Awk iteratively replacing strings from array - linux

I've been recently trying to do the following in awk -
we have two files (F1.txt F2.txt.gz). While streaming from the second one, I want to replace all occurrences of entries from f1.txt with its substrings. I came to this point:
zcat F2.txt.gz |
awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1]; next}
{for (i in a)
$0=gsub(i, substr(i, 0, 2), $0) #this does not work of course
{print $0}
' F1.txt -
Was wondering how to do this properly in Awk. Thanks!

Please correct the assumptions if wrong.
You have two files, one includes a set of entries. If the second file has any one of these words, replace them with first two chars.
==> file1 <==
==> file2 <==
Caspian sea is in Azerbaijan
Belarus is in Europe
Canada is in metric system.
$ awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1]; next}
if($i in a) $i=substr($i,1,2)}1' file1 file2
Caspian sea is in Az
Be is in Europe
Ca is in metric system.
note that substring index starts with 1 in awk.

try to change
$0=gsub(i, substr(i, 0, 2), $0)
gsub(i, substr(i, 0, 2))
The return value of the gsub() function is the number of successful replacements instead of the string after the replacement.

$0=gsub(i, substr(i, 0, 2), $0) #this does not work of course
GNU AWK's function gsub does alter value of 3rd argument (thus it must be assignable) and does return number of substitutions made. You should not care about return value if you just want altered value.
Consider following simple example, let file1.txt content be
a x
b y
c z
and file2.txt content be
quick fox jumped over lazy dog
awk 'FNR==NR{arr[$1]=$2;next}{for(i in arr){gsub(i,arr[i],$0)};print}' file1.txt file2.txt
gives output
quizk fox jumped over lxzy dog
be warned that if there is any chain in your replacement
a b
b c
then output becomes dependent on array traversal order.
(tested in gawk 4.2.1)


Filtering on a condition using the column names and not numbers

I am trying to filter a text file with columns based on two conditions. Due to the size of the file, I cannot use the column numbers (as there are thousands and are unnumbered) but need to use the column names. I have searched and tried to come up with multiple ways to do this but nothing is returned to the command line.
Here are a few things I have tried:
awk '($colname1==2 && $colname2==1) { count++ } END { print count }' file.txt
to filter out the columns based on their conditions
head -1 file.txt | tr '\t' | cat -n | grep "COLNAME
to try and return the possible column number related to the column.
An example file would be:
ID ad bd
1 a fire
2 b air
3 c water
4 c water
5 d water
6 c earth
Output would be:
2 (count of ad=c and bd=water)
with your input file and the implied conditions this should work
$ awk -v c1='ad' -v c2='bd' 'NR==1{n=split($0,h); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) col[h[i]]=i}
$col[c1]=="c" && $col[c2]=="water"{count++} END{print count+0}' file
or you can replace c1 and c2 with the values in the script as well.
to find the column indices you can run
$ awk -v cols='ad bd' 'BEGIN{n=split(cols,c); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) colmap[c[i]]}
NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i in colmap) print $i,i; exit}' file
ad 2
bd 3
or perhaps with this chain
$ sed 1q file | tr -s ' ' \\n | nl | grep -E 'ad|bd'
2 ad
3 bd
although may have false positives due to regex match...
You can rewrite the awk to be more succinct
$ awk -v cols='ad bd' '{while(++i<=NF) if(FS cols FS ~ FS $i FS) print $i,i;
exit}' file
ad 2
bd 3
As I mentioned in an earlier comment, the answer at shows how to do this:
awk -F'\t' '
NR==1 {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
f[$i] = i
($(f["ad"]) == "c") && ($(f["bd"]) == "water") { cnt++ }
END { print cnt+0 }
' file
I'm assuming your input is tab-separated due to the tr '\t' in the command in your question that looks like you're trying to convert tabs to newlines to convert column names to numbers. If I'm wrong and they're just separated by any chains of white space then remove -F'\t' from the above.
Use miller toolkit to manipulate tab-delimited files using column names. Below is a one-liner that filters a tab-delimited file (delimiter is specified using --tsv) and writes the results to STDOUT together with the header. The header is removed using tail and the lines are counted with wc.
mlr --tsv filter '$ad == "c" && $bd == "water"' file.txt | tail -n +2 | wc -l
miller manual
Note that miller can be easily installed, for example, using conda, like so:
conda create --name miller miller
For years it bugged me there is no succinct way in Unix to do this sort of thing, although miller is a pretty good tool for this. Recently I wrote pick to choose columns by name, and additionally modify, combine and add them by name, as well as filtering rows by clauses using column names. The solution to the above with pick is
pick -h #ad=c #bd=water < data.txt | wc -l
By default pick prints the header of the selected columns, -h is to omit it. To print columns you simply name them on the command line, e.g.
pick ad water < data.txt | wc -l
Pick has many modes, all of them focused on manipulating columns and selecting/filtering rows with a minimal amount of syntax.

