Bash script - Get part of a line of text from another file - linux

I'm quite new to bash scripting. I have a script where I want to extract part of the value of a particular line in a separate config file and then use that value as a variable in the script.
For example:
Line 75 in a file named config.cfg
I want just the value at the end of "thecert.cer" to then use in the script. I've tried awk and various uses of grep but I can't quite get just the name of the certificate.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
These are some examples of the commands I ran:
awk -F "/" '{print $4}' config.cfg
grep -o *.cer config.cfg
Is this possible to extract the value on that line and then edit the output so it just contains the name of the certificate file?

This is a pure Bash version of the basic functionality of basename:
which removes everything up to and including the final slash. It presupposes that you've already read the line.
Or, using sed:
cert=$(sed -n '75s/^.*\///p' filename)
cert=$(sed -n '/^ssl_cert_location=/s/^.*\///p' filename)
This gets the specified line based on the line number or the setting name and replaces everything up to and including the final slash with nothing. It ignores all other lines in the file (unless the setting is repeated in the case of the text match version). The text match version is better because it works no matter what line number the setting is on.
grep uses regular expressions (as does sed). The grep command in your command appears to have a glob expression which won't work. One way to use grep (GNU grep) is to use the PCRE feature (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions):
cert=$(grep -Po '^ssl_cert_location=.*/\K.*' filename)
This works similarly to the sed command.
I have anchored the regular expressions to the beginning of the line. If there may be leading white spaces (the line may be indented), change the regex so it looks something like this:
which works for both indented and unindented lines.

There are many variants, but a simple one that comes to mind with grep is first getting the line, then matching only non-slashes at the end of the line:
<config.cfg grep '^ssl_cert_location=' | grep -o '[^/]*$'
Why didn't your grep command (grep -o *.cer config.cfg) work? Becasue *.cer is a shell glob pattern and will be expanded by the shell to matching file names, even before the grep process is even started. If there are no matching files, it will be passed verbatim, but * in regular expressions is a quantifier which needs a preceeding expression. . in regex is "match any single character". So what you wanted is probably grep -o '.*\.cer', but .* matches anything, including slashes.
An awk solution would look like the following:
awk -F/ '/^ssl_cert_location=/{print $NF}' config.cfg
It uses "/" as separator, finds only lines starting with "ssl_cert_location" and then prints the last (NF) field in from this line.
Or an equivalent sed solution, which matches the same line and then deletes everything including the last slash:
sed -n '/^ssl_cert_location=/s#^.*/##p' config.cfg
To store the output of any command in a variable, use command substitution:
var="$(command with arguments)"


Move last words of strings from one file to another

I have a file that contains:
/usr/bin/alias, /usr/bin/clear, /usr/bin/echo, /usr/bin/cat, /usr/bin/netstat,
/usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/bin/less
and I need to move the last words to another file
I have tried awk, grep, sed, cut all kinds of combinations but can't seem to get the right result
Thank you in advance for your help.
I used this:
grep -Po '(?<=/)[^/]+$' filename
-P means to use Perl style regex
-o means to output just the matched text
(?<=/) is a zero-width lookbehind to match the leading slash
[^/]+$ matches any text except a slash to the end of the line

Select lines between two patterns using variables inside SED command

I'm new to shell scripting. My requirement is to retrieve lines between two pattern, its working fine if I run it from the terminal without using variables inside sed cmd. But the problem arises when I put all those below cmd in a file and tried to execute it.
upto="2017-01-03 23:00"
fileC=`cat test.log`
output=`echo $fileC | sed -e "n/\$word/$upto/p"`
printf '%s\n' "$output"
If I use the below cmd in the terminal it works fine
sed -n '/,/2017-01-03 23:00/ p' test.log
Please suggest a workaround.
If we put aside for a moment the fact you shouldn't cat a file to a variable and then echo it for sed filtering, the reason why your command is not working is because you're not quoting the file content variable, fileC when echoing. This will munge together multiple whitespace characters and turn them into a single space. So, you're losing newlines from the file, as well as multiple spaces, tabs, etc.
To fix it, you can write:
fileC=$(cat test.log)
output=$(echo "$fileC" | sed -n "/$word/,/$upto/p")
Note the double-quotes around fileC (and a fixed sed expression, similar to your second example). Without the quotes (try echo $fileC), your fileC is expanded (with the default IFS) into a series of words, each being one argument to echo, and echo will just print those words separated with a single space. Additionally, if the file contains some of the globbing characters (like *), those patterns are also expanded. This is a common bash pitfall.
Much better would be to write it like this:
output=$(sed -n "/$word/,/$upto/p" test.log)
And if your patterns include some of the sed metacharacters, you should really escape them before using with sed, like this:
escape() {
sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g' <<<"$1";
output=$(sed -n "/$(escape "$word")/,/$(escape "$upto")/ p" test.log)
The correct approach will be something like:
upto="2017-01-03 23:00"
awk -v beg="$word" -v end="$upto" '$0==beg{f=1} f{print; if ($0==end) exit}' file
but until we see your sample input and output we can't know for sure what it is you need to match on (full lines, partial lines, all text on one line, etc.) or what you want to print (include delimiters, exclude one, exclude both, etc.).

