I have the following code:
StructType scheme = new StructType();
scheme.add("key", DataTypes.StringType);
scheme.add("m", DataTypes.StringType);
JavaRDD<Row> completeSnapshotRDD = javaContext.sequenceFile(path, Text.class, Text.class)
.map(tuple -> new GenericRowWithSchema(new Object[] { tuple._1.toString(), tuple._2.toString() }, scheme));
JavaRDD<Row> incrementalSnapshotRDD = javaContext.sequenceFile(path2, Text.class, Text.class)
.map(tuple -> new GenericRowWithSchema(new Object[] { tuple._1.toString(), tuple._2.toString() }, scheme));
Dataset<Row> completeDF = sparkSession.createDataset(completeSnapshotRDD.rdd(), RowEncoder.apply(scheme));
Dataset<Row> incrementalDF = sparkSession.createDataset(incrementalSnapshotRDD.rdd(), RowEncoder.apply(scheme));
The above just prints empty rows, i.e. [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ...].
However, when I do this:
StructType scheme = new StructType();
scheme.add("key", DataTypes.StringType);
scheme.add("m", DataTypes.StringType);
JavaRDD<Row> completeSnapshotRDD = javaContext.sequenceFile(path, Text.class, Text.class)
.map(tuple -> new GenericRowWithSchema(new Object[] { tuple._1.toString(), tuple._2.toString() }, scheme));
JavaRDD<Row> incrementalSnapshotRDD = javaContext.sequenceFile(path2, Text.class, Text.class)
.map(tuple -> new GenericRowWithSchema(new Object[] { tuple._1.toString(), tuple._2.toString() }, scheme));
Dataset<Row> completeDF = sparkSession.createDataset(completeSnapshotRDD.rdd(), RowEncoder.apply(scheme));
Dataset<Row> incrementalDF = sparkSession.createDataset(incrementalSnapshotRDD.rdd(), RowEncoder.apply(scheme));
It works and the rows are properly printed, moreover, if I just change the map function to be tuple.toString, the first code (with the dataset) also works.
Something about using Rows messes this up, any help would be appreciated!
Im using the following config:
.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
.set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true")
And the job finishes properly, meaning the relevant classes should be registered.
We can use following api to write dataframe into local files.
However, Can I write into a parquet and a json in one time without compute the dataframe twice ?
By the way , I dont want to cache the data in memory, because it's too big.
If you don't cache/persist the dataframe, then it'll will need re-computed for each output format.
We can implement an org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.FileFormat to do such thing.
DuplicateOutFormat demo
* Very Dangerous Toy Code. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION.
class DuplicateOutFormat
extends FileFormat
with DataSourceRegister
with Serializable {
override def inferSchema(sparkSession: SparkSession, options: Map[String, String], files: Seq[FileStatus]): Option[StructType] = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
override def prepareWrite(sparkSession: SparkSession,
job: Job,
options: Map[String, String],
dataSchema: StructType): OutputWriterFactory = {
val format1 = options("format1")
val format2 = options("format2")
val format1Instance = DataSource.lookupDataSource(format1, sparkSession.sessionState.conf)
val format2Instance = DataSource.lookupDataSource(format2, sparkSession.sessionState.conf)
val writerFactory1 = format1Instance.prepareWrite(sparkSession, job, options, dataSchema)
val writerFactory2 = format2Instance.prepareWrite(sparkSession, job, options, dataSchema)
new OutputWriterFactory {
override def getFileExtension(context: TaskAttemptContext): String = ".dup"
override def newInstance(path: String, dataSchema: StructType, context: TaskAttemptContext): OutputWriter = {
val path1 = path.replace(".dup", writerFactory1.getFileExtension(context))
val path2 = path.replace(".dup", writerFactory2.getFileExtension(context))
val writer1 = writerFactory1.newInstance(path1, dataSchema, context)
val writer2 = writerFactory2.newInstance(path2, dataSchema, context)
new OutputWriter {
override def write(row: InternalRow): Unit = {
override def close(): Unit = {
override def shortName(): String = "dup"
we should make a SPI file /META-INF/services/org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister, content:
demo usage
class DuplicateOutFormatTest extends FunSuite {
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
val sc = spark.sparkContext
import spark.implicits._
test("testDuplicateWrite") {
val data = Array(
("k1", "fa", "20210901", 16),
("k2", null, "20210902", 15),
("k3", "df", "20210903", 14),
("k4", null, "20210904", 13)
val tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "spark-dup-test" + System.nanoTime()
val df = sc.parallelize(data).toDF("k", "col2", "day", "col4")
.option("format1", "csv")
.option("format2", "orc")
df.show(1000, false)
Spark SQL couple some sth in DataFrameWriter#saveToV1Source and other source code, that we can't change. This custom DuplicateOutFormat is just for demo, lacking of test. Full demo in github.