Using awk to extract data and count

How do I use awk on a file that looks like this:
abcd Z
efdg Z
aqbs F
edf F
aasd A
I want to extract the number of times each letter of the alphabet occurs in the second column, so output should be:
Z 2
F 2
A 1
try: If you want the order of output same as Input_file then following may help you.
awk 'FNR==NR{A[$2]++;next} A[$2]{print $2,A[$2];delete A[$2]}' Input_file Input_file
if you don't bother of order of $2 then following may help you.
awk '{A[$2]++} END{for(i in A){print i,A[i]}}' Input_file
In first solution reading the Input_file twice and creating an array A whose index is $2 with it's incrementing value. then when second Input_file is being read then printing the $2 and it's count.
In Second solution creating an array A whose index $2 and incrementing value of it. Then in end section go through the array A and print it's index and array A's value.
I would use sort | uniq for this purpose as these two utils are designed specifically for this kind of task:
cat <<END |
abcd Z
efdg Z
aqbs F
edf F
aasd A
awk '{print $2}' | sort -r | uniq -c | awk '{printf "%s %d\n", $2, $1}'
Would produce exactly the desired output
Z 2
F 2
A 1
Here awk '{print $2}' is used to get the second column from a document with fields separated by one or more whitespace characters. If we knew the width of the columns is fixed, we could use a faster cut utility instead.
sort -r | uniq -c is doing the main algorithmic part of the task - sort the letters in reverse order and count the number of occurrences of each letter.
awk '{printf "%s %d\n", $2, $1}' does some reformatting of the uniq -c output to match the required format exactly.
Update: AWK has powerful array support so this can be done with awk alone:
cat <<END |
abcd Z
efdg Z
aqbs F
edf F
aasd A
awk '{a[$2]++}
END {n=asorti(a,b,"#ind_str_desc");
for (k=1;k<=n;k++) {printf b[k], a[b[k]]} }'
We use the array a that is indexed with letters found in the input stream, and on each line the element indexed by the corresponding letter gets incremented.
In the END clause we reverse the order of indices and output the array.

AWK compare two columns in two seperate files

I would like to compare two files and do something like this: if the 5th column in the first file is equal to the 5th column in the second file, I would like to print the whole line from the first file. Is that possible? I searched for the issue but was unable to find a solution :(
The files are separated by tabulators and I tried something like this:
zcat file1.txt.gz file2.txt.gz | awk -F'\t' 'NR==FNR{a[$5];next}$5 in a {print $0}'
Did anybody tried to do a similar thing? :)
Thanks in advance for help!
Your script is fine, but you need to provide each file individually to awk and in reverse order.
$ cat file1.txt
a b c d 100
x y z w 200
p q r s 300
1 2 3 4 400
$ cat file2.txt
. . . . 200
. . . . 400
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$5];next} $5 in a {print $0}' file2.txt file1.txt
x y z w 200
1 2 3 4 400
As pointed out in the comments, the generic solution above can be improved and tailored to OP's situation of starting with compressed tab-separated files:
$ awk -F'\t' 'NR==FNR{a[$5];next} $5 in a' <(zcat file2.txt) <(zcat file1.txt)
x y z w 200
1 2 3 4 400
NR is the number of the current record being processed and FNR is the number
of the current record within its file . Thus NR == FNR is only
true when awk is processing the first file given to it (which in our case is file2.txt).
a[$5] adds the value of the 5th column as an index to the array a. Arrays in awk are associative arrays, but often you don't care about associating a value and just want to make a nice collection of things. This is a
pithy way to make a collection of all the values we've seen in 5th column of the
first file. The next statement, which follows, says to immediately get the next
available record without looking at any anymore statements in the awk program.
Summarizing the above, this line says "If you're reading the first file (file2.txt),
save the value of column 5 in the array called a and move on to the record without
continuing with the rest of the awk program."
NR == FNR { a[$5]; next }
Hopefully it's clear from the above that the only way we can past that first line of
the awk program is if we are reading the second file (file1.txt in our case).
$5 in a evaluates to true if the value of the 5th column occurs as an index in
the a array. In other words, it is true for every record in file1.txt whose 5th
column we saw as a value in the 5th column of file2.txt.
In awk, when the pattern portion evaluates to true, the accompanying action is
invoked. When there's no action given, as below, the default action is triggered
instead, which is to simply print the current record. Thus, by just saying
$5 in a, we are telling awk to print all the records in file1.txt whose 5th
column also occurs in file2.txt, which of course was the given requirement.
$5 in a

