Haskell: for every even appearance in an array, concatenate an int to the final list - haskell

I'm currently trying to write a function that takes as arguments an Int and an array of Ints and for every even value in the array, it concatenates the Int to the final array.
So, something like this:
f 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6] = [1,2,3,3,4,3,5,6,3]
This is the code I imagined would work (I'm just beginning so sorry if it's bad):
f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f(x,[]) = []
|even head(y) = (head(y) ++ [x] ++ f(x,drop 1 y)
|otherwise = head(y) ++ f(x,(drop 1 y))
The error I'm getting is "Couldn't match expected type of 'Int' with actual type (a3, [[a3]])'. I understand the parameters types are mismatched, but I'm not sure how a proper syntax would look like here

You use (x, []), so that means the input type would be a tuple, so f :: (Int, [Int]) -> [Int].
I would also use pattern matching instead of head and tail, so:
f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f _ [] = []
f x (y:ys)
| even y = y : x : f x ys
| otherwise = y : f x ys
You can also generalize the type signature, and work with an inner function to avoid passing the x each time:
f :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> [a]
f x = go
where go [] = []
go (y:ys)
| even y = y : x : go ys
| otherwise = y : go ys

Another way of looking at this would be using a right fold to insert the desired element after even numbers.
f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f x lst = foldr (\y i -> if even y then y:x:i else y:i) [] lst
Which we can simplify to:
f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f x = foldr (\y i -> if even y then y:x:i else y:i) []
Note that without specifying the type, the more general inferred type of f would be:
f :: (Foldable t, Integral a) => a -> t a -> [a]


apply a function n times to the n-th item in a list in haskell

I want a higher-order function, g, that will apply another function, f, to a list of integers such that
g = [f x1, f(f x2), f(f(f x3)), … , f^n(xn)]
I know I can map a function like
g :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
g f xs = map f xs
and I could also apply a function n-times like
g f xs = [iterate f x !! n | x <- xs]
where n the number of times to apply the function. I know I need to use recursion, so I don't think either of these options will be useful.
Expected output:
g (+1) [1,2,3,4,5] = [2,4,6,8,10]
You can work with explicit recursion where you pass each time the function to apply and the tail of the list, so:
g :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
g f = go f
where go _ [] = []
go fi (x:xs) = … : go (f . fi) xs
I here leave implementing the … part as an exercise.
Another option is to work with two lists, a list of functions and a list of values. In that case the list of functions is iterate (f .) f: an infinite list of functions that can be applied. Then we can implement g as:
g :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
g f = zipWith ($) (iterate (f .) f)
Sounds like another use for foldr:
applyAsDeep :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
applyAsDeep f = foldr (\x xs -> f x : map f xs) []
λ> applyAsDeep (+10) [1,2,3,4,5]
If you want to go a bit overkill ...
import GHC.Exts (build)
g :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
g f xs0 =
build $ \c n ->
let go x r fi = fi x `c` r (f . fi)
in foldr go (const n) xs0 f

How would you declare the types of these functions in Haskell?

