Two Audio Input at the same time using phone - audio

How do I take 2 different audio inputs at the same time from a mobile?
I tried taking audio from my phone as primary mic and headphones as secondary mic but failed to take 2 different audio inputs


How do I record audio using a microphone and play it in a speaker simultaneously by only storing one sec of Audio in LINUX

I am now working on a Audio algorithm which need 256 samples of audio from a micro phone and i need to process this 256 samples and result should get played on a speaker. I have done it using two wave file which is already on the file, now i need to do it in the real time.
Need a solution for this

Playing an audio file with more than 2 channels

I have an WAV audio file with 3 channels: 2 for the sound (stereo) and 1 with short pulses to help record and synchronize with an external device (for a scientific experiment, not important).
The thing is: I have a sound card with 4 audio inputs and outputs, but when I try to play the file there is an error about the number of channels:
sounddevice.PortAudioError: Error opening OutputStream: Invalid number of channels [PaErrorCode -9998]
This occurs both with SoundDevice and, and also when i added a 4th blank channel.
photo of the list of devices connected the computer

Do MCASP input pins need to be in order?

I am using a Circular Microphone Board that has 4 I2S outputs with 8 channels in total and getting this audio into a Beaglebone AI. I am able to input 2 channels and record (arecord) the audio right now with mcasp1_axr0 interface.
However I want to record the 8 channels now, so I need 4 interfaces and my question is: must these interfaces be mcasp1_axr0, mcasp1_axr1, mcasp1_axr2 and mcasp1_axr3. Or can they be for exaple, mcasp1_axr0, mcasp1_axr1, mcasp1_axr10 and mcasp1_axr11?
Thanks in advance

ffmpeg to auto lower/fade audio volume of one audio stream when microphone voice detected?

I want to do live audio translation via microphone, to get streamed live vid/audio from Facebook, plug the mic into laptop and do live translation by mixing existing audio stream with one coming from the mic (translation). This is OK, somehow I got this part by using audio filter "amix" and mix two audio streams together into one. Now I want to add more perfection to it, is it possible to (probably is) upon mic voice detection to automatically decrease/fade down 20% volume of input/original audio stream to hear translation (mic audio) more loudly and then when mic action/voice stops for lets say 3-5 seconds the volume of original audio stream fades up/goes up to normal volume... is this too much, i can play with sox or similar?

USB Audio confusion - What data rates are possible?

I'm new to USB development, and i'm quite confused about what data rates are realistic.
I'm trying to develop an external sound card connected on an AVR32 processor, which supports USB Full Speed(12 Mb/s). I'll use USB audio class 1 to send the audio data to a PC. I need to send 24 bit, 48kHz, 2 channels as INput to the computer, but also 24 bit, 48kHz, 1 channel OUTput from the computer. Streaming both ways.
That gives me a data rate of: 24 bit * 48kHz * 3 channels = 3,5 Mb/s, which should be possible by using USB Full Speed?
I understand that the Audio Class sends data via an Isochronous transfer, but i'm confused about how many transactions ( e.g. IN = 256 bytes ) it is possible to make in one frame? according to the USB specification ( - > table 5-4) it seems to be possible to send more than one transaction per frame?
Is it possible to send both IN and OUT packets within one frame?
Thanks in advance!