How to print the longest word in a file by using combination of grep and wc

iam trining to find the longest word in a text file.
i tried it and find out the no of characters in the longest word in a file
by using the command
wc -L
i need to print the longest word By using this number and grep command .
If you must use the two commands give, I'd suggest:
grep -E ".{$(wc -L < test.txt)}" test.txt
The command substitution is used to build the correct brace expression to match the line(s) with exactly the given number of characters. -E is needed to enable extended regular expression support; otherwise, the braces need to be escaped: grep ".\{...\}" test.txt.
Using an awk command that makes a single pass through the file may be faster.

Filter out only matched values from a text file in each line

I have a file "test.txt" with the lines below and also lot bunch of extra stuff after the "version"
soainfra_metrics{metric_group="sca_composite",partition="test",is_active="true",state="on",is_default="true",composite="test123"} map:stats version:1.0
soainfra_metrics{metric_group="sca_composite",partition="gello",is_active="true",state="on",is_default="true",composite="test234"} map:stats version:1.8
soainfra_metrics{metric_group="sca_composite",partition="bolo",is_active="true",state="on",is_default="true",composite="3415"} map:stats version:3.1
soainfra_metrics{metric_group="sca_composite",partition="solo",is_active="true",state="on",is_default="true",composite="hji"} map:stats version:1.1
I tried:
egrep -r 'partition|is_active|state|is_default|composite' test.txt
It's displaying every line, but I need only specific mentioned fields like this below,ignoring rest of the data/stuff or lines
in a nut shell, i want to display only these fields from a line not the rest
If your version of grep supports Perl-style regular expressions, then I'd use this:
grep -oP '.*?,\K[^}]+' file
It removes everything up to the first comma (\K kills any previous output) and prints everything up to the }.
Alternatively, using awk:
awk -F'}' '{ sub(/[^,]+,/, ""); print $1 }' file
This sets the field separator to } so the part you're interested in is the first field. It then uses sub to remove the part up to the first comma.
For completeness, you could also use sed:
sed 's/[^,]*,\([^}]*\).*/\1/' file
This captures the part after the first , up to the } and replaces the content of the line with it.
After the grep to pick out the lines you want, use sed to edit the lines:
sed 's/.*\(partition[^}]*\)} map.*/\1/'
This means: "whenever you see anything .*, followed by partition and
any number of non-}, then } map and anything else, grab the part
from partition up to but not including the brace \(...\) as group 1.
The replacement text is just group 1 \1.
Use a pipe | to connect the output of egrep to the input of sed:
egrep ... | sed ...
As far as i understood your file might have more lines you don't want to see, so i would use:
sed -n 's/.*\(partition.*\)}.*/\1/p' file
we use -n p to show only lines where we made substitution. The substitution part just gets the part of the line you need substituting the whole line with the pattern.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/(partition|is_active|state|is_default|composite)="[^"]*"/\n&\n/g;s/[^\n]*\n([^\n]*)\n[^\n]*/\1,/g;s/,$//' file
Treat the problem as if it were a "decomposed club sandwich". Identify the fillings, remove the bread and tidy up.

linux command for finding a substring and moving it to the end of line

I need to read a file line by line in Linux, find a substring in each line, remove it and place it at the end of that line.
Line in the original file:
Line in the output file:
How do I do it with the Linux command? Thanks!
sed '/substring/{ s///; s/$/substring/;} '
will handle a fixed substring. Note that if substring begins with a ,, this handles your example case well. If the substring is not fixed but may be a general regular expression:
sed 's/\(substring\)\(.*\)/\2\1'
If you are looking for general csv parsing, you should rephrase the question. (It will be difficult to apply this solution to find a fixed string at the start of a line if you are thinking of the input as comma separated fields.)
I always prefer to use perl's command line to do such regex tasks - perl is powerful enough to cover awk and sed in most of my usages, and both available in windows and linux, it is just easy and handy to me, so the solution in perl would be like:
perl -ne "s/^(.*?)(?:(?<comma>,)(?<substr>substring)|(?<substr>substring)(?<comma>,))(?<right>.*)$/$1$+{right}$+{comma}$+{substr}/; print" input.txt > output.txt
or a simpler one:
perl -lpe "if(s/(,substring|substring,)//){ s/$/,substring/ }" input.txt > output.txt
You can edit based on your actual input:
If there are any space between words and commas
If you are using tab as separator
Some explanation of the command line:
use perl's -n -e options: -n means process the input line by line in a loop; -e means one line program in the command line
use perl's -l -p options: -l means process multilines; -p means always print
The one line program is just a regex replacement and a print
(?:pattern) means group but don't capture the match
(?<comma>) is a named group, you then need to use $+{comma} hash to access it