Snapshot of my firebase realtime database
I want to extract the entire data under the "Orders" node, please tell me how should I model my data class for android in Kotlin?
I tried with this type of modeling,
After getting the reference of (Orders/uid/)
data class Order(
val items:ArrayList<Myitems>=ArrayList(),
val timeStamp:Long=0,
val totalCost:Int=0
data class MyItems(
val Item:ArrayList<Menu>=ArrayList()
data class Menu(
val menCategory:String="",
val menName:String="",
val menImage:String="",
val menId:String="",
val menQuantity:Int=0,
val menCost:Int=0
After a lot of thinking and research online. I was finally able to model my classes and call add value event listener to it. Here it goes:
data class Order(
val items: ArrayList<HashMap<String, Any>> = ArrayList(),
val timeStamp: Long = 0,
val totalCost: Int = 0
data class OItem(
val menCategory: String = "",
val menId: String = "",
val menImage: String = "",
val menName: String = "",
val menPrice: Int = 0,
var menQuantity: Int = 0
val uid = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().uid
val ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("Orders/$uid")
ref.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(object : ValueEventListener {
override fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError) {
override fun onDataChange(p0: DataSnapshot) {
p0.children.forEach {
val order = it.getValue(Order::class.java)
Log.d("hf", ordList.toString())
I want to insert streaming data into hbase;
this is my code :
val tableName = "streamingz"
val conf = HBaseConfiguration.create()
conf.addResource(new Path("file:///opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/etc/hbase/conf.dist/hbase-site.xml"))
conf.set(TableInputFormat.INPUT_TABLE, tableName)
val admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf)
if (!admin.isTableAvailable(tableName)) {
val tableDesc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName)
tableDesc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("z1".getBytes()))
tableDesc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("z2".getBytes()))
} else {
print("Table already exists!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(10))
val topicSet = Set("fluxAstellia")
val kafkaParams = Map[String, String]("metadata.broker.list" - > "")
val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder](ssc, kafkaParams, topicSet)
val lines = stream.map(_._2).map(_.split(" ", -1)).foreachRDD(rdd => {
if (!rdd.partitions.isEmpty) {
val myTable = new HTable(conf, tableName)
rdd.map(rec => {
var put = new Put(rec._1.getBytes)
put.add("z1".getBytes(), "name".getBytes(), Bytes.toBytes(rec._2))
} else {
println("rdd is empty")
I got this error:
:66: error: value _1 is not a member of Array[String]
var put = new Put(rec._1.getBytes)
I'm beginner so how I can't fix this error, and I have a question:
where exactly create the table; outside the streaming process or inside ?
Thank you
You error is basically on line var put = new Put(rec._1.getBytes)
You can call _n only on a Map(_1 for key and _2 for value) or a Tuple.
rec is a String Array you got by splitting the string in the stream by space characters. If you were after first element, you'd write it as var put = new Put(rec(0).getBytes). Likewise in the next line you'd write it as put.add("z1".getBytes(), "name".getBytes(), Bytes.toBytes(rec(1)))
I have spark 2.0 code which would read .gz(text) files and writes them to the HIVE table.
Can i know How do i ignore the first two lines from all of my files. Just want to skip the first two lines.
SparkSession spark = SparkSession
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value")
JavaRDD<mySchema> peopleRDD = spark.read()
.map(new Function<String, mySchema>()
public mySchema call(String line) throws Exception
String[] parts = line.split(";");
mySchema mySchema = new mySchema();
mySchema.setCFIELD1 (parts[0]);
mySchema.setCFIELD2 (parts[1]);
mySchema.setCFIELD3 (parts[2]);
mySchema.setCFIELD4 (parts[3]);
mySchema.setCFIELD5 (parts[4]);
return mySchema;
// Apply a schema to an RDD of JavaBeans to get a DataFrame
Dataset<Row> myDF = spark.createDataFrame(peopleRDD, mySchema.class);
spark.sql("INSERT INTO myHIVEtable SELECT * from myView");
UPDATE: Modified code
Lambdas are not working on my eclipse. So used regular java syntax. I am getting an exceception now.