So I'm learning about Haskell at the moment, and I came across this question:
The type of a function f is supposed to be a->[a]->a. The
following definitions of f are incorrect because their types are all
different from a->[a]->a:
i. f x xs = xs
ii. f x xs = x+1
iii. f x xs = x ++ xs
iv. f x (y:ys) = y
My answers as I see it are:
i) f :: a -> a -> a
This is because x or xs can be of any value and is not a list as it does not contain the ':' operator.
ii) f :: Int -> a -> Int
This is because the + operator is used on x, meaning x is of type Int.
iii) f :: Eq a => a -> a -> a
The ++ operators are used, therefore in order to concatenate they must be of the same type..?
iv) f :: a -> [a] -> a
f returns an element from the list.
The last one is definitely wrong, because it can't be of type a -> [a] -> a. Are there any others I did wrong, and why? I'm hoping I can fully understand types and how to find out the types of functions.
i) f :: a -> a -> a
f x xs = xs
This is because x or xs can be of any value and is not a list as it does not contain the ':' operator.
True, but it also does not have to be of the same type!
So, it's actually f :: a -> b -> b.
ii) f :: Int -> a -> Int
f x xs = x+1
This is because the + operator is used on x, meaning x is of type Int.
Correct. (Actually, in Haskell we get Num b => b -> a -> b which generalized the Int to any numeric type, but it's not that important.)
iii) f :: Eq a => a -> a -> a
f x xs = x ++ xs
The ++ operators are used, therefore in order to concatenate they must be of the same type..?
True, but they must be lists. Also, Eq is only needed if you use == or something which compares values.
Here, f :: [a] -> [a] -> [a].
iv) f :: a -> [a] -> a
f x (y:ys) = y
f returns an element from the list.
The type of x does not have to be the same. We get f :: b -> [a] -> a.
i. f x xs = xs
i) f :: a -> a -> a
Although this can be a type signature, you make it too restrictive. The function takes two parameters x and xs. Initially we can reason that x and xs can have different types, so we say that x :: a, and xs :: b. Since the function returns xs, the return type is b as well, so the type is:
f :: a -> b -> b
f x xs = xs
ii. f x xs = x+1
ii) f :: Int -> a -> Int
Again you make the function too restrictive. Let us again assume that x :: a and xs :: b have different types. We see that we return x + 1 (or in more canonical form (+) x 1. Since (+) has signature (+) :: Num c => c -> c -> c (we here use c since a is already used), and 1 has signature 1 :: Num d => d, we thus see that we call (+) with x and 1, as a result we know that a ~ c (a and c are the same type), and c ~ d, so as a result we obtain the signature:
f :: Num c => c -> b -> c
f x xs = x+1
iii. f x xs = x ++ xs
iii) f :: Eq a => a -> a -> a
This is wrong: we here see that f has two parameters, x :: a and xs :: b. We see that we return (++) x xs. Since (++) has signature (++) :: [c] -> [c] -> [c], we thus know that a ~ [c] and b ~ [c], so the type is:
f :: [c] -> [c] -> [c]
f x xs = x ++ xs
iv. f x (y:ys) = y
iv) f :: a -> [a] -> a
This is again too restrictive. Here we see again two parameters: x and (y:ys). We first generate a type a for x :: a, and (y:ys) :: b, since the pattern of the second parameter is (y:ys), this is a list constructor with as parameters (:) :: c -> [c] -> [c]. As a result we can derive that y :: c, and ys :: [c], furthermore the pattern (y:ys) has type [c]. Since the function returns y, we know that the return type is c, so:
f :: a -> [c] -> c
f x (y:ys) = y
Note: you can let Haskell derive the type of the function itself. In GHCi you can use the :t command to query the type of an expression. For example:
Prelude> f x (y:ys) = y
Prelude> :t f
f :: t1 -> [t] -> t

How is map implemented internally?

Ok so i want to implement my custom map that receives a replication factor and a target list.
Inputs: Int -> [Int]
Output: [[Int]]
E.g.: 2 [1,2] -----> [[1,1],[2,2]]
f [1,2,3] -> map -> [f(1),f(2),f(3)]
What is supposed to happen with f(1) when map goes to the next element of the list?How should i replace 1 with f(1) ?
P.S: This was my initial solution but it does replicate the initial list,not every element.
replicate 1 x=x
replicate factor (x:xs)= go factor [] (x:xs) where
go factor ls (x:xs) =go factor (repl factor x):ls xs
repl 1 nr=nr
repl times nr=nr:repl (times-1) nr
There are two issues, that prevent your code from compiling:
null function has the type [a0] -> Bool, but you're applying it
on an element of a list, hence you're expecting it to be Int -> Bool
The result f x shouldn't be pushed into the tail of the input, it
should be pushed into the result of recursive call of the function:
f x: (mymap f xs) instead of f x: xs
As a result the following code should work:
mymap :: (Int -> [Int]) -> [Int]-> [[Int]]
mymap f (x:xs) = if null xs then [] else f x : (mymap f xs)
By the way, the Standard Library provides much readable (and also polymorphic) implementation using pattern-matching:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
custom map that receives a replication factor and a target list
It is a little unclear to me what you're asking for.
Does mymap receive the replication factor, or does f?
E.g.: 2 [1,2] -----> [[1,1],[2,2]]
If you want mymap 2 [1,2] to give [[1,1],[2,2]], then:
mymap :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
mymap = map . replicate
mymap :: (Int -> [Int]) -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
How is this function any different from the built-in map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] with a as Int and b as [Int]? Here, mymap does not have any Int argument itself, so you must mean that f's argument is the replication factor; but if f 2 3 == [3,3], then f is replicate and you can use the solution above.
You can write this using your own recursive definitions, if you like:
mymap :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
mymap _ [] = []
mymap n (x:xs) = myreplicate n x : mymap n xs
myreplicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
myreplicate 0 _ = []
myreplicate n x = x : myreplicate (n-1) x
Or you can use list comprehension instead of a map:
mymap :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
mymap n xs = [ replicate n x | x <- xs ]
I'd probably call mymap for replicateMany or something like that.