CSV grep but keep the header

I have a CSV file that look like this:
Is there an easy way to grep all the rows in which the B column is 2, and keep the header? For example, I want the output be like
I am working under linux
Using awk:
awk -F, 'NR==1 || $2==2' file
NR==1 -> if first line,
$2==2 -> if second column is equal to 2. Lines are printed if either of the above is true.
To choose the column using the header column name:
awk -F, -v col="B" 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i==col)break;print;next}$i==2' file
Replace B with the appropriate name of the column which you want to check against.
You can use addresses in sed:
sed -n '1p;/^[^,]*,2/p'
It means:
1p Print the first line.
/ Start a match.
^ Match the beginnning of a line.
[^,] Match anything but a comma
* zero or more times.
, Match a comma.
2 Match a 2.
/p End of match, if it matches, print.
If the header can contain the value you are looking for, you should be more careful:
sed -n '1p;1!{/^[^,]*,2/p}'
1!{ ... } just means "Do the following for lines other then the first one".
For column number n>2, you can add a quantifier:
sed -n '1p;1!{/^\([^,]*,\)\{M\}2/p}'
where M=n-1. The quantifier just means repetition, so the non-comma-0-or-more-times-comma thing is repeated M times.
For true CSV files where a value can contain a comma, switch to Perl and Text::CSV.
$ awk -F, 'NR==1 { for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) h[$i] = i; print; next } $h["B"] == 2' file
By the way, sed is an excellent tool for simple substitutions on a single line, for anything else, just use awk - the code will be clearer and MUCH easier to enhance in future if necessary.

How to cut first n and last n columns?

How can I cut off the first n and the last n columns from a tab delimited file?
I tried this to cut first n column. But I have no idea to combine first and last n column
cut -f 1-10 -d "<CTR>v <TAB>" filename
Cut can take several ranges in -f:
Columns up to 4 and from 7 onwards:
cut -f -4,7-
or for fields 1,2,5,6 and from 10 onwards:
cut -f 1,2,5,6,10-
The first part of your question is easy. As already pointed out, cut accepts omission of either the starting or the ending index of a column range, interpreting this as meaning either “from the start to column n (inclusive)” or “from column n (inclusive) to the end,” respectively:
$ printf 'this:is:a:test' | cut -d: -f-2
$ printf 'this:is:a:test' | cut -d: -f3-
It also supports combining ranges. If you want, e.g., the first 3 and the last 2 columns in a row of 7 columns:
$ printf 'foo:bar:baz:qux:quz:quux:quuz' | cut -d: -f-3,6-
However, the second part of your question can be a bit trickier depending on what kind of input you’re expecting. If by “last n columns” you mean “last n columns (regardless of their indices in the overall row)” (i.e. because you don’t necessarily know how many columns you’re going to find in advance) then sadly this is not possible to accomplish using cut alone. In order to effectively use cut to pull out “the last n columns” in each line, the total number of columns present in each line must be known beforehand, and each line must be consistent in the number of columns it contains.
If you do not know how many “columns” may be present in each line (e.g. because you’re working with input that is not strictly tabular), then you’ll have to use something like awk instead. E.g., to use awk to pull out the last 2 “columns” (awk calls them fields, the number of which can vary per line) from each line of input:
$ printf '/a\n/a/b\n/a/b/c\n/a/b/c/d\n' | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1) FS $(NF)}'
You can cut using following ,
-d: delimiter ,-f for fields
\t used for tab separated fields
cut -d$'\t' -f 1-3,7-
To use AWK to cut off the first and last fields:
awk '{$1 = ""; $NF = ""; print}' inputfile
Unfortunately, that leaves the field separators, so
aaa bbb ccc
To do this using kurumi's answer which won't leave extra spaces, but in a way that's specific to your requirements:
awk '{delim = ""; for (i=2;i<=NF-1;i++) {printf delim "%s", $i; delim = OFS}; printf "\n"}' inputfile
This also fixes a couple of problems in that answer.
To generalize that:
awk -v skipstart=1 -v skipend=1 '{delim = ""; for (i=skipstart+1;i<=NF-skipend;i++) {printf delim "%s", $i; delim = OFS}; printf "\n"}' inputfile
Then you can change the number of fields to skip at the beginning or end by changing the variable assignments at the beginning of the command.
You can use Bash for that:
while read -a cols; do echo ${cols[#]:0:1} ${cols[#]:1,-1}; done < file.txt
you can use awk, for example, cut off 1st,2nd and last 3 columns
awk '{for(i=3;i<=NF-3;i++} print $i}' file
if you have a programing language such as Ruby (1.9+)
$ ruby -F"\t" -ane 'print $F[2..-3].join("\t")' file
Try the following:
echo a#b#c | awk -F"#" '{$1 = ""; $NF = ""; print}' OFS=""
-f doesn't work if you have "tabs" in the text file.
