decimal delimiter and thousand delimiter:
I guess that you mean "-2.7769" meaning "minus two, followed by a decimal separator, followed by .7769 (a number between zero and one)", but what your computer understand is: "minus twenty-seven thousand, seven hundred and sixty-nine, but the user has put the thousand separator at the wrong place. I will correct this."
In order to check whether or not your Excel is using a thousand separator, you can ask a random cell's formatting (right-click, choose "Format cells"): the "Use 1000 Separator (,)" checkbox in the "Number" chapter should be unchecked, as in this screenshot:


Notepad to Excel column conversion - How to Parse one mixed string to 2 different column in excel

I have data in notepad with more than 1000+ entries, which need to convert in to Excel with particular break based on length. can someone help
File format is as below
Position Field
1-9 Routing number
1 Office code
I tried delimiting option but dint worked out.
If your data always has the routing number in columns 1-9, then delimited import is the way to go. Choose Import From Text, then select Fixed Width and click Next. On Step 2, click at each character that would be a separator. Eg, click at character 9 to split it into two columns with the first column haviong the first nine characters and the second column having the rest. Step 3 will allow you to set the data format. I'd recommend setting the first column to text so Excel doesn't try to use scientific notation or something on your account numbers.

Single Line to Double-line Formatting in Excel

In my job I have to enter warranty information so that POs can be cut. Vendors are very particular with how this is entered and each one has their own format.
One of them requires data be entered:
Further, the information for this is sent in a single composite number, something like:
Requiring the final input of data to be:
The first 4 digits of the composite are the MACHTYPE and the final 8 are the Serial Number.
The impasse I've reached is I can't seem to get auto-fill to replicate the skipping of lines as I've formatted. It will jump a number of lines equal to however many I've selected.
Any ideas about getting it to replicate the first four Formatted Data? I've been throwing myself at this for a couple hours now.
Thanks in advance!
I think you're over complicating it by using two rows for the Formatted Data. I'd wrap the text (Home tab > Alignment section) for the cells in column F and use the following formula to insert a new line:
Then just leave the formatting like you had it by row...
Okay, let's focus on the title. When A1 is 10Y754235FUYJ9,
will give you the output:
And don't forget to set the wrap text checked at Format Cells menu.

Replace "." with "," in Excel 2013

I have an Excel file, generated from database. It contains a column filled with number values that looks like this:
My problem is, that Excel finds numbers only when they are used with "," separator. How can I change all the "." to ",", so all values in that column would be recognized as numbers (aligned to right side of column).
Also, I have a lot of those files to maintain, so an automatic procedure would be highly appriciated.
Select the Column and Hit CRTL+H,
Enter '.' in 'Find What' and enter ',' in 'Replace with' and hit 'Replace All' button
Your data sample looks wrong. It's inconsistent.
If your system uses the comma as the decimal separator, then ALL your numbers should use the comma for the decimal.
If your database system uses a dot as the decimal separator, then ALL your numbers should use the dot for the decimal.
The numbers in your example are a random mix of comma and dot as the decimal separator.
You may want to configure your source system to apply the decimal separator in a consistent way.
It's quite inconceivable why your system would use a comma for one value, but use a dot for another value. You may need to get to the bottom of that logic before you can proceed any further.
Possibly, the "numbers" are really text values from other data sources that use either comma or dot for the decimal separator.

Excel Number Formatting

I'm currently working on a sheet that contains part numbers in it. I'd like them to be formatted like this:
Where #s can be letters or numbers, #s are numbers, and Xs are letters.
I run into two problems while doing this. The first is that I can't figure out how to handle text and numbers at the same time in the Custom Format dialog box. The second is that occasionally a part number will have 3 letters after the second hyphen rather than 2, and I can't figure out how I should structure the condition to differentiate between the two formats.
How can I handle numbers and text at the same time when creating a custom format, and how can I add the condition described above (based on character numbers or something)?
If can't be achieved with custom formatting then a formula such as below may suit:
If the middle number section has to be 5 digits, use
But I don't think number formats are designed to handle Alphanumeric entries, and I can't help you with those X's

Return all characters but the first X amount Excel 2007

I've got a long list of codes and text in the same cell. I need to return all the text from the right BUT the first five characters
ex. V2341 something here
I need to return the something here
That's what I've tried, but no luck with it. I know it's gotta be close to correct, what am I missing?
You're looking for MID.
If column A contains
==================== ====================== ==============
1 ABCDE12345 D1=MID(A1, 6, LEN(A1)) 12345
2 ABCDE1234567890ABCD D2=MID(A2, 6, LEN(A2)) 1234567890ABCD
REPLACE function can also be used to replace a designated number of characters with nothing, i.e.
You can also select the whole column, use ctrl+f, then find and replace the 'v' with nothing. This will work easily if you have the same first amounts you are trying to get rid of.
If you are trying to get rid of the same number of characters, but they are different characters, you can go to Data -> Text to Columns (in Data Tools Sections). Then select the radio button fixed width. Click Next. Move the line in the graphic to the position you want it in, click Finish.