How I can set the signature of a function right?

I'm practicing some Haskell to understand the \, case.. of and Maybe better.
I've got this little function here which should return Nothing if the array is empty, Just y if y is equal to the head of the array xs and Just (tail xs) if y is not equal to the head of the array xs.
I set the return type of the function to Maybe a because in one case it should return an Int and in the other an [Int].
funct :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe a
funct = \y xs -> case xs of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> if ((head xs) == y)
then Just y
else Just (tail xs)
What am I missing? I am getting the error that it couldn't match type a with [Int]. Isn't the a in Maybe a generic or is it influenced by the fact that I "used" the a as an Int in the Just y part?
EDIT: Ok my suggestion was bs, I tested it with Just (tail xs) in the then and else part and I'm still getting the same error.
set the return type of the function to Maybe a because in one case it should return an Int and in the other an [Int].
Haskell is statically typed. Meaning it can not - at runtime - have a different return type. It can only have one return type. a is not an ad hoc type (in the sense that it can be any type at runtime). It means that a will be determined - at compile time - based on the types of other parameters.
For instance you can write: foo :: a -> a -> a to specify that if foo takes two Ints (again known at compile time), the result will be an Int.
You can however use Either a b to say that you will either return a Left a, or a Right b. So you can rewrite it to:
funct :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe (Either Int [Int])
funct = \y xs -> case xs of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> if ((head xs) == y)
then Just (Left y)
else Just (Right (tail xs))
Your function however is quite verbose, you can make it more clear and compact as follows:
funct :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe (Either Int [Int])
funct _ [] = Nothing
funct y (h:t) | h == y = Just (Left y)
| otherwise = Just (Right t)
Furthermore we can generalize it to:
funct :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe (Either a [a])
funct _ [] = Nothing
funct y (h:t) | h == y = Just (Left y)
| otherwise = Just (Right t)
Here Eq is a typeclass that specifies that there exists a function (==) :: a -> a -> Bool that we can use. Otherwise using == in the body of the function would not be possible.
Furthermore we use patterns in the head of every clause. [] is a pattern that describes the empty list. (h:t) on the other hand is a pattern describing a list containing at least one element: the head h, followed by a (possibly empty tail t).

Can mapEvery be implemented with foldr

For a function that maps a function to every nth element in a list:
mapEvery :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEvery n f = zipWith ($) (drop 1 . cycle . take n $ f : repeat id)
Is it possible to implement this with foldr like ordinary map?
EDIT: In the title, changed 'folder' to 'foldr'. Autocorrect...
Here's one solution
mapEvery :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEvery n f as = foldr go (const []) as 1 where
go a as m
| m == n = f a : as 1
| otherwise = a : as (m+1)
This uses the "foldl as foldr" trick to pass state from the left to the right along the list as you fold. Essentially, if we read the type of foldr as (a -> r -> r) -> r -> [a] -> r then we instantiate r as Int -> [a] where the passed integer is the current number of elements we've passed without calling the function.
Yes, it can:
mapEvery :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEvery n f xs
= foldr (\y ys -> g y : ys) []
$ zip [1..] xs
g (i, y) = if i `mod` n == 0 then f y else y
And since it's possible to implement zip in terms of foldr, you could get even more fold-y if you really wanted. This even works on infinite lists:
> take 20 $ mapEvery 5 (+1) $ repeat 1
This is what it looks like with even more foldr and inlining g:
mapEvery :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEvery _ _ [] = []
mapEvery n f xs
= foldr (\(i, y) ys -> (if i `mod` n == 0 then f y else y) : ys) []
$ foldr step (const []) [1..] xs
step _ _ [] = []
step x zipsfn (y:ys) = (x, y) : zipsfn ys
Now, would I recommend writing it this way? Absolutely not. This is about as obfuscated as you can get while still writing "readable" code. But it does demonstrate that this is possible to use the very powerful foldr to implement relatively complex functions.
