Problem when printing output in Python (with easyinput) - python-3.x

So I'm having trouble with enters and line breaks in my code. I must use easyinput library (and import read).
My code stands for:
Input: Input consists of several cases separated by an empty line. Every case has three parts ('lines'). The first one is a line with the translation table: 26 different characters (with no spaces nor ‘_’), the first one corresponding to ‘a’, the second one to ‘b’, …, and the last one to ‘z’. The second part is a number n > 0 in a line. The third part consists of n encrypted lines of text.
Output: For each case, write the original text, also with n lines. Change each ‘_’ of the encrypted text for a space. Write an empty line at the end of each case.
So I figured out how to solve the problem, the things is that my code prints 'well' entering line by line in input. But the problem input must be entered the whole entire. I put an example for better understanding:
Some input should be:
And its output must be:
a good glass in the bishops hostel in the devils seat
twenty one degrees and thirteen minutes
northeast and by north
main branch seventh limb east side
shoot from the left eye of the deaths head
a bee line from the tree through the shot fifty feet out
beware of bugs in the above code
i have only proved it correct
not tried it
My code far now is:
from easyinput import read
abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
values = [letter for letter in abc]
old_abc = read(str)
while old_abc is not None:
keys = [old_letter for old_letter in old_abc]
dict_abc = dict(zip(keys, values))
num_lines = read(int)
for i in range(num_lines):
line = read(str)
for j in line:
if j == '_':
print(' ', end = '')
print(dict_abc[str(j)], end = '')
old_abc = read(str)
I do not find a way of making my code easier, I just want some help to finally print the desired output. Thanks


Reads a series of lines Python

Can someone enlighten me how to do this?
Write a Python program that reads a series of lines one by one from the keyboard (ending by an empty line) and, at the end, outputs the number of times that the first line occurred. For example, if it reads
We say hello
it would output 3 since the first line ("hello") occurred three times.
You may assume that the user enters at least two non-empty lines before the empty line.
not sure if you want to separate word with spaces or with the newline character and if we count the first occurence.
This is a sample solution for spaces separation between words. This works for the example that you provided
freq_dict = {}
word = input().split()
for w in word:
if w not in freq_dict.keys():
freq_dict[w] = 0
freq_dict[w] += 1

Keeping the same distance no matter the string length [duplicate]

I'm sure this is covered in plenty of places, but I don't know the exact name of the action I'm trying to do so I can't really look it up. I've been reading an official Python book for 30 minutes trying to find out how to do this.
Problem: I need to put a string in a certain length "field".
For example, if the name field was 15 characters long, and my name was John, I would get "John" followed by 11 spaces to create the 15 character field.
I need this to work for any string put in for the variable "name".
I know it will likely be some form of formatting, but I can't find the exact way to do this. Help would be appreciated.
This is super simple with format:
>>> a = "John"
>>> "{:<15}".format(a)
'John '
You can use the ljust method on strings.
>>> name = 'John'
>>> name.ljust(15)
'John '
Note that if the name is longer than 15 characters, ljust won't truncate it. If you want to end up with exactly 15 characters, you can slice the resulting string:
>>> name.ljust(15)[:15]
If you have python version 3.6 or higher you can use f strings
>>> string = "John"
>>> f"{string:<15}"
'John '
Or if you'd like it to the left
>>> f"{string:>15}"
' John'
>>> f"{string:^15}"
' John '
For more variations, feel free to check out the docs:
You can use rjust and ljust functions to add specific characters before or after a string to reach a specific length.
The first parameter those methods is the total character number after transforming the string.
Right justified (add to the left)
numStr = '69'
numStr = numStr.rjust(5, '*')
The result is ***69
Left justified (add to the right)
And for the left:
numStr = '69'
numStr = numStr.ljust(3, '#')
The result will be 69#
Fill with Leading Zeros
Also to add zeros you can simply use:
Which gives you 00000069 as the result.
string = ""
name = raw_input() #The value at the field
length = input() #the length of the field
string += name
string += " "*(length-len(name)) # Add extra spaces
This will add the number of spaces needed, provided the field has length >= the length of the name provided
name = "John" // your variable
result = (name+" ")[:15] # this adds 15 spaces to the "name"
# but cuts it at 15 characters
I know this is a bit of an old question, but I've ended up making my own little class for it.
Might be useful to someone so I'll stick it up. I used a class variable, which is inherently persistent, to ensure sufficient whitespace was added to clear any old lines. See below:
2021-03-02 update: Improved a bit - when working through a large codebase, you know whether the line you are writing is one you care about or not, but you don't know what was previously written to the console and whether you want to retain it.
This update takes care of that, a class variable you update when writing to the console keeps track of whether the line you are currently writing is one you want to keep, or allow overwriting later on.
class consolePrinter():
Class to write to the console
Objective is to make it easy to write to console, with user able to
overwrite previous line (or not)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Class variables
stringLen = 0
overwriteLine = False
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def writeline(stringIn, overwriteThisLine=False):
import sys
#Get length of stringIn and update stringLen if needed
if len(stringIn) > consolePrinter.stringLen:
consolePrinter.stringLen = len(stringIn)+1
ctrlString = "{:<"+str(consolePrinter.stringLen)+"}"
prevOverwriteLine = consolePrinter.overwriteLine
if prevOverwriteLine:
#Previous line entry can be overwritten, so do so
sys.stdout.write("\r" + ctrlString.format(stringIn))
#Previous line entry cannot be overwritten, take a new line
sys.stdout.write("\n" + stringIn)
#Update the class variable for prevOverwriteLine
consolePrinter.overwriteLine = overwriteThisLine
Which then is called via:
consolePrinter.writeline("text here", True)
If you want this line to be overwriteable
consolePrinter.writeline("text here",False)
if you don't.
Note, for it to work right, all messages pushed to the console would need to be through consolePrinter.writeline.
I generally recommend the f-string/format version, but sometimes you have a tuple, need, or want to use printf-style instead. I did this time and decided to use this:
>>> res = (1280, 720)
>>> '%04sx%04s' % res
'1280x 720'
Thought it was a touch more readable than the format version:
>>> f'{res[0]:>4}x{res[1]:>4}'
First check to see if the string's length needs to be shortened, then add spaces until it is as long as the field length.
fieldLength = 15
string1 = string1[0:15] # If it needs to be shortened, shorten it
while len(string1) < fieldLength:
rand += " "
Just whipped this up for my problem, it just adds a space until the length of string is more than the min_length you give it.
def format_string(str, min_length):
while len(str) < min_length:
str += " "
return str