Function2 removeHeader= new Function2<Integer, Iterator<String>, Iterator<String>>(){
public Iterator<String> call(Integer ind, Iterator<String> iterator) throws Exception {
if((ind==0) && iterator.hasNext()){
return iterator;
return iterator;
JavaRDD<mySchema> peopleRDD = spark.read()
.textFile(path) //file:///app/home/emm/zipfiles/myzips/
.map(new Function<String, mySchema>()
at java.util.LinkedList.removeFirst(LinkedList.java:268)
at java.util.LinkedList.remove(LinkedList.java:683)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.BufferedRowIterator.next(BufferedRowIterator.java:49)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.WholeStageCodegenExec$$anonfun$8$$anon$1.next(WholeStageCodegenExec.scala:374)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.WholeStageCodegenExec$$anonfun$8$$anon$1.next(WholeStageCodegenExec.scala:368)
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11.next(Iterator.scala:409)
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11.next(Iterator.scala:409)
at scala.collection.convert.Wrappers$IteratorWrapper.next(Wrappers.scala:31)
at com.comcast.emm.vodip.SparkSessionFiles.SparkSessionFiles$1.call(SparkSessionFiles.java:2480)
at com.comcast.emm.vodip.SparkSessionFiles.SparkSessionFiles$1.call(SparkSessionFiles.java:2476)
You could do something like that :
JavaRDD<mySchema> peopleRDD = spark.read()
.mapPartitionsWithIndex((index, iter) -> {
if (index == 0 && iter.hasNext()) {
if (iter.hasNext()) {
return iter;
}, true);
In Scala, it the syntax is simpler. For example :
rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (idx, iter) => if (idx == 0) iter.drop(2) else iter }
I modified the code to avoid the Exception.
This code will only delete the first 2 lines of the RDD, not of every files.
If you want to remove the first 2 lines of every file, I suggest you do a RDD for each file, apply the .mapPartitionWithIndex(...) for each RDD, then do a union of each RDD.
I want to create an API which looks like this
public Dataset<Row> getDataFromKafka(SparkContext sc, String topic, StructType schema);
topic - is Kafka topic name from which the data is going to be consumed.
schema - is schema information for Dataset
so my function contains following code :
JavaStreamingContext jsc = new JavaStreamingContext(javaSparkContext, Durations.milliseconds(2000L));
JavaPairInputDStream<String, String> directStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(
jsc, String.class, String.class,
StringDecoder.class, StringDecoder.class,
kafkaConsumerConfig(), topics
Dataset<Row> dataSet = sqlContext.createDataFrame(javaSparkContext.emptyRDD(), schema);
DataSetHolder holder = new DataSetHolder(dataSet);
LongAccumulator stopStreaming = sc.longAccumulator("stop");
directStream.foreachRDD(rdd -> {
RDD<Row> rows = rdd.values().map(value -> {
//get type of message from value
Row row = null;
if (END == msg) {
row = null;
} else {
row = new GenericRow(/*row data created from values*/);
return row;
}).filter(row -> row != null).rdd();
holder.union(sqlContext.createDataFrame(rows, schema));
//stop stream if stopStreaming value is greater than 0 its spawned as new thread.
return holder.get();
Here DatasetHolder is a wrapper class around Dataset to combine the result of all the rdds.
class DataSetHolder {
private Dataset<Row> df = null;
public DataSetHolder(Dataset<Row> df) {
this.df = df;
public void union(Dataset<Row> frame) {
this.df = df.union(frame);
public Dataset<Row> get() {
return df;
This doesn't looks good at all but I had to do it. I am wondering what is the good way to do it. Or is there any provision for this by Spark?
So after consuming all the data from stream i.e. from kafka topic, we create a dataframe out of it so that the data analyst can register it as a temp table and can fire any query to get the meaningful result.