Pagination Item not displaying properly in Mern - pagination

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Pagination Items are not displaying properly


Some phrases and products for empty text search

As a part of empty search in Hybris,we are required to display some phrases and products even when customer does not search anything.
How to go about this scenario?Will we have to make changes in the individual controller methods?
You can return a searchEmpty CMS page whenever searchPageData doesn't contain the data.
Now you can design the searchEmpty CMS page as you want.
Like the page contains phrases and product components to display phrase and products which can be changed/configured though WCMS.
As you mentioned in your comment, you want to show static text and products in autosuggestions when the user clicks search box.
Approach 1.
You can render static text and your selected product data in the hidden container with all pages. Now on search-box click event show that data as autosuggestion dropdown.
Approach 2.
On the search-box click event make ajax call(custom mapping) to get the static data content(JSP).

SPFX - Webpart properties not appearing in search results

I have created spfx webpart which just displays the webpart property.
Following is the code.
"Hello" string is stored in my webpart property.
When I try to search the webpart property content nothing appears in search results
but When I search "WebPartID+propertycontent", the page is displayed in the search results. AS you can see in following image the webpartid is appearing concatenated with the Webpart property.

I need search text in parent search box but to search in iframe of another link and post results there

I have a html home parent template with 2 search boxes for jobs (people must enter job type and city manually). I need search text from the 2 boxes to be forwarded to other link, in search boxes within the iframe of that new link. When people push SEARCH button new link will be loaded with search results in iframe.
All its on the same domain.
This are parent search boxes and button :
Assign the searched result contains variable to first page of empty div using javascript(HTMLElement innerHTML Property).
For Example:
In first Page div like this,
<div id="searchedresults"></div>
In iframe page ,javascript codes for assigning searched result,

How to display count of documents beside webpart title of a document library ?

A requirement in our project is, we have to show the count of documents beside web part title name. I have tried using Data view web part (using XSLT) but unable to display the count beside the title.
Can you please suggest any other alternative to meet the above requirement without using custom code?
If you want the total count of the documents in a document library you can get from
xsl:value-of select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row)"
Open the data view web part properties and on the General tab select the show view footer. It will show the count of the documents

how to lookup image in sharepoint?

I have a Picture Library created with photos. In my Custom List, I want to create a lookup field to a Picture in my Picture Library and a description field. This I figured out by linking to the ID of the image in the Picture Library. How can I display that image as a thumbnail using my custom list? (Is it also possible to display a thumbnail or preview of the picture in my custom list since it know the ID of the picture?).
How about some javascript so that when you mouseover a list item in your custom list a modal window opens up with an image preview?