Generating Binary Encoded Symbols Python Program

I have an assignment that has instructions as follows:
write a program that reads in 4 sets of 4 dashed lines and outputs the four binary symbols that each set of four lines represents.
input consists of 16 lines in total, consisting of any number of dashes and spaces.
the first four lines represents a symbol, the next four lines represents the next symbol and so on.
print out the four binary-encoded symbols represented by the 16 lines in total.
each binary symbol should be on its own line
This is based upon a previous program that I wrote where input is a single line of text consisting of any number of spaces and dashes. If there is an even number of dashes in the line, output 0. Otherwise, output 1.
This is the code for the above:
line = input()
num_dashes = line.count("-")
mod = num_dashes % 2
if mod == 0:
Please may someone assist me?
Thank you.
The code you have for processing one line is fine, although you could replace the if...else with just:
Now to extend this to multiple lines, it might be better not to call print like that, but to collect the output in a variable, and only output that variable when all 16 lines have been processed. This way the output does not get mixed with the input from the console.
So for instance, it could happen like this:
output = []
for part in range(4): # loop 4 times
digits = ""
for line in range(4): # loop 4 times
line = input()
num_dashes = line.count("-")
mod = num_dashes % 2
digits += str(mod) # collect the digit
output.append(digits) # append 4 digits to a list
print("\n".join(output)) # print the list, separated by linebreaks

line.strip() cause and effects to my second statement

I have 3 parts in my code. My first part tells me what line number the condition is on for line1. My second part tells me what line number the condition is on for line2. The last part makes the numbers as a range and prints out the range.
The first part of the code: I get a result of 6 for num1.
For the second part of the code I get 24 when i run it by itself but a 18 when i run it with part 1.
Then at the 3rd part i index the file and i try to get the proper lines to print out, but they dont work because my first part of my code is changing numbers when i have both conditions running at the same time.
Is there a better way to run this code with either just indexing or just enumerating? I need to have user input and be able to print out a range of of the file based off the input.
import linecache
#report=input('Name of the file of Nmap Scan:\n')
#target_ip=input('Which target is the report needed on?:\n')
report = "ScanTest.txt"
target_ip = ""
begins = "Nmap scan report for"
fhand = open(report,'r')
beginsend = "\n"
#first statement
for num1,line1 in enumerate(fhand, 1):
line1 = line1.rstrip()
if line1.startswith(begins) and line1.endswith(target_ip):
#second statement
for num2,line2 in enumerate(fhand, 1):
line2 = line2.rstrip()
if line2.startswith(beginsend) and num2 > num1:
with open('ScanTest.txt') as f:
linecount = sum(1 for line in f)
for i in range(num1,num2):
print(linecache.getline("ScanTest.txt", i))
The first part of the code: I get a result of 6 for num1. for the second part of the code I get 24 when i run it by itself but a 18 when i run it with part 1.
Obviously the second part continues reading the file where the first part stopped.
The minimal change is to put
num2 += num1
after the second loop, or just change the 3rd loop to for i in range(num1, num1+num2):. The condition and num2 > num1 within the second loop is to be removed.

How to get lines count in string?

On the whole, I get a string from JSON pair which contain "\n" symbols. For example,
"I can see how the earth nurtures its grass,\nSeparating fine grains from lumpy earth,\nPiercing itself with its own remains\nEnduring the crawling insects on its surface.\nI can see how like a green wave\nIt lifts the soil, swelling it up,\nAnd how the roots penetrate the surrounding mulch\nHappily inhaling the air in the sky.\nI can see how the light illuminates the flowers, -\nPouring itself into their tight buds!\nThe earth and the grass – continue to grow!\nDrowning the mountains in a sea of green...\nOh, The power of motion of the young,\nThe muscular pull of the plants!\nOpening up to the planet, the sun and to you,\nBreaking through the undergrowth to the fresh spring air!"
This string is a poetry for some picture.
Now I need to resize my display.newText object according to text length.
Here is how I see to do that:
Get number of lines (number of "\n" + 1, because where is no "\n" in the end)
In for loop get the longest line
Set display.newText object's size. May be using fontSize for calculating coefficient...
Question is: How to get number of lines?
To get the number of '\n' in a string, you can use string.gsub, it's used for string substitution, but it also returns the number of matches as the second return value.
local count = select(2, str:gsub('\n', '\n'))
or similar:
local _, count = str:gsub('\n', '\n')
This is apparently way faster than #Yu Hao's two solutions
local function get_line_count(str)
local lines = 1
for i = 1, #str do
local c = str:sub(i, i)
if c == '\n' then lines = lines + 1 end
return lines
